
Kaminari no Kaizoku - One Piece

In the harsh and unforgiving society of Birka, a child named Cain is born without wings, a rare and stigmatizing condition that immediately marks him as an outcast. His mother, Sora, dies shortly after giving birth, leaving Cain to face the cruel world alone. Despite his lack of wings, Cain grows up with a fierce determination to prove his worth and survive in a society that despises him.

itzReklez · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Centurea Island

Cain and Gear sailed steadily towards Centurea Island, carried by the gentle waves of the sea. As they approached, the island's picturesque harbor came into view, framed by lush green hills rolling down to meet the golden sands of pristine beaches. The sun cast a warm, golden hue over the landscape, highlighting the vibrant colors and bringing a sense of calm to the scene.

The harbor was a bustling hub of activity. Merchants were busy unloading their goods from a variety of ships, their crews working diligently to haul crates and barrels onto the docks. A large pirate ship, with its imposing black sails fluttering proudly in the wind, was moored prominently at the harbor, drawing the attention of many onlookers. The ship's intricate figurehead, shaped like a fearsome sea monster, glinted in the sunlight, adding an air of menace to its presence.

Sailors tended to their ships, checking ropes and sails, while children played along the docks, their laughter ringing out above the general commotion. Fishermen mended their nets, preparing for the next outing, and traders haggled over prices, their animated negotiations contributing to the dynamic energy of the marketplace.

As Cain and Gear's ship docked, they were greeted by a flurry of activity. Dockworkers efficiently secured the ship, while curious onlookers eyed the newcomers with interest. The scene was a blend of organized chaos, a testament to the island's thriving economy and diverse community.

The backdrop of the town itself was equally captivating. Cobbled streets wound their way through clusters of quaint buildings, their architecture reflecting a mix of styles influenced by the various cultures that had settled on the island. Flower boxes adorned with vibrant blooms hung from windowsills, adding splashes of color to the stone facades.

Cain and Gear, taking in the sights and sounds of Centurea Island, felt a sense of excitement and anticipation.

"This place looks promising," Gear said, a hint of excitement in his voice as he took in the vibrant scene around them.

"Let's split up and gather some supplies. Meet back here in an hour?" he suggested, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Sounds good," Cain replied, nodding in agreement. "I'll check out the market stalls."

With their plan set, Gear headed towards the general store, his steps purposeful as he navigated the busy streets. Cain, on the other hand, wandered into the heart of the bustling market, drawn by the array of vibrant goods and the lively chatter of the vendors.

The market was a sensory overload. Stalls were brimming with fresh produce, their colors vivid and inviting. Heaps of ripe fruits and vegetables were displayed in neat piles, their scents mingling to create a sweet, earthy aroma. Vendors called out to potential customers, touting the freshness and quality of their goods, their voices rising above the general din.

Cain moved through the crowd, his eyes darting from one stall to another. He occasionally stopped to inspect the items on display, his curiosity piqued by the variety of goods. One stall was laden with colorful fabrics, their intricate patterns and rich textures catching the light. The vendor, a middle-aged woman with a warm smile, held up a bolt of deep blue silk, encouraging Cain to feel its smoothness.

Further along, another stall showcased handcrafted jewelry. Delicate necklaces and bracelets, adorned with semi-precious stones and intricate metalwork, sparkled under the sunlight. Cain admired the craftsmanship, his fingers tracing the detailed designs of a silver pendant shaped like a bird in flight.

A commotion suddenly broke out in the middle of the market. Shouts and screams echoed as people began to back away from the center, forming a wide circle. Curious about the disturbance, Cain made his way through the crowd, his intense gaze scanning the scene.

In the middle of the market, a young girl with long, dark hair and striking purple eyes stood surrounded by four pirates. Her face was etched with fear as the men closed in, each brandishing a sword with a menacing grin. Their ringleader, a burly man with a sinister smile, stepped forward.

"Finally found you, bounty hunter," the pirate ringleader sneered, his voice dripping with malice.

The girl backed up against a stall, her breath quickening. She had nowhere to run, and the surrounding crowd began to disperse, afraid of getting involved.

A figure moved through the crowd and stood in front of the girl with purposeful strides, drawing immediate attention.

The pirate ringleader's grin faded, replaced by a scowl. "Who the hell are you?"

"You boys should learn to pick on someone your own size," Cain said, his voice calm but with an edge of steel.

The pirate ringleader's grin faded, replaced by a scowl. "Who the hell are you?"

Cain didn't answer. Instead, he turned slightly to the girl, his eyes briefly meeting hers. "Stay behind me," he said gently.

The ringleader waved his hand, and the pirates rushed at Cain from all sides.

Cain moved with fluid grace, his combat skills honed to perfection. He leaped into the air, propelled by a sudden burst of energy, and the first wave of sword slashes missed him entirely. Spinning mid-air, he landed a powerful kick on the first pirate, sending him crashing into a stall, scattering fruits everywhere.

As he landed, another pirate swung his sword at him. Cain ducked, his movements almost a blur, and swept the pirate's legs out from under him, following up with a swift elbow drop that knocked the pirate out cold.

A third pirate charged at him with his sword raised high. Cain sidestepped, grabbing the pirate's wrist and twisting it, forcing him to drop the weapon. In a seamless motion, Cain delivered a spinning back kick, sending the disarmed pirate into the last attacker, knocking over a stall of spices in a cloud of vibrant powders.

The final pirate, now visibly terrified, looked around nervously. Cain took a step forward, a small spark of electricity dancing around his fingers.

Panicking, the pirate dropped his sword and fled, leaving the ringleader standing alone. The ringleader's bravado was gone, replaced by sheer terror.

"W-What are you?" the ringleader stammered, his voice trembling.

Cain walked towards him, the air around him crackling with energy. "I'm someone you should never have pissed off," he replied coldly.

With that, Cain delivered a punch to the ringleader, knocking him out cold. The market fell silent once more, the only sound the faint whisper of the wind.

Cain turned to the girl, "Are you okay?" he asked gently.

She nodded, her fear slowly fading. "Thank you," she whispered.

Cain offered her a reassuring smile. "Let's get you out of here."

The market began to return to its usual bustling activity, though many eyes followed Cain and the girl as they walked away.

The girl, still shaken but comforted by Cain's presence, glanced up at him. "Who are you?" she asked softly, curiosity mingling with gratitude in her voice.

"It's polite to introduce yourself before asking others their name," Cain replied with a hint of a smile.

The girl, calming down slightly, managed a small smile in return. "I'm Isara," she said. "Thank you for saving me."

"I'm Cain," he said, nodding. "What happened? Why were those pirates after you?"

Isara's expression turned puzzled. "I... I don't know," she admitted, her voice tinged with confusion. "I was just passing through the market when they suddenly surrounded me."

Before Cain could respond, he heard hurried footsteps approaching. Gear rushed over, his face a mix of concern and exasperation.

"I can't leave you for even a minute before you start trouble," Gear said, shaking his head but unable to hide a grin.

Cain chuckled. "Trouble found me this time," he said, jerking his thumb towards Isara. "This is Isara. She was being harassed by some pirates."

Gear's eyes widened slightly as he took in the situation. "Nice to meet you, Isara," he said, offering a friendly nod. "We should get out of here before those pirates come back with reinforcements."

Isara nodded gratefully. "Thank you. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't come along."

"Let's find a quieter place to talk," Cain suggested. "I saw a bar earlier while I was exploring the market. We can head there and figure out our next move."