
Kaito Kid in the World of American Comics

He is a bastard who tries to trample all American police under his feet-GCPD. He is like the 21st century Robin Hood, who can easily disguise himself as the person you are most familiar with. We are not even sure whether he is a "he" or "her"-CIA We may have to spend a lifetime hunting him down, but in the end, it is mostly useless-FBI  The magician under the moonlight. His risk assessment... is very complicated, but we can at least be sure that he is much more skilled than most members of the Avengers-SHIELD, He is our dream lover-Female fans. "In this world, treasures, and beauties are the most indispensable"- Mathison. ___________________________ Disclaimer: This is a Chinese fanfic translated by us. Raws Link: https://sj.uukanshu.com/book.aspx?id=163458 Author: Creek and Fish Translator: Lwiza We do not own any of the characters of this work nor the cover picture. If the owner of the picture wants it taken down, you can contact us and we will immediately do so ---------------------------- The novel here will always be many chapters behind, so head on to Reincarnation Palace and support the translators there.

RainPalace · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 124: Crushed and Fractured

Ivan ascended to more than ten meters in the air, while blood continuously flowed from the gap connecting his leg armor.

It can be seen from this that Ivan's workmanship is way rougher than Tony's.

Compared to Ivan's suit, Mark IV's joints look as if they are tightly stitched, and it is impossible for the suit to fail around like that of Ivan.


Ivan's legs were really ruined, his eyes were red, and he yelled and threw the two whips successively at Mathison below.

The flashing electric arcs of the whip rope flickered left and right

There was an inexplicable brilliance in Mathison's eyes, as his body moved slightly to the left and right in advance, escaping the two attacks of the whip.

The two whiplashes passed by Mathison's left and right ribs respectively, missing them by just a few centimeters.

At the same time, his left hand, which had been inserted in his trouser pocket, instantly reached out and held the whip rope that flew past his side with his right hand.

"What! That pair of white gloves are obviously not protective. He directly touched it with his hands! Isn't he afraid of being electrocuted?"

Ivan was startled by the actions of Phantom Kid, although this is not his first time getting frightened.

Mathison smiled contemptuously. He already had activated 'A Knight Does Not Die with Empty Hands'. So the only thing he couldn't grasp was long-range and fast projectiles.

One such example is Iron Man's Palm Cannon, a pure pulse weapon, Mathison cannot temporarily turn it into his own treasure.

However, a physical melee weapon like the whip can be used by Mathison no matter how strong its current is.

"The weapon system encountered an unknown attack, the electromagnetic whip is out of control!"

"I repeat, the electromagnetic whip is out of control!"

Inside the armor, Ivan listened to the system's prompt sound with a bewildered expression.

What is happening now is beyond his comprehension.

However, that was not all.

The whip started changing from the part Mathison was holding it with both hands. The whole whip started changing from a blue shining arc to a pure white.

And this white stain was still spreading to the armor of the whip and even the whole body.

"Warning! Warning!"

"Weapon systems have encountered an unidentified attack, the attack is spreading to the power system and control!"

"It is recommended to immediately abandon the battlesuit's whips, otherwise you will lose control over the armor!"

Even if Ivan still couldn't understand how Phantom Kid could invade his well-designed control system by putting his hand on the whip, it was impossible for Phantom Kid to actually be some super artificial intelligence robot that could hack into any network system in the world at will, right?

But the reality of the situation is that he had to follow the system alerts and let the two external whipcords get ejected.

It's a shame that he couldn't turn the whiplash's armor into a D-grade treasure tool in one fell swoop, but it's nice to have two whips in hand.

Moreover, the length of each whip was more than ten meters, and under the influence of Mathison's ability, it even extended a few meters strangely, turning into twenty meters long whips.

It is no longer appropriate to call it a whip, it should be called a rope.

Mathison's body is not tall, but he holds such a long rope as a weapon in his hand, forming the visually most bizarre proportions.

At the same time, Mathison also felt the blood of Ackerman in his body boiling, as if some kind of talent had been inspired.

The pair of whips not only did not stop flashing with electric arcs in Mathison's hands, but it became more dazzling, making a loud crackling noise.


Mathison threw a whip at Ivan mid-air.

Only a loud sound was heard, and Ivan was sent flying backward hundreds of meters before he could react.


This was the sound of armor hitting the ground heavily, raising a wave of dust.

The hit has left a long gap, extending from the chest to the left side of the waist, revealing Ivan inside.

The ultra-high temperature burned a large area of alloy armor on both sides of the gap.

"Damage to the hull has exceeded 50%."

Needless to say, Ivan also knew how severe the armor damage was. He just felt that his whole body was about to fall apart.

The power of that whip hit was definitely not a force that humans can use.

Ever since Hammer mocked Ivan as a dirtbag who only teases birds and knows nothing about the world, he has looked up a lot of information through Hammer Industries' database that he had never covered before.

Superhumans, monsters, gods...

That's right, Hammer Industries has also preserved the materials hyped by the Rising Tide Organization.

But Hammer was not interested in superhuman things at all.

But in the end, it opened the door to a new world for Ivan.

Even so, after watching a lot of so-called "superhuman" video materials.

There are only two existences with such great power that Ivan knows about.

One covered in green, one with bone spikes on the back, these two are huge monsters. These were powerful beings that could use trucks as basketballs.

Other superhumans did not show such terrifying power.

"Monster, he is a monster too!"

He finally started to feel scared.

He immediately turned on the armored thruster, intending to fly into the air to escape.

"Wanna run?"

Mathison looked at Ivan who was struggling to stand up hundreds of meters away, and the blood boiling in his body was getting hotter and hotter.

"Ivan Vanko, it is your greatest misfortune to provoke me!"

Mathison threw two 20-meter-long whips out, hooking the pillars of a dilapidated building between him and Ivan.

The muscles of his arms were suddenly tightened, exerting force backward, and, at the same time, his body naturally leaned forward.

The huge reaction force pushed Mathison's body over and launched him towards Ivan at a very fast speed, like a slingshot shooting a stone.



Two loud noises came in a row.

The first sound was the sound of Mathison throwing a whip at Ivan again, and the second sound was the sound of Ivan being beaten again and smashing a wall next to him.

At this time, the armor on Ivan's body had been torn apart, and only the parts that protected his head and vital parts of his body were barely intact.

As for the state of his bones, Mathison was not a medical student, so he couldn't tell whether they were cracked or not.

But what is certain is that even if Ivan was lucky to survive today, he can only spend the rest of his life in a hospital bed.

Mathison moved so swiftly that even Ivan couldn't react in his armor.

Before he started struggling to stand up, Mathison leaped in front of him again.

In Ivan's horrified and remorseful eyes, a whip sent him flying again.

This time Mathison launched a strike upwards.

Ivan was instantly stunned by this force and was ascending to the sky at a very high speed.


Suddenly, Ivan seemed to hit something in the sky and made a loud noise.

A strangely shaped plane suddenly appeared in the empty sky. It was the Batwing piloted by Alfred.

He was here on the order of his master, Wayne, to collect the battle data of the Phantom Kid.

The armor at the bottom of the Batwing was hit deeply by Ivan, but it was not damaged. It can be seen how strongly protective the outer armor of the Batwing is.

Alfred manipulated the Batwing to extend a mechanical hand from the cabin door and grabbed Ivan.

After a simple examination, Ivan's bones have been crushed and fractured.

It was a miracle that the collision just now didn't kill him.

When Alfred looked down again, the figure of Phantom Kid had disappeared.