

Felix, a simple nurse from Earth was stuck in a landslide with his fellow passengers. During the event, he saved a child's life in exchange for his life. Drained of his blood, he fell into an eternal slumber, when suddenly he met a goddess. This goddess, impressed by his sacrifice, became his sponsor so that he can travel to another dimension and live freely. One day, he was reincarnated as a prince from Imperial Germany.... ----------------------------------- Hi! I am a newbie author so please forgive me for any mistakes hehe, also, no harem!!!!!!!!! Please checkout my original novel (Whale Fall) I promise you, it will definitely entertain you. I am also posting this on Sribblehub! 'Ey matey, wanna give me some coffeey? https://ko-fi.com/jimzzs

Income_Tax · Anime & Comics
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The World's Geopolitics and the Prince's Eyes

It has been a week since Felix transmigrated to this world. 

From the numerous books that Felix had read, he knew about the general geopolitical situation of this world. This world has the same geography as his previous world, the same continents, the same oceans, and even the same islands.

Nothing has changed, which made it easy for Felix to visualize the whole world. The only problem though is the different countries. Although, there are some countries which were just the same as his past life, albeit different names, most countries in his current world are larger, additionally, many countries are allying themselves with one another. 

The Great German Empire is one of the strongest, if not the strongest, powers in the whole world. It can be likened to the superpower known as the United States.

Although the Great German Empire has superiority when it comes to technology and tactics, the United States leads in terms of agriculture, population, and oil.

If the both of them head to war against each other, then both nations might be destroyed to nothingness, unless a gamechanger can be introduced. 

To the west of the the empire is the major power known as Francois Republic. This nation is currently at war with the Empire due to the republic invading the Empire.

It is being backed by it's allies which is the Legadonia Entente Alliance through the Alliance's invasion of the Empire's north, and the Commonwealth through supplies.

The Legadonia Entente Aliiance is an alliance composed of three nations, Vinland (Finland), Sweoland (Sweden), and Norge (Norway).

They are currently in war with the Empire, however, only two of the allied nations are attacking the Empire. The other, Vinland, remains neutral throughout the ongoing war. 

The Commonwealth occupies the British lands in his previous world. The Commonwealth is known for its culture of knighthood and mages. Although they are in transition to going modern, they still remain as one of the best nations in terms of strength. 

To the east of the Empire lies the nation known as the Russy Federation. This Federation has the largest landmass in the whole world. Their sheer number is something to be feared of.

Below the Francois Republic is the nation known as Iberia (Spain). It is formerly known as one of the strongest nations, however, due to the modern age, its powers dwindled and was now only considered a second-rate country, in terms of military power. 

There are more nations which will be tackled as the story goes on, however, the known nations are Grand Duchy of Dacia (Romania), Hellenic Republic (Greece), Kingdom of Ildoa (Italy), Ottoman Sultanate (Arabian Emirates), British-Vajra Empire (India), Terra de Santa Cruz (Almost all of South America), Isthmus Kingdom (Central America), East Asian Alliance (composed of different nations such as China, Japan, and Korea), the South East Asian Alliance (which is composed of Taiwan, Philippines, and everything down under except Australia), the Alba Septentrionalis (Canada and Alaska), and the last nation, which truly surprised Felix, is Australia, which has the same name but was split into Germanic Australis, and English Australis. 

There are numerous events happening between different nations such as the ongoing war between the East Asian Aliiance and the South East Asian Alliance, but these will be explored further, when the times comes.

Each nation has its own strengths and weakness, however, no nation comes close to the prowess of the Great German Empire and the United States. However, the Great Empire is now bogged down by multitude of enemies coming from all around them. In order to win this war, the Empire needs to strengthen its technology. Invent a lot of powerful things, and hopefully stay ahead of its competitors in both the arms race and the war.

All of this be further explained the future, for now, Felix has only read and know about the general geopolitics of the world.

For the whole week, Felix was just stuck in his room. His only companions is the Golden Eagle which has it's new shelter beside his desk, and the occasionally visiting visitors, i.e., his maid, his little sister, his older brother, father, and mother. He was advised by the doctor to stay at his room and recover. 

Due to boredom, during this time, he did some simple exercises in order to build up his lanky body. He also practiced his magic control which left him with a lot of broken pencil in his room. You see, the control practice that he did was to balance a pencil in-between his fingers (in an okay hand sign) without touching the said fingers. At the start, he did it only as a game, however he then practiced it seriously throughout the day. He noticed how his mana become much smooth flowing after every practice. He then also practiced writing with it, which resulted into some cultic language, when read, maybe meant to summoning some demon, or Being-X (lol). He started with two fingers, but he now uses 4 fingers, with the pencil at the middle. 

Felix also wanted to try the Naruto method but notices that his body is still not yet up to par. However, he know now how to weakly enhance his lanky body. He also practices sending bursts of mana to his hands and feet in order to boost his weak constitution. He cannot yet send a continuous stream of mana to his body since his body is still lacking. He is motivated to fix his lanky body because who knows, Tanya might like him if he is a bit more muscly hehehehehe.

Moving on, our MC can be found sitting in his desk, with a golden eagle sleeping peacefully in a nest beside him. He did not yet named the eagle because he has no idea on how to name an eagle. He might name it Goldy or worst, bird. Going back, our protagonist is practicing his magic control while drawing something. In the paper, an unimaginable creature can be seen....

"Alright! My drawing's done! Hehehe maybe this drawing of mine can capture the essence of my goddess, Idum. Hehehe"

The Golden Eagle, startled by the sudden shout of the child looked at the drawing. The eagle was lost for screeches on how abominable the drawing was. He then looked at the child straight into his eyes....

"What? It was.... yeah I was coping, it sucks." 

Felix then crumpled the paper and threw it into the trash can at the right side of his desk. He then slouched into his chair and complained to the eagle about how boring an imperial life is. 

"*Sigh* I wanna go out..... What? you think I will be recognized immediately and dragged to his room... You betcha I am... Damn! I need a way to hide this eyes of mine..."

He thought for a good minute but the greatest disguise he can think of is to dress like a commoner and wear an aviator glasses... Felix has loads of aviator glasses in his closet which some has the tint of the blackest of black, however he can still see properly while wearing it. How was that possible? Magic.

He also grabbed a small bag full of medical supplies. Since he became a nurse in his previous life, no matter where he is, he always have an emergency kit with him no matter where he go.

He then planned out his genius escape route which was through the window. Yes, the window. But this is not the Rapunzel type of escape, but the eagle type of escape. How can an eagle carry a 40kg child you ask? well, let's just say...., magic....


Inside a room in the palace, the room was decorated by numerous books and shelves in it's four walls. In the middle, a desk can be found filled with papers, notebooks, and books of different genres. By the window, a small picture frame can be found. 

Seated upon the desk is the Emperor of the Great German Empire, beside him is the Grand Butler which was old yet still strong. The Grand Butler then looked behind him towards the window and uttered some words to the Emperor.

"Your Majesty, looks like little Felix has sneaked out of the castle... With an eagle no less."

The Emperor, still continuing his work.

"Don't bother it more, a child needs to behave like a child. He was holed up this past week in his room reading and practicing his magic, I want him to enjoy the outside world, even for a moment."

"Seriously, your majesty, the way he acts and the way he talks is just like how you are as a child."

"Some people say that my child is a carbon copy of mine. Hehehe, regardless send the second squad of the Royal Guards to the child. Tell them to let him enjoy Berun and not to intervene unless necessary."

"Your will be done, your majesty."

Going back to our MC, which has just flown over the grand walls of their palace. Felix is now shouting for joy as he felt the winds against his whole body which gave him a bit of a shiver. After 5 minutes of flying, he told the eagle to put him down. He then enjoyed weaving through the city like a child.

The city was composed of an inner city and an outer city. The inner city is where the nobles' houses can be found. It is mostly residences with a small percentage of stores. He was scared that a noble might recognized him but luckily, no noble even dared to look at him. But little did he know, the Royal Guards were preventing any noble from approaching and talking to him. 

The inner city was boring. When he say, boring, it really was boring. There was no one playing by the road side, All walking people are those garbed in pretty fancy dabs. The kids are behaved even though their eyes shows that they wanted to unleash their inner child.

On the boundary between the inner and outer city lies the famed War College. Deep inside this college is a girl attending class whom our MC likes to meet. Felix will give his arm and a leg to see his angel but he cannot just enter the War College as is. Additionally, he did not want to let Tanya see him in his current state. He is currently lanky. He wants to be a bit muscular first or a bit more handsomer than he is now. Also, going inside the War College requires a bit more procedure. There will be a formal announcement and the other formal stuff which he hates to do. Little did he know, one word from the Royal Guards that was behind him, he can gain access to specifically anywhere in the War College. 

He stood there for a whole 30 minutes, hoping that his goddess, Tanya, will grace him with his presence but it looks like luck is not on his side today...

Lady Luck! Why have thou forsaken me! Don't worry my dear, this majestic self will meet you soon....

The royal squad beside him was confused on how the prince acted. They wondered if the prince wants to head to war or go to college in order to join the war. They will have to report this to the Emperor later. They misinterpreted him standing there and staring at the college as a sign of him wanting to go to war...

After staring at the college for 30 minutes, Felix then went on to see the famed central square of the empire. He didn't know that when he turned around, a guard of the college tried to followed him, but was stopped by the Royal Guards. 

"Hey, don't proceed further."

"Why? That person was a suspicious individual, who knows maybe he is a spy."

"What spy are you talking about? That person is the second Prince of the empire. He was staring at the War College for a long time because he is thinking about the future leaders of the military of the Empire or maybe he wants to join the war through the college."

The Royal Guard looked proud as he said this. The guard on the other hand was flabbergasted, who knows that the Prince of the empire is a very caring person, to the point that he will join the war. The guard was awed and in shock thinking how patriotic that prince is. This story will be spread throughout the college and even to the whole empire. The content of the 'rumors' varies, from the start that the prince was a patriotic person, to the absurd rumors that the prince is a god of war. Felix does not know this but this stories will be heard by the goddess he adore so much, but that is a story for another time.

Going back, Felix went to the central square of the empire. The square is not a square, in fact it is more like a circle. In the middle of the square is a large fountain, with a statue of the first emperor, that is the reason why this square is also known as the 'Founding Square'. Throughout the square, Felix can see multitude of people roaming about, different people from different ages and races are gathered in this square. One can see an Asian person talking to an English person. Although the empire is at war, it still strives to have an equality among the different races in the capital.

There are also stalls within the square which serves a variety of stuffs. From foods to everyday things that you can see such as a bracelet or even a spoon.

Nobles can also be seen throughout the square, although some of them are 'allergic' to the touch of the commoners, some nobles are having fun playing or talking with another person, no matter the status.

Felix can also see dancing people in one corner of the square, dancing to an upbeat song that is close to the tune of the dancing queen. 

The square is a fun place where people can be free and do the things that they love. This is the essence of freedom for Felix, a place where there is an absence of discrimination, hate, or even war. This is a place of peace, freedom, and love. Felix loves this place so much that he decided to sneak out of the palace every day hehehe.

He then suddenly heard a loud noise somewhere. Looking around, there was a child crying because her knee was scratched due to her falling. The mother of the child immediately went to help the child but the child stumbled again, aggravating the already bloody wound. 

Felix went straight to the child without hesitation. He intended to help her but also take a look at the new upgrades of his eyes. Once he was close to the child, he saw the dark orange color of her blood. He was a bit relieved to see that his eyes has not yet changed, but he was also curious on what the upgrades were. Shaking his head and deciding to think about it later, he spoke to the child and the mother about helping in cleaning the wound and band aiding it up.

"Hello, I am a nurse. I would like to help you clean your wound and band it up."

The mother and daughter duo looked at him and was a bit skeptical because of the dark glasses that the 'child?' was wearing. However, when they saw the bag of medical supplies that is with him, they then trusted him more even if the 'nurse' was a child. The mother then agreed to let him clean the child's wound.

Felix then went to the child and knelt in front of her. 

"Don't worry child, everything will be alright, okay?"

Felix then take out his supplies. The first thing he did was to get some Povidone-Iodine (betadine) and applied it to the wound of the child using a soft cotton. He then applied some band aid to it and made sure that everything is clean. 

"There, it is done. You are good to go."

"Yehey! Thank you, brother!"

The mother of the child was relieved and was going to thank the 'nurse' that helped them, but when she saw the crimson eyes of the 'nurse', she was shocked and was about the kneel and shout 'Your highness', some nearby people (the royal guards in disguise) was gesturing her to shut up. She knew that these are the Royal Guards of the Royal family because her husband is one. The nearby Royal Guards also know her so they gestured to her to keep quiet. She knew the situation and knew that she need to change her approach.

"Hello, thank you for helping my child. May I please know your name?"

Felix, without any hesitation blurted out 

"My name ma'am is Fe-"

Felix knew that if he told her his true name, there will be a ruckus in this square, his father may also get mad at him because he snuck out of the house....

"Fe-.. Fe-... Fe Degurchaff...."

The new family of Tanya was shaking a bit. He didn't expect to use Tanya's name because to tell you the truth, the only German surnames he knew are his family's name, Hohenzollern, and Tanya's...

The mother of the child was laughing for a bit, but composed herself. 

"Thank you Fe Degurechaff, fufu, what a weird name, fufu." 

Felix was blushing. He was blushing mad. The mother of the child then know not to push a Royal Family more. 

"Thank you, nurse Degurechaff, we will be going now. Again, thank you!"

"Thank you big brother!"

Felix was a bit relieved to see that the mother and child duo was not teasing him anymore. He then waved the two goodbye. 

Throughout his stay at the central square, he then also helped other people who were wounded. He dressed their wound and also applied some band aid. Naturally, more people saw the crimson eyes behind the dark glasses of the 'nurse', however, the Royal Guards always comes in clutch to save the prince's free time. You might also be wondering where the Golden Eagle is. Well... it was flirting with the nearby birds in the roofs.... We now know that the eagle is a male....

Soon, rumors will spread throughout the capital, that the second prince was a knowledgeable nurse who helps those who are wounded. Soon, people will take it out of context and assume that the prince was a god of nurses, obviously, not real, but a religion will be made for him, but that is a story for another time.

Throughout the time he was helping other people, he also conducts experiments on how his eyes work. This is the real reason why he is helping these people. He likes to learn more about his eyes. He knew that his eyes show the different colors in a spectrum but he does not truly know the meaning behind these colors. He once knew that the more innocent a person is, the more his blood is redder, and vice versa. However, thinking about it, he once knew of a serial killer who he nursed for a week in the hospital, the blood of this serial killer is a deep yellow, which does not make sense on his conclusion. So he conducts an experiment on the different bloods of the people he helps. There are numerous colors that shown, one such color he found on a kid is the color blue. If the kid is not an innocent person, then it must be wrong since the kid is literally a heaven-sent kid. He need to formulate more conjectures on this.

While he was thinking about this a ball rolled to his feet. It was a ball that was plastic and a little bit dirty. Felix picked up the ball and threw it to the kids who were approaching him. The kids noticed the lanky boy and hoped to play with him since technically, he is of the same age as them, so they invited him to the dodgeball game.

"Hey! Why don't you join us? We are missing a player!"

"Nah, I'm fine."

"Oh, I thought you were a good kid like me, but to think that you are a coward....."

The taunting kid slowly stepped back to their game with his friends, however, the taunt dealt lasting damage to Felix. Felix stood still, shocked because he shouldn't have been provoked by kids. He should've not been provoked into thinking he was scared, yet the taunt worked. He was a bit angry because the taunt worked on him. He was angry because he was angry of the fact that he was called scared..... 

"Oho, these little fuckers do not know what they are cooking, hahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA."

Felix went to the kids to join, he set his bag aside a tree that was close to the game. He readied his self and put on his game face on.

"Hey! Let me join!!!!!"

The kids looked back at the new arrival. They noticed that he was wearing a dark glasses, but they can see how serious the kid was.

"Alright! Come join the other team!"

So Felix officially joined the game. Throughout the game, Felix was having fun, just like how a kid like him should've have fun, however, Felix was shit in the game. Technically, he should have been winning. He know how the game works, he know how the ball was thrown, but... he is shit because of his lanky body. He is shit to the point the opposing team before him, put their sights on Felix's team members first before focusing on Felix. 

"Now, you are the last person on your time, what are you gonna do about it? You play so shit, you can't even dodge properly, bwahahahahaa"

This world's trash talk hit a nerve in Felix. He was angry, but he knew that they are right, he is shit at the game... but... he wanted to win. He wanted to win so bad, so bad that he focused every part of his lanky body on the game. 

As the ball was being thrown to Felix, his world slowed down. He can now suddenly see a multitude of lines everywhere. From the nearby vendor who was chopping his vegetables, down to a girl throwing a frisbee for her dog. He instantly knew that all of these are the 'trajectory' behind everything. He can see how the knife will cut downwards. He can also see the path the frisbee will take. Now, Felix can also see a trajectory that will hit him straight to his chest. Once he saw that the ball was thrown on him, he immediately went to the side. The kids were amazed by this because this is the first time he dodged a ball. Felix then grabbed the ball that was thrown to him, and immediately got ready, he chose the optimal trajectory which will guarantee that the ball will come back to him, and it did. He threw the ball again and again until a single person was remaining, which amazed the kids. They thought that he was just playing like a shit player in order to teach them not to be boastful, when in fact he was a world class player (kids pov).

"Looks like you are the last person eyy, what are you gonna do about it?"

Felix taunted the kids. Yes, he taunted the kids... Also, as you can see, he achieved his eyes' evolution over a kid's game... a kid's game..... He didn't develop it in the middle of an important fight, but in the middle of a kid's game... He wanted to win in a kid's game so bad that his eyes had undergone a definite change...

He looked at the path that the kid will ran into and he also calculated the path that his ball will take. He threw the ball but he was surprised to see the other kid catching his thrown ball. He didn't compensate for the lack of strength that his body has... Well, this eyes will need a few more experiments...

He then suddenly saw a trajectory that will hit him in the chest, so he immediately dodged to the right. The throw was a bit strong so the ball went to a nearby dark alley. Seeing this, the kids was a bit scared, but not Felix. He was a prince of this empire so nothing bad will happen to him, right?

"Oho, looks like a fresh meat has come straight to our doors."

Yeah, right.

I wrote a lot and combined 2 chapters into 1 since I might not post tomorrow... I had lots of work and stuffs to be done. Please wait for me! I will be back the day after tomorrow!!! 

Income_Taxcreators' thoughts