
Kaja and Agro Secrets

Everything started with a man named Kaja, a village youth who lived a simple life. Until his house was invaded by members of Aflif and his grandfather disappeared. Kaja, must find his true self, find her grandfather, his parents whom he never saw. Agro's secret had been his grandfather's last message. Kaja, adventure and make friends be a part of Aflif's army. and Kaja, will save Rakuta and all of humanity. A passion to protect and a destiny to fulfill. The struggle to reach the pinnacle of martial arts with the power of the divine being, Rakuta.

Ideabadar · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Mysterious Order

Boommm! Booooommm! Duaarrrr!

From the south end of the bustling restaurant, there was a loud sound, a sign that something had happened.

"Let's move!" One of the leaders of Aflif who was eating rushed over, his comrades nodded and moved towards the direction of the shockingly big sound explosion. The other Aflif team after taking care of the administration also immediately came out, some rode vehicles and some ran fast.

Kaja and Bagas decided together with the Aflif Lentera Team and dashed towards the direction of the sound that made the commotion. The direction is hills surrounded by forest.

"We confirmed that 33 Aflif groups took the mission to destroy Kalueng. This threat can be said to be high," Kamir said to Kaja who darted beside him. Bagas on Kaja's left followed him as well.

Many Aflif members also took on missions to rescue residents in these places, because several villages and towns also felt the threat of an attack from Kalueng. Aflif's mission is also to confirm the person who reported it, they also deposit money to Affif so that the reported problem is quickly resolved. It all depends on the budget of the reporter, or it could be the reporter without using money if indeed there are some Aflif who don't see the mission money, but are genuinely helping other people in need.

They were hurrying, "Remember Kaja, be careful." Karim's grandfather gave him some kind of testimony. Kaja nodded. They reached a place full of smoke, a lot of people gathered and they were all from Aflif. The smoke started to thin out, then what was that explosion just now?

In a clearing near the hills, the explosion was on a hill, the Aflif Team from various regions and all of them were already around there at different distances, each waiting for the next situation.

The smoke started to thin out. Before they all had time to see what was wrong with the explosion, several Kaluengs had already flown through the thin smoke, they flew into the air from the many gaps between the smoke. There are about tens of them.

All eyes saw them, some had just seen Kalueng and some had seen it. They are all Aflifs on standby among their respective teams.

Kieeeekk! Kieeekkk! Kieeekkk!

The shriek of the huge bat creature made goosebumps. They flew towards the hundreds of Aflif. The fight was inevitable, the Aflif were sure they could beat Kalueng because their level was still only normal for someone at silver rank. However, they had no pain and fatigue, they continued to attack even though the guns and punches hit them.

Bugs! Cring! Boom! Blaam!

Kaja and Aflif Lentera were still some distance away, they saw the battle and looked at the situation further. They believed that the Aflifs could defeat the Kaluengs.

"Kaja," Grandpa Kamir again gave direction to Kaja. Most of the Aflif who come with this large amount are coming for money. There are people who are willing to pay big for the Aflif Team to come and fight against Kalueng. In addition to expelling Kalueng, there seems to be a hidden mission from the person who paid for the mission. That was the explanation from Kamir that made Kaja listen carefully.

According to Kamir's observations, someone who invited many Aflif must have a hidden mission. He wanted to do something but didn't have enough strength. He uses the Kalueng mission to help him accomplish what he wants.

"If my guess is right. Then the person behind Kalueng is that person, he is very dangerous," Kamir added to his explanation, Kaja was getting more confused.

"You mean Grandpa, who is that person?"

"His name is Sarkus, he is famous for being able to manipulate energy, creating strange creatures from one's body, and even controlling the dead."

Kaja really paid attention to Grandpa Kamir's explanation, he felt that there were people with such strange abilities.

Kamir and Kaja were still talking quietly while watching the fierce battle between Aflif and Kalueng, in just a few minutes, the tens of Kalueng-Kalueng lost. When Kalueng died, it was as if they had no energy left, their energy just evaporated. There were several members of Aflif who were also injured, although not fatal, they had a little trouble because the Kalueng seemed to have no pain.

"If my guess is correct, that person behind Kalueng is Sarkus. So, we are all in grave danger. We accept this mission to confirm the truth of this Sarkus, if he appears then another big disaster will threaten the entire martial continent," Kaja listened carefully to Grandpa Kamir's explanation, Bagas listened to him even though he was also confused.

A group of Aflif approached Kaja and Aflif Lentera.

"Hey, aren't you the Woodman, if I'm not mistaken, your name is Kaja right?" One of the members of the group looked at Kaja.

"That's right, I'm Kaja, Uncle," Kaja knew that they were Aflif's team who had met him when Kaja had been unconscious for 1 year in a tree. They are Aflif Rendana's team, who are also acquaintances of Grandpa Kamir.

Grandpa Kamir frowned, "You two know each other?"

"You mean Grandpa, who is that person?"

"His name is Sarkus, he is famous for being able to manipulate energy, creating strange creatures from one's body, and even controlling the dead."

Kaja really paid attention to Grandpa Kamir's explanation, he felt that there were people with such strange abilities.

Kamir and Kaja were still talking quietly while watching the fierce battle between Aflif and Kalueng, in just a few minutes, the tens of Kalueng-Kalueng lost. When Kalueng died, it was as if they had no energy left, their energy just evaporated. There were several members of Aflif who were also injured, although not fatal, they had a little trouble because the Kalueng seemed to have no pain.

"If my guess is correct, that person behind Kalueng is Sarkus. So, we are all in grave danger. We accept this mission to confirm the truth of this Sarkus, if he appears then another big disaster will threaten the entire martial continent," Kaja listened carefully to Grandpa Kamir's explanation, Bagas listened to him even though he was also confused.

A group of Aflif approached Kaja and Aflif Lentera.

"Hey, aren't you the Woodman, if I'm not mistaken, your name is Kaja right?" One of the members of the group looked at Kaja.

"That's right, I'm Kaja, Uncle," Kaja knew that they were Aflif's team who had met him when Kaja had been unconscious for 1 year in a tree. They are Aflif Rendana's team, who are also acquaintances of Grandpa Kamir.

Grandpa Kamir frowned, "You two know each other?"