
Chapter 328: Crossing the Storm Zone

Xu Huo serenely ordered his meal, paying no mind to the gazes of others in the restaurant, and ate slowly once the food was served.

The people in uniform were clearly vigilant around him. Three of them subtly sized him up before returning to the rear carriage at the signal of a middle-aged man.

Between the first carriage and the restaurant was a solid door without windows. The moment they opened the door, Xu Huo caught a glimpse of numerous black suitcases on the floor of the carriage and some metallic parts he had never seen before, scattered on the tables and ground.

After his meal, he inquired whether access to the lounge was permissible, but the staff informed him that the lounge fees were steep, and much like the dining area, it would be closed to guests after lights out. Even if he paid, he would have to return to his carriage before lights out.