
Kakashi in Akame Ga Kill

What happens when a person with no memories of his past or how he died, isekai'd into the dark anime: Akame Ga Kill as Kakashi?

Sato_Koji · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Feelings... revealed?

Before Kakashi sensed that Mine and Sheele was in trouble...

"That Chibul guy was way too wary of attacks." Mine said as both her and Sheele were returning back to base, after completing their mission.

"But in the end, it didn't cause too many problems." Sheele replied.

Suddenly, both of them were ambushed by what it seems to be Seryu... the guard Kakashi met earlier.

"An enemy?!" Mine yelled out. 'Who is this... I didn't notice her at all...'

'She seems different from the other imperial guards...' Sheele thought, as they both dodged the attack.

"...I knew it. It's the same face as on the wanted poster... You are definitely Sheele of Night Raid! And judging from the Imperial Arm she has in her hand, the other girl is also a member of Night Raid!" Sheele accused after landing. "Hiding myself and waiting night after night was definitely worth it... Finally... I've finally tracked you down, Night Raid ! Imperial Guard Forces, Seryu Ubiquitous! In the name of justice, I will absolutely make you evildoers pay here and now!

Because of their power, when Imperial Arms users clash, "Death" is called to the field. Even in this battle that's about to begin... With no exceptions...?

"So, you know who we are. Why are you here? I don't think you came here just to die..." Mine asked.

"No matter what happens... I will deliver Justice ! For my father who fell in the line of duty to villains like you ! And for my beloved teacher who was murdered by your kind! You will never be forgiven!" Seryu declared, ignoring Mine's question. "Koro!" Seryu yelled as the dog expanded to be a huge version of itself, standing on two feet and having sharp teeth that could rip flesh easily.

"Mine, that thing's an Imperial Arm!" Sheele warned Mine.

"Seems like it, but that's a biological type, right...?" Mine asked after closely inspecting it.

"Tonfu Gun!" Seryu yelled, as she uses her gun-type weapon.


As both Sheele and Mine were dodging her bullets, 'I don't think attacking from this distance would be very effective.' Seryu thought. "Koro! Prey!"

Koro rushed at Sheele with its mouth wide open, going to chomp on her.

"...I'm sorry." Sheele said that in a quiet voice...


Before slashing Koro with incredible speed and walking away, thinking it was down.

Koro got up behind her regenerating its body.


Mine shot it using her Imperial Arms away from Sheele. "Don't you remember what was written in the book, Sheele? Biological Imperial Arms have a core hidden somewhere in their bodies. If you don't destroy that, it'll just continue regenerating. It doesn't have a heart, so even Akame's Murasame wouldn't be able to kill it."

"It would seem we have a somewhat troublesome opponent this time, huh." Sheele responded.

"Koro! Arms!" The Imperial Arm grew two muscled arms. "Kyuuuu!" The dog roared.

"Gross... It looks like we don't have any choice but to do that, Sheele." Mine looked at the Imperial Arm in disgust. Sheele nodded in agreement.

"Pulverize!" Seryu ordered. Koro rushed at the two Night Raid members, punching at a quick and constant move.

"Mine! Get behind me!" Sheele yelled as she blocks the attack from the Imperial Arms. "Kh... Strong... A storm of attacks..."

*PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII* The engine of Mine's Imperial Arm was starting.

"And she's called for reinforcements... This is what I would call... Being in a pinch! Let's do this!" Mine yelled as she jumped in the air, and launched her blast right on the Imperial Arm.

"Its power increased?! But..." Seryu watched as the attack hit her dog, but grinned seeing its already regenerating.

"Shit! It's already started regenerating... What unbelievable life force...!" Mine complained seeing it regenerating as well.

"Don't underestimate Koro's durability-" As Seryu was praising her Imperial Arm, Sheele came out of the smoke Mine made from her attack. 

"The Imperial Arms are just tools. All you need to do is kill its user to make it stop!" Sheele yelled as she charged at Seryu.

'Was she aiming for me from the start?!' Seryu thought as she was trying to back away from Sheele.

'I'll use my secret skill...' Sheele thought as she got closer to her target.

'The metal is generating light?! This ability can't... !' Seryu looked at the Imperial Arm Sheele was holding.

Sheele let out a lot of furious stabs at Seryu, for it to only be all blocked by Seryu with her gun-type weapons.

Koro, the Imperial Arm... Sensing its master in trouble tried to go and help her, but was shot by Mine,

"Stop right there! I'm your opponent remember? I won't let you go so easily." Mine pointed her Imperial Arm at Koro. 'As the threat lessens, Pumpkin's power weakens. But this should be enough to keep that thing busy. And I'm beginning to narrow where its core could be.'

Meanwhile, Sheele was chasing Seryu through the woods.




'Shit!' Seryu cursed as she trips on a pebble backing away from Sheele and dropped one her weapons.

Sheele seeing this wasted no time and went to slash her. Seryu sacrificed her arms as she tries to black the slash.

'She sacrificed her arms to prevent a fatal blow!' Sheele thought as she sees Seryu's arms in the air and continues to chase her.

"Justice will... Always... Wiiiiiinnn!" Seryu yelled as she revealed one of her severed arms became a gun.

'Body modification?! She hid guns in her arms?!' Sheele thought as her eyes widened.

"This is the trump card given to me by my captain! Take this~!" Seryu fired.


Contradicting to her expectations, Sheele blocked her attack cleanly.

'She blocked it?!' Seryu thought, as Sheele sliced of her guns. "Guh... I'm not done yet!" 'Koro will overheat and be unusable for a few months if I do this... But I have no choice !' "Koro!! Secret skill, Berserker! She yelled.

Koro turned dark red as it roared, creating a painful sound that Sheele and Mine had to cover their ears.

Koro quickly grabbed Mine with one hand. "Crush her!" Seryu ordered.


"Guh... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" MIne yelled out in pain. 


Sheele sliced the hand that was holding Mine. "I seem to have made it just in time..."


A shot was fired into the back of Sheele... The shot came from Seryu's mouth.

'My body can't move!' Koro was inches away before ripping her body apart.







Before Sheele was about to get ripped in half by the Imperial Arm... A sudden yell could be heard.



The Imperial Arm was launched away from Sheele... Kakashi managed to arrive in time.

"Yo! It looks like I made it in time." Kakashi picked up Sheele and Mine as he heard some guards making their way. 'Shit... My stamina is drained thanks to using Rasengan and the Sharingan...' 


Kakashi threw a smoke bomb into the ground and retreated into the Night Raid's base, leaving behind Sheele's Imperial Arm.





"I left a small scroll on all of you after we met the first time. Should something unexpected happen, I would be informed right away... I can't let my new team die while I'm around... Can I? So, I had to make some precautions. Thankfully I did, or else Sheele would've died." Kakashi explained to everyone as Sheele was getting patched up by Akame.

"Thank you..." Mine said softly. "Thank you for being there." Mine had tears flowing down her cheeks. Tatsumi couldn't bare it and went to pat on her head softly. 

"All of you rest up... Mine, Sheele you're going to rest for a long time before getting back on the missions." Najenda ended the meeting and checked up the injuries on both Mine and Sheele.

Kakashi disappeared from the room, and Akame noticed some blood marks on the ground from where Kakashi was standing.

Inside Kakashi's room he was looking at the photo frame, 'I'm making sure... The none of my friends will die again.' Kakashi silently made an oath in his heart.


Akame entered the room without waiting for his response.

"Akame... You do know, it's rude to enter someone's room without permission right?" Kakashi said.

"Show me your hands." Akame demanded.

Kakashi eyes widened and he slowly took off his gloves showing some nail marks on them. "I guess, I can't keep anything about those from you, huh?"

"Kakashi..." Akame's face softened.

Kakashi held up his hand. "I know what you're going to say. And I'm already over their deaths... I just thought... If I was a second or two late, Sheele wouldn't be here right now. If I was just faster getting to them, they wouldn't be in the condition they are in right now..." 

Akame silently listened to his words and then hugged him after he was done speaking. "There are a lot of what ifs... But that doesn't mean, we have to keep thinking about it. What matters now is the present... So stop doubting yourself. You're strong, skilled and quick, yes. But you can't always try to save everyone. That will tire your body, and your mind..." Akame cupped Kakashi's left cheek with her hand and gave him a heartfelt smile. "Smile... Smile like you always have been. It pains me to see you go through this. But I won't leave you to your sufferings. I'll be always here... Always..." 

Kakashi eyes widened, processing every word that Akame told him. "You always know what to say when it comes to me huh..." Kakashi turned away and looked at the moon through his window. "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" He turned back to look at Akame in the eyes.

Her face became red and she heard him say those words. Kakashi smiled and reach out to hold her cheek. "Yeah... Smiling does help... thanks..." Kakashi leaned in, and kissed her in the lips. Akame didn't resist it as she kissed him back as well.




Unknown to them, Kakashi's door was slightly opened and some people were spying on them.

"Aww she's all grown up now..." Leone whispered.

Everyone who was eavesdropping them nodded their head in agreement.

"To think that Kakashi finally fell in love..." Tatsumi muttered in disbelief.

"Well let's leave them to their world, Night Raid... Its time to rest." Najenda said.





A woman with blue hair and eyes was standing in front of the capital's gate. "I'm home. Capital."