

 Not many had known she would deliver today, the sky was cloudy and showed signs that rain would fall.

 She was taken to a room where she laid on the bed, pain could be felt as she screamed on top of her voice. The baby showed no signs of coming but kept kicking. "Keep pushing". Those where the words of the midwife. The woman was losing blood faster than lightening, she didn't know if she could endure, her eyes became pale, she let out another scream, the baby's head became visible, the midwife tried to bring the child out and in no time, the child was born.

 " It's a boy!" the midwife exclaimed. "What shall you name him?" she asked. "Axel" the woman replied. "Just hope his father would be happy to see him" the midwife said, the woman's face saddened." Look Helen, I understand that you made a lot of mistakes, but you have too face reality now, you're a mother now, and probably going to be a single mother, all the responsibility lies in your hands if he doesn't accept the child." The midwife said." Yeah I know." Helen said has tears began drip. The rain was already falling, it was associated with lightning and thunder." You need your rest Helen, I will take care of the baby.

 In another block, about six hours later, another child was born." Your highness, what shall you name him." A woman asked." Iris." I like the sound of that name.