
Chapter 11

Haruka sits at the breakfast table, digging into a plate of eggs and toast. As he eats, his father, Matsu, enters the kitchen, walking over to Hana and placing a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"Good morning, dear," Matsu says, his voice warm and affectionate.

Haruka looks up from his meal. "Morning, Dad."

Matsu turns and smiles at his son. "Good morning, Haruka. Sleep well?"

"Yeah, I did," Haruka replies, taking another bite of his breakfast.

Matsu moves to the living room and picks up the remote, turning on the television. The news immediately flickers to life, the anchor's voice filling the room.

Haruka's eyes are drawn to the television as the news anchor speaks. He sets down his fork, his breakfast forgotten, as he listens intently.

"Last night, a high-speed police chase ended in dramatic fashion when a mysterious figure in green armor intervened," the anchor reports. "The criminals, who were reportedly involved in a string of robberies, sustained multiple fractures and are currently hospitalized."

Haruka feels his heart race as the anchor continues, "Witnesses describe the armored figure as having a reptilian-like appearance, leading many to speculate about the emergence of a new vigilante in National City."

Matsu turns to Haruka, his brow furrowed. "Did you hear that, son? Sounds like there's a new hero in town."

Haruka nods, his mind racing. "Yeah, I did. It's... interesting."

Hana enters the room, drying her hands on a dish towel. "What's interesting, dear?"

"The news is reporting about a vigilante who stopped a group of criminals last night," Matsu explains. "Apparently, he has some kind of lizard-like armor."

Hana's eyes widen. "A vigilante? That's concerning. I hope the police can handle the situation."

Haruka shifts uncomfortably in his seat, suddenly feeling the weight of the Amazon Driver hidden in his room. "I'm sure the authorities will figure it out," he says, trying to sound casual.

Matsu nods, his gaze thoughtful. "Yes, I'm sure they will. In the meantime, we should focus on getting you to school on time, Haruka."

Haruka stands, grabbing his backpack. "Right, I don't want to be late." He gives his parents a small smile, hoping to ease their apparent concern.

As Haruka walks out the door, Hana calls after him, "Have a good day, dear! And remember, if you need anything, you can always come to us."

Haruka nods, his mind still reeling from the news report. He knows he'll have to be more careful in his vigilante activities, especially if the authorities are now aware of his existence.

Haruka steps through the school's entrance, the bustling hallway a stark contrast to the quiet of his home. As he makes his way to his locker, a familiar face comes into view.

"Hey, Haruka!" Kara calls out, waving as she approaches him. "Good morning."

Haruka offers a small smile in return. "Morning, Kara."

"How was the rest of your day yesterday?" Kara asks, falling into step beside him. "I didn't get a chance to check in with you after class."

Haruka pauses, considering his response. "It was fine. I just...explored the city a bit after school." He hopes his vague answer will suffice.

Kara nods, her eyes brightening. "That's great! You know, there are some really amazing restaurants and shops around here. We should grab lunch together sometime, if you're up for it."

Haruka hesitates, picturing the mission Ada had assigned him. "Maybe another time," he says, trying to sound apologetic. "I kind of just want to keep exploring on my own for now, you know?"

Kara's smile falters slightly, but she nods in understanding. "No problem. The offer stands whenever you're ready." She gives his arm a gentle squeeze before heading off to her own locker.

Haruka watches her go, guilt tugging at his chest. He knows Kara is trying to be a good friend, but the weight of his responsibilities as a Kamen Rider makes it difficult for him to fully embrace the social aspects of his new life.

As the bell rings, Haruka takes a deep breath and heads to his first class, his mind already focused on the task at hand. He knows he needs to find a way to balance his duties as a hero with the desire to connect with those around him. For now, his mission takes priority, but he can't help but wonder how long he can keep Kara and his family at arm's length.

Haruka made his way through the crowded school hallway, Kara's invitation to lunch still weighing on his mind. As much as he wanted to spend time with her, the mission Ada had assigned him took priority. When the lunch bell rang, he found Kara waiting by his locker, her bright smile making him feel a twinge of guilt.

"Ready to go?" Kara asked, her eyes filled with excitement.

Haruka nods, forcing a small smile. "Yeah, let's go."

As he and Kara head to the cafeteria, Haruka spots the bullies up ahead. Russell, Davis, and Ethan block their path.

"Well, well, if it isn't little Haruka," Russell sneers.

Haruka sighs inwardly. "What do you want, Russell?"

Russell did not like Haruka's attitude. "Don't take that attitude with me nerd!"

Kara steps in front of Haruka "Back off."

Haruka watched as Kara boldly stood up to the bullies, her protective instinct kicking in. He felt a surge of gratitude, but also concern for her safety. These bullies were bigger and rougher than they appeared. Haruka opened his mouth, wanting to diffuse the situation, but Kara spoke up first.

"Leave him alone," Kara said, her voice firm. "Haruka hasn't done anything to you."

"Haha, what's wrong Haruka? Need a girl to fight your own battles?" Russell, Davis, and Ethan laugh at Haruka.

Haruka's jaw tightened as the bullies mocked him.

Haruka could no longer take Russell, Davis, and Ethan's insults. Their mocking laughter grated on his nerves, and he felt his temper flaring. Enough was enough.

Haruka was about to step forward to confront them when Kara placed a hand on his arm. "Haruka, don't. They're not worth it."

Haruka looked at her, his eyes resolute. "Trust me, Kara. I need to handle this."

Kara searched his face, her brow furrowed with concern, but she reluctantly stepped back.

Haruka turned to the bullies, his voice firm. "Russell, Davis, Ethan. Meet me behind the school after classes are done. We'll settle this then."

Russell's lips curled into a malicious grin. "Deal, Haruka. Can't wait to wipe that smug look off your face."

Davis and Ethan snickered, eagerly anticipating the confrontation.

Haruka watched as the bullies walked away, their malicious grins a clear indication of their intent to play dirty. He knew he was taking a risk by confronting them, but something inside him had snapped. He was tired of being the target of their taunts and jeers.

Kara turned to Haruka, her brow furrowed with concern. "Haruka, are you crazy? They're going to play dirty, you know that, right?"

Haruka met her gaze, his expression resolute. "It doesn't matter, Kara. I need to handle this."

"But Haruka, you just got out of the hospital a couple of weeks ago," Kara protested. "You shouldn't be putting yourself in harm's way like this."

Haruka placed a hand on her shoulder, offering a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Kara. I'm stronger than I look. I can handle those guys."

Kara searched his face, her eyes filled with worry. "I just... I don't want you to see you get hurt. You've been through enough already."

Haruka squeezed her shoulder gently. "I know, and I appreciate you looking out for me. But this is something I need to do. Trust me, okay?"

Kara sighed, her shoulders slumping in resignation. "Alright, Haruka. I trust you. But please, be careful."

Haruka nodded, his expression resolute. "I will. How about we grab some lunch?"

Haruka followed Kara to the cafeteria, the weight of his upcoming confrontation with the bullies still heavy on his mind. As they found a table and began eating, Kara turned to him, her expression thoughtful.

"Hey, Haruka, did you hear about that vigilante the news was talking about?" she asked, taking a bite of her sandwich.

Haruka paused, glancing up from his food. "Yeah, I saw the report this morning. Sounded pretty intense."

Kara nodded, her eyes shining with interest. "I'm really curious about this guy. I mean, a new hero in National City? That's kind of a big deal, don't you think?"

Haruka considered his words carefully. "I guess so. What do you make of it?"

"Well, I think it's exciting," Kara said, her voice tinged with enthusiasm. "I mean, we have Superman and the rest of the Justice League, but a local hero? That could be really cool. Maybe he'll even team up with them someday."

Haruka couldn't help but notice the spark of excitement in Kara's eyes. "You seem pretty interested in this vigilante," he observed.

Kara nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Yeah, I am. I mean, who wouldn't be? A hero in our own backyard, protecting the city? It's kind of inspiring, don't you think?"

Haruka noticed the spark of excitement in Kara's eyes as she spoke about the new vigilante. He couldn't help but wonder if her interest went deeper than just casual curiosity.

"Have you ever thought about being a hero yourself?" Haruka asked, his voice soft.

Kara's eyes widened slightly, and a wistful smile played on her lips. "Actually, yes. Ever since I was a kid, I've been inspired by Superman. The way he uses his powers to help people, to make the world a better place - it's always been something I've admired."

Haruka listened intently as Kara spoke, her words stirring a sense of admiration within him. "Kara, that's really admirable. Superman has always been a great symbol of hope and heroism. If you ever decided to become a superhero yourself, I know you'd do an amazing job."

Kara's eyes widened, and a faint blush crept across her cheeks. "You really think so, Haruka?" she asked, her voice soft.

Haruka nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Absolutely. You're strong, compassionate, and you clearly have the heart of a hero. If anyone could follow in Superman's footsteps, it would be you."

Kara ducked her head, her fingers fidgeting with the edge of her napkin. "I don't know, Haruka. Being a superhero seems like such a big responsibility. I'm not sure I'm cut out for that kind of life."

Haruka reached across the table, gently placing his hand over hers. "Kara, I believe in you. If you ever decide to take that leap, I know you'd be incredible."

Kara looked up, her eyes shining with a mixture of uncertainty and wonder. "Thank you, Haruka. That means a lot to me."

The two fell silent, each lost in their own thoughts as they continued their lunch. Haruka couldn't help but wonder what the future held, both for Kara and for himself as he navigated his newfound role as a Kamen Rider.


Give Power Stones so I can continue to write this story. If it does not gain any interest, I will drop it.