
Kamen Rider Marvel

Levi. A Transmigrator, Traveled through the Marvel World and accidentally stumbled upon the Kamen Rider Legacy System. As the result, he silently established his position as a pillar of this world, standing atop the legacy he got from Hiden Intelligence, World Tree, Shocker and many other sources! The consortium X will stand atop this world to rule it! Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/kamenworld Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · Others
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279 Chs

Tendo vs. Gatack!

"Alright, Director Fury, I'll take Tendo for the tests and report to you later."

Nick Fury: "No problem."

Lauren turned to Tendo.

"This way, Mr. Tendo."


The two walked into a room filled with various fitness equipment and computers.

The equipment was for testing, while the computers monitored the data.

Lauren handed Tendo a small electronic device.

"Mr. Tendo, place this on your temple so we can monitor your body's data."


Tendo complied without question.

Lauren pointed to a nearby treadmill. "Let's see how long you can run. Start when I say 'go.'"

She sat by the computer, giving Tendo an OK gesture.

Tendo stepped onto the treadmill.

As he gradually sped up, the computer displayed corresponding numbers.

10 km/h...

23 km/h...

35 km/h...

45.6 km/h...

50.8 km/h...

Lauren's mouth fell open in disbelief.

The known record for human running speed, set by Bolt, was just over 40 km/h.

Tendo's speed surpassed Bolt's, which was incredible.

Lauren had tested many superhumans, usually those enhanced by mutations or technology.

Yet Tendo Souji, an ordinary human, displayed extraordinary speed.

Tendo maintained a speed of around 50 km/h for about ten minutes before slowing down.

Having obtained the data she needed, Lauren said, "Mr. Tendo, please rest a bit before the next test."

"No need, let's continue."

"But we need to assess your true strength accurately."

"Alright, but I'm not tired."

Tendo replied lazily.

After a few minutes of rest, they resumed testing.

Lauren watched Tendo with interest, thinking: His endurance and recovery are impressive. Is he even human?

Despite her curiosity, Lauren continued the tests.

After testing Tendo's speed, they completed strength and reflex tests.

Each result further astonished Lauren, exceeding normal human limits.

"Mr. Tendo, are you even human? Any of these records would break world records."

Tendo took a sip of water, expressionless. "I just like to exercise."

"Like to exercise?"

Lauren shook her head, still in disbelief.

A round of applause interrupted them.

They looked toward the source of the sound.

"Tendo, it seems I made the right choice."

"Director, you're too kind. Why are you here?"

Tendo asked curiously.

Nick Fury explained, "We've finished researching another belt, Kamen Rider Gatack's belt and Coulson has been chosen. So..."

"You want to test its performance with me?"

Tendo completed Fury's sentence.

Nick Fury nodded with a smile. "Exactly."

"Sounds interesting. I'll take a look."

Tendo said, intrigued.

"No need, I'm already here."

Coulson entered, wearing the Gatack belt.

"Tendo, this time, I won't lose to you."

Coulson raised his right hand above his head.


He connected the Gatack Zecter to his belt.


The belt responded, emitting a sound.

Armor resembling a beehive covered Coulson's body, including his head.


A blue and gold Gatack Zecter appeared in his hand.

His eyes glowed red, and cannons were on his shoulders. His upper body displayed blue armor, while the lower part was black and metallic.

Kamen Rider Gatack stood before them.

Coulson flexed his arms and legs, murmuring, "So this is the power of a Kamen Rider. Not bad."

Tendo, watching, remained expressionless. "Are we testing here? Won't we damage anything?"

Nick Fury reassured him, "Don't worry, I've prepared for this."

He clapped his hands, and the floor beneath them rose into a platform surrounded by an energy shield.

[175] Hell Brothers! Gatack vs. Kabuto!

"You can fight freely in here."

Tendo smiled slightly.

"Then I won't hold back."

He raised his hand, and the Kabuto Zecter flew into his grasp.


He inserted the Zecter into his belt.


The belt responded, and Tendo transformed into Kamen Rider Kabuto!

Nick Fury and Lauren quickly moved to a safe distance.

Coulson wasted no time, charging at Tendo with a powerful punch.

Tendo sidestepped, avoiding the blow.

Coulson swung his left fist at Tendo.


The punch hit the ground, sending dust flying.

Tendo vanished, reappearing behind Coulson.

With a powerful punch, Tendo sent Coulson flying.

Coulson quickly recovered, firing several missiles from his shoulder cannons.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

The missiles flew towards Tendo.

Tendo smirked, raising his right arm and punching the incoming missiles.

Boom, boom, boom!

Explosions echoed as Tendo destroyed all the missiles.

Lauren watched in awe, heart pounding.

Nick Fury smiled, intrigued by the display.

The fight continued.

Coulson got up, surprised by Tendo's strength but determined.

He placed his hand on the Gatack Zecter.


Coulson moved the Zecter and golden arcs of electricity spread from his belt.

His armor began to shed, revealing a more agile form.

With a swift motion, Coulson flung the shed armor pieces at Tendo.

Boom, boom, boom.

The pieces exploded on impact, shrouding Tendo in smoke.

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