
Kami: The Two Faced God

Roughly 75% of the world's population is comprised of individuals with superhuman abilities. While most are born with enhanced genetic code, many of these "Super Humans" are nothing but engineered and modified organisms. Some receiving abilities via an application and drug usage. Those without power would never dare raise a hand at a super, let alone commit a crime. But those people aren't the issue. Those with power, power that goes above what can be regulated tend to try and live out their own fantasies putting the lives of others in danger... But what is the use of power without purpose? Some find purpose through helping others, some devote themselves to morbid self-interest without regard for those around them, while some aren't who you think they are. Yet most are just like me, people who have no direction, no goal, and barely any purpose. The powers of a god, all funneled into one barely human body, programmed to carry out the salvation of man. I have no true will of my own, but that is why I'm here after all... "Deep down, there is something building, a fire raging with no signs of stopping, and deep. deep down I know I am not a good person, but... I don't really care, a god needs to be there for his people, but I would happily abandon all the earth for a moment of peace and quiet. On the outside, I am a robot, a doll, with a blank personality, but on the inside... on the inside, something sinister is leaking, and I don't think I can stop it." {Super-depressed mc, also the story is told through his eyes, and narration gets' interrupted by his own thoughts, and becomes rambles. Extremally overpowered, this is not a weak2strong but strong2strong..? The Kami we meet later in the story is a pure F***ing villain, I mean pure evil. So be advised if you don't like dark stuff.

im_kalikk · Realistic
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2 Chs

01: Aevum-Prologue

"Aevum, the Latin word for time. Also the last name for the scientist and banker who created A.E.V or American Engineering Vice. In 1837 that man wakeup with a strange bruise one that he had contracted while sleeping, a bruise that most doctors claimed would take at least a week to heal. For him, it took only three hours. Being the scientist he was he decided to do something else as that could have simply been a blunder on their behalf. He cut his palm and watched the gash seal by the minute.

The notion of super-powered individuals had flown into the ears of many since the dawn of mankind. But it stems from one particular event which occurred 3.2 million years ago, a bright orb that shinned like a star as small as a tennis ball crashed into our world, and there it sat for only a little while as soon the orb would be discovered by a small and short biped, one covered in hair and scientifically our oldest ancestor is known.

Lucy, approached the shimmering orb and as she stepped into a ten-foot radius of it, the ball began to shake and the shake soon became a violent tremor.

The orb soon shattered throwing itself into crystal-like splinters showering Lucy with deep cuts gashes and wounds. It took only but a second for the mammal to fall to the ground embracing the death that awaited her, but instead of death the odd sensation of a slime-covered object moving through her hairy body was that of which appeared as a slug.

One that drilled itself through her teeth and into her body where her wounds would quickly heal. And with that slug, she walked back to her troop and eventually went on to mate, and just like that her altered DNA of Lucy would soon be passed down.

Now we don't know what that slug was but our founder Dr. Aevum was able to learn about the body and how genetics played a role in offspring. Even though DNA wasn't fully understood until the 50's the Doctor was truly ahead of his time, especially for a slave trader

Supers at the time were unheard of us they were spread profusely across the globe, but as industrialization came along so did the boom in children and with that boom came more supers. But think back nice and hard to your religious founding fathers.

Jesus, Buddha, Thor, Zeus, Shiva all of these entities weren't gods. No! They were super-powered humans that were revered as Gods. Out of the 8.2 Billion people on this planet, roughly 75% are super-powered and not one of them has come close to being a god. Out of that 75%, almost 27% have been manufactured and created here in this very facility. Yet, even with the help of gene splicing, we have not created a perfect specimen but ladies and gentlemen on this day I introduce to you the closest thing mankind has ever seen to a real god...

I give you X-02."