
I die, but I will go down as I have lived, being a douche

Ah, I hate this. My life have been amazing, obviously it had to after all I am who I am and anything bellow amazing is unacceptable, but it still feel terrible to die.

I lived a fulfilling life, I went from an orphan to one of, it not THE most rich man on the face of the planet all due to my genius and intellect, no one could come close to matching me as I am Seto FUCKING Kaiba and that is reason enough for me to always win.

However, there were only two things that had ever truly defeated me, and I resent both. First is Atem, that damn old ghost that ran away before I properly could defeat him in a humiliating way to leave him crying in the floor, something I did to thousands of others during my games and business, and the second is death. I could only delay death for 168 years, long enough that even my grandsons died of old age while I stayed strong and leading my company to this moment. Even now as I am breathing my last breaths I still am ordering people in what to do with my corpse after I am gone.

"I want you to blow my body together with the company's headquarters, only I can sit in that president chair you understand?"

"We do, master Kaiba!" A bunch of grunts said while kneeling bellow me. Yeah, if I am to be gone at least I want to make sure I go in stile. In me I only carry my most precious item, my blue eyes white dragon card. It has been with me since I was but a child and even now I will be going down with it in my hand. The fact that the chip containing most of the passwords for my accounts is imbued in the card is a secret because I want to make sure that if I can't use the money I made then no one else can.

My decedents can go and try to be one percent as awesome as I was, but considering how amazing I am I doubt they ever will even with my genes. My only consolation is that I will be able to see Mokuba after I die, perhaps tell him in person to shut up and OH MY GOOD Wheeler will be there.

Fuck, I'd rather go straight to hell than live in the same heaven as that trash that never knew how to play a card game.

And those were my last thoughts while alive, and I regret none of them.

Huh, so this is how death is like. At one moment I can feel myself moving and being an asshole with everyone around me, in the next I am in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do besides talking to myself.

Still better than being around most of those idiots for sure.

"No, you are not alone here, young Kaiba. I am here, after all."

WHO SAID THAT? And how dare you read my mind, I don't know how but I will sue you for invasion of privacy and take away everything you have!

"HAHAHAHA, still the same as ever. That attitude and belief in yourself that makes you perfect I suppose."

Well, at least whoever it is that is talking knows how to state the obvious. Turning around, or trying to since I can't really know directions around wherever the hell I am, I finally see what exactly is talking to me.

"Why are you here and what is going on, Obelisk the Tormentor?"

The muscular giant with the appearance of a blue demon god looked at me for a while before starting to talk again.

"Simple, because just as you are bored with everything and wants a proper rematch so am I. Can you imagine how it is to be thought as the weakest link between the three Egyptian Gods? Sliffer never let it down how he defeated me and Ra is an ignorant flying chicken that believes himself my better! I could not stand that anymore, the realm of the Gods is beyond boring and serving Atem has grown to be impossible anymore since he never calls upon my powers, only going for those pathetic magicians and my other brothers. Even as I left he did not show much care since he isn't interested in fighting anymore, and as if a coincidence I saw you dying at that instant so I decided to bring you here instead of leaving you to go to the regular reincarnation cicle."

I heard this all but I have more important things to do than listen to the complaints of others, like talking to myself as that is much more interesting.

"Now tell me, would you like a new chance? A chance to go where Atem is and prove that YOU and ME are the true best there are?"

Slightly more interesting, I admit that.

"Okay, but how exactly is this supposed to work? Will you take me to him right now?"

"No, that would be impossible. You have to understand that Atem is on a unique realm of existence right now, the realm of Gods. Uniting the seven millennium items and taking for himself the powers of us Egyptian gods made him eligible to enter there, but I alone could never lead you there. What I can do is take you to a different dimension. There, people train in something called spiritual energy and fights to the death are constant and relatively normal, when you manage to reach level 100 you will be able to reach the realm of gods and challenge Atem again, but by then you already will be much stronger than he ever will be. I will accompany you on your journey just as will your Blue Eyes White Dragon, you will grow to dominate that entire world using your strength and when you get to the realm of Gods you will help me prove that I am the strongest Egyptian God! What do you say, do you agree?"

Well, it is either a possibly brutal world where people fight like maniacs and there is a high chance of me dying. On the other hand, if I go I can get a new chance of defeating Atem and proving to myself that I am the number one.

"I accept!"

I hope everyone enjoyed this, it is just an experiment so I am not sure how far I will take this story but I hope you guys enjoyed it.

kingCHcreators' thoughts