

In ": KAILASH A HIDDEN MAGICAL WORLD " journey into a world where magic reigns supreme and destiny unfolds in unforeseen ways. RISE OF VILOHIT When seventeen-year-old RUDRA VILOHIT discovers a hidden magical world, his life takes an unexpected turn. Drawn into the enigmatic world of magic, RUDRA VILOHIT embarks on a quest of self-discovery and adventure at the prestigious Aegis Academy of Arcane Arts. As RUDRA VILOHIT navigates the complexities of his newfound abilities and forges friendships with fellow students, he uncovers a dark secret lurking within the shadows of the academy. With the help of his companions, RUDRA VILOHIT must unravel the mystery of the Lost Artifact of KAILASH—a legendary relic said to hold unimaginable power—before it falls into the wrong hands. But time is running out, and forces of darkness conspire to thwart RUDRA VILOHIT r's quest at every turn. From ancient prophecies to epic battles, "KAILASH A HIDDEN MAGICAL WORLD : RISE OF VILOHIT" is a thrilling tale of magic, friendship, and the enduring power of the human spirit. Join RUDRA VILOHIT and his allies as they embark on a journey that will test their courage, challenge their beliefs, and shape the destiny of KAILASH itself.

shubhamshiv · Fantasy
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Chapter 1 Echoes of KAILASH: Awakening the Hidden Magic

(I'm revising and adding more information as my reader Raiza points out certain errors. You can go read the comments. I am again requesting your valuable review. Please read all of the published chapters and provide a review if possible. It would be more useful for me.)


In the heart of our familiar world lies a secret so profound that it has shaped the course of history yet remains hidden from the eyes of mankind.


On the surface, Earth appears much as it always has, with its bustling cities, sprawling landscapes, and teeming oceans. But beneath this facade of normalcy lies a realm pulsating with magic, a realm woven into the very fabric of existence itself.


For centuries, Earth has been a playground for the arcane, a stage where mystic forces dance in the shadows, influencing the destinies of nations and individuals alike.

Yet, as civilizations evolved and the modern era dawned, the presence of magic began to fade from the collective consciousness of humanity.


What was once revered as divine became relegated to the realm of myth and legend, buried beneath layers of skepticism and disbelief.


But magic never truly vanished. Instead, it retreated into the hidden corners of the world, concealed from mortal sight by powerful enchantments and ancient wards. Only a select few, those with a keen sensitivity to the arcane, could perceive the subtle threads of magic that still wove through the tapestry of reality.



Earth ,

Science has greatly influenced human development in numerous ways in the absence of magic. 

Technological Advancements: Scientific research has led to the development of various technologies that have transformed human life.

From the invention of electricity to the internet, these advancements have made communication, transportation, healthcare, and many other aspects of life more efficient and accessible.


Medical Breakthroughs: Science has revolutionized medicine, leading to the development of vaccines, antibiotics, and advanced surgical techniques. These advancements have significantly reduced mortality rates, increased life expectancy, and improved overall health outcomes.


Environmental Impact: While scientific advancements have brought many benefits, they have also contributed to environmental degradation. Industrialization, deforestation, and the burning of fossil fuels have led to climate change, pollution, and habitat destruction, posing significant challenges to the health of our planet.



Space Exploration: Scientific exploration has extended beyond Earth, with humans landing on the moon and robotic probes sent to explore other planets and celestial bodies. These endeavours have expanded our understanding of the universe and inspired technological innovations.



Information and Education: The dissemination of scientific knowledge through education and the media has empowered individuals to make informed decisions about their health, environment, and daily lives. Access to information has also fostered scientific literacy and critical thinking skills.



Ethical Considerations: As science continues to advance, ethical questions arise regarding the responsible use of technology, genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, and other areas of research. Society must grapple with these complex issues to ensure that scientific progress benefits humanity as a whole.



Youngsters take magic as fantasy and science as a god, but not every youngster thinks the same. 


In a population of millions, In the bustling city of Astoria which is one of the developed cities of the NORINDBH Country. 

Astoria is a vibrant city with a stunning skyline filled with skyscrapers that reach high into the clouds

With its development progress, it is also known as the most crowded city. People who are busy in their lives and do not have time for others in their lives, such people live here. 


 This city stands as a beacon of modernity and progress, boasting a plethora of advanced infrastructure, cutting-edge technology, and a thriving economy.


As you wander the streets of Astoria, you'll be captivated by the breathtaking architectural wonders that shape the cityscape. The skyline is embellished with magnificent glass and steel buildings, each competing for your attention with its own distinctive style and magnificence.



These towering skyscrapers accommodate a diverse range of businesses, corporate offices, luxurious homes, and bustling commercial establishments, showcasing the city's reputation as a thriving center for global trade and groundbreaking ideas.


Astoria's growth goes beyond just its tall buildings. The city's urban planning is carefully thought out, with well-connected roads, efficient public transportation, and beautifully designed green spaces scattered throughout the cityscape. These parks, gardens, and recreational areas offer a peaceful escape from the bustling city life for both residents and visitors.



Furthermore, Astoria is a melting pot of cultures, with a diverse population from different backgrounds and nationalities. This diversity is evident in the city's lively food scene, cultural festivals, and artistic expressions, making it a truly cosmopolitan destination.


Despite its modernity, Astoria also prioritizes sustainability and environmental awareness. The city implements eco-friendly initiatives such as green building standards, renewable energy projects, and effective waste management systems to reduce its ecological impact and ensure a greener future for generations to come.


In summary, Astoria is a testament to human creativity and progress, where towering skyscrapers reach for the sky and innovation flourishes amidst a backdrop of urban sophistication and cultural diversity.


In such Awsome city, lived a young man named RUDRA VILOHIT.

Born into a modern world of technology and innovation, RUDRA VILOHIT grew up with his family in a sleek apartment overlooking the city skyline. Despite the modernity surrounding him, RUDRA VILOHIT always felt a deep fascination for the ancient tales of magic and mysticism that he read about in books and heard whispered in hushed tones.


His enthusiasm for the mystical arts and visionary realms is evident not just in his leisure activities, but also in his behavior and look.


Rudra Vilohit, a 17-year-old lad, has a slim yet athletic physique, which clearly shows his active lifestyle and adventurous nature. Despite being slightly taller than average for his age, he carries himself with confidence and elegance that defies his youth.

His movements are smooth and purposeful, mirroring the precision and finesse required in the art of living for a youth. 


The bridge of Rudra's nose is straight and strong, adding to the symmetry of his face and imparting a sense of strength and determination. His lips, often curved in a mischievous smirk, betray a hint of his playful nature and the sense of humor that endears him to those around him.



In terms of behavior, Rudra is known for his insatiable thirst for knowledge and his unwavering dedication to mastering the arcane arts.


He is a quick learner, absorbing information like a sponge and constantly seeking out new challenges to test his skills. Despite his passion for the fantastical, Rudra remains grounded and practical, approachable. 



RUDRA VILOHIT's family was a tight-knit unit, with both his parents fully engrossed in the fast-paced world of corporate finance.



His father, MAADHAV, was a successful executive at a prestigious firm, while his mother, LILA, was a brilliant data analyst at a leading tech company. Despite their busy schedules, they always made time for RUDRA VILOHIT, encouraging his curiosity and nurturing his love for learning.



Despite their modern beliefs and skepticism towards magic and fantasy, RUDRA VILOHIT's parents haven't discouraged him. They hope that with time, Rudra will outgrow his fascination with imaginary magic and focus more on his career.



Occasionally, they get annoyed when they discover that he spends his pocket money on magic and fantasy novels or other magical items that claim to be authentic.



However, they never scold him or take harsh actions because they see the joy in their child's eyes. Like any parent, they strive to instill a sense of reality in him. Being their only child, they love him dearly and try to fulfill his every desire, while also teaching him right from wrong.


His pals are fans and share his curiosity, therefore they are all part of the same group. Others only accept him because, while RUDRA VILOHIT is a fan of magic, he is also good in school and spots, and he is fun-loving and approachable. Many people find his interest in magic odd, but they never make fun of it because everyone has such strange fanaticism that only some display, while others do not.



At seventeen, he was a typical high school student navigating the complexities of adolescence amidst the humdrum of daily routines. 


It was during one of his late-night browsing sessions on the internet that RUDRA VILOHIT stumbled upon a mysterious website dedicated to the occult and arcane arts.


The website claims that particular magic arises from sleep magic and that your soul connects you to a magical world. Magic power if exists within you will arise. 


RUDRA VILOHIT was intrigued by the intriguing symbols and cryptic phrases, so he dug deeper into the site's hidden depths.



Guided by his newfound fascination and curiosity with new magic spells and signs, RUDRA VILOHIT began to experiment with spells and rituals in the confines of his bedroom, his mind alive with possibilities and wonder.



He had no idea that his exploration would take him beyond the boundaries of the mundane world and into the domain of the Arcane, but not today.



After a long wait, he stood in front of a circle in which he made signs that seemed like " ※ ⨀ ⨞ ⩥ ↈ ≴ ≆ ∰ ʤ " in which the first symbol ※ was in the middle and others presented in 8 directions of this symbol as four dots and the other four at the ends of the line "※".



He falls asleep after discovering that nothing has happened. RUDRA VILOHIT's curiosity began to grow as time passed.


He was not discouraged by his failure because he had already tried several times. He just tried his luck, as he often does, and perhaps he discovered something new.



Currently, in the thriving city of Astoria, where tall skyscrapers pierce the skyline,

RUDRA VILOHIT lived the seemingly ordinary life of a curious teenager.


It was a crisp autumn afternoon, His school life just ended a few months before. He spends his free time with his family, Today to find something he goes inside his family's attic. 



when RUDRA VILOHIT stumbled upon an old, dusty book hidden away in the attic of his family's suburban home.



Intrigued by its weathered pages and cryptic symbols, he began to leaf through its contents, unaware of the ancient magic stirring within its words, which started to connect his soul.



As he read, a strange sensation washed over him, like a distant echo from a forgotten past.



Images of fantastical landscapes and mystical creatures danced before his mind's eye, which he thought was his imagination, igniting a spark of curiosity within him and a curious Could magic truly exist in the modern world?



Determined to uncover the truth, RUDRA VILOHIT dove deeper into the mysterious book, deciphering its arcane passages with growing fascination.



Little did he realize, he was awakening an ancient heritage that lay dormant on Earth. 



That night, as the moon rose high in the sky, RUDRA VILOHIT's world was forever changed.



He goes to sleep thinking about the possibility of another hidden magic world, keeping that old book beside him in bed.



When RUDRA VILOHIT awoke in the morning, he saw a naughty small creature lying alongside him. Terrified of the unknown thing, he rushed out of bed and began sprinting for the door, but before he touched it, he froze in place, and despite his best efforts, he could not move. He tried to shout, but there was no sound. Fear overcame him. Fear of the unknown.



The creature flew toward RUDRA VILOHIT and said, " DO YOU NOT WANT TO GO KAILASH?".



When RUDRA VILOHIT repeats "KAILASH," he recognizes the name but, out of terror, cannot recall why.

The creature flew above RUDRA VILOHIT's head and sprinkled dust on him after noticing his condition.



RUDRA VILOHIT found his thoughts claiming, and fear began to dissipate. His heartbeat, which had barely doubled a few seconds before, has now returned to normal. He takes a deep breath and realizes that he can now move.

A smiling creature stated, "I am Eamon, a traveler guide."



Now, RUDRA VILOHIT pays attention to Eamon. Eamon looks like that fantasy creature pixie; she is a small, humanoid being with a delicate and ethereal appearance; she has a pair of pointing ears; big, clear eyes reflecting her mischievous nature; and keen intelligence. 



Eamon was also observing RUDRA VILOHIT. 'After a few seconds, she said, "So when we are going to Eldora?"



When RUDRA VILOHIT listened to "KAILASH" again, he started to think about where he learned words, and then he remembered yesterday he read in that old book. He moved his eyes toward the bed, but there was no book. 


RUDRA VILOHIT is confused "I think that ...I AM STILL DREAMING "




It's paining; I should punch somewhere else. 



EAMON, fly toward RUDRA VILOHIT. "Hurry up; I already waste a lot of time sleeping. If I don't go now, my energy will drain completely, and I will be struck with you."



After saying this, she didn't wait for a reply and moved his hand in a circle.


She inadvertently opened a portal to another dimension.


Startled by the unexpected turn of events, RUDRA VILOHIT found himself excited.



As RUDRA VILOHIT ventured into the enchanting realm, he didn't ponder the consequences of falling into a trap. Instead, curiosity consumed him, driving him to seize this rare opportunity.



He understood that his journey had only just commenced, and anything could unfold before his inquisitive eyes. Without hesitation, he embarked on his voyage through the portal.


He embraced the unknown with courage. .


Move forward without thinking and without wasting any time.






"Hello, I would like to invite you to read my first novel, "Will, The Crystal Soul's Journey," by Shubhamshiv on Webnovel.


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