
Kami’s crazy life

This story shows Kami’s life as a mutant and the friends she meets along with her enemies

KalimKimi32 · LGBT+
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48 Chs

Season 8 episode 3

(The opening shows Kanisha with chains tying her down, while behind bars)

(Nerea is surrounded by fire)

(Amiyah has vines wrapped around her)

(Nobusawa is trapped in a tornado)

(Melanie covered in blood)

(Silas and Alondra are in a lab)

(The opening shows the wedding)

(Kanisha drawing the comic and Nerea writing words)

(Silas is typing on the computer and Alondra with virtual reality helmets on)

(Nerea is running from a cloud of darkness)

(Kanisha and Nerea is dancing)

(Kanisha and Nerea is riding a motorcycle)

(Aunt Stella and Kanisha is walking around Paris, ice skating, and eating cake)

(Sundance is making stuff animals)

(Sakura is writing on a notebook, while a man who has a fedora, red suit, and red shoes that is talking)

(Ren is watching over monsters as a doctor)

(Tania is with soldiers shooting target and she is talking to them)

(Shamar and Aunt Stella is modeling together, they are fencing, and flamingo dancing)

(Melanie is looking at some files)

(Lura is playing a flute on stage with a bunch of people watching in a gym)

(Nobusawa is painting on a canvas)

(Nerea is building a desk)

(Hada, Litzy, and Nat are fangirling)

(Amiyah is working on a computer)

(A bunch of enemies are showing, while Nerea, Amiyah, Nobusawa, Lura, Sundance, Kanisha, Melanie, Silas, Alondra, Shamar, Tania, Ren, and Aunt Stella side by side)

(Opening ends with Kanisha and Nerea with a university behind them)

(The episode opens with Kanisha and Nerea walking in the hallway)

Nerea (holding a clipboard): So, balloons, sweets, drinks

Kanisha: Yup

Litzy (looking excited): Are you two planning a party?

Kanisha: Yes, we are going to invite everyone

Nerea: But, please don't go overboard like drinking beer or bringing, soda only

Litzy (surprised): No wine

Kanisha: I have to take a break from that

Litzy: Why, can't handle it

Nerea: The opposite, she handles it too well

Kanisha: I can't stop drinking it

Litzy: Oh, I have a cousin like that, she got kicked out a lot of bars

Kanisha: Impressive, I need to tell Hada (speeds off)

Litzy: You think I would get used to that

Nerea: You only been roommates for two days, you will understand in a few more weeks

Litzy: Fair enough, are your friends coming?

Nerea: They said if they can

Litzy: Oh, I really want to meet them

Nerea: Well, we have to see

(The screen shows Sundance selling stuff animals to kids)

(A woman who has curly blond hair, white skin, freckles on her cheekbones, wearing a red shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes named Lisa)

Lisa: So, I made thirty dollars.

Sundance: Good, put it in the box

(Lisa puts the money in the box)

Lisa: So, what do you think the party will be like?

Sundance: If Nerea and Kanisha is planning it under the radar, but not too much

Lisa: So no beer

Sundance: Absolutely not, otherwise Kanisha would be having a drinking contest

Lisa: Wow, I would like to meet her

Sundance: Okay, but don't start flirting with her

Lisa (teasingly): I would never cheat on you

Sundance (sarcastic): Hilarious, I am warning you that she has a girlfriend and she is territorial

Lisa: Oh, that's fine, I still have you

Sundance: Oh brother

(The screen shows Amiyah typing on a computer with a headset on)

Amiyah: Alondra, of course I am going to the party, what about you?

Alondra: Duh, I already picked out (holding an yellow dress) my dress

Amiyah: Without me, I am hurt

Alondra: Girl, you already picked many of my outfits during my meetings

Amiyah: True

Silas: Say, girls, I have to ask you realize you are connected to the game

Alondra: Yes, to remind you that the party is tonight

Silas: Kanisha and Nerea's party, I remember

Alondra and Amiyah: I am impressed

Silas (angry): Hey!

Alondra: Sorry, sweetie, you don't care about social events

Silas: Fair enough

(The screen shows Melanie)

Nat: The party is tonight

Melanie (holding a red dress): Yeah

Nat: Promise me, you and your girlfriend won't be sucking face all night

Melanie: I promise, since you want a party friend

Nat: You know me so well

Melanie: Oh, yes, I do, even though we haven't met for long

Nat: You are going to make a great detective

Melanie: You flatter me

Nat: Not as much as your honey

Melanie: No need to be jealous, we are roommates

Nat: Then, as my roommate help me get a date here

Melanie: Alright

(The screen shows Nobusawa is looking at canvas)

A voice: Nobusawa, you are talented

Nobusawa: Thank you, so you ready for the party?

(An amphomorphic snake wearing an white apron, red shirt, blue pants, and no shoes named Aaron)

Aaron: Of course, I am, I have to meet your friends and hear about your adventures with them and meet that girlfriend of yours

Nobusawa: Fair enough

Aaron: So, she controls nature

Nobusawa: Yup, don't let the powers fool you, she is tough, no hippy

Aaron: Yeah, that is Sundance, I hear from you and ironically not the mutant Kanisha

Nobusawa: No, she is the opposite, "revenge is a dish best served" is her policy.

Aaron: I wouldn't want to her enemy

Nobusawa: Nobody would

(The screen shows Kanisha wearing a black and white dress, Litzy wearing a purple dress with pink swirls, Hada wearing a green dress, and Nerea is wearing a blue dress with yellow stripes, and all of them have heels that match)

(The room has streamers, spotlights, table with a rainbow cloth with snacks, drinks, cups, and plates on it)

(Nerea opens the doors)

Kanisha (as the people enter the room): Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!

(The people high five Kanisha)

A female student: How cute

A male student: Cute girls and cool party

Another female student: Sup, thanks for inviting me

Kanisha: No problem

Another male student: Nerea, what's up?

(Nerea high five the student)

(Amiyah is wearing a brown dress and heels)

(Alondra is wearing a yellow dress and heels)

(Silas is wearing a black shirt, blue pants, and white shoes)

Nerea: Hey! (Hugs Silas, Alondra, and Amiyah)

(Amiyah makes a sunflower and gives it to Nerea, Kanisha, Litzy, and Hada)

(Amiyah walks off)

Litzy: Uh

Kanisha: Amiyah

Litzy (walks after Amiyah): Amiyah, wait a minute

Aaron: Hey, party people

Nobusawa: Hi, everyone

Kanisha: There's the artist (hugs Nobusawa) your girlfriend just entered the party

Nobusawa: I know, she just texted me, I'll go greet her

(Nobusawa runs off)

Aaron: Nobu, don't you dare leave me alone, it's a pleasure to meet you all (runs) Nobu

(Kanisha and Nerea laughs)

Nerea: Did they say 'Nobu'

Kanisha: He sounded like a significant other

Hada: They are cute for a snake

Kanisha: Then, go after them

Hada: I don't know

Kanisha (takes Hada's hand): Will you come on?

Hada (with Kanisha dragging her away): Okay

(The screen shows Lisa and Sundance enter the party)

Lisa: It's nice to meet all of you

Kanisha: Same

Sundance: What kind of punch?

Kanisha: I put all flavors in the punch

Sundance: Nice, but not too much sugar

Kanisha: Of course, I examined and saw there is people that have trouble with sugar

A female student: You also checked for allergies?

Kanisha: Absolutely I wouldn't want anybody nearly dying at the party

A male student: Good job

Kanisha (smiles): Thank you

(A male student smiles)

(The screen shows a bunch of students eating snacks)

(Other students are drinking punch)

(They are talking)

(Melanie and Nat is enter the room)

(Kanisha is talking with other students)

(Amiyah makes flowers grow in people's hands)

(Alondra and Silas is drinking punch)

(Nobusawa is flying and people are taking pictures)

Kanisha: Which one?

A male student: Fire

(Kanisha breathes fire out of her mouth)

(The students look amazed)

Melanie: My girlfriend showing off

(Kanisha turns around and sees Melanie)

Nat: So, she is the girlfriend

Lisa: Nat

Nat: Lisa?

(Nat and Lisa hug)

Litzy: Seems like a reunion

Lisa: Yeah, why didn't you tell me you were coming here?

Nat: We haven't seen each other in months

Lisa: So?

Nat: Fair enough

(Kanisha kisses Melanie on the cheek)

Kanisha: Wait for me (flies up)

Nerea (looking up on the ceiling): What is she up to?

(Kanisha is on top of a disco ball, she has fox-like ears, green eyes)

Kanisha (sang): Get it started, get it going

(Kanisha is flying)

We gotta party tonight

(Kanisha is flying past a bunch of people)

We gotta party all day

We gotta party all night

Kanisha (echo):

(Walking) Let us through, (points to Melanie) get it on, (points to everyone to gather around) time for going out

(Kanisha releases streamers from her tail)

Calling for party, (walking around)

let us through, Everybody chant 'let's party'

Everybody: Let's party

Kanisha (extends her arms and get back on the disco ball):

Keep the beat, go on, my body wanna party

(Swings on the disco ball)

Keep the beat, go on, my body wanna party

(Drums on the disco ball)

Keep the beat, go on, my body wanna party

(Walks on the disco ball)

Keep the beat, go on, my body wanna party

Kanisha (sitting on the disco ball):

We are the party it's who we are

(Lights surround her)

They are the lights and (lights go out and show her glowing) the dark of us

(Lights back on)

They are the party that we lead

We are the party who we are

Kanisha (flying) (hands in the air):

Hands in the air, get ya friend

(Jumps in the air)

Had the party jumpin

(Kanisha is twirling and boom boxes are echoes)

Keep the beat, go on, my body wanna party

Keep the beat, go on, my body wanna party

Keep the beat, go on, my body wanna party

Keep the beat, go on, my body wanna party

Kanisha (emotional)

How could I forget? (Looks confident)I still feel so strong


I know that we could party all night long

Kanisha (jumping with the crowd)

Keep the beat, go on, my body wanna party

(Does salsa dancing)

Keep the beat, go on, my body wanna party

Kanisha (flies back in the air and shakes her hips) (sang):

Keep the beat, go on, my body wanna party

(Twirls and shakes her hip again)

Keep the beat, go on, my body wanna party

(The music stops)

(Everybody is cheering)

(Kanisha flies to Melanie)

(Melanie pulls Kanisha to her and kisses her on the lips)

The crowd: Oooh!

Nat: Melanie!

Melanie: Sorry, honey, I made a promise

Kanisha: And I have an obligation to this party

(Somebody pulled Kanisha's tail)

Kanisha (turns around): Yes?

A female red-haired mermaid college student: Can you transform into anything

Kanisha: Yes, I can

(Kanisha flies to the crowd and turns into a pixie)

The female red-haired mermaid: Cowgirl, not amphomorphic cow

(Kanisha's clothes changes into a cowgirl outfit)

Kanisha: What else?

The female red-haired mermaid: Wolf, amphomorphic

(Kanisha turns into an amphomorphic gray wolf wearing a blue jumpsuit and shoes and howls)

(People are smoking, dancing, etc)

Kanisha (with a megaphone): Guys remember no alcohol, if so not too much alcohol, don't want anybody throwing up or anything worse. Got it?

Everybody: Yes, ma'am

Kanisha: And no, ma'am, it's Kanisha, I am not that old

Everybody: Got it, Kanisha

(Kanisha glows yellow)

Everybody: Oooh!

Kanisha (with the megaphone): How many people like yellow?

(Some people clapped)

Kanisha: How many like (glowing purple) purple?

(More people cheered)

(Kanisha is turning into different colors)

(People are cheering)

(The screen shows Nat and Kanisha are chatting)

Nat: Come on, you are engaged

Kanisha: I am for real

Nat: Well, she is beautiful and a vampire and you are immortal so bonus

Kanisha: Yeah, but somebody is alway, hang on

(An arrow crashed through the window)

(Kanisha grabs the arrow with her mouth, her teeth turned metal and smashed it)

Nat (smiles): Awesome!

Kanisha: Hang on

(Kanisha breathes fire out of the window and somebody is burned into a crisp and is dust now)

(Kanisha fixes the window and walks to Nat)

Kanisha: So, where we talking about

Nat: Are you really going to marry her, aren't you young?

Kanisha: Oh no, we aren't going to get married until the third year

Nat: That is fair

Kanisha: So, you want me to set you up

Nat: I wish I could date you

Kanisha: Hmmm

(Kanisha makes a clone of herself)

(The clone is wearing a yellow shirt, long red dress, and heels; has long python tail and green eyes)

The clone: Hi, Nat

Nat: Can I date your clone?

Kanisha: Sure, she is her own person

The clone: Yeah, you can call me Katie

Nat: Hi, Katie, you want to date?

Katie: Sure

(Nat and Katie walk off)

(Melanie and the others see Nat and Katie)

(Kanisha walk to Melanie)

Melanie: Good job

Kanisha: Thanks

(Melanie pulls Kanisha for some dancing)

Kanisha: So, you want to enjoy a lovely night?

Melanie: Maybe

(Kanisha and Melanie smile at each other)

Sundance: Those two are going to be a lovely married couple

Kanisha and Melanie (while salsa dancing): Thank you

Litzy: So, you all were friends in high school

Sundance: Bingo

Amiyah (slides down a grass slide): Hey, guys

Litzy: Amiyah, when did Kanisha and Melanie first fell in love?

Amiyah: About in sophomore year, right sweetie

Nobusawa (slide down): Yup (kisses Amiyah on the cheek)

(Amiyah giggles)

Alondra: What is going on, my friends?

Silas (sounding drunk): Alondra, you should taste this punch

(Alondra whistles)

(Kanisha appears)

Alondra: Please fix him

(Kanisha grabs Silas tongue and stabs it with a needle)

(Silas fainted in Alondra's arms)

Alondra: Thank you

Kanisha: Alright, who wants a drinking contest

(People are cheering)

(Kanisha and a bunch of students start chugging)

(Nerea joins the chugging and Litzy)

(Episode ends with everybody enjoying the party)