
episode 19

(The episode opens with an airplane falling out of the sky)

(A bunch of people is panicking)

(A bloody hand is making a circle with a star that has four triangles around it)

A man: deen fo emit siht ni pleh ruoy rof ksa, I ahsinaK

A woman: Sir, please get back to your seat.

(The circle glows and blow the man away)

(The man has short brown hair, brown skin, wearing a dark blue suit, and white shoes named Phillip)

(From the circle, a 13-year-old girl who has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a white shirt with blue fireworks on it, blue jeans, and white shoes with flowers on it; has a long python tail with a hook end)

(The people looked shocked)

The man: Kanisha, please stop this plane from falling out of the sky

Kanisha: Of course, Phil (flies through the airplane)

(Kanisha grabs the end of the airplane, reveals her wings, and slows down the altitude)

(Kanisha's eyes turns blue, a wave of water rises, and she rides down it, while holding the airplane)

The man: Please work.

(Kanisha lands on the ground safely with the airplane and puts it down safely)

(Kanisha appears back in the airplane)

Kanisha: Everybody, it's safe you can leave now.

(The people get up and leave the airplane one at time)

One of the pilots: Thank you, mutant.

Kanisha: No problem (looks at Phillip) so, is that all you want to request?

Phillip: Can you take me to my family?

Kanisha: Got it.

(Kanisha snaps her fingers, then her and Phillip disappear)

(The screen shows a woman who has long black hair, white skin, wearing a red dress and blue shoes named Emma, she is holding a 7-year-old boy's hand, he has short black hair with a hint of brown, white skin, wearing a yellow shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes and his name is Andy)

(Andy and Emma are waiting at the airport)

Andy: Where's daddy?

Emma: I don't know, his plane should've already arrived.

(Kanisha and Phillip appears)

(Andy and Emma looked shocked)

Andy (smiles): Daddy is a magician/

Emma (shocked): What? (Look at Kanisha) who are you?

Kanisha (looks at Phillip): Do you want me to tell her?

Phillip: Yes, I want to be completely honest about everything.

Kanisha: I'm Kanisha, mutant and helper whenever danger is near

Emma: Like the legend

Kanisha (winks): Bingo

(Kanisha takes Phil's hand and heals it)

(Phil smiles)

Emma (in disbelief): There is no way.

Andy: What legend, mom

Kanisha: You see, Andy, there is fairytale of a teenage girl that lives forever and helps anybody in need.

Andy: Cool, like a superhero

Kanisha: Yup

Emma (looks at Phillip): Phil, this is a joke, there is no way, she is the legend, right?

Phillip: I wish I could yes because I kinda don't believe it, but she saved my life, so I can't.

(Kanisha makes a bunch of roses appear in her hand along with chocolates)

(Emma looks shocked, then sighs)

Emma: Fine, I believe you

Kanisha: Great

Andy: Great (looks at Kanisha) Are you that legend?

Kanisha: Clever boy

Emma (looks at Phil): What kind of incident?

Phil: The plane was about to crash.

Emma (scared): Oh my gosh (Hugs Phil) are you okay?

Phil: Yeah

Andy (points to Kanisha): She saved you.

Phil: Yup

Andy (looks at Kanisha): Thanks for saving my dad.

Kanisha: Aww, it was no problem.

Phil: Well, I have had enough requests.

Kanisha: Alright, have a good day.

(Kanisha disappears)

Phil: So, you want to go home?

Emma: Good idea

Andy: Aww, I wanted to play with Kanisha.

Phil: Don't worry, I'll summon her later.

Andy (Smiles): Yeah

(Episode ends with everybody walking towards a red car)