
Impromptu Surgical Theater

[Huh...so this is what it's like to be inside shark boy's head...not gonna lie, I can see why Hurricroak had nothing but positives to say about him.]

[See you say that, Miss Razorstella, but I think our young master's head is the best. Granted I only have him and the rose uncle to draw a comparison, but still.]

[I wouldn't know, haven't been in the director's head yet.]

[Really? Why not?]

[Hesitation and going to be very honest here, not a big fan of the lack of pointy bits. I mean, he has...finger nails, I guess, but they're not the same as my legs and claws.]



"Oh why is there so much blood...," Zhen Xing said in alarm as he changed the beaten girl's bandages.

"I think it's a medical condition, kind of like how Auntie Bibi can't eat sweets?," Zhen Feng speculated as he assisted Zhen Xing.