
Crocodile hunter but uno reversed

Now then Australia got a lot of reasons to be my favourite place from. Lazarbeam satisfying my boredom to their slang and wildlife and speaking of which. Steve Irwin was my hero growing up so here's a Croc that's gonna excite Steve like when Mr Beast gives money to worthy causes so if you were a Siren Jaw who along with everyone else who is not human could evolve rapidly to the point where your the next. Main "Bad guy." How would you survive and what kind of Hollow Earth powers would give you powers.

Species name=Gigantus Crocodiliad otherwise known as The Siren Jaw

Threat level estimated at "Danger Danger Danger."

Type of animal aquatic predator or a "Man Eater."

Favourite manner of killing it deploys ambush predator tactics

Habitats are swaps or marshes and rarely coasts on a beach

Birth rates are fairly low even with prolonged matting

Base Statistics

Attack 140

Endurance 180

Dexterity 200

Speed 100

Intelligence 80

(Shared upgrades)

Swift swim allows water based creatures to move unrestricted in water.

You salty bro allows them to live and thrive in any water.

Call of the Alphas there's a 20% chance that hatchlings will have a Alpha.

Hollowed out opens up what most would say is the Magic bar used in most games.

(Unique upgrades.)

There something in the water right? Allows you to be completely unseen in water biomes by normal means.

Jaws of life and death allows the user to get a critical hit and apply several negative effects and it's double if your able too leach life points from enemies that are in unsuspected prays.

Acoustic weapons allows the user to live up to its name and use sound in all matter of ways so that no matter the situation you can always tout your horn in victory.

(Tribes of man.)

when you encounter the Iwi tribes you can either torment them as some twisted training ground or become this tribe deity and there's gonna be changes if you do.

For starter the tribe will become the equivalent to Somali pirates but way more cruel and stealthy and share some traits with the Aztecs for thy will sacrifice the enemy tribes and any poor sucker to your gullet.