
Chapter 47 – A sister's burden

 (Six Hundred Years Ago – Alfheim – Burning of the Lake of Light)


The battle cry was sounded out as warriors pressed against each other in a brutal melee, a red mist rising into the air as blood was cut from warm flesh. The ground shook as the enthralled eight-armed giant Starkad battled Thor, the two exchanging such blows that the ground shook and the mountains in the distance cracked. The great lake of light, the very heart of Alfheim, was burning. Fires danced across its waters as its once pure waves became red as men fought each other in a frenzy in the shallows of its tides and its banks.

Kal swung his sword cutting down an enthralled Berserker who was covered in gore screaming the name of his love. However, his eyes were firmly fixed on a figure in the centre of the battlefield whose sword moved like lightning dispatching his foes with ease. Haldor still wore the golden armour of Einherjar, and the crest that declared him a commander in Odin's personal guard could just be seen, but it was painted over with Lorelai's symbol. The man was completely bewitched and Kal watched in horror as Sif moved to fight him, she moved hesitantly whilst Haldor attacked without concern.

Just behind Haldor was Lorelai, who despite the fact that her forces were being overwhelmed looked overjoyed. It took a second before Kal realised; she was revelling in the deaths, for within her twisted mind it was all in her honour, she was the one everyone was dying for. He felt his disgust for the woman increase tenfold as he sliced his way through a group of Kree warriors blocking his path, wading through the water to reach the island the witch was commanding from. As pushed his way past the last line of fighting soldiers, he witnessed Haldor's shield slam into Sif's face and the point of his sword go through her elbow.

Haldor then pulled the blade free, spinning it as he did so to bring both hands to the hilt and drive the point through Sif's skull as she lay on the floor. Sif's eyes went wide as she saw no hesitation in Haldor's eyes, only pure devotion and desire to fulfil his task. The blade was stopped by Gram, the solar sword knocking Haldor's crimson-stained blade away.

"Haldor please this isn't yo-" Kal pleaded as he lurched backwards, as Haldor twisted the blade around him and sent it hurtling to Kal's head.

"You will not touch her!" Haldor screamed back, fury in his voice and death in his eyes as he stared at his best friend. "I'll kill you before I let her touch her!"

"Haldor, please!" Kal begged parrying every thrust and cut sent his way but was once finding it difficult, Haldor was fighting with a fury and passion he had never seen before. "Do not do this!"

Sparks flew through the air as the two blades connected over and over again until Kal brought his down into a low parry. Haldor's footing prevented him from breaking free from the struggle causing the two to be briefly locked in a contest of strength. As he looked into his opponent's eyes Kal couldn't see even the faintest ember of his friend flickering, and with the sounds of the bloody struggle echoing around him, he closed his eyes and knew he had to maim Haldor to save his life.

With a burst of strength Kal swung his sword causing Haldor's blade to go with him and be thrown wide, as Kal's went high above his head. He brought two hands to the sword's hilt and swung it down with all the might he possessed; a spray of blood covered his face as Gram sliced clean through Haldor's shoulder. The world seemed to still for a moment as Haldor's arm fell away from his body as the point of Kal's blade slammed into the earth, however Haldor did not stumble away or fall from the blow.

The enthralled warrior instead let out a roar that broke Kal's and Sif's hearts. With the fire of devotion of a man fighting for the most precious thing in his existence, Haldor screamed one word. "LORELAI!"

Haldor's remaining hand then went to his belt and pulled forth his golden Uru enchanted seax, and without concern for his lost limb dived at Kal. The prince wasn't able to react fast enough, his sword was lodged firmly in the earth and the fact it was his friend Haldor stayed his hand. By the time he was fully aware of the danger, it was too late: The point of Haldor's seax was less than an inch from Kal's eye, however, the blade never went further.

Haldor's eyes widened for a moment before both he and Kal looked down to see the point of Sif's twin-bladed sword going through Haldor's chest. The shieldmaiden had lurched up from the ground she had been knocked to and seeing her friend in danger had reacted on instinct. Driving the sword Haldor had gifted to her on the occasion of their engagement through her lover's chest.

No one said anything, as the sounds of battle faded away, as the world seemed to shrink to only the three of them. Haldor went pale as he coughed up a trickle of blood that splashed across Kal's face, as his pierced heart stopped beating. Sif's hand let go of her sword like it was red hot and burned her, the action however removed the only support keeping Haldor up causing him to stumble forward into Kal. The Asgardian Prince grabbed hold of his greatest friend, dropping his sword to hold his friend as Haldor looked into Kal's eyes, the light going from his eyes.

Haldor however tried to push himself away from Kal and twisted his head to look at the woman who embodied all of his desires. Kal felt his heart break again as Sif looked crushed as Haldor, the man who only a few months ago had asked for her hand and had spent a lifetime loving her, looked at another with the last of his strength. A smile that made Kal sick appeared on his face as he whispered one final word.

"Lorelai" The name escaped Haldor's lips with his last breath.

"HOW SPLENDID!" The haughty voice and clapping shattered the serenity of the scene causing the rest of the world to come crashing back. "Just splendid! Now, Kal my prince, kill that filth."

The witch pointed at Sif who was still looking stunned at Haldor's corpse laying in Kal's arms, whilst she adjusted her crown unconcerned by the battle. Whilst she felt it was a pity to have lost her prize in Haldor, he had after all been a good warrior and a great delight in bed, she had only taken him to spite Sif and draw Kal out. The youngest son of Odin was the prize she sought, and her former thrall had even separated him from that blasted sword of his. Now unprotected from Gram's enchantments, she could force Kal to love her like he always should have and with him, she could expand her empire to the furthest reaches of space. No mortal or mere god could resist her now, she felt her power reaching its epoch as tens of thousands of men screamed her name and died for her.

However, as Lorelai finished adjusting her crown, she suddenly realised that he had not moved nor obeyed her order. She was about to order him again when he gently put Haldor down, causing Lorelai to smile, slow to follow orders but given Kal's strength of will it was understandable he would be resistant at first. Lorelai was certain once this small skirmish was over and she had Kal in her bed for a few hours her hold would be such that Kal would instantly obey any order she gave.

As he stood up Lorelai admired her newest champion and couldn't wait to test out the rippling muscles she saw and the rumours of Kal's infinite stamina. However, her admiration suddenly ended as his hand shot forward and gripped her by the neck with such strength, she felt the veins in her eyes burst and blood begin streaking down her cheeks. She tried to scream for him to stop or else order her loyal followers to save her by Kal's grip was such that air let alone words were impossible.

Kal stayed there for a moment teetering on the edge of finishing it, of squeezing just a little bit harder and watching the formerly smug face of Lorelai turn into nothing. However, as he stared around him at the battle he knew that was not an option, they had no idea if killing Lorelai broke her spell or if it would drive those enthralled by her into a revengeful frenzy. He let out a huff of anger as he pulled the device his mother had forged and slammed it on her neck, blocking Lorelai's powers and silencing her voice.

It was a strange sound that greeted the action. The world went from the sounds of one of the bloodiest battles ever to stone silence as tens of thousands upon tens of thousands of warriors suddenly stopped fighting. With the sorcery broken, the survivors were left horrified at the carnage that had once been the fair and merry realm of Alfheim. Kal shoved Lorelai indelicately to the ground, knocking her unconscious with a sharp kick to her face when she tried to claw at the device at her neck.

He turned to ask Sif if she needed aid due to the wound to her shoulder only for the scene that greeted him to still his tongue.

"Haldor…" Sif whispered the name as she cradled the corpse of her lover stroking his hair as if he was asleep, tears streaking his cheeks, which came from Sif's eyes without protest as she leaned down and kissed her love one final time.

"Sif?" The sound of her name snapped her out of the memory and back to reality.

(Outside Rosie's Desert Oasis – Nevada, Earth –January 4th, 2014)

Sif turned to see Kal standing in front of her, for a moment he was a young warrior again covered in Haldor's blood before she blinked, and the dark magic of her memories was dispelled. She sighed a little and pushed the feelings that were burning in her chest to one side focusing instead on her duty. She gripped the pommel of her blade tight and pulled it out giving it a deadly practice swing as she readied herself.

"I am fine, my friend," Sif tried to reassure Kal looking at her old friend who was gazing at her with pause.

"You know…..." Kal paused, sighing briefly as the SHIELD agents and soldiers moved around him. "…. You know it is all right if you are not…... In truth, I'm not."

"You're not?" Sif was truly surprised. It was rare enough for Thor, her best friend to confide his doubts to her, and for Kal to do so was a first. "…. Do you fear the battle ahead?"

"No, not at all. In truth I have not feared any battle in a long time," Kal replied, his voice going slightly sombre as he crossed his arms and stared out across the desolate plains "Thor once joked that every year that passes I have less to fear from a fight. Although made in jest, I have found the statement to be true…"

Kal went deathly quiet as something glinted in his eyes that Sif had not seen before. It was almost like a memory being conjured to life, as if for Kal the past was more real to him in that moment than she was.

"No, for me it is the past, the spectres we make for ourselves that haunt our waking hours, and the memories that we chain to ourselves." Kal spoke in a tone resonating around him as if he could will the forces he spoke of into life. "We never spoke of Haldor or that day."

"We never needed too, it was not your fault and I do not regret saving your life" Sif responded defensively, thinking Kal thought her too weak to bear the burden of the choices she had made.

"I know, and I have always admired that about you." Kal turned his vision back to Sif who saw the honesty in the azure pools of his eyes. "Perhaps this is more for me than you, and I am sorry that I have never said it before. I wish to say I am sorry you had to make that choice. I am sorry that I could not save Haldor."

Sif paused for a moment her lost love had been gone for more than six centuries and she had buried the hurt long ago under a duty, friendship and glory. So, she was shocked to find that Kal's words moved her so much and felt a small piece of her soul she thought lost shift back into place. She was about to reply to Kal's words when Coulson suddenly signalled for them to make the assault.

"It appears we are, as the mortals say, 'on'" Kal's voice lost its sombre overtones and was replaced by a smirk and grin that raised Sif's spirits.

Within Rosie's Desert Oasis, Lorelai was becoming bored as she lay down on one of the strange puffy red reclining seats, it was neither comfortable nor graceful. However, around her was a swarm of activity as the men of the so-called Dogs of Hell readied themselves for battle against the forces gathering outside. She scoffed as they loaded their primitive equipment and donned weaker armour made of some foolish mortal material, chevalier, causing her to lament that she had once commanded some of the finest warriors of Asgard.

'These mortals are pitiful, mere specks compared to true Hounds of Helheim, and even more pitiful are the offerings they have brought' Lorelai's mind continued to ridicule the men, even whilst Kristen Wells fanned her with adoration. 'Green paper, rocks of compressed carbon, jewellery that even the most blind and simple dwarf could outdo? This realm is just as pathetic as I remember, once I have regained an army of true warriors, I shall cleanse this world of these insects.'

"Stop idling around witch!" Lorelai's inner musings were stopped by Maxima's harsh command, the Almeracian queen sneering at the Asgardian with disgust. "My beloved is here, and you had best be ready."

"Oh, I am ready, are you?" Lorelai snarled back at Maxima standing up from her lounging to stare at the queen.

"Careful you little bi-" Maxima began her insult only for her to be cut off by the sound of gunfire occurring outside forcing the showdown inside to be halted.

"My goddesses, it appears the law has arrived." Rooster, the leader of the Dogs of Hell, came over to the woman who commanded him.

"So, what of it, you have sworn to fight for me." Maxima rounded on the smaller man as if disgusted that such a creature would dare talk to her.

"I have and I will, but they have a lot more firepower than we were expecting, and they brought Kal along with a pair of his super Avenger pals and some medieval chick with a sword." Rooster reported turning again as he heard the gunfire between his men and the SHIELD forces intensify.

"SIF!" Lorelai hissed, recognising both the poor description the mortal gave as well as the unique sound of Sif's blade outside. "It appears Kal has been warned of our presence, your majesty."

"It matters not! I will have what I came here for, and no Asgardian mongrel bitch will prevent me from attaining it." Maxima declared with a look of fierce determination etched on her face as her hands glowed purple with psionic power. "So, mortal, get out there and die for your queens."

"Yes, my love!" Rooster declared hefting a shotgun into his hands before turning to charge out the door.

"Be ready, Kal will soon be mine." Maxima glared at Lorelai as she took up her position waiting for her husband to arrive.

Outside, Kal was hanging back for the moment wanting to see what Lorelai and Maxima had planned, whilst Sif and the younger Binary fought their way through the hail of bullets that enveloped the small courtyard in front of the diner. Sif had her sword and shield out but found that she needed neither, as the bullets crumpled against her skin as if they were raindrops and the men fell to even the slightest of her blows. The younger Binary was equally impressive, as she powered through her foes letting off controlled photon blasts that disabled her opponents with ease.

Even if Kal had not been aware that Binary's powers were similar to his lover Carol's, he could plainly see the younger woman was modelled after her. The young superhuman fought in an almost identical manner, she also moved and even seemed to breathe like Carol now that he could observe her. There was also something else as well, there was a familiarity of the woman that went beyond just this connection to Carol, it was almost like-

"Kal! We need to move now; Patriot, Olsen and Ward are covering the back but if we don't strike now they could slip away!" Coulson's order cut off his observation of Binary forcing him to refocus on the task at hand.

He gave Coulson a firm nod and unsheathed Gram allowing the blade's enchantment and power to resonate in his hand as he steeled himself and pushed forward. Sif's and Binary's actions had cleared the area of foes and allowed the three of them to enter the dinner unopposed. What greeted them was Maxima standing proudly before them with a smug grin on her face as her eyes raked over Kal. Even though she knew he was there to fight, the queen's gaze was full of lust and her eyes lingered on certain parts of his body.

"Hey! Oompa-Loompa! His eyes are up here." Both Maxima and Kal's eyes snapped to Binary who sounded almost like a daughter creeped out by someone ogling a family member.

"And who are you?" Maxima asked in curiosity, her eyes raking over one of the few impressive specimens she had met on this pitiful rock so far.

"That is none of your concern, Maxima." Kal stepped forward placing himself in between Maxima and Binary. "I must inform your majesty that by the treaty of Durla, your presence here is illegal and in violation of the said treaty signed between Almerac and Asgard in good faith. Now, where is Lorelai?"

Kal's demand earned him a small smile from Maxima who merely moved towards him in a sensual manner, twisting her fingers with a faint flash of purple light. The movement instantly caused the three heroes to go on edge as Kal slipped into a fighting stance, Binary charged up her photon blasts and Sif started scanning the room for Lorelai. Although her eyes failed to discover wherever Lorelai was hiding, she did see the air was starting to fill with green vapours.

"Now my LOVE, is thhaatt ANY way to speak to your betrothed?" Kal suddenly felt dizzy as Maxima's crooning words hit him in distorted tones and as she spoke, the image before him shifted.

Here was the woman that had caused him nothing but issues and problems for centuries, whose very presence made his skin crawl. However, with each step she took the woman's appearance blurred until standing before him was Carol Danvers, radiating light like she always did to Kal's eyes. His mind suddenly went blank as to why he was there and he failed to notice that his grip on Gram was slackening until it fell fully from his grasp to sink into the floor, its runes burning.

"Carol? What are we doing here?" Kal asked, trying to shake off the drowsiness he was feeling and focusing on his lover, which grew easier and easier as the rest of the world seemed to have faded to black.

"Oh, my beloved, we are here so that you can show me that you adore me." The image spoke to him with a voice that sounded faintly like another he vaguely remembered.

However, whatever protest he was about to give died in his throat as Carol pulled him into a tight embrace and kissed him with a passionate fury.

The real scene was causing Binary to become sick as she stood there in shock watching first Kal drop his sword to only then start making out with the red-skinned woman like his life depended on it. She turned to speak to Sif but to her horror found that the stoic shieldmaiden had a drunken, almost lovesick expression on her face and was staring off into space, murmuring the name Haldor. However, before Binary could react to either event another individual suddenly appeared in the room, emerging from the veil of thin green vapours wafting through the room.

"Most curious… what shields you from my spell?" Lorelai walked lightly around the room gently stepping over the unconscious bodies and bullet casings left behind from the battle.

Binary mimicked her, causing the two to begin circling each other, fists raised and eyes locked. Her opponent merely traced her glowing green fingertips through the air as she studied the woman in front of her. The Asgardian sorceress suddenly stopped moving. Her hands halted in the air as a look of understanding appeared on her face followed by smugness.

"Oh, you're young! That explains it, you've not experienced desire, love or lust enough for my allure to work." Lorelai smirked with glee as the fear that she was facing a truly dangerous foe left her chest. "That and you are a woman, my powers never worked well on maidens. Especially those whose proclivities leaned towards their own gender."

"I-I-I what?!" Binary despite the dire circumstances couldn't help but feel blood rush to her cheeks.

"Oh, this is adorable, you're not even aware of them." Lorelai beamed with positive delight; she always delighted in knowing more than someone else about their own desires. "It's no matter, I can see what anyone yearns for, even if they deny themselves. So be a dear and run along, I may deign to catch up with you later once you have more experience under-belt."

"I'm not running, what did you do to them?!" Binary stepped forward and glared at the enchantress who just seemed amused by her bravado.

"Oh, them?" Lorelai gestured to the still smiling Sif, along with Kal and Maxima who were still making out with a passion. "My spell has locked them in a fantasy world of their heart's desire. You see, I learnt from my first mistake with Kal, Gram's enchantment protects him even when he isn't holding the blasted thing. So I can't force desire on him or manipulate what he feels for another onto someone else, what I can do however is-"

"-Is increase what's already there." Binary interrupted the monologue.

"Very good, yes indeed. I got the idea from a unique plant I once encountered with my sister, truth be told. A simple enough matter to twist Maxima's psionic powers, and the victim is trapped happily in a spiral of desire. Not that her majesty can appreciate it, mind you." Lorelai grinned moving over to the pair that were still locked in an embrace which was getting more awkward to those around by the second, even giving Maxima a slap on the back. "The little queen here is also ensnared, I was originally planning just to let her have Kal and leave, but she reminds me of my arrogant sister so very much. Surely this is more fitting. She gets what she always desired, Kal, in the absence of everything else. These two will be locked in passion for the rest of their lives doing nothing else."

Binary's eyes shifted to a spot behind Lorelei and saw that Patriot, Ward and Olsen had slipped into the diner through the back door. Obviously having become concerned that no sounds of battle had been heard and no one had fled in their direction, so had opted to investigate. Patriot raised a finger to where his lips were behind his helmet as he edged forward trying to get in the right position to subdue Lorelei as quickly as possible.

"So this is it?" Binary spoke up, with as much disappointment she could muster in her tone, causing Lorelei to frown at her. "The great Lorelei's plan is taking cues from a plant and getting her enemies to smooch each other to death? Sounds pretty weak; I was expecting something more."

"What?" Lorelei responded darkly, her face losing its mirth as she scowled at the younger woman.

"I mean, this all seems kinda, I don't know, just sad and pathetic. I mean, you couldn't even beat Kal by yourself? You don't seem like much of a threat. " Binary responded, shrugging nonchalantly at the Asgardian who was going red with anger.

"Why you little-" Lorelei stepped forward to focus completely on Binary, allowing Patriot to rush her without detection until it was too late.

The super-soldier crashed into the Asgardian sorceress causing her to lose concentration and the spell that was affecting the area to break. Binary rushed over to Kal as the spell ended, and reached out a hand to steady him. He then pushed away from Maxima and gripped his head trying to dispel the last of the magic as a migraine replaced the euphoria he had been feeling.

"What happened?" Kal managed to sound out looking around seeing Maxima was likewise coming out of a daze and Sif was slumped on the floor reacting worse to the spell's abrupt end.

"It's all right, you got whacked with some pretty potent magic. We've go-" Binary replied, only to be cut off when the sound of splintering wood caused her to turn round.

Lorelei had managed to twist around and bring up a foot to kick her attacker squarely in the chest, causing the younger hero to fly backwards through the wall of the diner. Ward and Olsen moved in; guns raised ready to start firing at their target only for them to suddenly freeze. Lorelei cast one look at Kal and Binary, and cursed under her breath, she had gotten overconfident and let her guard down. A few more minutes and the spell's effects would have been permanent but instead all she had done was cause the affected to become disoriented or in Sif's case unconscious.

"You two! With me, now!" Lorelei's voice quickly ensnared the SHIELD agents as she rushed for the back door where she had kicked Patriot through.

"Oh no, you don't!" Binary shouted out as she ran towards the fleeing group ignoring the shots that Ward and Olsen began sending her way.

However, she only got a few steps until a very large and very solid fist hit the side of her face causing her vision to go blurry and her to see stars. The fist belonged to Maxima who was harshly breathing and had a look of fury on her face. She saw Lorelei fleeing out of the back but ignored the insignificant witch. She would deal with the traitor later, and for the moment her eyes fixed on her prize. Kal's head was still swimming, his defences were down and his mind was still susceptible, she needed to strike now before she lost her golden opportunity.

"Kal, my love," Maxima spoke sensually, swaying her hips as she moved forward, hands raised and glowing with psionic energy. "Come to me my love, let me help you."

His head snapped towards Maxima, eyes going wide as the image of Carol once more filled his mind. Maxima moved forward with a wide grin on her face as she felt her psionic energies stirring and that she was close to gaining her prize after centuries of denial. Her smile grew wider as she moved in and Kal did not recoil from her touch, she leaned in to kiss the only man who was worthy to be her mate, a flicker of triumph starting to burn in her heart. However, just as her lips were about to meet Kal's his head suddenly shot forward slamming into hers, causing both her concentration and nose to break, shattering the psionic field she had been generating.

Kal lifted up his hand and felt his sword fly back into his hand, the last vestiges of magic and control leaving him as his world came back into clear focus. His immediate focus was on Maxima who was still recoiling and one hand going to her shattered nose and the other to her sword. He wasted no time moving forward, attempting to bring his sword up to Maxima's neck and force her to yield, only to be met by a psionic field of swirling purple energy.

Maxima's hand left her shattered nose and shot forward, causing the wall of psionic power to crash against Kal who lifted his hand to protect his face. Whilst the front of the dinner exploded away along with Sif and Binary whose unconscious bodies flew out as well. The action however stirred both women awake and instead of crashing into the ground both managed to react quickly and land on their feet.

"YOU ARE COMING WITH ME!" Maxima screamed blood streaking from her broken nose, her eyes wide as she raised her sword and charged forward.

Kal did not reply instead he merely shifted to the side as Maxima charged bringing Gram up and with a simple flick sliced through Maxima's great sword. The now burning solar sword made quick work of the Almeracian blade, whose easy destruction caused Maxima both to pause and scream with rage. Waves of pure psionic power rippled off of her, causing the ground to crack and break, whilst debris started to swirl in the air, she twisted ready to unleash her full power onto Kal to subdue him.


Maxima suddenly shot out of the destroyed front of the dinner, creating a trench nearly a thousand meters long as she ploughed through the earth. Kal had had enough of this game and using nearly all of strength had taken Maxima's moment of shock at her destroyed sword to shoot forward and slam his fist into her face. He let out a laboured breath as he watched Maxima tear through the earth, her body jostling like a rag doll as it hit every buried rock and patch of hard earth.

However, his moment of relief turned to surprise as Maxima clawed herself out of the crater she had been punched into. She did not look good however her broken nose was still bleeding and was now joined by a massive dark bruise around her right eye where Kal's fist had struck. She spat out a mouth full of blood and heft up the hilt of her still semi destroyed sword pointing it at Kal.

"Good, beloved, such fire will make our children the envy of the universe!" Maxima managed a deranged smirk as she tried to move forward.

"Oh, give it up you barbecued bitch!"

The voice of Binary sounded out behind Maxima causing the alien queen to wheel around. Only to be met by the combined fists of Sif and Binary, who standing next to each other swung forward with all their might. Another almighty crack sounded out as Maxima's head snapped backwards as she was lifted off of the ground and fell into an unconscious slump in the trench she had made. A few moments passed before Binary and Sif let out a sigh of relief, and both massaged their respective hands.

"JESUS! She really is a blockhead isn't she." Binary joked as shook her fist out feeling a deep bruise forming on her knuckles.

She had a wide smile feeling triumph before she realised that Kal was staring at her with wide eyes. It took her a few moments to realise why, she reached a hand up to her face and realised that her helmet had shattered away during the fight revealing her face. She was about to speak when suddenly Coulson's voice drew everybody's attention.

"Has anyone seen Agent Ward, Olsen or Patriot?!" Coulson's team which had hunkered down for the battle was fanning out and was reporting no sign of their teammates or allies.

Kal pried his eyes away from the woman who was the spitting younger image of Carol and turned his head to scan the area. He then let out a very loud curse as his gaze swung out in every direction before cursing loudly again.

"She's gone!" Kal shouted over to Coulson feeling a dark grimace on his face. "She must have fled during the battle with her new champions."

"Skitr!" Sif's curse sounded out causing Kal to look to her, she merely replied by lifting the enchanted collar meant for Lorelai showing it cracked in half from the battle.

"Secure Maxima, we will regroup and plan our next move." Coulson sounded out remaining professional even though he was feeling a massive headache forming and dreading what an alien with mind control would do with two SHIELD Agents and one superpowered asset.

(Las Vegas, Nevada – Caesar's Palace – 5th January 2014)

Lorelei gathered the bath gown around her as she stood on the balcony of the penthouse suite overlooking the shining lights of Las Vegas where the mortal Ward had brought her. She bit back a scoff, although she would concede Midgard had more to offer than she first thought, it was still paled in comparison to Asgard. Behind her on the bed were the exhausted and prone figures of Ward and Olsen, who were recovering after she used them for a small amount of fun.

Despite their feeble mortality the men had proved adequate for the distraction, yet they paled in comparison to the champions and men she had once commanded to her bed. That thought drew her to the other figure in the suite and the unexpected prize she had come across. She gestured for the young man to approach her, he was still too young for her tastes and so had been left untouched for the moment.

"Yes, my goddess" Patriot moved forward he still wore his SHIELD armour however his helmet had been removed revealing the dark short-cut hair and deep sapphire blue eyes.

She did not know how it had been kept a secret or really cared, it was clear the young man, no, barely more than a boy, was Kal's son. He looked not older than 16 or 17 and Lorelei could clearly remember Kal at that age, he had been the envy of many a young man and the desire of every girl on Asgard. The boy before him was his spitting image, only lacking the muscles that came from being raised on Asgard as a warrior prince.

"I spent six centuries locked in a cold dark cell, deprived of the shining light of Asgard, even my voice. My throat shackled, my powers muted, my rights ignored. Torture, all because I dared use the powers given to me by the Allfathers" Lorelei spoke to her champion who stood by her side looking at her with devotion and desire for the first time in his life he had felt such things.

"You will never have to go back there, my love," Patriot spoke in a tone that remained so much of Kal that for a moment she saw the great bear of the father in front of her instead of the hidden pup. "I will kill anyone that tries to take you away."

"But Sif and Kal are on the hunt." Lorelei lamented dramatically as she leaned forward overlooking the city. "And they will not rest, not stop. I will never know peace. They will hound me like a dog until I am….I am never going back there."

"I swear you never have to. Any threat must be removed from the equation." Patriot responded, moving to place Lorelei in a comforting hug that she merely shifted from not wanting pity.

"Oh, sweet foolish boy. Kal is one of the mightiest warriors of the realms and there are graveyards filled with men that underestimated Sif." Lorelei chuckled softly as she caressed Patriot's cheek, feeling despair starting to set in. "What tools do you possess to face such foes?"

"Currently none," Patriot admitted before a prideful smirk appeared on his face. "But there is a place that we can retrieve some from."

"Where?" Lorelei asked, her eyes going wide with surprise and her voice desperate for hope in defeating her enemies.

"Beneath a city called Los Angeles, a facility with weapons being developed to kill Kal and the other Avengers." Patriot replied without hesitation, giving his goddess the tools she needed to triumph. "I know where it is and how to get in. All we need is a plane and you get all you need to kill Sif and Kal."

"Oh my, oh my, you are indeed your father's son. Ruthless and resourceful." Lorelei smiled deeply as he leaned in and whispered the words into the young man's ear before breaking away. "Very well. Come, my champion, wake the others and take us to this arsenal of weapons. We have gods to kill."

(The Bus, Conference room – SHIELD Airstrip, Nevada – 5th January 2014)

" Maxima is contained in the Cageand thanks to the 'enhancements' Kal has made she should stay put," Jemma reported to the gathered group shifting uncomfortably that by enhancements she meant Asgardian runes and spells he had carved into the cell which was SHIELD property.

"Good, we've issued an APB to every agent in the area and the surrounding states. We will find them." Coulson nodded, not wanting to even touch the subject of what the hell they were going to do with the alien queen.

"To what end?!" Sif grunted out before slamming the damaged collar onto the table in front of them. "The muzzle is broken, and we have no way to repair it quickly. Lorelei will gather an army before we could get it fixed on Asgard, her power will grow and her control will spread. It will be war all over again."

"I hate to be the one to say it but why can't we just, you know…" Skye spoke up and ended her sentence by running her finger over her neck. The metaphor wasn't well-received.

"That won't work!" Sif yelled out, frustrated at the mortals' limited understanding of magic.

"Lorelei's magic and enthrallment would not end with her death; it flows from the cosmos itself not her inherent power. Although we could eventually break the enchantment, those in her thrall would react…poorly to her death." Kal clarified watching Sif vent her frustration from the corner of his eye.

"So first we need to get the collar repaired. Fitz-Simmons, what do you think?" Coulson asked his two scientists hoping they could pull off another miracle.

"Well, the metal, the weight is similar to the Berserker staff." Fitz stated as he picked up and felt the remains of the device.

"However, it presents its own set of countless unknown variables." Simmons chimed in looking much less confident than Fitz.

"I can aid with that," Kal stated, causing Jemma to look more relieved and Fitz eager to work alongside an actual alien. "If your skills are even half of what the Son of Coul claims, it should prove no issue."

"Good but how do we find Ward….and the others as well. I mean, finding a trio of secret agents is difficult enough without throwing magic into the mix." Skye spoke up wanting to focus on what she thought the most important issue was, finding their friends.

"She's right, Agents Ward and Olsen are masters of avoiding detection." Coulson sighed, disliking how complicated all of this was becoming. "Anyone got any idea of how to narrow down the search area?"

The room fell silent as everyone tried to think of a way of tracking down an Asgardian goddess, a pair of decorated SHIELD agents, and a superpowered human. Binary's mind was racing as well, she had left her face uncovered seeing it as pointless to cover it again and couldn't help but glance at Kal. However, her worry subsided for a moment as she saw a thoughtful expression on his face as he frowned at the idea he had.

"…I have a way of finding Lorelei." Kal responded although it was clear that he didn't like the idea he was having.

"How?" Sif asked, suddenly animated again moving to Kal's side.

"There is a person on this world that has the capability of tracking her down and even countering her powers." Kal explained shifting as he explained his idea. "Admittedly they are dangerous. But they do hate Lorelei as much, maybe even more than anyone else here"

"Where can we find this person?" Coulson asked exchanging a look with May at the news of such a potential ally.

"We will need to go to the hall of learning you know as Harvard." Kal replied with his arms crossing as he decided to go with the idea that even now he was regretting. "And I suggest everyone arm themselves…. This is not one of my better ideas."

(Harvard University - Cambridge, Massachusetts – 5th January 2014)

Skye couldn't help but raise her eyebrows as Kal strode through the campus wearing a dark blue suit as a disguise and headed towards the lecture hall which had a sign outside stating the course being taught, Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality. Coulson also was starting to have doubts, as a number of students parted ways to allow the very tall man through being trailed by a group of SHIELD Agents. When Kal had said someone was at Harvard could aid them, he had taught they were going to head to the science department or even some sort of secret magic society, not a lecture on female sexuality.

However, before either could ask the question burning on their tongues, Kal had pushed upon the large lecture doors. The scene that greeted them was a large lecture hall with terraced seating, which was packed with mostly young female students listening to their lecture on the stage below. Their entry caused some students by the door to look at them concerned but most took no notice, instead looking at the same person Kal was staring at.

The person in question was the lecturer of this course an elderly woman, who Coulson guessed had to be pushing near ninety, she had a cane in one hand and was gesturing to the PowerPoint above her head. She seemed to struggle just standing and her voice although it carried was aged and cracking, not a sign of strength Coulson was looking for.

"So what do we believe is the result of The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women has had on modern society and women's perceptions of themselves?" The elderly lecturer asked the room scanning it for people who were paying attention.

"So who are we here for?" Sky whispered scanning the room as students started answering the professor, as well looking for a student she thought fit the bill of a powerful magic user, several of the more goth-looking girls fit the image she had.

"Her" Kal replied his arms crossed and nodding at the lecturer whilst he waited for May and Sif to move into position at the two side doors at the bottom of the hall.

"You mean Professor Helen Eve, one of the world's leading experts on feminism and modern sociology?" Skye replied, her eyes going wide, thinking Kal had gone mad from the blow to the head he had sustained from Maxima. "And like one of my personal heroes, the woman is fearless no doubt but how is an old lady supposed to help find Lorelei."

"She isn't" Kal responded bluntly as he started to descend the stairs towards the stage and Professor Eve.

"Isn't what?" Coulson asked, his eyes narrowing at the woman on the stage beneath them.

"An old woman," Kal replied, explaining no more as he strode forward.

Kal's movement and heavy footfalls was starting to attract attention from the class and just as Coulson was about to say something, he saw Professor Eve shoot the man a worried look. Which by itself would be understandable, any older woman would eye the approach of a very tall well-built approaching them without warning. No, what stilled Coulson's objection was the look of recognition the older woman gave Kal as he approached, she knew him more evidently, she knew what he was as well.

"Um, yes, yes. Great point there, Miss Stewart, doe-doe-does anyone else want to expand on iiiii…?" The professor's voice was breaking now, both Coulson and Skye could swear it sounded more younger as well.

"Hello, I require your assistance." Kal spoke in Asgardian the elegant powerful language almost sounded like a song to the people in the hall all of whom grew silent and watched the confrontation.

"I-I-I am sorry young man, I don't understand you!" The older woman responded so abruptly it was clear she did understand Kal's words.

"Enough games, I am not here for battle, but you are coming with me."Kal pressed gently taking a step forward to prove his point

Skye wanted, as she expected many in the room did, to shout at Kal for threatening an old woman, especially the Helen Eve, professor, lawyer and activist, pillar of women's rights movements for the last 60 years, a woman who once argued in front of the Supreme Court and won, as well as a personal hero to many women and young girls. However, there was something about Eve's demeanour that was stopping people from shouting out or intervening.

The elderly professor looked around the room eyeing Sif blocking the exit on one side and May on the other. She was about to ask Coulson to intervene as clearly a man of authority, but stopped when his eyes narrowed as he recognized a trained combatant looking for an escape strategy. Before anyone could react, the elderly woman let out a very audible sigh that carried clear across the room before flinging her cane at Kal.

The sudden action caught everyone but Kal off guard whose hand merely went up to his face and caught the walking stick. Shouts of shock soon erupted when the woman ran at full sprint towards May and leapt off the stage with the grace of a gold medal-winning Olympic acrobat. The agent recovered well from her shock and rushed to meet the elderly woman but her surprise was renewed when the elderly Professor Eve backhanded with the force of a wrecking ball, sending the SHIELD operative into the wall.

The professor reached the door and wrenched it open, only to be stopped by Binary who gave the woman a little wave and sucker-punched her in the stomach. The elderly woman careened through the air and slammed into the stage in front of Kal who merely walked over and looked down at the one he had come all this way to find.

"We can stop this whenever you want." Kal offered a small smile on his face which caused the professor to groan and then sigh.

"Fine, but you owe me. I had tenure here, they don't just hand those out." The Asgardian speech caught everyone in the room off guard as the elderly woman stood up to dust off her plain dress and lifted her arm.

She twisted her hand up into the air and then snapped her fingers, a faint wave of green rippled from it, cutting through the air like waves on a still sea. As they hit the crowd of students, everyone calmly returned to their seats in unison, placed their heads on the fold-out desks, and went to sleep. Coulson looked around the room at the bizarre scene and then back at the elderly woman who leapt down off the stage and gave Kal a frustrated look.

"So, I'm guessing… not an old lady?" Coulson asked Kal pointing at Professor Eve who crossed her arms and scowled at what was happening as the team gathered in. "And should I be worried about them?"

"They'll be fine. A simple sleeping enchantment and a tiny memory reordering. Upon waking, they will forget everything that has happened here." The Professor's voice had shifted into a sound almost like woven silk that had a serene quality, even whilst clearly aggravated. "Can we go now?!"

"Wait, just who in the hell are you?" Skye asked without bothering to be polite as one of her childhood idols turned out to be some freaky, acrobatic, secret Asgardian.

"Come now Amora, drop the enchantment" Kal pressed the not-so-elderly woman.

Helen Eve sighed and raised her right hand in a strange flicking motion that no mortal could perform, whilst her left formed a circle in front of her. The action caused the old woman to glow brightly with green and transform before the gathered mortals. Wrinkled skin became as smooth as silk and pale as ivory, her short grey hair changed into long golden locks that glowed like the sun, her chest and sides swelled into a curvaceous and stunning figure while her plain clothing transformed as well.

Appearing over the now young woman was a tight green corset, long black leggings with golden embroidery that seemed to melt into emerald boots, along with golden elbow-length fingerless gloves and green diadem nestled in her golden locks. Everyone apart from Kal and Sif, looked in awe as the most stunning women they had ever seen appeared before them, even the scowl on her face looked angelic. Sif's face however formed a scowl and she shifted with obvious discomfort at being in the presence of the stunning Asgardian beauty.

"Everyone, may I introduce the Lady of Amora of Iðunn. Also known as the Enchantress, she of the golden fruits of immortality, former First Apprentice of Frigga, Mistress of Æsir Seiðr, Custodian of Riddles, Goddess of Youth, Beauty, Love and Apples." Kal gestured to the revealed Amora, who smiled slightly at being called her old titles and stood straighter now she had nothing to hide. "She is also the elder sister of Lorelei, and one of the most dangerous magic users on this plane of existence."

Everyone went silent at the introduction, only for the silence to be broken by Amora's chuckling.

"Oh, you flatterer." Amora smiled at Kal and slapped his chest as if they were merely old friends joking around.

(The Bus – Somewhere over southern California – 6th January 2014)

"So, how did you know I was still alive?" Amora asked Kal gliding around her end of the table in the lab which was doubling as an interrogation room whilst Maxima occupied their actual holding cell.

"Originally I didn't, although I suspected. I didn't discover your whereabouts until about 300 years ago, give or take a decade or two" Kal matched her movements while careful to always keep the same distance from her, remembering how potent Amora's touch could be. "Many thought your 'death' at the hands of Lorelei's enthralled berserker troops seemed too easy."

Amora smirked remembering that marvellous piece of fiction she had conducted and the fantastic illusion she had created which had convinced her insane little sister she was dead. She had initially done it to avoid her sister's murderous rage and insane beliefs that Amora had outshined her and kept her from the glory she deserved. But she had soon discovered a whole universe beyond the confines of Asgardian noble society and discovered to great surprise that Midgard offered her something Asgard never could: change.

The mortal world was a constant shifting vortex of impermanence, nothing stayed the same and, in that chaos, one could be anything they wanted, and Amora had fallen in love with it. So, when her little sister's tantrum of a massive war had ended and she could have returned to Asgard and reclaimed her position as a Lady of Asgard she opted to remain dead and live as many lives as she wanted.

"It was an impressive feat of illusionary magic, Frigga would have been proud" Amora smiled remembering her old teacher and Kal's mother before her smile turned sad remembering hearing she had died. However, she pushed away her sadness and focused on the task at hand but first needed to know one thing. "So how did you find me?"

"I didn't, Loki did," Kal responded, earning him a narrowed look from Amora who clearly heard Loki had died and was suspicious of the statement, so Kal clarified. "Loki never thought you died, he kept an ear out for news and finally found you here, much to his surprise. You were living as a pirate at the time."

"Yes, Zheng Yi Sao, I had fun with that life." Amora reminisced about her days on the South China Sea, a smile appearing on her face as she recalled the glorious years of being one of the greatest pirates alive. "So I'm guessing that Loki, being his mischievous self, told everyone?"

"No, in fact he kept the secret to his grave. Although he would have been loathe to admit it, my brother always admired you." Kal smiled remembering one of the few cases that Loki had shown the honour he knew his brother always possessed. "He only told me, because he wanted to make sure another knew about you. And I think he told mother as well, she always did worry about her former students."

"I was a poor one," Amora admitted, surprising Kal with how much she had grown, the old Amora would have stated her excellency as a student and reveled in superiority. "But we are not here to talk about the past are we?"

"No we are not, your sister Lorelei is on Midgard and has ensnared a group of mortals. We need to find her and stop her before she can do more harm." Kal replied, stopping his circulation of the room and leaning over the table to Amora to show his seriousness. "You are the only one able to do that quickly and who can break her control."

Amora was silent at his request; she turned away from him, crossing her arms as a pensive grimace crossed her face. Kal did not push her as he knew what he was asking her was a lot. The last time she had met her sister, Lorelei had snapped and enthralled Bragi, Amora's husband, into her bed before trying to get a group of raging enthralled berserkers to tear her sibling in half, so it was certainly a request that needed some thought.

"…Okay, I will help." Amora finally replied with a sigh, hating the empathy Earth had given her. In the old days she would have lied and then just ran at the first chance. "But although I can find Lorelei I can't break her enthrallment over others, just as she can't break mine. We only disturb it, for a few moments and it is painful for the enthralled."

"That will be enough. How long will it take you to find her?" Kal gave Amora a grateful smile and then signalled to the camera that they were good and that May could take her finger off the button to decompress the entire lab and cargo hold.

"A few hours at most, depends on how sloppy my sister has been. Powerful she might be but Lorelei was always the worst at advanced spell crafting and is more arrogant than a Sovereign High Priestess." Amora responded, chuckling as she recalled her little sister's lack of advanced training and the messes created by her inexperience. "Give me the cargo space to work in and I can get her location."

"You have a deal, Lady Amora, now if you excuse me, I am needed to reforge a collar." Kal nodded and started to head upstairs to get Fitz-Simmons to start repairing the device which would be the mortals' salvation, before he remembered something and turned around. "Oh, just keep your guard up, Sif bears a grudge towards your family, and I still don't think she is over that time you convinced Loki to cut her hair in her sleep."

Amora blinked a few times at the warning only to start laughing at the absurdity of Sif's anger. Kal was left smiling as he headed up to see the others and get to work, memories of much simpler times echoing in his head.

Upstairs however Sif scowled at Amora's carefree attitude and strode off grabbing her sword, her departure caused everyone to glance at her then Coulson for direction. However, before he could react the blonde-haired hero Binary moved off and headed after her. She didn't know why she had done so but felt that Sif needed to vent and also she wanted to ask about Lorelei's hold on someone, worrying about her brother. For obvious reasons she didn't want to talk to Kal and face the mountain of questions he was likely to ask, she had already broken protocol and didn't want to risk more.

Binary found Sif in the room that Coulson had given her which sat across from the holding cell the crew called the Cage,wherein Maxima was still confined. The warrior's hand was quick at work as she sharpened her double-bladed sword with a scowl on her face. She paused at sensing Binary's arrival, who felt awkward now and didn't know what to say or how to start.

"Um, cool sword. May I?" Binary needed something to break the ice, and she was betting that the way to a space viking's good graces was through their weapon.

Sif smiled a little remembering her time as a young shieldmaiden and gladly offered the blade. Binary's weapons training the HYDRA instructors had drilled into her allowed for her to take a few swings with expert grace. The action earned a small round of applause from Sif.

"You have some skill with a blade." Sif remarked, the young shieldmaiden had skill but it was clearly mere instruction and lesson, not true battle experience.

"Yeah, but I mainly use my hands." Binary said, raising a hand and making it glow to prove her point.

"Admirable, but be warned, Lorelei is quite skilled at combat and her command of magic as you have seen is great." Sif remarked, feeling the dull ache and hurt in her chest return whenever she spoke of Lorelei, causing her hand to resume the task of sharpening.

"So if she's hot stuff, what does she need men for? Why have them fight for her?" Binary asked wanting to know as much as she could about the women who had ensnared her brother.

"Well….." Sif tried to explain, releasing a deep sigh and trying to choose the right words. "I believe it gives her a thrill. Especially if the man is already taken, but as to whether this also gives her joy, I cannot say. There is something broken in Lorelei that is beyond my understanding or anyone's, I think. Besides, even the greatest warrior needs an army to create and maintain an empire. So her pattern remains thus: she attaches herself to the strongest champion she can find, then unleashes a swath of destruction and death."

"The man she's with, Patriot, he's one of the best and he hasn't even grown into his power yet." Binary revealed, her face falling as she showed Sif why she was there.

"I see." Sif replied slowly. She knew the young maiden's pain better than most. "I have been where you are, young warrior. A man I cared for, the one who forged this blade for me, fell under her spell. So enchanted was he, so enthralled, that he forsook his family, his friends…... even me. So steel yourself to do what might be necessary. Your Patrio-"

"He's not mine!" Binary quickly blurted out feeling a tiny bit uneasy that Sif mistook her brother for some kind of romantic partner.

"Well, that is certainly true now." Sif replied bluntly, needing the young maiden to understand the danger that she was facing and the evil which was Lorelei. "This Patriot is no longer the man you knew. He will not hesitate to kill you, himself and everyone around him if the witch orders him to. So be ready, for if you are faced with a choice, know that he will not choose you."

Sif stood up from her bed and moved past the girl as she delivered her final warning, deciding she wanted to watch Amora for signs of treachery. Binary was frozen for a moment. Could she do that, kill Patriot? He was her brother, the only person in the world that really knew her and cared for her as she cared for him. She whirled around, desperate to know one more thing before Sif could leave the room..

"The man that Lorelei enchanted the man who loved you…. what happened to him?" Binary asked hoping the answer was different to one she suspected.

"His name was Haldor…. and I drove my sword through his heart."

(HYRDA Facility – Several Miles Beneath Los Angeles – 6th January)

Lorelei walked through the lab that, according to her champion, housed an arsenal a group of mortals had created to kill Kal, whilst said champion tore open crates for her to inspect and her two thralls dispatched guards. At the moment, she was sorely disappointed, there was nothing of note, just pitiful tools and vain attempts to mimic the technology of superior races. A few she would admit surprised her but nothing that could kill Kal, scratch him maybe, annoy but certainly not killed.

"Here it is my goddess," Patriot directed her to a large crate and showed her the last remaining Phase 2 missile.

Lorelei looked over the weapon, her eyes critical of the device before giving a disappointed sigh. "Impressive, but at most it will give Kal a nose bleed, and maybe a tan. Is there nothing else?"

"No, this is it. The only other things are the geological samples" Patriot responded disappointedly feeling shame wash over him as he failed his goddess. "I am sorry. All this was designed to be used at once,then me and Binary would be assigned to finish him off."

"That is the greatest scheme the Midgardians could conjure? Pathetic." Lorelei scoffed trying to hide the dread she was feeling as she realised how stupid the mortals of this realm were. "Combined, these might weaken him slightly, but nowhere near enough for you or your companion to kill him. He'd weather a few blows then crack you like an egg."

She brought a hand to her face and rubbed her eyes trying to think of a plan now that her champion had proven an ill-equipped fool. The weapon powered by the Tesseract could serve as a distraction. The son of Odin could be lured away, and the chaos of the explosion would hide her departure from this world. Yes, that may work: flee somewhere remote with Kal's son, hide, rebuild her army, wait for this godling to become a man then come back…..wait, what did the boy say?

"Wait what are these samples you speak of?" Lorelei asked, turning back to Patriot who brightened at the attention.

"Several green rocks of varying size, my lady Slightly radioactive, but the scientists have said they are useless." Patriot replied moving over to the table which housed the stones in question.

"Show me!" Lorelei commanded, her curiosity peaking.

Patriot searched the drawers before removing a lead-lined box labelled "Unknown Sample." As soon as the box opened, a sickening green light poured out. The soldier suddenly felt sick, and the rocks within seemed to glow brighter in his presence. he could stop himself, he had fallen to the floor and started coughing and retching in agony.

Lorelei ignored his cries of pain and instead knelt down examining the true prize the mortals of this world did not know they had. Even in the dungeons, she had heard the story of a substance that could harm the youngest Odinson: a piece of his dead homeworld, one which Loki had empowered with magic to cause more harm.

"Oh, your former masters are ignorant fools. All the weapons of Midgard could not harm the god of justice, but this little thing in the hands of someone with mystic knowledge can bring a divine to his knees." Lorelei smiled, taking the largest piece into her hands and standing up. The rock vanished into her robes and she kicked the box shut.

The effect was almost immediate. Patriot stopped vomiting and the sickly green tint in his veins started dissipating. His skin was still pale; he felt like death but his blood was no longer boiling.

"What is that?" Ward asked, appearing next to her his eyes glanced between Patriot and his goddess.

"Some call it Kryptonite, others the Bane of Krypton. But what matters for us is that it will allow me to kill Kal." Lorelei felt the rush of triumph in her veins only for a voice to cut it off.

"Lorelei!" A voice Lorelei had not heard in six centuries and expected never to hear again sounded out.

She turned and faced the source of the voice which turned out to be her thrall Olsen who was standing as if in a trance. His eyes were glowing emerald green and the look on his face was the same smug expression Lorelei had despised since she could remember

"Sister." Lorelei growled pushing past Ward over to her other thrall who stayed where he was as Amora used him as a conduit. "How in Helheim are you alive?!"

"Wouldn't you like to know? Come to me, and we can chat all about it. The mortals of SHIELD have a place to store their flying machines twenty miles from the outskirts of this city. Your little pets know where it is." Amora's voice was just as condescending as Lorelei remembered and it caused her blood to boil. "That is unless you are scared of your big sis? No matter whose head you managed to worm your way into, I was always better than you."

"BETTER THAN ME?!" Lorelei shrieked wide-eyed at Jimmy despite the fact the enchantment had ended and his eyes were back to normal. "YOU ARE NOT BETTER THAN ME! I AM LORELEI, GODDESS OF DESIRE!"

"My goddess, please calm do- HLRK!" Ward was cut off when the woman's hand closed around his throat like a vice..

"I WILL SHOW HER SCARED! I WILL KILL KAL AND THEN PEEL THE SKIN FROM HER SORÐINN HEAD!" Lorelei's rage only grew as she lifted the pitiful midgardian off the ground "You! Mortal! Take me to this place at once! NOW!"

"My….goddess… this is clearly…a tr-" Ward tried to reason with his goddess even while his feet dangled above the carpet.

"YOU DARE QUESTION ME!" Lorelei poured more of her power in her control of Ward. "You do not question me, for I am a goddess! NOW take me there so I can kill Kal and my Sorðinn Vámr SISTER!" She dropped the sputtering agent of SHIELD on the floor with an air of finality.

Ward couldn't do anything but obey, and his body picked itself up and started leading the unhinged woman out of the door. Suddenly her other thrall called out.

"My goddess, what of Patriot?" Olsen asked gesturing back into the room where the superpowered young man was still recovering from Kryptonite exposure on the floor in a pool of his own vomit.

"WHAT OF HIM?! We are leaving, and if he is strong enough then he will find me." Lorelei waved a dismissive hand unconcerned about the son of Kal, her desire for revenge overriding her sense of strategy.

(SHIELD Airstrip – 20 miles from the outskirts of Los Angeles)

Amora's eyes returned to normal as she gave a small smile and let out a deep breath allowing the magic she was channelling to flow from her body. She uncrossed her legs from her levitating position in the air and stood up straight.

"Did it work?" Kal asked looking at Amora who was stretching and trying to regain balance of her sense of self.

"Oh yes. My little sister is all riled up and ready to, and I quote, "Skin me alive", It's like old times really." Amora gave a faux smile and looked to the gathered group.

"Could you see where they are?" May asked wanting to know if they could figure out the route of arrival to better prepare.

"Sorry dear, it doesn't work that way. I can only tap briefly into the body of those she has enthralled. While I may see what they can and speak through them, their knowledge is out of reach." Amora's powers were similarly connected to love, desire and beauty, but like Lorelei's there were limits. "It was someplace cold, underground and filled with scientific equipment. Her entourage did not appear to have grown past the three you mentioned"

"It doesn't matter, we have the home field advantage this time." Coulson spoke up trying to boost morale and confidence in the plan. "Plus, she's coming here unfocused. If we can keep her off balance, we can win this."

Everyone in the room nodded and got back to work, readying the final details of the plan. The only one who looked unsure was Binary who picked up her repaired helmet, staring into the faceless mask as if for guidance. She suddenly felt eyes on her and looked up to see Sif gazing at her/ Binary quickly glanced at the sword on Sif's belt and then at the woman again. An understanding passed between them and the Asgardian warrior needed only to nod and move on. Binary took a deep breath and placed her helmet on readying for the fight ahead.

It didn't take long for Lorelei and her two champions to arrive, the Armoured SUV that Ward had stolen from the HYRDA/SHIELD base roared onto the airstrip. However, before he or Olsen could do or say anything, Lorelei had already leapt from the car and was charging towards The Bus, her hand slipping into her dress. She drew out the green rock that pulsated in her hands and grinned madly to herself as she prepared to take her revenge.

She only stopped when she saw a figure she hated more than life itself sitting casually on the ramp of the aircraft. Amora had one leg crossed over the other and was sipping a strawberry milkshake in one hand and reading a magazine in the other. The blatant lack of concern caused Lorelei's blood to boil even further.

"Oh, hey sis!" Amora announced with fake sincerity giving a wave of her glass and a wide smile. "Have you tried one of these yet? The midgardians make excellent drinks, a shame you couldn't enjoy them in Asgard's dungeons."

"You…YOU DARE insult me!" Lorelei's head looked like it was about to explode, her eyes went wild and a vein in her forehead started jumping.

"That's no way to talk to your big sis now!" Amora almost looked hurt hurt as she stood up and frowned at her sister. "We have so much catching up to do. A lot happened since you went crazy, tried to kill me, and it didn't stick. ."

"A mistake I am about to remedy." Lorelei spat back her hands shooting out to her sides as magical balls of green flame appeared. "Ready to die, filthy harlot?"

"Whilst that does sou-" Amora quickly snapped her magazine shut as Lorelai threw her flaming orbs at her.

However, the redhead's smirk of triumph vanished along with the smoke, as Amora stood unharmed behind a shining gold and green magical barrier. Lorelei looked to the floor and her eyes went wide with alarm seeing how she had foolishly walked into a containment spell.

"Wow, rude!" Amora responded slapping knees as she stood up. "Like I was going to say, tempting buuuuuut I'll pass. Now before you go all revengey or try to enthral Kal, that's not going to work either."

"WHY NOT?!" Lorelei demanded, shooting a hateful look at her sister, her fingers twirling ready to cast another spell.

"One, Kal is about 2000 miles up that way." Lorelei pointed to the sky a small smirk forming. "Close enough to see and listen but safe from whatever you have planned."

"And?" Lorelei asked, hiding her fury that Kal had proven more cautious than she had believed.

"We are in here with you!" Sif's voice sounded out causing Lorelei to wheel around just in time to miss the swing of her sword, the warrior being revealed by Amora's magic.

"We?" Lorelei asked the question out loud in shock as she spun away from Sif.

"Yes. We." Binary appeared as well this time next to Lorelei who couldn't avoid the blow from the glowing fist.

Lorelei's head snapped back and the woman fell into the dirt, and though her skull was ringing she still managed to roll out of the way of Sif's blade that pierced the ground where her shoulder would have been. Lorelei managed to stumble to her feet and unleashed a barrage of spells at her opponents. Sif and Binary sprang into action, weaving around bolts of green lightning and streams of conjured flame. Binary returned fire with a volley of photon blasts cutting through Lorelei's magic, forcing the Asgardian sorceress to dodge as well and give up her position along with her best chance to overwhelm her enemies.

Outside of the containment spell, Ward and Olsen had left their vehicle and were now running to aid their mistress and goddess, guns raised ready to try and break the spell. However, Ward and Olsen were forced to dodge and take cover when shots rang out. Ward took a quick glance over the edge of a concrete barrier and cursed at seeing May and Skye armed with Fitz's ICER rifles blocking their path. He exchanged a look with Olsen who nodded and the two moved with the full skill of a SHIELD training allowing them to work in perfect tandem.

Olsen lifted himself fully over the barrier and provided covering fire, forcing May and Skye to duck behind their own concrete barrier. His eyes quickly darted past them catching a glance at his goddess battling in the distance. Lorelei was not doing well, she took another blow from Binary and a glancing cut from Sif. Ward too saw the dilemma their goddess was in and pushed himself faster, Skye poked her head over the barrier but quickly was pulled back by May, just in time for a bullet fired by Ward to streak over her head.

May had little time to react as Ward rounded the corner pistol raised, she dived at him and the two became embroiled in a closeknit hand to hand fight. Skye stumbled backwards and tried to raise her pitol to get a shot off but couldn't as the two moved too quickly and were too close together. Olsen cursed as well having the same issue so he rushed forward trying to come to Ward's aid. Skye heard his approach and tried to shift away from the brutal hand-to-hand fight occurring next to her, but even clear of the fight she discovered Olsen was deadly accurate. Each time she tried to stand up to take a shot, she was met by rapid gunfire as the other agent closed in.

Before she could think of what to do next, Olsen had closed the distance and joined the brutal fight occurring between Ward and his opponent. Melinda May was one of the best SHIELD had, but so were Ward and Olsen, both of whom were fighting like men possessed. She had been struggling against Ward especially due to his complete disregard for his own life, and Olsen joining the mix proved too much. The two worked with brutal coordination; when May tried to defend both attacked, when she attacked one blocked while the other struck.

Skye winced as she heard the sharp crack of rib breaking after Ward pinned one of May's hands and Olsen roundhouse kicked her chest. The female SHIELD agent stumbled backward, pain rippling through her body as she tried to lift her hands to brace for the next attack. Ward and Olsen exchanged a look and both pressed forward. Skye's eyes widened as she realised May was about to lose, but the world suddenly stopped as a pair of slender hands easily stopped the brutal attack.

"Now Gentleman, that is no way to treat a woman." Amora effortlessly caught the mortals' fists and with the minimum of strain pushed them back across the tarmac. She then turned to face Skye and May, a smile on her face. "Men, so much bravado but little stamina."

The agents tried to stand back up from the blow, but were stopped short as coils made of earth broke free from the ground and wrapped them up tight. Ward managed to lift his head up and see Amora was twisting her glowing hands through the air. The Enchantress' face widened into a grand smile having remembered just how fun this was.

Lorelei meanwhile was faring little better as Binary slammed her knee into her face as Sif then clotheslined the woman from behind. The action however had the result of finally dislodging the glowing green rock from the folds of her dress, causing it to skip until as if by fate it landed at Binary's feet. The cosmic-powered youth looked down at the rock and suddenly felt her head start spinning as if suffering from the worst case of vertigo ever, and as she stumbled backwards Lorelei took notice.

The Asgardian sorceresses looked down at the piece of kryptonite and then upward. Her eyes went wide as she stumbled to her feet.

"You are Ka-" The declaration was cut off as Sif took the opportunity and slammed the collar around her neck.

Her hands flew to her throat, but was too late as the shining band quickly glowed gold, runes appearing around it as it opened into a muzzle. She tried again to free herself, even digging her fingernails underneath, but soon abandoned the attempt when the metal heated up and her palms began to burn . Sif merely stood up in triumph, but her satisfaction quickly halted as she saw Binary swaying in place. She started walking towards her ally, but stopped when she trod on a strange glowing rock which she gave a sharp kick and sent flying away.

"Are you well?" Sif asked Binary as she heard the faint boom overhead signalling Kal's arrival.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, just a little dizzy." Binary responded shaking her head and suddenly feeling better, meeting Sif's concerned look. "I swear, I'm fine."

"Well that was fun wasn't it." Amora announced as she dispelled the magical barrier separating the two fights. "We should do this again."

"No, we shouldn't" Sif responded bluntly as she moved over to Lorelei lifting the woman up roughly and shoving her towards the bus.

"Thank you for your help, Amora. I shall not forget it." Kal responded more diplomatically as he walked over to keep an eye on Lorelei as well.

"UM, A LITTLE HELP?!" Ward's voice sounded out causing everyone to turn and see both him and Olsen were still ensnared in a prison of dirt.

"That depends, you back to being you?" Sky gazed critically in their direction.

"YES!" Ward shouted desperate to be freed.

"In that case…." Sky gave a thoughtful look before walking over to Amora and the others. "leave him for a few more minutes."

"SKYE! Get back here! SKYE! This isn't funny!