
Kang's Tale: Spread of Influence DXD

A man dies and is sent to High school DXD by a Being known as Kang. Who decides to give him an ability unknown to the man out of sheer boredom as he watches the man's life for entertainment and may interfere every now and then. My first story so it is what is ill try my best hope people like it p.s first chapter is short just getting into it p.s.s story as multiple parts that plan to write

GodPhaze · Anime & Comics
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Hello story line

 Dragon slayer seal charged check. Anti-magic check now all that's left is to learn the crafts of a huntsman and actual training now that I've learned what I'll be starting off with for combat. Sadly, I only have a month left not enough time to actually get everything done but it'll have to do for now. Especially since after checking the crafting area and finding out there are no actual resources to actually us, meaning I'll have to gather my own. Which brings me to the face that I can bring other things here, and if I can bring other things, can I also bring other people? 

Well, another thing to add to my list of things to do, right under finding a way to get bloodlines from Naruto world. But still focusing on the now leaves the question of how and where to get resource to make my guns that I plan to use. For now, I'll just study the art and train, well time to break that training area in.

3 hours 23 minutes later

I've decided that the God that brought me here would be the perfect God for devils, and I'll die on that hill, twice if I need to. Undead I have been fighting endless undead, and oh no the slow stupid slow moving undead. The ass hole made a training area where the undead spawn endlessly as long as I'm in the training area. 

First wave was just one and I thought ok cool a punching bag, but it was as fast as an average person not slow. False advertising zombie movies I want my money back. Second wave came with to undead stronger and scary enough more intelligent like make attack plans intelligent. Third wave came with for them, and they had weapons. Fouth wave came with eight and quite honestly, I had to consider if I had spoked pot before I realize that fire ball the one of them sent towards me was very real and would most likely hurt very much before I dived out of the way. Only to remember I had learned anti magic to cancel such spells, fuck! Ok let try this again sky dragon's crushing fang I charge and swipe the undead with my fingers leaving a wake of wind behind me as I does so while making my way to the caster of the group prepared to stop my current use of dragon slayer magic and switch to antic magic.

Three negates a heal for their lucky shot and one leading sky arrow as revenge, I mean what I said bastard almost burned away my sexy hair I'm a hundred percent justified in my book and that's the only book that matters. But I think I'll call it a day now that I'm starting to see this fifth wave start to spawn sixteen undead with a variety I haven't seen yet and don't feel like finding out what they can do at this moment, thus I immediately get the hell out of dodge. 

I spent the last month before the start of school to get a hang of fighting with these undead with my chosen magic. But now it's time, time to say fuck the story line, cause I'm definitely doing that. Well dear kang above or wherever you hope you enjoy the show. Oh, I'm sure that I will. Shit! Where the fuck shit did you come from. What marvelous vocabulary you have there. And as for where anywhere, and everywhere I choose to be especially when someone prays.  But I didn't pray. No but you did invoke my name while having full knowledge of me. Hmm if recall you should be off to the playground of those devil girls. Make sure to put in a good word for this god would you, now if don't mind I have someone that I am throwing in the attack on titan world. Damn! Outside the walls. Double Damn! Unarmed and naked forever reviving after death. Why? Cause like all gods I can be very wrathful if you do something I unforgiveable, do remember that. Now have fun, spread my name and I'll see you soon, out. 

Well, what the fuck did that person do to make him that mad. I guess I should get going and be careful about praying in the future. 

 Kuoh Academy well it's seeming to be what I expected but then again, I didn't know what to expect. Though I'm curious on how the devil will react to me, from what I remember they show have some way to detect special people with high magic capacity or sacred gear. Well guess I'll deal with that problem when it rears its head. But for now, lets see, I'm year younger than the main cast so that makes them my seniors, except Koneko. Which I only remember after spotting her my class, should I be happy or more cautious especially since I haven't decided if I want to be a devil or not. Well, I'll add it to the list of things to figure out. For now, I'll just ignore her presents unless approached, but until then I'll just pretend to listen to this teacher and plan what to do with upcoming events.

Do save Issei or just steal the boosted gear. Naw If anything I want blade blacksmith It's just so underrated in my eyes, I'm sure I can just pull B S with it. And this is the d x d world, so girls have to be on the table hmm, and the couch, bed plus more. But I'll pick them as I go. And a personal goal well I have a magic library with every means to gain power and become powerful, plus I was told to become less weak. Good enough plan for me, now I Just have to survive the droning on that teacher does for, until Issei gets his date of death in a few weeks. Hmm I wonder If the library has a way to steal scared gear if so, I could just kill him myself, I'll add it to the list. Welp good night world school is still boring even in an anime world.