
2 Good

Second place.

If Kai wasn't here then he was either going to doubt the honesty of these rankings or accept that maybe killing three high level beings with the help of a Miracle Bead actually wasn't that much of a feat.

In fact, maybe Kai wasn't that strong after all.

So far, everyone in the top five had been a powerhouse in their own way. The black haired swordsman was in a league of his own, his technique was just too perfect and too incredible to comprehend. In fact, it was a little strange that he wasn't ranked higher.

If you looked at it one way, fourth and fifth rank could have swapped considering that the clips showed the swordsman in a more favourable light than the mysterious archer.

However, that archer definitely deserved their place considering that they killed nearly every creature with a single arrow. That was something that was basically an impossible feat for anyone else to replicate unless they were extremely well prepared and had a good match-up.

Even Creepy kind of deserved third place considering that smoke of his was an absolute nightmare to deal with. It had some innate attribute to do with time while also obscuring Kai's senses, that alone was damn annoying. But who knows how much that guy had grown since their first and only meeting.

In fact, there was a high chance that Kai lost to all three of those in a fight. He had ready technically lost to Creepy once, the swordsman definitely had more tricks up his sleeve considering that even The Host wasn't allowed to show what happened after he started dual weilding, and that archer could just stalk Kai until he was asleep or something.

Still, in the right situation, Kai could probably win, maybe with a little bit of trouble.

But that was just a passing thought, what actually mattered was who got second place.

"Now, the gap between second are first place is not that big, in fact, it barely exists! It was a hard choice to make, who got first and who got second considering that both of their performances were exceptional, the pinnacle of humanity. Both of them showed an unparalleled level of strength, luck and the characteristics to back themselves up.

Still, in the end, we needed a first and second place, not a joint first. So, without further ado, I give you second place."

The screen that had displayed the previous eight places started to change, however the angel had not finished her commentary.

"This tutorial was vastly different to any of the other ones, in fact, this one wasn't meant to happen at all considering the way it was set up.

However, it worked out in the end, and I'm sure that the person in second is happy with the result. Well, maybe not, it wasn't exactly an easy month for them after all.

Everyone could tell from the very start that the angel was definitely right about the tutorial being different.

While all the previous sceneries had been forests, mountains, meadows or medieval kingdoms, this one was nothing like any of them.

The sky was a dark gray and cloaked by an abundance of dreary clouds. At random times, the clouds would clear for a few seconds and reveal the image of a dark moon, only the moon was a little strange. It had a weird curve to it and resembled the skull of some horrifying gargantuan leviathan rather than a moon.

There was barely any light, the only light source being the scarcely lit candles throughout the area.

But that area however, was something that everyone in the crowd was happy they did not have to experience.

The ground was a light gray colour, a colour that reminded one of death. There was barely any grass, and if there was then it had already been turned a ghastly black colour.

Tombstones spread out as far as the eye could see, chunks of rock sticking out of the ground with no sign of stopping.

The entire tutorial world was one ginormous cemetery.

And what would a cemetery be if it did not have skeletons?

They worked on a timer, they would get up and wander the graveyard for twelve hours, then they would crumple into a pile of their own bones for the other twelve.

If a tutorial was like this then everyone expected it to have the highest population of all the tutorials considering how difficult it looked to survive there.

But no, to someone's dismay, that entire tutorial was only inhabited by one single participant.

A rather unassuming looking man with shaggy brown hair and strange green eyes. He fainly reminded Kai of Failure, only that guy on the screen was much scrawnier and cowardly.

The timing of the start of the tutorial could not have been any worse, the man had spawned in while the skeletons were active, meaning that his introduction to the tutorial was getting chased around by countless undead creatures for a couple of hours.

After that not so nice experience, the man took advantage of the break and composed himself. All he had to his name was a useless cloak and a dagger.

Not really a good combo if he were to go fighting skeletons.

Still, that's all he had for the next couple of days. It went about as expected, basically sleeping the whole twelve hours the skeletons were just bones lying on the ground while he desparately ran for the other twelve.

He managed to kill a few, which was a big surprise to him, but that was the end of his good luck.

On the third day, he had gotten completetly surrounded and suffered heavy damage from the onslaught of skeletons.

His arms had an abundance of cuts from the skeletons bony fingers, all of which had started to show signs of some weird type of poisoning that resembled decay.

There was only so much he could do while being poisoned, and running for a long time was not one of them.

After desparately fighting for his life, the man's body gave in as he fell face first into a grave.


Skeletons closed in from all angles as the man groaned in pain, he had ended up landing on something hard, which was kind of strange considering it should have just been dirt.

Lifting his hand, the man realised that there was a tattered book in his grasp.

Curiously, he wondered why the hell that there was some random book in this grave, but that was the only thought he got to have.

Not even a second later, a wave of purple shot out from the ghastly book and hit against the man's forehead, knocking his head back against the hard surface once more and knocking him out completely.

At least Kai wasn't the only one who kept getting knocked out in the tutorial.

The surface beneath the unconscious man started to move as he slowly got lifted up, as if something under him was standing up.

After a few seconds, a figure covered in frightening set of pitch black armour stood up from the grave, a powerful sword in its right hand.

However, the man was still asleep in the grave.

So what-

Without any warning, the armoured figure shot forward and decapitated the heads of five skeletons with a single swing of its blade.

Obviously, it didn't do much considering the skeletons could move without their heads, but what the armoured figure did next certainly had an impact.

The area in which the head had been severed from the neck suddenly glowed a grim shade of black and was engulfed by black flames.

The bodies stopped moving a second later, as if their very being or connection to their heads had been burned away.

And for the next seven hours and twelve minutes, that figure wearing that terrifying set of black armour single handedly held back all the skeletons until they returned back to just being a pile of bones on the decaying ground.

The man woke up after a few hours had passed, only to nearly pass out again after seeing that armoured figure standing above the grave he was in, he must have thought that death had come for him.

Then, some weird stuff happened,  no one except the man in the video was aware of what was actually going on considering he was checking his status so see what the hell had happened after that book attacked him.

Hesitantly, the man got out of the grave and admired the armoured figure. After making sure that it was friendly enough, the man made his way over to one of the piles of bones and held his hand out.

Then, his hand started to glow.

And the skeleton started to wake up before the twelve hours had passed.

Kai's eyes widened as he realised what was going on, something that he had a passing thought about at one point in the Dome thinking that it would be kind of cool.

The man in second place had become a goddamn necromancer.

A few minutes later, the man's team was assembled. It was him, his armoured sidekick, and two reanimated skeletons, that must have been his limit.

And that was how he worked for the next two weeks passed for the man. He would hunt with his undead team, leveling up and getting more efficient with his newfound powers. By the end of the two weeks, he had ten skeletons under his control.

Then, the man caught wind of four skeletons that were apparently much stronger stronger than any other skeleton, and they were called the graveyard guardians.

Kind of a lame name, but who really cared.

The man then made it his mission to kill the four graveyard guardians before the tutorial ended.

The first was a giant skeletal bird that would shoot bone feathers down from the sky as an AOE attack. That one took a little while as the man just had his armoured guardian throw bone spears back up at the bird.

The second guardian actually still had flesh on its body, it was a ghoul of sorts. Extremely lanky and looked absolutely horryifying.

It must have also smelled pretty bad too, considering the face the man made when he first faced it.

They ended up defeating that one too, in fact, it was actually easier than the skeletal bird.

After killing a graveyard guardian, the man would dismiss one of his skeletons in order to take control of the guardian, so with every guardian killed his strength grew.

A week and a half later, the man had killed the four graveyard guardians and added them to his undead army.

However, it turned out that it was not over.

Each of them had dropped a a strange item, which when put together created a compass made out of bones.

Curious, the man followed the compass to a decrepit crypt that looked to be in the very centre of the entire graveyard.

After entering, it took a whole tree days of using skeletons as sacrificial lambs to avoid all the traps to reach the main area of the crypt.

And inside, was a lich.

A goddamn lich.

The man and lich actually spoke, which was obviously censored considering the angel liked to do that so much.

Then, after they had exchanged words, they began to fight.

It was a brutal fight, each party put their all into it.

However, even with the power of his sidekick and all the graveyard guardians, the man was unable to defeat the lich and had to retreat after getting inflicted with some sort of curse.

The final clip just showed him taking his anger out on some skeletons before inevitably being taken out of the tutorial after the time had ended.

Kai swallowed nervously as the screen turned black.

Suddenly, he was no longer sure if he had a chance of being in first place.

Necromancers on top

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