
Kaminari no Kaizoku - One Piece

In the harsh and unforgiving society of Birka, a child named Cain is born without wings, a rare and stigmatizing condition that immediately marks him as an outcast. His mother, Sora, dies shortly after giving birth, leaving Cain to face the cruel world alone. Despite his lack of wings, Cain grows up with a fierce determination to prove his worth and survive in a society that despises him.

itzReklez · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

The Confrontation

The moon cast an eerie glow over the ancient, crumbling temple, its light piercing through the thick foliage and broken pillars. The temple grounds were silent, save for the rustling leaves. Broken statues and overgrown vines created a treacherous battleground. The wind howled through the ruins. Amidst the silence, the sharp, rhythmic sounds of clashing weapons shattered the night.

Cain and Enel were locked in a brutal duel. Sparks flew as Cain's short sword met Enel's metal bo staff, each strike more powerful than the last. Cain's eyes burned with murderous intent, his movements driven by a desire to kill his enemy and end the cycle of vengeance once and for all.

Enel's face twisted into a smirk, his long, blond hair flowing behind him as he swung his staff with deadly precision. "You've delayed the inevitable for too long, Cain. Let's finish this," he sneered, eyes glinting with malice.

Cain's response was a wordless snarl, his focus unyielding. He met Enel's attacks with fierce determination, blocking and countering with relentless aggression. The clash of metal and steel echoed through the temple ruins as they exchanged a flurry of strikes, each blow deflected with expert precision.

The fight moved through the courtyard, their movements a blur of speed and power. Enel leapt onto a crumbling statue, using it as a vantage point to rain down a series of vicious attacks. Cain dodged and parried, his movements fluid and controlled. He countered with a powerful upward slash, forcing Enel to backflip off the statue.

"You're good, but not good enough," Enel taunted, breathless.

Cain narrowed his eyes, his grip tightening on his short sword. He charged forward, unleashing a relentless barrage of strikes. Enel struggled to keep up, his smirk fading as the intensity of Cain's assault increased. Cain's strikes were deadly and ruthless, each one infused with his bloodlust, aimed to maim and kill.

The fight spilled onto the temple steps, where loose stones and debris created hazardous footing. Cain's foot slipped on a loose stone, and Enel seized the opportunity. He swung his metal bo staff in a deadly arc, aiming for Cain's exposed side.

Cain twisted his body just in time, the staff grazing his shirt but missing flesh. He retaliated with a powerful kick to Enel's chest, sending him tumbling down the steps.

"You have no idea what I'm capable of," Cain said, his voice low and menacing, his eyes glowing with unleashed fury.

Enel snarled, pushing himself to his feet. He spat blood, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. With a primal roar, he charged back up the steps, his metal bo staff spinning in a wild frenzy. Cain braced himself, his eyes never leaving Enel's. The two warriors collided again, their movements a deadly dance of skill and precision.

Enel's staff struck with the force of a battering ram, each swing intended to break bones and crush resolve. Cain deflected and dodged, his short sword a blur of motion. He sidestepped a downward swing and countered with a swift cut across Enel's arm, drawing a thin line of blood.

"You think you can defeat me with such weak strikes?" Enel snarled, his eyes blazing with fury. "Your mother would be ashamed of the pathetic freak you've become!"

Cain's expression darkened at the mention of his mother. His grip on his sword tightened, his anger fueling his strength. He knew this was the final push. He channeled all his strength and focus into his next series of attacks, driving Enel back with each powerful blow. The two clashed with renewed intensity, their weapons singing through the air.

As the battle raged on, a dark change came over Cain. His eyes glinted with a savage light, and a faint, eerie red mist began to rise from his body, the tendrils of bloodlust startling Enel.

"What is this?" Enel exclaimed, eyes wide with a mixture of fear and confusion.

Cain's voice was low and filled with an almost inhuman intensity. "This ends now, Enel."

The red mist coiled around Cain like a living thing, amplifying his presence and making his movements even more ferocious. He launched himself at Enel with renewed fury, each strike of his sword carrying the weight of his murderous intent.

They reached the temple altar, an ancient, crumbling structure bathed in moonlight. Cain and Enel circled each other, their breaths ragged, eyes locked in a deadly stare. Enel's eyes flickered with a mix of rage and desperation.

With a final, fierce cry, Enel lunged forward, his metal bo staff aimed at Cain's heart. Cain pivoted gracefully, his short sword a blur as he deflected the attack and spun into a devastating strike. His blade found its mark, plunging deep into Enel's chest.

Enel's eyes widened in shock and pain. He staggered back, blood pouring from the wound. He dropped his metal bo staff, falling to his knees.

"It's over," Cain said, his voice low and solemn.

Enel gasped, struggling to speak. His eyes flickered with hatred and regret, but then a cunning glint appeared. Before Cain could react, Enel grabbed a handful of dirt and threw it into Cain's eyes. Blinded, Cain stumbled backward, wiping his eyes furiously.

When Cain's vision cleared, Enel was gone, his presence melted into the surrounding shadows. The faint rustle of leaves and the distant call of an owl were the only signs left of his escape.

Cain stood below the altar, breathing heavily. The red mist slowly dissipated, leaving him with a sense of hollow victory. He wiped the blood from his short sword and sheathed it with a sense of finality. The wind howled through the temple ruins, carrying away the echoes of battle.