
episode 1

(The episode opens with Kanisha: An african american girl who has curly hair, wearing nothing in a tube full of green liquid, she looks 13; has a long python tail)

(Kanisha opens her eyes)

(The tube opens and releases Kanisha)

(Kanisha gets up and looks around her, seeing the laboratory with experiments, but no people around)

(Kanisha waves her fingers, while they are glowing yellow and the tube is destroyed)

(Kanisha snaps her fingers making a teal shirt, blue skirt, and red heels appearing on her body)

(Kanisha looks at the mirror and smiles)

(Kanisha flies out of the place from the roof)

(The screen shows Kanisha looking around the city, she sees flying cars, people walking robot pets, there is anthromorphic people, mortals, etc)

Kanisha: How lovely

(The ground shakes)

Kanisha: That sounds familiar

(There is a giant hippo with a porcupine back with wings destroying the road and attack some people)

(Kanisha flies off and punches the monster away and lands in the empty park covered by a dome)

(The monster tries to crush Kanisha)

(Kanisha cuts off the monster's leg)

(The monster stumbles back)

(Kanisha freezes the monster, her eyes glow, and the portal opens; puts the monster into the portal and the portal disappears)

(Kanisha flies off and a bunch of people are cheering)

(The screen shows Kanisha flying, then sees smoke)

(Kanisha heads to a school)

Kanisha: A school with actually good smell coming from it, must be a private school

(Kanisha disappears and appears in the cafeteria, then see a pie and nobody is around)

(Kanisha takes the pie by using her tail and disappears)

(The screen shows A chef who has short red hair, white skin, wearing a white apron, shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes named Tom)

Tom: Where did my pie go? Those kids (walk back into the kitchen)

(The screen switches to Kanisha eating the cherry pie in a tree)

(A football player who has short green hair, white skin, wearing a purple uniform and black shoes named James)

James (looks at Kanisha): Who is that? (runs to the tree) who are you?

Kanisha: Names Kanisha, by the way, you might want to run the opposite direction and hold out your hands

(James looks confused, then runs in the opposite direction and holds out his hands, then catches a football)

James (surprised): How did? (looks at Kanisha)

Kanisha: I have super senses (eats the rest of the pie)

James: Was that the chef's pie?

(Kanisha nodded)

James: I was going to steal that pie (looks upset)

Kanisha: Oh, (makes a pie appear) here

James (takes the pie): Wow! You are awesome

Kanisha: Thank you (makes another pie appear and eats it)

James: Wait, you didn't steal another pie

Kanisha: No, I got these pies from an old friend from the past

James: Impossible, you hadn't left

(Kanisha laughs, then almost fell off the tree)

James (shocked): Oh my gosh (moves Kanisha from the edge)

(Kanisha is still laughing)

Kanisha: I'm fine, don't look so scared

James (scared): You almost fell out of the tree, how are you not freaking out

Kanisha: Because I have super durability, so it wouldn't have hurt

James (disbelief): Yeah right

(Kanisha fell out of the tree)

(James looks shocked)

(Kanisha gets up and takes leaves off the her, her body is completely fine)

James (whispers): She is fine, no bumps, no bruises, what the heck

(Kanisha flies back on the tree, then lands back on the tree, and eats the rest of her second pie; makes the tin of the pie disappears)

James: Okay, I believe you, but please don't do that again

Kanisha: Breath in and out slowly, no panic attacks

(James breathes in and out three times, then seems calm)

Kanisha: Good, I should go (climbs down)

James: Wait! (About to grab Kanisha's tail)

Kanisha (as she climbs down): I wouldn't, my tail makes me angry if somebody steps on it or grab it and unfortunately I can't control myself

James: (backs away from the tail) Oh, Please (jumps out of the tree) don't leave

Kanisha: But, your bell is about to ring and I don't go to school here

James: But, you could

Kanisha: High School again

James: Again, you are just a middle schooler

(Kanisha laughs again, but doesn't fall over)

James: You are a mutant and immortal

Kanisha: Bingo, teenager

(The school bell rings)

James: But, how old are you?

(Kanisha whispers in James' ear)

(James looks shocked)

James: No way!

Kanisha (nodded): Yes, now go inside

James: Not until you agree you will come to school

Kanisha: Eh, why not it could be fun

(Kanisha shakes James' hands with her tail, which nearly lift him up)

James: Super strength too, I have to go (runs) keep your promise

Kanisha (waves): I will

James: Good

(Kanisha smiles, then disappears)

(Episode ends with Kanisha talking to the principal, while both of their shadows are shown)