
Kannoya Academy (remake) (Eng Ver)

In a country named Panja, there's a dangerous 15 years old girl who has such a huge magic that she couldn't control. A lot of people got injured or even died because of her magic. Unpurposely, she stabbed and slashed people arround her. Until one day she met a girl from an Academy that help her with her magic problems. She learned a lot of meaningful things from that girl. But the problem of her magic wasn't solved yet. Will she be able to control her magic forever, or will she be just the same like before and the theories and meaningful things she learned will be useless? Let's see! If I got so many grammatical mistakes, I'm so sorry since English wasn't my first language, and I hope by writting this book I'll be able to learn English more, thank you~

Mikhalexa123 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs

Bloodied fight

"Shall we start then..." the pink haired girl said.

Denzel thought hardly,

"No way we could win.... these feelings... and my intel.... they told me that... she's out of our levels."

"Well, you know your place then, Denzel..." suddenly the pink haired girl said to Denzel. Denzel wasn't suprised anymore because he knew that she could read his mind.

"Junko, y-you better fi-finished the j-j-job soon.... boss st-still have another j-job f-for y-y-you...." Masashi, the orange haired boy, said.

"Don't worry, don't worry.... I'll finish it soon." Junko, the pink haired girl, said.


"What should we do? She seems really strong...." Rheinalth thought.

"I could smell tomatoes on her..... this is dangerous...." Kurosa thought.


"Hey hey, you guys haven't answered me yet." Junko, the pink haired girl, said to them while raising one of her hand in her shoulders height.

"Eeee? Answer what?" Kurosa thought.

".... we couldn't fight back, I'm really sure..." Denzel whispered.

"What do you mean, Denzel? Why don't we try it first?" The ginger haired boy asked, but Denzel answered,

"She's beyond of our levels, we couldn't even stand here if she was 100% serious. She's playing with us, that's why we're still alive. Let's just answer her question."

"Are you serious Den-" the ginger boy complained, but Denzel said,



Denzel stared at Alfred sharply. Alfred, the ginger haired boy, finally gave up.

"Fine Denzel.... but you're the one who choose." Alfred said.

Denzel smiled. Then he looked at Junko again and said,

"Since eyes are dangerous and it will block our sight, and ears are near to brain so it was harmfull, and nose has the way to our lungs, and skins are even more harmfull, so the safetest was the mouth and the anal opening. But if I choose anal opening, you said that the blood will flow from the other holes too, and I started to think about the girls, so I think it wasn't a good choice. So I choose the mouth."

Junko smiled,

"As your wish."

Then they started to feel pain in their stomach. No longer, they vomited blood from their mouth.

Masashi started to talk nervously again,

"J-Junko..... y-y-you could ju-just bl-blow the-ir hea-ad and t-t-the job will be-be f-f-finished s-oon, -ri-right?"

"Come on Masashi..... I just want to relax and play, that's not a big deal." Junko answered.


No longer,

"Howweee... my tomatoes...." Kurosa cried.

"*cough.... don't worry.... just hold it a little.... bit more....." Denzel said while coughing.


Junko took a look at everyone, but then she realized, Yukina bleeds less than the others.

"Hm..... she got a lot of skills that she didn't even knew, huh..... I see.... that's why boss wants her soo much...." Junko thought.


"*cough *vomited ... I couldn't hold it anymore.... I might die...." Nera cried while prostrating on the ground.

"Nera..... I'm sorry..... but we need to go through these phase..." Denzel said.


"Hm.... they're really hopeless..... I could just left them and they'll die for sure...." Junko complained.

"Junko, let me finish them." Masashi said cleary without any hesitate.

"No, Masashi.... I like to hear their cry..... especially the boys...." Junko said while staring at them.



Suddenly Denzel hitted the floor.

Immediately, Kurosa raised her arms on the air, a thick dark fog appeared. Masashi seems shocked, but Junko just smiled,

"Interesting..... since I couldn't read everyone's mind in the same time, they make a plan when I'm trying to investigate Yukina...." Junko thought.

From the dark fog, the girl with blonde hair and red hairline and a boy with brown hair and dark skin suddenly appeared. The girl with the blonde hair was burning in such a great fire, and the boy with the dark skin brought a big strong earth elemental axe.

The boy with the dark skin swung his axe from above, and the blonde haired girl punched from below. The axe hitted Junko and sliced her into two. When the blonde haired girl saw Junko, she stopped.

But then Junko laughed,

"Slice me into pieces, but I won't die..."

When the dark skinned boy and the blonde haired girl were shocked, they intend to jumped back, but they couldn't.

"Huh? What happened?" The blonde haired girl thought.

"I couldn't move at all..... my body started to feel tingling sensation..... Suddenly I felt really weak..." the dark skinned boy thought.

Junko walked through the dark skinned boy and the blonde haired girl just like a water that moved through objects. When Junko passed both of them, Junko body was back normally without any scratch.

Junko looked at her surroundings,

"I see.... they knew that I'm really easy to got distracted. But why did they leave Yukina here and Kurosa and Denzel?"

Kurosa was really shocked since it was dark and she's the only one who could see through dark.

"What's wrong, Kurosa?" Yukina asked.

"No way..... what was that? She's like a strawberry jelly...." Kurosa said while trembling.

"Kurosa was not easy to be scared since she was stupid and she's the second strongest in our class..... if she trembles like that, that means..." Denzel thought.

"Something really bad happened...." Denzel said answering Yukina's question. Yukina didn't make any expression and just stared right toward Junko even she couldn't see Junko clearly, or even couldn't see it at all.


Junko walked toward Denzel, Kurosa, and Yukina.

"Masashi, could you handle the girls that are running at my right hall?" Junko asked.

"S-Sure..... b-but I-I don't kn-know i-if I-I co-could ma-make i-it...." Masashi said and he chased the girls immediately.

Junko appeared from the fog.

"I see..... no damage at all.... but at least we could distract her..... our job is to distract her as long as we could..... since she's put a lot of attention toward Yukina, that's why I decided to let Yukina stay here..." Denzel thought. Then Kurosa said in her mind,

"That makes sense.... Denzel was trully a great planner..."

"Then, you're all my preys..... good..... but who's gonna chase the other group that ran toward my left hall?" Junko said.

Denzel smiled,

"They're just two of them, that's why I made this plan.... thanks to my intel..." he said in his mind.

"So... Kurosa's cry and Nera's cry was a signal huh? I see..... you're really trained in this kind of situation.... those stare you made toward Alfred said that you got a plan, that's why he gave up to stop you..... then Kurosa's cried was the sign of asking is it the time to do the plan or the plan was ready..... so on Nera's..... 'Just hold a bit more' means you're still thinking about it..... and 'I'm sorry' means that the plan was ready and they just need to wait another signal..... and the signal was when you hitted the floor hardly. Since I am focused on Yukina, you're telepathing toward Alfred, Ardolph, Alvina, Asuka, Nera, Rheinalth, and Ermin. You didn't contact all of your classmates since if you did that, I'll sense the magic aura used. And since Asuka and Nera was nearby Yukina, and since Yukina's magic aura was uncontrollable so that the aura appeared permanently, I didn't sense if you contacted Asuka and Nera.... you didn't contact Yukina too since I'm focused on her. Such a great plan~ I like it..... and since Kurosa could read minds, she just need to read your mind to know the plan, and slowly she telepathe to Osamu, Alexa, and Aerum that are standing behind some shadows of the properties here since your magic was darkness. That's why I didn't sense anything... I like it..." Junko said.

When Denzel tried to move, suddenly he couldn't. So on Kurosa and Yukina.

Then Junko put her left hand on the bloody floor, then suddenly someone appeared from the blood. Denzel was shocked,

"Nurse Coco?"

"Oh, you remember her? You should've remember her too then..." Junko said.

Suddenly another person appeared.

"Nurse Chloe...." Denzel said.

Then Junko pointed the left hall. Immediately nurse Chloe and nurse Coco ran toward the hall, chased Denzel's classmates.

"Damn..... I didn't expect she could make some clone.... but I think clones are weaker than the user.... I hope Osamu, Lucianna, and Alfred doing well...." Denzel thought.

"You're right, Denzel..... but remember where's my level....." Junko said. Denzel started to feel anxious,

"That's true... I forgot... her level...."



