
Kaminari no Kaizoku - One Piece

In the harsh and unforgiving society of Birka, a child named Cain is born without wings, a rare and stigmatizing condition that immediately marks him as an outcast. His mother, Sora, dies shortly after giving birth, leaving Cain to face the cruel world alone. Despite his lack of wings, Cain grows up with a fierce determination to prove his worth and survive in a society that despises him.

itzReklez · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

The Destruction

Cain stood in the middle of the Birkan village, his body radiating a dense, blood-red aura with writhing tendrils that seemed to have a life of their own. The ground around him was littered with the lifeless bodies of the warriors he had killed, blood pooling at his feet. The air was thick with the metallic scent of blood and the acrid smell of burning flesh. Cain's eyes, glowing with an eerie light, glanced at the remaining warriors fleeing in terror, their will broken by his merciless slaughter.

The red aura around him pulsed and throbbed, reflecting his bloodlust. Cain felt a deep, primal satisfaction at the carnage he had wrought, but it wasn't enough. His desire for vengeance demanded more. He could feel the power within him, a raging storm of lightning and fury, and he decided to draw on it, pushing himself to the brink of losing control.

Cain's body crackled with energy as he channeled more power than was safe. Arcs of blue lightning danced across his skin, intertwining with the red tendrils of his bloodlust. The ground beneath him trembled, and a low rumble of thunder echoed through the village.

With a roar of fury, Cain unleashed a barrage of lightning bolts, each one more powerful than the last. The ground erupted in explosions, and the sky darkened with storm clouds. The village, once a place of life and community, was rapidly being reduced to ashes and ruin.

"More... I need more," Cain muttered to himself, his voice barely a whisper but filled with an insatiable hunger for destruction.

As he drew on the power, he felt his control slipping. His vision blurred, and the world around him seemed to fade. He could barely distinguish friend from foe, the lines between reality and his blood-soaked rage blurring. His mind screamed at him to stop, to pull back before it was too late, but the intoxicating power was too much to resist.

In the distance, the fleeing warriors glanced back in horror as they saw the transformation taking place. "He's not human! He's a demon!" one of them shouted, stumbling in fear.

The shockwaves from the barrages of lightning still striking down knocked Cain off balance, but he quickly regained his footing, his eyes locking onto another group of villagers who were attempting to escape. He could hear their cries of terror, their pleas for mercy, but they fell on deaf ears. Cain's humanity was slipping away, replaced by an unrelenting need for retribution.

Cain's body radiated an otherworldly, blinding light as his lightning powers intertwined with his insatiable bloodlust, creating a spine-chilling spectacle that struck fear into the hearts of all who witnessed it. With a deliberate raise of his hand, he summoned a colossal bolt of lightning, which hung menacingly above the village, crackling with raw, untamed energy. As Cain's hand slashed downward, the bolt followed suit, hurling itself towards the earth with terrifying precision. The moment the lightning struck the ground, an ear-splitting explosion erupted, sending shockwaves rippling through the village and leaving a smoldering, gaping crater in its wake.

The gigantic bolt tore through the island of Birka like a hot knife through butter, leaving a trail of destruction that seemed to defy the laws of nature. In the instant the bolt made contact with the ground, an eerie, deafening silence engulfed the world, as if time itself had stopped. The once-thriving village crumbled and disintegrated around Cain, the soundless scene of destruction unfolding like a surreal, slow-motion nightmare. Heartbeats later, the silence was shattered by a rushing cacophony of explosions and the primal roar of thunder, as if the heavens themselves were screaming in agony.

The deafening crack of thunder, following the blinding flash of lightning, tore through the air with such intensity that it ruptured the eardrums of the fleeing warriors. The sheer terror of the thunderous roar was enough to stop the hearts of some unlucky souls, their lifeless bodies collapsing to the ground as they tried to escape the apocalyptic scene unfolding before them.

As Cain continued his assault, he felt a sudden, sharp pain in his chest. His vision wavered, and the red aura around him flickered. He had pushed himself too far, drawn on too much power. His body, though transformed by the mysterious fruit, had its limits.

"No... not yet," Cain gasped, clutching his chest. He struggled to stay on his feet, his legs trembling under the strain. He knew he needed to pull back, to regain control before he destroyed himself along with the village.

In a moment of clarity, Cain forced himself to stop, to breathe. He focused on calming the storm within him, drawing the power back into himself. The red aura began to fade, the tendrils retracting as the lightning subsided.

Cain stood amidst the smoldering ruins of the once-thriving village, his chest heaving with each labored breath. The ground beneath his feet trembled, and he could sense the island's very foundation beginning to splinter and crumble. Deep, ominous cracks snaked their way through the earth, widening with each passing second as the island shuddered violently.

The relentless earthquakes intensified, born from the cataclysmic force of Cain's lightning strike. The land groaned and shifted, its once-solid surface fracturing like a shattered mirror. Fissures tore through the landscape, swallowing homes and trees alike as the island slowly succumbed to the devastating power unleashed upon it.

Cain watched as the world around him broke apart, the ground quaking beneath his feet as if the island itself was crying out in agony. The air was thick with the acrid scent of smoke and the coppery tang of blood, a grim reminder of the lives lost and the destruction wrought by his hand.

Cain summoned the last vestiges of his power, pushing his body to its limits as he raced towards the beach where Gear anxiously awaited his arrival. Time was of the essence as the island, its foundation shattered beyond repair, began to crumble from the epicenter of the Birkan village, where the colossal lightning bolt had struck with cataclysmic force. The land fell away, swallowed by the abyss that hungrily consumed everything in its path.

With every ounce of strength he could muster, Cain surged forward, his vision flickering as he pushed his powers to their breaking point. The world blurred around him as he sped towards Gear, his heart pounding in his chest as he fought against the collapsing island.

As Cain reached the beach, he caught sight of Gear frantically preparing their escape vessel. The boat was small but equipped with cutting-edge dial tech engines, one of Gear's most impressive inventions to date. The marvel of engineering seamlessly combined the power of breath dials and flame dials, incorporating them into a sturdy shell that served as the boat's propulsion system. Gear's eyes widened with a mixture of relief and urgency as he saw Cain approaching, the island crumbling behind him.

"Cain, hurry!" Gear's desperate shout was nearly lost in the deafening roar of the disintegrating island.

Cain pushed himself to the brink of exhaustion, his body a blur of motion as he leaped aboard the boat, nearly collapsing from the sheer exertion. Without hesitation, Gear grasped the gear shift, engaging the breath dials with a deft motion. The boat surged forward, skimming across the churning White White Sea with incredible speed. However, as the towering tsunami born from the island's collapse loomed behind them, Gear realized that the breath dials alone would not be enough to outrun the impending doom. With a quick shift of the gears, he activated the flame dials, propelling the boat to even greater velocities.

The once-mighty island continued to crumble behind them, massive chunks of land plummeting into the White White Sea, giving rise to a monstrous tsunami that relentlessly pursued their fleeing vessel. The boat rocked and pitched violently as Gear navigated through the treacherous waters, the dial tech engines straining against the immense force of the waves.

"Hold on!" Gear bellowed, his knuckles white as he gripped the controls with unwavering determination.

The tsunami drew closer, a seemingly insurmountable wall of water that threatened to consume them entirely. Gear pushed the engines to their absolute limits, the boat's speed increasing exponentially as they desperately sought to outrun the cataclysmic wave. The edge of the tsunami caught the rear of the boat, lifting it high into the air, and for a heart-stopping moment, Cain and Gear clung to the vessel, their lives hanging in the balance as they rode the crest of the wave.

Just when it seemed that the White White Sea would claim them, the flame dials roared to life, propelling them forward with a burst of power. The boat hurtled down the far side of the wave, crashing back onto the White White Sea's surface with a bone-jarring impact that reverberated through their bodies. Against all odds, they had managed to outrun the tsunami, leaving the collapsing island in their wake.

Cain collapsed onto the deck of the boat, his body pushed beyond its limits. He gasped for air, each breath a desperate attempt to fill his lungs, as the adrenaline that had fueled his escape slowly ebbed away. Every muscle in his body screamed in protest, aching from the unimaginable strain he had endured.

Gear, his own chest heaving from the exertion, turned his gaze back towards the horizon, where the once-mighty island of Birka had stood. What he saw left him speechless. The island, a land that had been home to countless lives and a thriving civilization, was no more. In its place was a vast expanse of the White White Sea, the crumbling ruins of the island vanishing beneath the relentless waves.

The destruction was absolute, a testament to the cataclysmic power of Cain's lightning and the devastating force of the tsunami that followed. Not a single trace of the island remained, as if it had been entirely erased from existence. The horizon, once dominated by the silhouette of Birka, now stretched out in an unbroken line, an endless expanse of sea and sky.

Gear felt a profound sense of loss as he witnessed the complete annihilation of the island. The weight of the lives lost and the civilization destroyed settled heavily upon his shoulders. He knew that the memory of Birka would forever be etched into his mind, a haunting reminder of the unfathomable power that had been unleashed upon it.

As the boat drifted further away from the site of the destruction, Cain and Gear were left to contemplate the magnitude of what had transpired. The island was gone, reduced to nothing more than a tragic memory, and they were the sole survivors of a cataclysm that had forever changed the face of the White White Sea.