

born within tha walls shadow.

he was born Within the walls of Stormview to a wood elf mom and his father is an unknown angel or so he was told, starting off as a kind and gentle soul but as he grew he saw the world in a new light after his mom died when he was 10, he was beaten up alot, nearly killed multiple times, robbed from and he got kidnapped once but escaped luckily it scared tha shit out of him and he promised himself to get stronger no matter what.

Three years he lived on the streets fighting off all who trying to hurt him winning some losing some escaping when can i8he learn to fight with anything he can get his hands on stealing when he has to, he even killed when he had to. Tha world tryed to break him but he adapted to it he learned to take what he needed and fight for his survival, he saw a knight or at lest that's what he thought was one go into a church like building so he followed the knight in and it turn out to be a paladin of bane who tryed to beat him up and throw him out but he fought back he was no match for her but tha knight underestimated him a lost a eye to him tha paladin she was a elf named Andraste and even tho she was mad Kai gained her respect and learned his story she brought him into church and started to train him and teach him bout Bane, he had great skills for it and a good mind set due to his life.

he rose up in rank and helped tha city when he gained form it such was a lot his ways was harsh and sometime cruel but it got shit done he help make tha city safe even worked with tha commander who ran tha city many times he was a human named Malik Stonewall they didn't see eye to eye bout aloy but they both wanted want was best for Stormview.

Now 28 and his name is known far a wide in Stormview and around tha area people fear and respect him most try to stay out of his radar he got payed to protect shops and inn keeps. they pay him and his people some work in the city guard , royal guards and some in tha different church's through out the city they help control everything to keep then in line and to their standard their group is known as "Divine Judgment" their hand is in everything and they work to keep tha city safe.

Bane speaks to Kai threw his followers and rarely in person, power is everything to Kai he follows Bane be couse of this