
Kang's Tale: Spread of Influence DXD

A man dies and is sent to High school DXD by a Being known as Kang. Who decides to give him an ability unknown to the man out of sheer boredom as he watches the man's life for entertainment and may interfere every now and then. My first story so it is what is ill try my best hope people like it p.s first chapter is short just getting into it p.s.s story as multiple parts that plan to write

GodPhaze · Anime & Comics
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Kang Gets Involved More.

Well school is as boring as I remember it to be, I think to myself as I walk home reflecting on all the thoughts I had today regarding the two-devil princess and the ideal of joining their peerages. And while I like the idea of becoming a devil for the long-life span and the evil pieces but I'm sure if I search hard enough, I can find a magic that can do the same or more. And sadly, I don't think I could accept Rias as my king. She has no drive in a world where might makes right even in a situation where her future is on the line. She still wants to be a princess that gets saved instead or just pulling a Thanos and doing it herself. 

Then there is Sona hmm I honestly do really have a problem with her. She has a goal and is working towards it got to respect that much though she seems to be more on the political side of thing but I'm sure I'll be too powerful to become one of her peerage members pretty soon. Especially since I don't plan on halting my own progress in becoming stronger, while waiting on them to offer it to me.

I conclude such thoughts as reach home and begin to open the front door. Only to hear noise in the kitchen, hmm both my parents should be at work. Maybe one of them got off early or something I think as I head to kitchen to see for myself. Just to be caught off guard when I find Kang himself going through my refrigerator. Oh, hey kid mind telling me where you guys keep your snacks? Uh hidden pantry to the right. Thanks, so have fun at school, seen any devils in this new life I've given you. Uh yeah, I respond as I watch him open the hidden pantry, and I almost prayed that he didn't go for the life savers gummies, and I probably would have if I wasn't scared, he'd here the prayer and eat them anyway. Uh can I ask, why are you here in the real world now, did I do something wrong? Wrong hmm not really, it's actually quite enjoyable watching to scheme and plan but I just decided to help highlight something you were forgetting and maybe point you in the right direction of knowledge to seek. 

 Ok uh thank you. So, what did I forget, I ask him as I watch him eat my life savers. Hmm lets see. He responds as he disappears. What did I do. He asks as he reappears behind me. Teleport? Yes, in a world where it is very common don't you think that if your plan to get involved in this world that you should have defenses against well, I don't know someone teleporting in and killing you in your sleep. Well fuck I did forget about that. You need what this world calls a bounded field and as for you plans on becoming a devil it's possible through a couple of means under which you shouldn't concern yourself to much with since I'll be aiding in the process of making you into one. Uh ok, when do we start.

Now. He says as the surrounding shatter and fade away. Follow me this sadly requires a ritual to get the desire results.  I follow him to an empty train area where proceeds to draw several circles and symbols connected to each other. After which he begins to conjure things in vials and putting them in the circles. Then he has me stand in a center circle surrounded by 7 others, which now that I think about must represent the seven deadly sins. Still don't know what's in the vails though. But now that I'm in this circle he gives me some ceremonial plate or dish which he proceeds to cut himself and bleed everywhere literally some of it floated in all types of directions only so much actually went into the plate. 

Lastly, he started some kind of chant I couldn't really understand.

Kang Pov> בדם שלי, υπάρχει δύναμη, أنا أعطيك, Drink and become subjugation.

{A/N} it says in my blood there is power I give to you drink and become subjugation.

Arron Pov>

He expects me to drink his weird blood, I was hoping he was joking about the ritual but fuck I wanted to be a devil not a vampire. I think as I reluctantly drink. Hmm well at least it wasn't that SHIT! Fuck I shout as I collapse to the ground holding my chest in the worst pain I have ever felt. Like someone replaced all my blood with the green acid blood from the alien. Hmm well you didn't die yet go on you. Now you just need to survive the process of your body actively changing from a human to a devil.

One hour later

Ok that was the worst pain ever please tell me it's over. Yeah, yeah don't be such a baby the ritual is done your body has been remade with my blood as a catalyst. You will have a far greater potential that any other devil in history. And quite possibly be able to become a devil god yourself but that's a bet far off in the future.  Well fuck that's awesome, what else can I do? Can I have like some crazy bloodline or ability like the other devils? Hmm sure it called subjugation; it gives power over others that are irrefutably weaker than you it is and absolute that only people of equal or greater power ignore. Now you should find some books on devil magic, bounded fields and anything else that could improve your power since the ability only works if you have power to back it up.  What's the point if it only works on people weaker than me though. So, you can have a good fight a skip the boring ones. I'm a God of many things and one of those this is war, so I love fights, but I rather not waste my time with boring and weak enemies.  Uh ok I guess; well do I get chess pieces so I can make my own peerage. No but I'll do you one better show me the palm of your hand. 

I'll give you an emblem that'll work similar to those evil pieces. Just place this emblem on the person you wish to turn and channel your magical power and it'll do the job, but you'll have to figure out the details on your own.