
Kaja and Agro Secrets

Everything started with a man named Kaja, a village youth who lived a simple life. Until his house was invaded by members of Aflif and his grandfather disappeared. Kaja, must find his true self, find her grandfather, his parents whom he never saw. Agro's secret had been his grandfather's last message. Kaja, adventure and make friends be a part of Aflif's army. and Kaja, will save Rakuta and all of humanity. A passion to protect and a destiny to fulfill. The struggle to reach the pinnacle of martial arts with the power of the divine being, Rakuta.

Ideabadar · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Black Soul Division

All eyes were on a terrifying sight. Behind Sarkus, there are piles of corpses, both human and animal corpses that have rotted and mounted high. A large hole seemed to be filled with corpses, a foul smell wafted out suddenly, and people who were not used to smelling that much stench would definitely vomit.

The hole containing the piled corpses is surrounded by 7 altars that look solid, no! It was not an altar but rather a tube coffin that turned out to have a faint human figure in it.

All eyes were shocked to see this.

"Keehhhh! Keeehhhhh!"

The sound of Sarkus' laughter had now become a frightening hiss. He slowly stood up, his hunchback poking the back of his head. He was now upright and looked at all the warriors in front of him who were tired of fighting against his Kaluengs.

"Watch it! Holy Humans! You are witnesses to my Masterpiece! 5 years I completed the task given by Sentura. Ha ha ha…"

Many warriors were surprised to hear Sentura's name, especially Grandpa Kamir who kept staring at Sarkus.

Grandpa Kamir's lips trembled, "So, They're really going to rise again?"

Aflif Lantern's members, including Sanu and others, don't really understand Black Secret, they are really hidden and seem like just rumors.

Sanu looked at Grandpa Kamir who had only joined his team for a few years, "So, there really is a Black Secret, Grandpa?"

And, Kamir didn't answer and just stared ahead, at Sarkus and the scene behind him.

Jiro had been observing this all along and he didn't know that there was some kind of magic ceremony in the cave. He, sure enough, the Kalueng apparently guarded this place well from the secrets in the cave. Jiro only focused on the Kalueng.

Kaja approached Jiro and Bagas who were still silent staring at Sarkus.

"Enough Sarkus, Surrender! You have lost, your army has been wiped out!" One of the warriors and one of the leaders of Aflif shouted while holding his stick.

Many warriors also cheered and said 'True and Surrender' all felt strange about Sarkus' behavior, which even seemed to be the winner even though his troops had been defeated.

"He..he..he.., you haven't faced the real me yet! Alright, I'll announce from now on that Black Secret will rise again! And…, will take over the world! Ha ha ha…"

Everyone, there is getting shocked, Black Secret? The rumors? Or is Sarkus just scaring them?

Sarkus lifted his hands from his stomach and raised them again above his head. That's right, there was thin energy enveloping both of his hands, the energy was as dark as black smoke.

Slowly, the door of the capsule-like chest opened and the door broke. Brakkkk! There was black smoke billowing thinly from within the capsules as if dark energy had been stored in each capsule for a long time.

Jiro got ready and took a stance, "You guys have to be careful, Our enemy this time doesn't seem like an ordinary creature! I know Sarkus very well."

Kaja and Bagas only listened to Jiro but were still confused by what he was seeing in front of them.

From within each capsule, suddenly the creature's hand came out, its skin covered with wounds and patches of new skin. It looks like they are half-life or death creatures because their bodies are not perfect, there are skeletons that still look like five fingers there is one that has skin and there is a skeleton. The seven capsules were all filled with injured humans and they were all coming out now… A terrifying air suddenly burst out.

The creatures were like zombies, they came out and walked out and surrounded Sarkus, silent and each one of them had a different look and still had the armor attached to the undead.

"Kaja!" Grandpa Kamir shouted at Kaja and started walking towards him, "Be careful…, they are very dangerous enemies."

All the warriors now listened to what Grandpa Kamir had to say, "They are the core force of Black Secret's Soul Division. They were once exterminated by the Aflif alliance and trapped here. They have been resurrected with Sarkus The Thousand Black Soul's magic."

The Thousand Black Soul is a forbidden technique which is also an ancient technique that is also just a rumor. A move that collects the remnants of energy from thousands of corpses and is absorbed and then channeled to other creatures. And, Sarkus used this move to revive the corpses and absorb the rest of his energy to strengthen the corpses. So understood by some people who understand the magical power. Only, did that move really work in the hands of Sarkus?

"Although rudimentary, this once feared Army is enough to slay all of you!" Smiling, the army of 7 Creatures now lined up behind Sarkus, ready to follow Sarkus' next orders.

"Wait Sarkus! I want to ask you something!" Jiro was curious and was finally able to come face to face with Sarkus.

Sarkus looked at Jiro, "Alright… Ha..ha..ha.., Interesting boy! You seem very curious about me!"

Jiro was getting hotter, and his hands started to clench, "Do you remember the Arahan Clan!"

Sarkus smiled slightly, "I forgot about the Young Men's Landing Clan."

"You are! Then, do you remember massacring my Nation, Arahant Nation? A nation with elemental power!" Jiro is getting irritated.

"Ha…ha…ha…," Sarkus laughed even more, "I can't remember how many nations we have destroyed with Tuanku Sentura! With my troops in the Black Soul Division, we can't count how many Nations we've lost. Oh… Wait," Sarkus reminisced a little about what happened a dozen years ago, "Are you the Clan that controls the four elements? Who mastered the Quadra Power? Oh, what a shame that there are still survivors of that great Clan! Ha..ha..ha...," Sarkus laughed as he looked up.

Jiro's hands clenched into fists and trembled, "Idiot! You think you can toy with human life as you please!

"Hoo..hoo… I remember now, that the Referral Clan is a Clan that has a Quadra core. I remember, Lord Sentura wanted that Quadra core to come to the Arahant clan, but they insisted on not giving it so our Division exterminated the Arahan clan."

"Bastard!" Jiro couldn't take it anymore, his white skin suddenly lit up because the splash of water covered him, exposed to the sunlight the luster was getting stronger. Jiro's power was at its peak for mastery of the water, the gentle splash of water continued to envelop him and form an armor of water. Behind his right hand appeared a water symbol, the water armor looked cool because it was blue and like a shiny checkerboard. Jiro flew upwards, the water enveloped him and swirled around his legs, body, and arms.

"Ha..ha…ha… Interesting. So, I allow you to face my seven Divisions which were killed by the Afflif warriors 10 years ago. This is also the troop that killed your Landline clan. I brought them all to life and just in time for your revenge. Ha ha ha.."

"Then…. Was it your master the Sentura who led the extermination of my Clan?"

Sarkus grimaced in disdain, "That's right! Tuanku Sentura is a great person I have served so far. He who annihilated the Arahant Nation…"

Not stopping yet…., Jiro lunged, a long, house-sized Spear Water formed from water crystals and shot towards Sarkus.


The Spear Water was shattered in the face of one of Sarkus' troops who flew up to block the attack with both hands. Expressionless and dark energy enveloped both his hands.

The Aflif below detected the points of the 7 people's troops, especially those who had just released their energy, the energy was very large... even the points showed up to tens of thousands, meaning that they were all people with strength above gold rank, and all over the martial arts were rare. people with that power.

The Aflif who knew about it, among them became frightened.

"This is not our battle! I want to be safe!"

"Right! Run away as fast as you can!"

Around 70 or so Afflif members who were at Silver Rank immediately fled and turned around as fast as they could. They are more looking for safety than just making money from the mission. Moreover, Kalueng's mission is actually only a B class mission, meaning it is a medium mission but they have to deal with Sarkus and his terrible army. Congratulations are their best way.

Sarkus laughed again, "Ha…ha…, you think you can run away after watching my show!" Sarkus gave orders through his hands which were enveloped in energy. His two armies shot out at a speed that even the naked eye could hardly follow. Two armies of corpses shot fast and twisted in two directions towards the fleeing Aflif.

Was this a battle that the Swordsmen could finish?