
Kai Hill

Kai is just a boy who loves to fight. His best friend and boyfriend turns against him and broke him into a million pieces, watch as this boy turns from a kind and loving boy into a angry, and destructive Guy all because of one key moment. Join us in this adventure as Kai, Lucas, Zane, Thorn, and Axel become the best of the best as the Black Panthers climb the ranks from #20 to the worlds strongest! P.S. I don't own the cover image...if the owner wants me to take it down just say something and I'll take it down... Kai is my own Oc, he has a unique personality... Sometimes he's angry and destructive and sometimes he's shy and silly its only after he finds that new special someone that he changes for the good

IceValkyrie · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The betrayal

In a town called Sorma there was a group of kids fighting at an abandoned territory it was a two versus five, one was tall with white spiky hair and blood red eyes, his mouth was open in a glorious laugh, he was teamed up with a boy that was only a little bit shorter than him and had black hair, with sapphire blue eyes, his mouth was bent downwards in a frown as he defended himself from punches and kicks from the other kids.

"Come on Kai! You can't really expect us to just sit by and let you disrespect us like that right?" Said one of the kids off to the side of the fight, his hair was dark brown and his eyes were light blue, his mouth was twisted upward in a cruel smile.

"No, I… I didn't mean to disrespect you…" The boy with the black hair said. He ducked as one of the other kids threw a punch towards his face. 

"Why are you doing this to Kai? I mean, you were friends Jared!" Said the taller kid by the black haired kid's side. The black haired kid was called Kai while the spiky White haired kid was called Lucas. They had been together most their life and were close enough that they called each other brothers. They grew up together in an orphanage in a town called Solus. When they were ten they went to the same school. They grew popular with the girls as the strongest duo when it came to fist fighting, and when they fought other kids they always relied on each other's strengths and covered each other's weaknesses as well. Kai is good when it comes to fighting with his fists and is very good at dodging others attacks and counter attacking while dodging them. Whilst Lucas was good using his fists to punch and his feet to kick their feet out from under them. He is always the brute of these fights and can defeat just about anyone, except for this fight… two versus five isn't all that easy, even for Lucas. One of the kids threw a punch towards Lucas but he dodged it easily.

    "Kai now!" Lucas said, distracting the kid who just threw a punch at him. Kai lunged and punched the boy in his stomach. You could hear the breath huff out of his mouth as he stumbled away almost falling to the ground. Right before he fell he righted himself and lunged at Kai.

    "Bitch! Why the hell did you punch me in the fucking stomach! That hurt!" Said one of the kids, clutching his stomach like a wounded animal. He slowly gets up and turns around to run behind another kid but Lucas grabs him by the wrist. 

    "Not so fast! Why are you doing this to Kai…" Lucas said, grimacing as the kid kicked him in the bottom of his right leg. The kid whirls around and yells at Lucas.

    "Kai was the one who was rude to us, we wanted revenge so we will get it! Kody now!" said the one who was restrained by Lucas. Kai turned around and his eyes widened as he looked at Kody. 

    "Kai… I'm…. I'm really sorry… but you need to be stopped…" Said the boy named Kody, he had shoulder length black hair and midnight black eyes. Kody was holding a gun and had it aimed at Kai. Kai walked closer, eyes full of sadness and anger.

    "You ratted me out! Didn't you! What did I ever do to you Kody! I loved you! Why would you do this to me…." Kai cries out, sounding heartbroken. Kody's hand was shaking and you could tell from the look in his eyes that he didn't want to do this.

    "You can't just beat other kids almost to death and get away with it… Even if they did deserve it Kai…" Kody said, hands shaking more. Kai walked closer to Kody, looking pissed. He went to grab Kody's arm but instead a gunshot was fired and Kai fell backwards holding his left shoulder. He looked up with eyes filled with disbelief and severe pain. Blood started dripping down his arm and he silently screamed.

    "WHAT THE HELL KODY!!!! You were lovers! Why the hell would you do this to Kai!" Lucas said, running over to Kai, putting pressure on his gunshot wound. Kai was breathing heavily and was sweating from the pain.

"Kody..." Kai whispered before passing out. Lucas looked between the heartbroken Kody and the growing paler by the second Kai that was losing even more blood as he hesitated. After about ten seconds of thinking Lucas picked up Kai and walked out of the territory and then started running towards a hospital, not even once looking back at Kody who was sitting curled up in a ball crying, he had dropped the gun on the ground besides him.

    "Don't be a crybaby Kody… You did what was right, he would have hurt you as well…" Jared said, crouching down besides Kody and grabbing the gun. Kody moved his head to the side so he could look at Jared with one eye while the other was hidden.

    "I shot my fucking boyfriend am I not allowed to cry?" Kody said, sniffling as a tear ran down his cheek. He moved a little bit away from Jared as Jared looked at the gun in his hand. As he stood up he went to run away from Jared but a gunshot was heard.

    "That's for being a pain in my ass and being friends with Kai… you could have been part of my gang… but you went over to Kai's side…" Jared said with an evil grin. Kody held his chest with his mouth open in a silent scream, his eyes were open wide with shock and pain. An older man had walked by at that time and had seen what had happened, his hair was a dark shade of red and he had a blood red scarf and midnight black eyes. 

    "Boy! What did you do!" The man said running over and checking on Kody, he put pressure on his chest but no matter how much pressure he put on his chest that wouldn't be able to help him now. He turns around and grabs the boy by his shirt.

    "What the fuck dude? Why did you shoot him?!" He said, his eyes filled with furry. He grabs the boy's wrist and twists it, making him drop the gun. After he picks up the gun he then turns around and picks up Kody, taking him to his car and then to the hospital.

    "Thank you… mister..." Kody said, as he huffs for breath. The man looks at him and nods.

    "Call me Thorn, I'm going to try and save you but I'm not too sure if I can…" Thorn sighed, looking at his chest. Kody sighed and tried to move up in the seat but couldn't muster enough strength.

    "I need… to apologize… to Kai…" Kody said, sighing he closes his eyes, struggling to breath. Thorn stomped on the gas, almost to the hospital. Five minutes later he arrived at the hospital and hurried to get Kody inside as Kody's breathing was very shallow. He picked Kody up out of the car and ran as fast as his legs could carry him without falling inside the hospital. He walked up to the receptionist out of breath but still worried.

    "How may I help-" The lady said before she saw Kody. "What the hell happened?? This is the 2nd gunshot case in the last ten minutes. Hurry come this way!" She said as she led them to a room and told them to lay Kody down on the bed. Then the receptionist left and immediately a nurse came in and took off Kody's shirt looking at the wound. She gasped and then ran out and a minute later a doctor came running in.

    "My name is Dr. Keith, what happened?" Keith said as he immediately started bandaging his wound.

    "I don't know what the kid had against this boy but I was walking by and heard a gunshot so I started running towards the sound and right before I got to them I heard another gunshot and this boy fell on the ground with a kid above him just smiling. I hurried and ran over, I even got the gun from the stupid kid, I can give it to you, You can lock me up if you believe I shot him… Please...can you save him?" Thorn asked, sounding shaken. He was watching the doctor bandaging Kody.

    "Kai…. where's... Kai…" Kody whispered, sadly. The doctor paused and then looked at Thorn.

    "Did he say Kai? Did he mean Kai Hill? The one who came in with a gunshot wound a few minutes ago?" Keith said, shocked. Thorn looked at Kody and then back to Keith. 

    "I guess he is.. I did say I heard two gunshots…" Thorn said. Thorn asked where Kai's room was and then went and saw him.