
Kaleidoscope: Hope of the Blue Sky

The blue butterfly that flies with blue sparkling lights appeared again and circles around Azure as he stood still near the balustrades outside the balcony of his room, unmoving because of the unknown images that flashes inside his mind. Confusion washed over his body as he began to question "What are these?" Azure got out from the trance of the unknown images because of the diary that he placed on the table started to glow a blue light, from its pages inside until its cover outside. He walked near the table and was about to touch the diary when the single butterfly that circles him adds another one, then another, until it became hundreds, no maybe it was more than that. It was too late for him to realize that time stops and everything that surrounds hi became in dull black and white colors again when the uncountable numbers of butterfly envelope him and blinding him with its blue lights. His head ache where the small blue light from the other day entered, he grabbed his hair tightly as if it would ease the pain but he was wrong, it became unbearable like it was breaking his head into two. He let out a shout of pain that if time didn't stop, everyone inside the mansion would hear it, he can't bear the pain of his head that his knees gave up and he fell on the floor with a loud thud. As soon as he fell on the floor, he was gone together with the butterfly and the blue light. He was unconsciously lying on the bermudagrass of a house made of half-concrete and half-bamboo being embraced by the cool breeze of a morning weather, and was being surrounded by tall fruit trees a few meters away from the house, just enough for the trees not to devoured the house with its big roots.

Reycelle0417 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 9: Passing Fancy (pt.3)

Aurelius Azure

I walked to the living room with troubled feelings. Am I going crazy? It already happened twice.

Should I go see a doctor? I rested my left arm on the armrest of the single sofa and used my right hand to massage my temple.

I asked for water on the maid that passed by and she obliged to it.

I furrowed my forehead as I was drinking the water when a woman was walking to the garden and opened up the closed glass door.

She was wearing a royal blue long sleeve knee length dress and a silver clear strapped flat shoes.

I put down the glass of water and looked at my back, there I saw her went outside but I didn't saw who she was because her back was facing me but her wavy brown hair looks familiar.

The woman didn't closed the glass door and went straight outside then I saw her turned left where the pool was residing.

But before she was out of reach of my sight, I saw her slightly glance sideways and nodded her head like she was gesturing me to follow her and so I stood up.

I saw the butterfly again, circling me while the blue sparkling lights were following it. Then it flew to where the woman in blue dress went out.

Am I going crazy for real this time? I cringed a little because of the thought that passed me, I shrugged the thought of following her and the blue butterfly.

I was about to go up when I heard a voice calling my name and it made me stilled because of the familiarity.

I am sure, that voice, it's from "A-Asha" I blurted out while getting some support from the handrails of the stairs.

There's no point in doubting whose voice that's calling my name belongs to, it's from my sweet Asha.

And it is coming from the garden where the blue butterfly and the woman in blue dress went to.

I followed the voice and the blue butterfly appeared again and it was flying beside me, as if it was accompanying me while walking and following the voice.

The voice lead me to the pool and from there, I saw again the woman in blue dress, standing near the pool, still facing its back on me.

A flock of blue butterfly and sparkling blue lights are surrounding her.

The sunset color of the surrounding went into dull white and black colors, time went stop again, and the only color that was present was the the flock of blue butterfly, the woman in blue dress and me.

The blue butterfly that was flying beside me flew to where the woman is. It was like, the butterfly was informing the woman that I am here already.

The woman then faced me after a few seconds the butterfly flew to where she was.

I went still and the tears that was tempting to fall since the voice was calling me, fall on my cheeks as if they were running in a competition.

"Asha, are you real?" I asked as I walked slowly but she just smiled at me which made me ran to her even though she was just my imagination, a creation of my imaginative mind.

I hugged her and she felt so real "Y-you're here" I said with the tone of confirming she is really in front of me.

I cupped her cheeks and stared at her, she had those almond shape blue eyes, a heart shape face, pinkish thin lips, pointed nose and not so chubby cheeks, just like what I saw on the balcony earlier.

I ran my hands on her face with my eyes closed while remembering how I ran my hands on her face when I was blind.

A joyful smile with a little bit of laughter escaped my mouth as soon as I opened my eyes and looked at her.

"It is really you" I said and placed my hands on her shoulder

"I had doubts on what you really look like since I can't have the time to scan the face I always see" I added and looked at the dull white and black color of the sunset sky to stop my tears.

She just answered me with a smile when I looked at her after stopping my tears to fall again and embarrass myself in front of the woman I love.

I took a step back while wiping my face to dry my tears and hid both of my hands to somehow make myself look cool.

But who am I kidding? She already saw me crying like a baby who saw her mother after they got separated for a long time.

"I wanna do the things we planned even though you are just a passing fancy, a creation of my mind" I confessed and not minding how I embarrassed myself more in front of her.

I received again her sweet smile and I frowned because of it. Can't she talked? I saw how her smiles faltered and she had a questioning look as if she was asking why I was frowning

"Why did I expect that you would talked?" I said and shakes my head and rubs my hair using my right hands while smiling a little out of embarrassment for myself.

When I looked at her, those sweet smiled appeared again, I saw her open her arms while taking a step forward towards me and stopped when she was an inched near, still arms open.

I hugged her immediately and I felt her hugged me too. I had to bend my knees a little since she was like reaching for my neck and so I did.

She held my shoulders to push me a little which made me groaned a little but went stilled when she reached for my face and planted a kiss on my forehead.

She smiled at me after planting a kiss and said "Let's do it" in a sweet and soft voice, maybe she was pertaining to what I confessed earlier.

After saying those words, the flock of blue butterfly that were just flying freely around us, circled Asha and the blue sparkling lights enveloped her.

The sparkling blue lights blinded me and I used both of my hands, spreading my fingertips in front of me, covering my eyes from the blinding lights.

The sparkling blue lights went into a full blinding light that made me close my eyes and when I open them up.

The dull white and black colors was gone, The sunset color of the sky went back, the noise of the flocks of birds flying to the north went back, time went back, everything went back to normal.

And I saw a small circle blue light floating in front of me

I stared intently at it, then suddenly, it floated slowly towards me.

I got horrified and nervous cause it keeps on floating towards me whenever I step back, then it went straight to my forehead.

A pang of pain hits my head as soon the small circle went straight to my forehead.

it made me teared up a little and lost my control on my knees and made me kneeled.

I lost my consciousness and the last thing I remembered after abruptly waking up and gasping for air, was a voice of someone, asking for help

"Please someone help us!"