
Kage Hansei no Corona

Alexrenda · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2

Hanzo Academy's Sixth ShinobiChapter Text

The clear skies are bright and blue today with not a single cloud in the air. It was a beautiful morning today for the beginning of the first semester of Hanzo Intentional Academy, a prestige school where many boys and girls attend that offers the best of everything the students need to learn. However, there is another side to this school that most students aren't aware about and only a select few know about. Which only the best of the best and family representatives can enter and join the elites. Shinobi.

Standing a good distance away from the gates of this majestic Academy was a certain young man donning the Academy uniform staring in awe. An attire which consists of white button-up shirt and a pair of dark blue slacks along with a blue tie, the boy took in the sight of his new school that he will be going to from now on. He rubbed his white highlighted jet-black hair as he watched the mass of students walking the front gates. His anxiety was starting to get the better of him and sighed.

Standing from his spot he puzzling looked around as many of the students gossip amongst themselves as they begin their school day in the cool spring air and only a few of them that noticed him shot a quick glance at him, both male and female alike. Some were surprise to see a Westerner attending the school going by his attire wear. Some of the girls' playful giggle at this, hinting to their friends about how cute he looked, while some of the guys just looked at him curiously which made the black-haired youth even more shy and uneasy.

"Good morning Chris-kun!" a happy voice chirped behind his back as he quickly turned around to see the speaker. Only for the brunette girl that called out to him to swiftly skip over to his side playful as he looked back slightly franticly to find his friend, just realizing she was here with him from the start.

"Oh… Asuka-chan," Chris blinked dumbfounded at his new friend and fellow student of the Hanzo Academy.

It's been nearly a week since he left the hospital and shortly stood at Asuka's family sushi home until a room was set up for him at the boys' dorm at the Hanzo Academy for the extracurricular students. Then most of his bags and belongings are moved in shortly after the rearrangements were done. The only bag with him is his backpack which has some of his personal stuff like some of his game handhelds and a few manga books which he was very stubborn to let out of his sight.

Asuka lowered her lips into a pooch as she moved closer to Chris. Eyes narrowed at him suspiciously, "Hey, I'm happy you're excited to go to school with me, but you forgot I was here a moment ago didn't you?"

"W-What…? No! Of course… well… um, not really…?" the boy frantically waved his hands back and forth in his defense in a very unconvincing manner, "It's just that I'm a little taken aback about how big this place is and I can't really believe I'm really going to study here… in the same class as you."

Asuka giggled to herself as she recalled how Chris respond to Kiriya's question the other day and how cute it was.

~A few days ago~

"Young man… how would you like to become a Ninja?"

Upon hearing those words, the young man blinked at first expectantly. Then eyes widen in disbelief, almost dropping his futomaki roll, as he mustered the only word that was perfect for this situation.

"… Huh?"

Asuka can't really blame him for being taken by surprise like that. Especially how out of the blue the question was and was expecting her Sensei to be subtler about his approach on it. She wouldn't blame him if he didn't believe them and thought it might be a joke… which would be the best scenario if he didn't accept, but deep down Asuka kinda wanted him to say 'yes'.

If it meant she can be near him and watch over him.

"N-Ninja? As in cloaked figures dressed in black, wielding swords, metal stars, jumping around all stealthily like super humans and scaling buildings like nobody's business with incredible strength and speed?" the boy looked at them with a harden expression, one that suggest he doesn't believe them and asking if they were saying it right.

"Correct," Kiriya answered back, well not in a way he would describe it but more or less the same.

He doesn't believe us does he…, Asuka thought to herself as she unconsciously frowned.


Both Asuka and Kiriya jump back a little by the sudden burst of enthusiasm from the boy as he inched closer to the ash-grey haired man with sparkles in his eyes like a child in a candy store with his mouth wide open in a big smile.

"You're not pulling my leg, are you? Can I REALLY become a Ninja? I LOVE Ninjas!" he nearly jumped out of his bed. Suddenly his eyes went in a trance-like look for a second, blinking after that little spell happened and grinned even wider.

Asuka and Kiriya-sensei were surprised by that unexpected change of demeanor.

"Oh! I just remember something once you mentioned ninjas!"


"Yay! I remember ever since I was a kid watching my favorite TV series about 4 mutant amphibians who are ninja and seeing this is Japan, the birthplace of Ninjas I thought it would be cool to be one!" he expressed in glee like a fanboy with his over-affectionate declaration as he pumps his arms up in sheer joy.

So that little daze he went and came out of was him gaining a piece of his memory back? They were not expecting that, however Asuka was happy to know he recovered some of his memory loss. Kiriya-sensei took note of it of how his memory came back. Interesting.

They were expecting him to be in disbelief, scoff, laugh at, heck… even downright call them insane and snort at such a dubious suggestion. His reaction is something they did not see coming.

"Um… yes, but Corona-san, this is a serious matter and one that doesn't…," Kiriya began to say…

"Don't worry about it, I ACCEPT! I can't wait to be a Ninja!" the boy cut him off before he could finish what he was about to say regarding discreet and secrecy and promise not to reveal their secret which seems to be moot point now.

Asuka couldn't help but giggle at his reaction and sudden acceptation to this dangerous occupation, though was quite worried if he understood what that entitled.

"Well," Kiriya cleared his throat, "We will move your bags to the boys' dorm at the Academy, after we finish making arrangements. So, you'll have a place to call your own and don't worry about living expenses, we'll cover that. In the meantime, you'll be staying at Asuka's family shop while we get everything in order for your transfer. Are you OK with this Asuka?"

"Hai, Sensei!" Asuka replied back without a moment's thought.

She seemed more into this than Kiriya thought, but a soft smile graced his lips. Nonetheless, he hoped his student doesn't go overboard. Though it will only be for a few days Asuka's family will be there, nevertheless the boy is show to be respectable at least.

"I look forward to working with you in the future Chris-kun, so let's do our best!" she turned to Chris and smiled sweetly at him.

"Thank you very much!" he grinned sheepishly as his excitement hardly decreased, "I can't wait to perform super awesome ninjutsu that make me breath fire, summon torrents of waters in the form of dragons, standing on top of a single leaf in a pond, lightning charge shuriken, summon a suit of armor made of rock from the earth, and, and…!"

What does he think Ninjas really are? Kiriya couldn't help thought to himself as a sweatdrop formed behind his head and sighed. All the while Asuka who is standing beside him couldn't help but giggle at his adorable exclamations.

Thinking back to that day Asuka couldn't help, but snicker mischievously at that. His thoughts on what ninjas can do and ask to be train to perform them was very cute in her opinion even though all of them were mostly misinterpretations to what ninjas can actually perform.

"What's so funny?" Chris asked as he blankly watched Asuka have a laughing fit while he scratched the side of his face.

"Nothing, I was just thinking back what you said the other day at the hospital," Asuka smirked, but hide it behind her hand.

"Oh," the dark-haired youth realized and looked away bashfully with a slight pink hue on his cheeks, "Hahehehe… I understand that I got a little… overzealous, so I would appreciate it if you forgot what I said before. It's kinda embarrassing thinking about it now and that you're heard all it."

"Nope," she sticked out her tongue playfully.

The young man groaned, "Asuka-chan… come on... please?"

Asuka continued to teasingly deny him as the boy changed the subject, "Anyway… do you think any of our classmates… will like me?"

The brunette lass gentle looked at her friend as he lowered his head shyly about it while rubbing the back of his head. He was worried he might make a bad first impression and it scared him a bit.

"Don't worry," Asuka smiled at him as she placed her hand on his shoulder to relax him, "I know they'll like you."


"Well…," Asuka nervously looked away this time, "I might think one of them will most likely like you too much."

"Huh?" the boy blinked dumbfoundedly, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Don't worry… I like you and so the rest of my friends will too!" She smiled gracefully… a smile that could melt any cold heart, more specifically the male half, and Chris couldn't help but gulp in fluster with a red face.

"So… how many and what are they like?"

"Including me there's five of us and we're all girls," Asuka pondered a bit with one finger pressed against her chin to summarize it a bit.

"Oh… wait, what?" the boy looked spooked at first upon hearing that, "They're ALL girls?" and he was a male of all things! Would they take kindly to a boy crashing in an all-girl class to become a Shinobi? Wasn't there at LEAST one another dude in the class aside from the teacher? Chris was starting to get nervous thinking about it. Don't get the wrong idea, but Chris does like girls and wishes to have a family one day with that special someone, but he was also a tad shy around the fairer sex. Especially in large groups but he could try and not be so nervous around them, right?

The buxom young lady wrapped her arms around the boy as she quickly dragged them away from from the general area of the front gates. So that the normal students wouldn't take notice of the two at all and whispered to him, "Come on, we're going to be late for your first day here! I'll show you how to get to class our way, but we're taking the longer and safer way for new students so we don't get spotted by the normal students."

"W-Wait a minute Asuka-chan! You're tugging my arm a little too hard. I can walk on my own you know!?" Chris tried to call at to her to ease up on the grabbing and let him walk on his own, but alas it was to no avail. The brunette girl was having too much fun and is very excited and eager to take him to their classroom herself. Why is she so happy, excited, and determined about this he wondered?

"I said hold it! Dang… you're strong Asuka-chan! Seriously, you're going to tear my arm off! Asuka-chan? ASUKA-CHAN!!!"

Inside one of the 'sealed' off section of the school had secret classes that were enticed by the shadowy half of the school as only an elite select few were allowed to enter and be enrolled in. This is the true Hanzo Academy where Shinobi are train and taught to use their abilities for the greater good and help the government maintain order and peace above all else. And only the best of the best was accepted with clean slates…

Though this particular group had a long way to go before they can become fully realized Shinobi.

Inside the tatami-floored old-style classroom, which is called a rotating trick room, sat four girls waiting for their teacher to arrive to start the day of intense training. But also waiting for the last member of their hidden group to arrive and was quite unlike her to be late for class.

"Where is Asuka-chan? It isn't like her to arrive after the appointed time," the ravenette-haired lass tilted her head upon her open palm on the side of her cheek. Resting her arm under her well-endowed womanhood, thinking where her younger kohai was, "Even Kiriya-sensei is late as well."

Just like the rest of the student body of the school, she wore a button-up white shirt accompanied with a blue tie and a short blue skirt stopping a little past her thighs with black socks reaching her knees and brown shoes. Her long beautiful black hair reaches down to her back with her dark blue eyes looking at the clock pondering where her fellow classmate and mentor might be.

"You worry too much Ikaruga-chan, Asuka's just fine. She has been giddy for the past few days about something. Might be why she's late for the first time… maybe something good happen~!" the blonde-haired girl sitting next to the ravenette girl spoke with a big grin on her face, "I'm all too happy with having a little time off from studying."

She also wore the same outfit as her classmate, pleated blue skirt, button-up white dress shirt. Unlike her neighbor, the blonde had part of her outfit open to reveal her cleavage of her impressive bust. Blue ribbons tied like a headdress on top of her blonde hair, with hair matching the length of the black-haired beauty sitting next to her. She stretched her arm out in a relaxing manner which caused her rack to juggle slightly.

The ravenette-haired girl slammed her hand onto the desk with a lot 'WHAM' sound which surprised the blonde beauty by the sudden sharpness of her action. As the one called Ikaruga gave her fellow classmate a disapproving frown and chastised her.

"Katsuragi, this is serious! Our kohai is late and our Sensei hasn't arrived yet either and it's already five minutes passed the appointed time for class! It's not like them at all without warning us ahead of time if they're going to be late," Ikarugi glared at the blonde buxom who looked away with an annoyed and disinterest expression.

"You're always so uptight! You need to learn to relax," Katsuragi snickered as the bangs of her hair cover her face darkening her eyes in an ominous with a grin to match, "Heh heh… and I know the PERFECT way to do that!"

Fasting than lightning and slippery than a serpent, the blonde buxom beauty wrapped her arms around her classy friend's chest and waist. Regardless of being the same gender, with a perverted smile and glee in her eyes like a dirty old man she quickly and roughly caressed Ikaruga.

"Super Seeeexy! I can't get enough of checking out your boobs here Ikaruga-san~! Excellent bounce, great firm, perfect volume too…"

"GAH?! Katsuragi, unhand me this instant!"

"My, my, my Ikaruga… I think your chest got a little bigger from last time! This warrants further investigation!"

"Katsuragi, I'm warning you!" the black-haired girl barked at her as the curvaceous ravenette student began to reach for her nearby sword on her person to let the blonde-haired lass she's not messing around and will take action to her offense.

Meanwhile in the background the last two members of the class watched on. With the pink-haired one looking worriedly at her Senpais. The silver-haired girl not exactly caring about the usual antics of her sun tinted hair Senpai… as long as she kept her hands off of her neighbor she won't get involved.

"Yagyū-chan… should we do something to stop her?" the bubbly pink-haired girl, known as Hibari, pointed out to the silver-haired pigtailed girl sitting next to her who was minding her own mind sitting there patiently for their teacher to arrive. This pink-haired beauty has quite the unique appearance adorning her hair with three black ribbons that tie up her two short pigtails on the side, but her most pronounced feature, aside from her bosom, were her light blue eyes that peculiarly had dotted with two pink clover-shape pupils.

Her friend, Yagyū, is a quiet girl with long white-silver hair and keep to herself most of the time. Her twintails were tied up by small shuriken with her right eye covered by a black eyepatch that gives her a cool and aloof look to the young first-year student.

Though normally calm and quiet, she will quickly turn into a demon hell-bent on destroying anyone who dared lay a finger or harmed a hair on Hibari's head. Her relationship with Hibari… is unique though oddly one-sided depending on how one views their relationship but at times it would appear that Yagyū is an overprotected older sister to Hibari.

"There's no need, Hibari," the silver-haired indifferent lass replied back to her classmate in a cool manner. She shut her one eye in thought, as the other is covered by a black eye-patch, "They'll settle this soon… I believe Kiriya-sensei is almost here."

As if appearing like a devil being summoned, the ashen stoic man arrived in the classroom after opening up the paper tatami door with Asuka tagging along behind him with a big smile on her face. Katsuragi immediately let's go of Ikaruga since Kiriya-sensei is here and also because Ikaruga almost drew her sword on her and realized her fun time was over.

Well there was always Asuka where she could sexual harass later to get some intel where she's been and what she was doing in the last few days. She's been curious about Asuka's recent after school adventures.

"Good morning everyone, I apologize for starting class after the bell has rung," he answered them as everyone sat down, "However that being said we're going to have a slow day today."

Eyes shining happily the sun-colored teen smiled upon hearing it and wrapped her arm around the brunette who sat down next to her. Who tried to break free but smiled nonetheless, as Katsuragi threw her arm up into the open air, "Woohoo! So that means no studying today, right? YES, this is going to be a great day today I can feel it!"

Hibari shared her fellow classmate's joy as she's happy to have a little break as well as she jumped with joy alongside Katsuragi who gave her the thumbs up. Though both Ikaruga and Yagyū looked pleasantly surprised at this announcement if not confused by it as well. It wasn't like their Sensei to announce a break like this unless it was a special occasion.

"Not that I'm not happy to take it easy Kiriya-sensei, but what's the occasion?" Ikaruga raised her hand to ask a question, which Katsuragi just frowned at her. Who cares what the occasion is as long as she… I mean they get out of studying, right? The blonde beauty thought to herself while nodding.

Kiriya took a deep breath, it's about time they knew, and looked around the classroom to make sure everyone was paying attention. With Asuka smiling back at him. Oh, how she waited for this day. "Starting today we will have a new student join us. Due to… certain circumstances this person will be staying here for the unforeseeable future for the time being and will study and train here with us."

"Eh? New student?"

Everyone, sans for Asuka, looked dumbfounded at first and then broke into bewilderment seconds later.

A new student? A transfer student possibly? Here with them!? Katsuragi could HARDLY contain her excitement. A new classmate to pal around with… and get jiggy with! Hopefully she has an excellent figure like the rest of the girls in her classroom. She cannot help herself around cute sexy girls and just can't resist fondling them which is making her fingers start to twitch.

Hibari smiled brightly as she heard about the new student. Hibari is always excited to make new friends and since this person is starting here as a new student perhaps she'll be in the same year as her? How great would that be? Yagyū, the new student, and Hibari herself would be friends in the same year and the pink-haired girl couldn't wait to meet her newest friend.

Yagyū didn't seem to be all that interested, but happy to see her friend Hibari be so jovial. Hopefully it's not someone like Katsuragi with her… unwanted affection and would be nice to Hibari. Ikaruga is quite surprised to hear a new student but welcomed their newest recruit with open arms. What was she like she wondered?

Kiriya coughed into his hand to continue, "Yes, we will be getting a new student starting today. However, try not to ask too much questions. One of the circumstances I mentioned involved an incident rendering our new student… with a case of memory loss."

"Eh? Memory loss? Are they alright?" Ikaruga asked in an alarmed manner, and the once cheery atmosphere suddenly turned gloomy upon hearing that. Even Yagyū, the most expressionless one, even looked worried.

"Yes," Kiriya answers nonchalantly and continued, "However despite the memory loss our newest addition to our group is perfectly fine and healthy. Even recovering some of their memories these past few days."

The girls sighed with relief.

"Though, like I've said, don't ask too many questions. I would like all of you to get along with him and do your best to try to make him feel welcome and comfortable during his time here."


The room was silent at first as it took everyone by surprise as everyone thought it was going to be another girl. Except for Asuka who just giggled at their shocked expressions. There's going to be a male, as in a boy, in their classroom? It was unprecedented, except many years ago, as it's rare for males to join this school in this day and age. Well, not exactly rare per say. Oh, sure there's were boys at this school that don the Hanzo crest on their bags however those boys were normal students and not ninja students.

Even though the male to female ratio was very noticeable and steep, as more and more of the females became ninja over the years. Perhaps it was a change in the location, or the rumors they heard, or maybe males have outgrown or saw no need to be Shinobi and pursued over goals now that society has grown and new dreams were born every day.

While the normal student body had a nice balance of boys and girls here, though there were more of the estrogen group than the testosterone group in the school which is a fact, the shadowy half of the school wasn't.

Kiriya himself was among the last of the male Shinobis to graduate from the Ninja Academy years ago and after many missions on the field as a full-fledge Shinobi he returned to the school to teach the next generation on their way to learn the 'Path of the Shinobi'. However, since then it's been girls, girls, and more girls attending the other side of the school hidden in the shadows.

Now after such a long time the school is about to get another male walking down the life of the Ninja. So, it's no wonder the girls were beside themselves to learn that the new student is a male of all things. With each one having a different thought about a male student attending their extracurricular classes.

"So… what's he like? Is he going to be arriving soon?" Katsuragi perked up and asks gleefully, adjusting her ribbons and straighten out her hair to look presentable. Katsuragi could hardly contain her vivid thoughts. A boy will be joining their little group! A room filled with nothing but drop dead gorgeous sexy babes with fine figures? Oh, she bet that a healthy young man wouldn't be able to keep his eyes and hands off any of them. And the feeling was mutual in the blonde's case and she'll definitely have her way with him one way or another. How fast can she send him into heavenly paradise she wondered?

How much can she make him squirm under her magic touch she hoped? Is he at least cute or a total hottie? Either way is fine with her as long as he's cute! Does he like to fondle or be fondled? Heck, it doesn't matter at this point… SCORE!!! Katsuragi giggled fiendishly as her eyes sparkled with delight. Today really IS a great day. But one thing she hoped for is that he's STRONG! If not… well she'll just have to fix that with private lessons.

Ikaruga, the well-endowed ravenette girl on Katsuragi's side, had less… colorful thoughts about their first male student in their group. Since this person is joining them and their extracurricular classes he must hail from a Shinobi family and live up to the family name like most cases by starting here or must be a Shinobi already. Though it does feel strange especially hearing these circumstances that Ikaruga couldn't help wonder about them. What lead to them? Most importantly…

She thought… what is he like? Is he at least a cordial person? Strong? Kind? Stubborn? A hardworker or a slouch? Or is he as bad as Katsu… oh god forbid another Katsuragi among them! One was bad enough! Hopefully that's not the case. How good were his skills? Is he a weapon specialist or a melee fighter? If he's strong she hoped she could provide her with a new kind of challenge to improve her skills or if he's still new she would gladly tutor him and guide him on his way to be a proper Shinobi as class representative.

The thought of one-on-one training with a male outside of her family caused Ikaruga to glow a little pink around the cheeks and if she were old self she would definitely not feel this way. Oh, how excited to experience a new kind of emotion and towards a boy she hasn't met yet. Just please be a gentleman…

Asuka hasn't told anyone about her new friend yet as both Kiriya-sensei and her grandfather, Hanzo-san, wanted to keep him a secret until he was ready to join their group. However, she couldn't help but worry about him. Would he get along great with the others? She knew Katsu-nee is more than likely to like him and hound him at the same time, which for unknown reasons caused the cute brunette girl to frown at such a thought. She didn't like the thought of Katsu-nee harassing her new friend like that… yup that's totally it.

But since he's joining their group he most likely be a first-year which saddened Asuka to think about. She was hoping he'd be placed in her year group, even though it doesn't work like that, as she didn't want to be the only one in her year alone. She thought of him as her new best friend already, even though she clearly doesn't know everything about him including he himself and vice versa regarding him, but the cutie wanted him to be next to her as she felt responsible for him. Ever since that day she found him in the woods, she silently vowed to herself to always protect him.

Though she hoped having him around would tame a certain blonde in their group and restraint herself from her usual antics of fondling them. Goodness graces how embarrassing it would be for Chris to see them in such compromising poses and would die of embarrassment if he saw her in all her glory with her chest and panties exposed to ogle! That's too intimate already and only couples do something like that! Huh…? Eh… wait! What was she thinking about all of a sudden? Her face is now matching the color of her bandanna around her neck now with her hands covering her face.

The two first-year girls were unsure what to think about a male student joining them. Hibari always welcomed the idea of a new friend, but she's never had a male friend before. Not to mention she wasn't exactly sure how that would be especially in a room normally filled with girls, save for their Sensei, especially around their age group.

Though the more Hibari thought about it the more she wanted to meet him. Boys like video games typically and Hibari herself loved playing video games and so she felt he'll be a good friend after all! Oh, maybe they can have sweets and snacks together and work together to become better Shinobi since he's new here and all and most likely a beginner like Hibari! But Hibari is more experience so she, and the notion that she's better than someone, made her feel a little happy but desired for the both of them to do their best and succeed as Shinobi and it is making her encouraged now.

And maybe they could hang out at the Amusement Park after school or the Arcades together and not feel weirded out at all. As she's normally a little scared going to the Arcades by herself without Yagyū to tag along to make sure the guys there don't bother or make fun of her! Maybe having a male friend doesn't sound so scary at all and she's even more welcomed to the idea of him as her friend now more than ever!

Yagyū on the other hand wasn't as thrilled at the proposition of having a male student around. Though it's not like she should deny him the right to become a Shinobi since he has chosen to walk down that path to the end. However, she felt wary of his presence nonetheless. She's not particular too close to the opposite gender but is alright with having another student and comrade in their midst.

As long as he doesn't do anything inconsiderate or touches Hibari in an inappropriate manner then he can stay. Yup as long as he stays away from Hibari and not flirt with her, peek on her, seduce her, try to take her innoc… *cough* then he's alright in her book.

"Kiriya-sensei, I question if I might ask," Ikaruga once again raised her hand in the air to get her master's attention. To ask some questions regarding their mystery student that has been scrabbling inside her head for some time.


"This new student… how long has he been a Shinobi? What's his family like?" Ikaruga was quite curious about his skill level and his family ties to their society. Is he from an established and well-known Shinobi family or a lesser known one? She knew asking him too many questions might cause some discomfort so it's best to ask the teacher seeing that he's overseeing his enrollment into their class and might provide an answer in this stead without accidentally mentally traumatizing him with an innocent question.

Surely his family is helping out as best they can to help remember who he is. He has gotten some of his memories back after all from what their Sensei has told them.

However, Kiriya looked somewhat displeased at the question, as Ikaruga and the rest, except for Asuka who frown sadly, all looking a little stunned by his expression, as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "He's a special case… in other words, he's wasn't a Shinobi at first nor is he from a Shinobi family. He's an outsider, a normal person. Though it is unheard of and only students from Shinobi background are allowed entry to this school, he is the rare exception. However, he is shown to possess a special talent well-suited for as a Shinobi and, like I said, due to certain events, he has been forced into the Shinobi path. All we could do is properly raise him along the way."

"Wha…?" Ikaruga's mouth hanged open as well as Katsuragi nearly losing her balance and almost fall over on her back upon hearing that. Even Hibari and Yagyū were taken aback by it all. He's NOT a Shinobi or came from a family of one? Basically, he's like the normal student mass here but he's going to be train in the art of the ninja? Was that even possible? Isn't there a rule against that? Well seeing as he how he is considering he's joining their case. Wait, rare exception? What does that mean? And what's this about a special talent?

"I'm aware what you're all thinking," Kiriya cleared his throat, "However Hanzo-san and myself have discusses this with the rest of the council and decided the best course of action was to train him as a Shinobi. We'll get into more details about it later, but for now in order to speed up his training he will be specially placed in second-year to get a head start about the ways of the ninja."

"EH?! He's going to be in the same year as me?!" Asuka didn't know what to say and wasn't aware of that fact. One she was stroked to have her new friend in the same year as her, but on the other isn't it unorthodox to have him not start the first-year to get a handle on the basics? Though having a Yōma on your tail doesn't give one a lapse of luxury it seems. So, it's only logically that he starts off with more options to work with to improve himself as quickly as possible.

Kiriya nodded to confirm it.

"Well this is a shocker," Kasturagi was the first one to speak up after the initial shocking revelation of their new student's origins, "But who cares if he's from a Shinobi family or not? We got a GUY joining us! I'm all too happy to hear that!"

Sighing at her classmate's usual nonsense behavior, Ikaruga rubbed her temple, "I'm not entirely sure about any of this, but since Hanzo-sama has agreed to this so I won't object. Though I am worried what caused him to follow this path of life as it's harsher for regular people. As class representative I will do my best to look after him and guide him as a proper Shinobi."

"So… where is our new boy to… I mean classmate at?" Katsuragi casually and slyly asked though everyone picked up what she was going to say causing everyone in the room to sigh. They feel bad for him already if he is left alone with Katsuragi in the first couple of weeks… nix that, first few days before he can handle himself with the pervy blonde resident. Let alone in a fight.

"He's been here the whole time. You may come in now," Kiriya looked at the classroom's open and called out to the hallway causing all of the girls' heads to turn in that direction. He was already here from the start and they didn't notice?! Were they too preoccupied with the thought of the boy or how late Asuka and Kiriya-sensei were to notice he was here or he had exceptional masking skills to prevent detection from them?

The rest of them thought, minus Asuka as she already knew as she guided him here. Did he hear everything they said just now? Oh… Ikaruga feels slightly ashamed of herself, she might have put the new student down already because of her views and make him feel less than himself, but she didn't mean it like that! She was concern for his well-being considering his status.

… A few moments have passed and no one came through the door. The girls blinked confusingly, especially Asuka who was worried… she dragged him with her and was told to stand outside of the classroom until Kiriya called for him as he was discussing a few more matters with them.

Sighing silently the instructor pinched the bridge of his nose, "I didn't think he get this shy… considering how energetic and thrilled he was about becoming a Ninja the other day."

Katsuragi's ears perked up on that? Energetic? So, he has boundless energy or easily excitable yet he was also shy at the same time? She cracked a gleeful smile… that's an adorable combination and she bets he can make the intoxicating and cutest expressions on his face once he starts squirming. Oh, she was going to fun with him alright.

"Kiriya-san," Asuka raised her hand, "I'll go get him."

"Please see that you do Asuka, we need to begin class."

Asuka hopped up from her seat and hurried out of the room to get her friend to come into the classroom to begin their studies, though couldn't help but smile wryly at his shyness to enter the room. He really was nervous about what the rest of her friends thought of him.

The other girls were a little curious about Asuka's strange behavior considering she didn't acted nearly as surprised as they were about the new student's existence and a boy no less! Come to think of it for the past few days Asuka has been acting a bit strange and slightly avoiding them after training or leaving them halfway through their company of talking and having fun like normal girls.

Wait… it couldn't be…?

"Come on, everyone's waiting!" they can hear Asuka talking outside of the paper tatami door and walls as they heard the sounds of scuffling of feet and clothes being tugged.

"W-Wait, I'm not sure I'm ready to go in yet!" a male voice could be heard outside as arms flail around, judging by the shadow silhouette the girls inside room saw. "I-I need to get my thoughts together…!"

A certain blonde is seen giggling at this. Ooh, he sounds cute alright and judging by his reaction… heh heh.

"You're being silly! Just come inside and introduce yourself!" Asuka pouted cutely at her friend. Which caused him to lower his guard by the utter and sudden adorableness of her pouting and is nearly dragged into the room with Asuka pulling just an arm into the room as she struggled to get him inside.

"Asuka-chan, wait! This is embarrassing… I don't know if I could…" though it was too late for him to finish his sentence as Asuka successfully pulled him into the room. He landed on his foot with his free arm swaying around and trying to balance himself without falling over on the ground.

Stopping his silly resistance, the young man opened his closed eyes when the room was dead silent and looked at the girls all staring at him with blank expressions. Causing him to gulp and sweat nervously at their stares as he stood up straight and cleared his throat. Asuka, on the other hand, already went back to her seat and smiled at him to encourage him to go on.

"Introduce yourself to the class," Kiriya spoke up being neither displeased or irritated by the young man's unwillingness to enter the room when called upon, but he can't really blame him in that regard.

The black-haired man straighten himself in front of the class and tried his best to smile normally with a big goofy grin as he introduced himself to the girls with a semi-salute. "Hello! I'm Christopher Corona and starting today I'll be your new classmate! I look forward to studying with you, so please take care of me!"

He looked around the room as the girls remained silent which caused Chris to grow more nervous and scared each passing moment. Even Asuka was worried about her friends' eerie silence as it's not like them. Especially Katsu-nee who would normally jump in joy already or reaction at least. Did he do something wrong? Perhaps having a male in a room normally filled with girls was too disoriented for them and felt like he intruded into their holy presence. He glanced back and forth between the girls growing more nervous.

"JACKPOT!!!" the utter silence is broken by single blonde in the room as she shot up her arms gleefully as everyone was staring at her and the young man stepped back a bit nervously. "He's a cutie! A total cutie! I'm so happy such a cute boy is joining us! Don't worry Chris-kun, your Katsu-nee will take very good care of you."

The rest of the girls in the classroom sighed. Ikaruga facepalmed at the utter indecency of her fellow classmate by her vague comment she understood, but it was to be expected seeing as it is Katsuragi. While Asuka scrunched up her eyes and growled lowly at that, hoping that she doesn't scare off or give her new friend the wrong idea about the class and her friends. Hibari and Yagyū simply exchange glances with one another, albeit more concerning on Hibari's part as she knew what Katsuragi is like.

Yagyū on the other hand, despite not being all that interested in the boy, felt sorry for him already to be on Katsuragi's radar immediately.

Despite Katsuragi's little outburst the pinkette looked like she was ready to burst upon meeting a new friend and Yagyū watched her friend careful in hoped she doesn't get too ahead of herself. The boy seemed relevantly harmless enough. As long as he's on good behavior, she'll allow him around Hibari.

"Should I be worried?" Chris 'shielded' his mouth with his hand, in an attempt to block Katsuragi from hearing what he says, as he asked Kiriya-sensei about his new friend's erratic behavior as he seems very wary of the girl's strange enthusiasm.

Kiriya-sensei rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed, "Don't mind her too much, she won't cause you any harm. Though I suggest to keep your guard up around Katsuragi. She tends to go overboard at times."

Not entirely reassured by Kiriya's answer Chris nervously chuckled to himself as he rubbed the back of his head.

"You may take a seat. We'll begin with briefly summarizing the history of the Shinobi," Kiriya gestured to Chris to take his place among the group, "Today we're going to cover the basics on the Shinobi way of life by going through the history and arts to allow Chris to be brought up to speed on our teachings. After class, Chris, I will show you to the boys' dorm where you will be living from now on."

"Hai, Kiriya-sensei."

"Chris-kun, come sit with me!" Asuka cheerily waved to the boy as the boy smiled back as he sat right now to her. Chris felt more comfortable with Asuka than the other girls considering that she's the first girl here he personally knows and trusts, no offense to the others.

"Asuka, why don't you start and explain the history to Chris? It's good for all of you to refresh your memories and look over the basics as well," Kiriya beckoned Asuka seeing how eager she is to introduce her new friend to their Shinobi ways. It's good for Asuka to develop and grow closer to her friends and comrade, but she needed to remain focus on the task at hand. She and the rest can goof off after school.

"Certainly!" Asuka nearly stuttered, taken aback and blushed slightly for not paying attention and right in front of her new friend no less!

"Shinobi were once servants of the feudal lords that ruled Japan in the past, specializing in espionage, subversion and assassination. With the influx of Western culture after the Meiji Restoration, the feudal system began to collapse, causing them to fade from public consciousness," Asuka started out from reading her book out loud to the class. The occasional glance to see if Chris was paying attention and he was. Put it quite bluntly he seemed mesmerized by the history and he listened on eagerly for the rest of the history. It seemed he's very fascinated with Japanese history despite being from America.

Asuka continued, "Even so, however much time passes, the nature of business does not change. There is always a need for those who dwell in darkness. Yes, even today, Shinobi perform their duties. Hanzo National Academy. To the outside world, this is merely a huge prep school with roughly one thousand students enrolled. However, alongside the regular students… disciples of Shinobi hone their art completely invisible to their classmates."

"Hanzo Academy's private mission is to serve as a national institution for training Shinobi. The school was established to create a force to counter the behavior of unsanctioned Shinobi. Right now, the Shinobi affiliated with the national organization are called Zennin, or Good Ninja, and the ones operating outside of the law are known as Akunin, or Evil Ninja."

"And that's our brief summary of our Shinobi history," Asuka closed her book and smiled to Chris.

"Wow, that sounds so cool!" Chris smirked, "Though I'm not too particular keen on the 'assassination' bit of the Shinobi. We're not allow to do that, right? Can't we just subdue our foes? I don't like ending someone else's life, even if it's for the greater good…"

Apparently to the class Chris doesn't seem to like needlessly bloodshed, showing a sweet, gentle, but naïve of the boy and Kiriya sighed at this. Not of disappointment, but a forlorn sadness, "Though we haven't deployed assassination missions in a long time now, but we must do what we can to protect the peace. That is what it means to be a Shinobi."

"Is that so…," Chris cast a sadden glance to the table. A quite depressing and sad fact to register to the boy who's never fought or harmed anyone out of spite or defense and it troubled him. The rest of the girls picked up on this. He's very gentle person. Will he be alright being a Shinobi?

"Oh! Question," Chris instantly raised his hand catching the attention of Kiriya and the girls. Clearly, they weren't expecting him to bounce back so fast with a curious shine in his eyes.


"So, are there like Shinobi not aligned with neither causes?"

Kiriya furrowed his brow upon the strange question, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, are there, like gray area Shinobi or Neutral Shinobi that operates out of the normal chain of command that Good and Evil Shinobi uses? What does one call a Neutral Ninja anyway?"

Kiriya pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. He's going to be quite an interesting addition to the class, "There are no Shinobi like that in the past. They closest term you are looking for are Nukenin, a renegade ninja or rogue ninja. Shinobi thrive on serving under a lord or leader to perform their tasks, and it would unorthodox for a Shinobi to wander on their own without a master, good or bad."

"Oh, I see," the young man seemed slightly unsatisfying in the answer hoping for more as he leaned on his arm on the table with a dishevel expression. Katsuragi and Hibari giggled at his bored reaction and Ikaruga looked on curiously. He's a strange one. Yagyū didn't seem interest in the question or the expression the boy bore on his face but kept a silent watch on him. She needed as much information on him as possible.

"Hibari," Kiriya called out to the pink-haired lass who slightly hopped up in squeaked upon being called on by her instructor, "It's time to tell us about the Secret Ninja Art."

"Y-yes sir," Hibari answered her master in a panic manner as she wasn't expecting to be called upon and quickly looked through her book to the designated subject, "Hmmmm… Ah, here we go. In order to surpass one's own limits, one must call upon the power of nature itself. That's what it means to be a Shinobi."

"It is?" Chris interrupted unintentional, "I thought the main meaning to being a Shinobi is one who moves along stealthily in the shadows using tools to scale buildings and attack in silence."

"Fundamentally it is, but there's more to a Shinobi than that," Kiriya answered Chris' question, "Calling upon the forces of nature allows a Shinobi to utilize their abilities to the utmost best. And each Shinobi has a Guardian Animal Spirit, or Animal Summon, that draws out their locked innate abilities to invoke the art of the ninja."

"Guardian Animal?"

"Yes, let me explain," Kiriya cleared his throat, "Each of your classmates have these Guardian Animals to invoke their Ninpo, Ninja Art a.k.a. Ninjustu, and element type. Asuka has draws power from the Toad for her Earth-Based Ninpo, Ikaruga from the Phoenix for her Fire-Based Ninpo, Katsuragi from the Dragon for her Wind-Based Ninpo, Yagyū the Squid for her Water-Based Ninpo, and finally Hibari the Rabbit for her Lightning-Based Ninpo."

"Cool," Chris seemed enthralled by what he heard with his blue eyes enlarging with stars of admiration shining in them, "That sounds awesome! I think the Dragon one sounds the coolest, since I find Dragons as the coolest and most majestic creatures around the world and wind is my favorite element."

"Eh…!? Chris-kun!" Asuka frowned at him. What's wrong with Toads? Sure, they're not as majestic as Dragons, but they have their own merits as well! She was going to have to scold him later, while Katsuragi snickered with delight. The blonde knew they'll get along just fine considering, as the ravenette girl began to sweat in worry.

"So… what's my Guardian Animal then?" Chris asked curious to what type of Guardian Animal he has and his element type? Perhaps a Wind-Based one for speed or a Fire-Based one for offensive? An Earth-Based type isn't so bad for defense if possible. Lighting sounds pretty cool too!

"We'll hopefully find out tomorrow during your first Ninja Training. Today we are merely deluging you with the fundamental of the Shinobi we teach here," Kiriya informed the curious Chris, "Moving along. To use these abilities, you must possess the Ninja Arts Scroll. It must be on your person at all times."

"Ninja Arts Scrolls?"


"I see, so in order to use your Ninpo you have to embed your Guardian Animal to gather the power of nature inside the scroll to use and keep it on you at all times?"


"Just to let you know, I keep mine under my skirt," Katsuragi winked at Chris who blushed bashfully at the thought and shyly looked forward.

"Um… I-I see," he responded nervously earning a giggle from Katsuragi and teasing him further.

"So cute," she purred.

"Oh, well mine's in my cleavage for safe keeping!" Asuka chirped happily until she realized she said that out loud… with a boy in the room.

He doesn't say anything, but his eyes shift to the side avoiding Asuka's contact as the brunette buxom vixen blushed furiously at her mistake and her face is even redder than his. How could she say that out loud and in front of him of all people! Talk about embarrassing! There's no way he'll look at her the same way again, she's tarnished her reputation for the boy's pure image of her already. She could just crawl under a bed and die now!

"Hmmm…. Cleavage," Katsuragi crooked a sinister smile and chuckled mischievous with her hand covering her mouth as she does, "I don't know, that just doesn't sound safe to me. Lemme see how well it's hidden!"

"Kyaaaa!" Asuka cried as Katsuragi assaulted and tackled her to the group as Katsuragi quickly unfastens Asuka's button shirt to… determine how well guarded her scroll is with her rainbow-colored swimsuit underneath for all to see, "Katsu-nee… please stop it! Chris-kun is right there, he'll see everything!"

"Heh heh heh… it's fine, it's great to have a boy ogle you all day! Don't worry! This won't take a minute," Katsuragi massaged Asuka's bountiful chest with her bare hands and whispered to herself "So soft… so firm… and so sexy! Wearing a swimsuit as underwear! You sure you're trying to arouse us?"

Chris wasn't sure what to make of it but his face was red-hot flushed and averted his eyes by covering them with his hands blocking his view. It's indecent for a gentleman to look at a lady in such a manner, especially when she's getting sexual harassed by her fellow female friend but he had to do something to stop her!

"Katsuragi-san, please stop! You shouldn't harass others like that especially during class time!"

"Oh?" Katsuragi perked up, seemingly annoyed as she reluctantly let's go of Asuka. "What's a matter with you? Don't add –san at the end of my name either! Call me Katsuragi-chan or Katsu at least."

Katsuragi slide passed Asuka and inched her to Chris' side rubbing her body, more noticeable her chest, into his left arm as she smiled mischievously at him, "And don't tell me you didn't enjoy that in the least. You're face suggests otherwise."

"Um… well, I…"

"Or… perhaps you want me fondling you like that?" Katsuragi purred on his arm as the boy's head exploded by the suggestive comment with steaming erupting from his head as he couldn't think straight anyway from feeling the softness of his classmate's chest. This is too sinful, bad boy, bad! But he couldn't help but enjoy it a little… oh curses, control yourself Chris! This isn't the time to enjoying this!

Seeing the boy squirming from just the suggestive alone Katsuragi pursed her lips together in a satisfying manner, licking her lips even so lightly. She's going to have oh-so-much fun with him every day now… I wonder how good he is in bed?

"Katsuragi, please try to refrain from sexually harassing others during class," Kiriya sighed as he nips the bud at the roots to prevent this from going out of hand. It's fine if it's outside school and if they want to goof off, but right now they're having a class session and need to get back on track.

Katsuragi grumbled as she moves back to her seat, "No one ever lets me have fun… but I got good data on our new friend, heh heh heh."

"Honestly Katsuragi! Can't you control yourself and act proper for a change? You can't do what you normally do in class now that we have a boy in our age group among us now!" Ikaruga scolded her blonde friend and silently praised the young man for trying to stop Katsuragi's habit at least and show proper decency by not taking advantage of the situation.

Asuka covered her chest after buttoning up and looking away embarrassedly from Chris. How much did he saw? Then again, he did cover up his eyes to prevent himself from looking. Showing good willpower, but she also felt depressed. Did he not have any interest at her at all? Huh? What is she thinking all of a sudden, they're not a couple or anything like that at all. However, she felt disappointed that he didn't see her as a woman and just a friend. Oh, such conflicting emotions she was having right now.

"Asuka, continue on with the introduction of the Super-Secret Ninja Arts," Kiriya asked Asuka to read out loud to the class, either ignoring or not noticing Asuka's little dilemma.

Finding her composure Asuka reads off with they left at, "Yes, sir. The Super-Secret Ninja Art. As the name implies, it's a stronger form of Ninja Art."

"That's all it says here," Asuka tilted her head with a confused look. Why isn't there more information about this Ninja Art?

Kiriya gave a slight wily smile at the class, "And why would that be all it says? There's actually a reason for that."

"Can I answer, sir?" Chris raised his hand up once again and Kiriya nodded to let him continue. Intrigued by what he might say as he's just starting out as a Shinobi, "I believe it's because it's a special secret Ninja Art. Something that powerful and dangerous shouldn't be well-known to others in fear it might endanger those inexperience or not ready to use and to prevent your enemies from learning about it. Aside from it being stronger than the normal, that is."

Everyone, well mostly the girls, glanced at him with an astonished look while Kiriya smiled, "Well… I would think it's kinda common sense regarding dangerous artifact or power," Chris sticked out his tongue playful in no one particular knocked on the side of his head in a similar playful manner.

"Impressive answer and that is quite correct, though there are many other factors as well," Kiriya praised the black-haired youth. He seemed to be a fast learner and has good perception, who in turn tilted his head curiously about the other factor parts. The teacher continued, "The Super-Secret Ninja Art Scroll is the pride and joy of our school, and its contents must be kept an absolute secret."

"Amazing! Chris is really smart," Hibari praised quietly to herself. He's totally new to the ninja ways and he already understands so much in such short time, Hibari is impressive if not a little envious of him. She totally didn't think of such a possibility with the Super-Secret Ninja Arts scroll. She needs to step up so he doesn't leave her in the dust.

"I see he's a bit of a brainiac, but that's OK he's still cute," Katsuragi giggled to herself as she looked at the boy a little too fondly.

Asuka mumbled to herself about how quickly her friend came to that conclusion and it made sense to her when she thought about it. Perhaps Chris thinks more logically than others? But she felt proud of him too, though, "Huh… I wonder what's written in it. I really want to read it now!"

"I'm afraid not, Asuka," Kiriya closed his book, "The Super-Secret Ninja Art Scroll is located in a secluded and well-protected area for safe-keeping."

"Aw phooey."

"Well I believe that's enough for today, class dismissed," Kiriya signaled the end of the class for today, as his students thank him for the early release, as he walked to the doors and then beckoned to the young man, "Chris, follow me please. I'll show you to the boys' dorm where you will be living for the remainder of your stay here."

"Hai, Sensei!" Chris perked up as he swung his backpack over his shoulder and back on his backside, which he took off his bag at the start of class and when sitting down next to Asuka, and followed Kiriya out the door.

"They seem to be an interesting lot," Chris sighed as he walked beside Kiriya feeling a little tired, not from the lessons but a particular student who got a little frisky with him. He completely understood what Asuka meant when she said one of them would definitely like him instantly.

Back at the Asuka sighed a little sadly. If felt strange not having him around even if they only known each other for a few days but the time they spent at her family's home felt like a she known him forever. As reminiscing about it a sudden pair of arms grabbed her and pulled her head into a big pillow cushion.

"Gah… Katsu-nee?!"

"Asuka~! You got some explaining to do!" Katsuragi announced sneakily as Asuka noticed the same perverted gaze she gives her when she wanted to do something to her, "You seem awfully chummy with our new classmate already. Why is that?"

"Well… about that…," Asuka voice began crackling as she tried to explain as the rest of her classmates had circled around her. It seemed, they too, were eager to know the little history between Chris and herself to clear their suspicions about why Asuka has been rather giddily as of late.

She sighed and took a deep breath as she recalled the events surrounding Chris.

After telling her classmate about how she and Chris first met, which took a good hour or so to explain every detail, and that he's been staying at her family's sushi restaurant the girls head down the halls of their Shinobi building to the fabled male dorm on the opposite side of their dorms. At first hearing about how both Asuka and Kiriya found him all bloodied up in the training grounds, the wilderness woods where they perform their Shinobi training, sent the girls in a frightful tussle as they were worried if he was alright.

Seeing he is the picture of picture health, he was fine, but the oddity of it all left the girls feeling mixed emotions about it. How did he end up in the woods in the first place? And why was he injured? Asuka refrained to inform them about the monster that is hunting Chris as per Kiriya and her grandfather's instructions. How she wished she could tell them so they can prepare themselves to fight off this creature should it ever rear its ugly head to attack their new friend once again.

But she wasn't allowed to as it was the rule and law of the Shinobi.

Pushing those thoughts aside they ventured into the boys' dorm to see what Chris' living quarters were like. Katsuragi has been at this school the longest out of everyone here with Ikaruga joining a little while after during their first-year, then followed by Asuka the next year, and finally Hibari and Yagyū. During their time here, the girls weren't aware of the dorm of the opposite hallway of theirs. Correction, they just have no reason to explore the other side as they knew it was the boys' dorm seeing as they stood in the girls' dorm.

Having not been used in a long time it remained a mystery to the girls… until today and one mystery the Kunoichi are curious to unveil. That and some of them want to know what Chris' room looked like, some keeping that to themselves and others… actually other… was more eager to express their interests.

"I'm kinda curious to what his room looks like! Do you think he's got posters of girls all around the room?" Katsuragi openly said out loud to on one in particular as she giggled at the idea of what treasures he has in his room.

"Katsuragi-san please restrain yourself from doing anything… dubiously. Honestly, I don't think we should be here at all, this is the boys' dorm after all and we shouldn't invade Chris' privacy like this," Ikaruga warned Katsuragi. Though if she were honest the ravenette babe is actually curious about the boys' dorm and how Chris lived as well.

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained!" Katsuragi proclaimed vivaciously causing the rest of the girls to sigh in deadpanned unity.

Yagyū made a mental note to herself that she'll see what's in the room first before Hibari sets her eyes on anything distasteful for Hibari's innocent eyes to look upon as soon as Katsuragi will most likely just barge into the room. Hopefully not. She's not at all that curious about a boy's room… well maybe ever-so-slightly a little she does… she's just making sure Hibari isn't exposed to something disgraceful that will taint the cute and pure hearted bunny lover. She will be punishing someone if they violate her friend's purity.

While Chris was staying with her at her family's place, they shared a room together though Chris opted to sleep on the room with a futon instead. He seemed to really enjoy sleeping in a futon for the first time going by his delightful reaction and let Asuka stay in her bed.

They didn't exactly have a guest room per say, it's just the extra room wasn't cleaned in a while so they couldn't leave the boy in a messy and dusty room. The jet-black hair young man was very well-behaved and did nothing indecent during his stay but keep his guard up around his bags. What were in those bags she wondered?

As the finally reach the shoji door, the only one that has traces of someone using it of late, they stood outside of the room that they've been searching for. What do they say? What should they do? Would he be pleased or annoyed for them imposing on him after setting his things in there?

Though a bit hesitant at first Ikaruga raised a small fist to gently knock on the paper door… only for her blonde-haired year-mate to reach for the shoji door first and pulled it wide open. Without the slightest thought of semblance of privacy and decency and strolled right in casually with a big grin on her face.

The girls stood there utter stunned by Katsuragi's audacity to the whole situation… they're entering a BOY'S room for all things! What would happen if they came upon him while he was CHANGING into a different outfit and they caught him midway in such a compromising situation?

It was downright embarrassing and the thought of catching the boy with his pants down… oh man! The girls' faces blushed ever so red at such a thought, especially poor Asuka who was the closest to him and was poking her fingers together nervously. His slim but slightly tone abs and chest, his masculine yet smooth arms, he's… argh! She's got to stop that! Her face is turning into a shade of red if that was possible.

"Aw… what the hell! He's not even here, what a letdown!" Katsuragi distained her exacerbate about finding the young man not present in all his glory for her to ogle as she pleased.

Upon hearing Kasturagi's declaration the girls let out a relieving sigh and placed a hand over their chest to calm their excited hearts down. They didn't want to catch the boy at a private moment or be here and angry at them for barging into his room unannounced.

The brunette cutie was happy they didn't find Chris in a compromising manner, but a flickered thought of disappointment echoed in her mind that she didn't get to see an exquisite show before her eyes. But, quickly ironed this out by shaking her head to mask her disappointment. Hopefully no one caught on to it and thankfully they didn't as Katsuragi stomped her foot expressively at the lack of her new playmate to mess and tease with.

"Well… I'm not letting this trip go to waste! Time to explore the wonders of his bedroom then," Katsuragi decided to work out her frustration by checking out his room as compromise for the lack of a free show panning out for her view to enjoy.

"Katsuragi-san…! Wait!" Ikaruga shouted out the buxom blonde but it's was too late as she already started snooping around their new classmate's room.

A folded-up bedroll placed neatly in the corner of the room right next to a small bookshelf with a number of novels and manga filling the shelves. An empty backpack and several gym bags stack together like a pyramid. A widescreen TV on top of a small table with many game consoles; PS4, Switch, PS3, Wii U, Xbox One and an Xbox 360. All connected to it with games associated to them to show his love for gaming as that small area is a messy compared to the rest of the neat, clean, organized room and they were a 3DS and Vita on the table as well.

It also seemed like he had a PS2 and Gamecube nested off to the side as well. He's a tried and true gamer that he is. Which Hibari's eyes sparkled at the sight.

Other than those items placed around the room saved for a few posters of turtles donning ninja outfit and other anime goodies it was basically a carbon copy of the girls' dorms. Except, the extra space all around the room. There were other bedrooms but they were practically empty leaving this the only room in the entire boys' dorm in use.

Hibari practically jumped for joy upon seeing the many game consoles located in the one area of the room as the pink-haired cutie dashed over there without a second thought and starts checking out his library of collection. He seemed to love RPGs, Action, Adventure, and Platforming games the most but there were other genres mixed into the collection as well.

Yagyū lost her cool for a moment as she watched in horror at her younger year-mate decided to run off into the room without her say-so as she checked out the game collection. What if there was something indecent or dangerous about them regarding its content? To let Hibari out of her sight like that, how could she do that? She would punish the boy for having something like that if he did, but it's not his fault that they enter his room without permission. Or scold him for his hobbies and interests. That fault lies with a certain martial artist in the group which the eye-patched pigtail girl would gladly dish out.

Ikaruga finally recovered from the little stun that Katsuragi pulled by barging into an unfamiliar boy's room uninvited and her small blushing subsided as she gracefully steps into the boy's room. A mixture of feelings coursing through her head as she entered and surveyed the scene with utter awe. It was excited to enter inside a boy's room as she never done so before… except her older brother's room but that was a long time ago. And she hadn't been invited, oh dear, she felt so mischievous about this and wanted to dash out in embarrassment yet she is full of curiosity and wonder to explore a boy's room. Augh, she's the class rep! She shouldn't be doing this at all!

"Hmm… I wonder if he has any magazines around?" Katsuragi chimed casually as she strolled around the room looking between the shelves and other places of the room.

"Magazines? What are you talking about Katsu-nee?" the brunette girl perked up after looking at Chris' book collection on the shelves. What an odd thing to say, but she can't shake the feeling that there was something laced with what Katsuragi said.

"Yeah, you know… he is a boy after all. He's got to have one lying around," Katsuragi snickered gleeful to herself in a very evil manner as she started to check under the tatami floor boards.

"What are you… *GASP*!" Asuka covered her mouth as she finally understood what her Senpai is really saying. How could she say something like that? Chris wasn't like that at all… right…? I mean, sure he was protective of his bags, they were private matters involved, but what if… it couldn't be? Did he really have something like that on him? No… no, she refused to believe that! Chris is a good boy, but he does have some of those harem comedy ecchi manga in his collection…

Ikaruga seemed to come to the same thought process as Asuka as she looked absolutely livid by Katsuragi and narrowed her eyes at her fellow year-mate, "Katsuragi-san… how could you say something like that about our classmate? Judging by his actions in our classroom and the cleanliness of his room I believe he's a model student that's both proper and decent. Even if he is a boy, he's a gentleman nonetheless."

"Pfft… you need to lighten up girls. Besides everyone has a few skeletons in the closet. Look at us," Katsuragi rolled her eyes as she started digging around the boy's folded bedroll, "I bet he's hiding it inside his futon… let's see what he's got."

Though Hibari is clueless at what Katsuragi and the other two were getting at as she and Yagyū joined up with Ikaruga and Asuka at the entrance of the room to leave as they have over stayed their welcome and they weren't invite nevertheless. If Chris came in right now he might not forgive them for this intrusion and hurt their newfound relationship and trust with him.

"Katsuragi, you can't honestly expect…," Ikaruga began to argue with Katsuragi about her audacity of ransacking his bed for supposed magazines he might have until the blonde-haired squealed in delight.

"YES! Found them!"


No way… it couldn't be!? He ACTUALLY had something like that!?

Katsuragi pulled out the content hidden in the folded bedroll, as Yagyū covered Hibari's eyes as the pink-haired beauty rotated her arms around to flail about, to reveal all to see! And it was… a romantic comedy novel?

"Whaaaaa-!? It's just a romance novel? With light comedy?" Katsuragi pouted involuntarily at the discovery with her succinctly call, "I wanted to see if he had a magazine! Well we could always take a trip down the manga store and acquire a few volumes to read."

The girls sighed with relief. For one that it wasn't a dirty magazine, though Hibari didn't know what was going on, and for the other they were really glad it wasn't a dirty magazine. The thought of their new classmate being a closet pervert would've left them devastating after getting to see how sweet he is, even though if they hardly knew him still. Well he is a boy and the thought he might not be interested in them seemed to disappoint them for some reason.

Though a romantic comedy novel of all things, with a bookmark in place to show he has been reading it, has gotten a different reaction from the girls. He's the sensitive-type? That's an interesting aspect of his personality which is atypical of males.


The sound of something rattling the frame of the shoji door could be heard outside as five pairs of breasts shake at the sudden noise from outside the room. The girls were not expecting someone to knock on the door, but there's no need for Chris to do so at his own bedroom unless the girls were found out already? Or it could be…

"Chris? Are you done with your nap yet?" Kiriya-sensei's muffled voice could be heard outside like a filter through the paper screen that the girls scrambled to find a place to hide in the confusion. However, a pair of brunette and pink collided into each other with their heads bumping in each other and falling back on their butt as the two of them cried out in pain. Katsuragi facepalmed herself and Yagyū shook her head at the display as Ikaruga covered her eyes and sighed.

Busted. Exposed. Found out.

From the hallway Kiriya deeply sighed as he heard two of his female students cringe in pain. "Alright, everyone get out."

Kiriya slide open the door to the shock and surprise of the female students. Did he not think that having female students inside a male student's room would raise some suspicious? Both Asuka and Hibari exchange glances with each other nervously and both looked up to their instructor with their sheepish grins, "Ah… hi Kiriya-sensei."

The rest of the girls showed themselves from their hiding spots, each with their own expressions. Katsuragi scratched her nose and grins sheepishly, Ikaruga coughed into her hand with a slight blush on her cheeks, and Yagyū… just had a stoic and reserved expression as always.

"Not even a day here and he already has all five of you in his room," Kiriya responded in a monotone voice causing some of the girls to blush, most presumingly Asuka, Hibari, and Ikaruga at their teacher's assumed context.

"Sensei… we can explain!" Ikaruga tried to explain the situation beforehand… only for an unexpected voice coming out from behind Kiriya.

"I'll say… why are you girls in my room?" their newest student emerged from behind Kiriya-sensei and looked at the girls with a very confused look in his eyes. With one eyebrow raised and the other slatted. The girls' dropped their jaws seeing the boy was with their teacher. That would explain why Kiriya would open the door without hesitance as he was checking who was in it. Not only that but their new male student had discovered they invaded his private living quarters without his consent! Their faces began to pale… this will not end well.

Interesting he seemed to change out of his Hanzo Academy clothes and into a different set of clothes. He is now wearing a red hoodie jacket that was long-sleeved, black fingerless gloves, a black v-neck t-shirt under the hoodie, blue baggy cargo pants that went past his knees, and black sneakers. He looked very normal in his outfit and he matched quite nicely with his hair and eyes, though the girls will have to admire his looks at another time.

"Well… that is to say… we… um."

The boy looked at them seriously with narrowed eyes. They were so screwed. Until he burst into a fit of laughter at their freaked out faced which turned dumbfounded, "Hahaha… if you wanted to visit me all you had to do was ask? And, yes, I enjoy reading romance novels from time to time."

"Wha…?! How did you know that?" the girls shrieked.

"We could hear you down the hallway," the boy bemusingly replied with a half-amused half-knowing smirk. Cartoonish sweatdropped behind his head in all.

"Oh," the girls bowed their heads down shamelessly with an embarrassing hue taken resident on their rosy cheeks. This was humiliating, they were discovered before they even knew it. "Sorry…"

"It's OK," Chris scratched the side of his face, "Just let me know ahead of time, I'm still settling in." The girls sighed in relief that he wasn't mad at them and forgave them for intruding into his room. He really is a sweet, good-natured, and considerate person.

"Ahem," Kiriya cleared this throat to get everyone's attention, "Seeing how everyone is eager to learn more about our new student. I recommended a more… equitable option by simply taking Chris out into Asakusa City and the Kagurazaka Shopping District? To help him familiarize himself with the surroundings. As I recall, he has ventured around the district a few times with Asuka before, but still hasn't remember all the routes yet."

"Ah, that sounds like an excellent idea Kiriya-sensei," Asuka pressed her fingers together in utmost joy, "Chris hasn't really been to any places aside the area around my family's sushi store and the store itself since he got here."


Everyone looked at the young man as he rubbed his belly as he smirked sheepishly, "Hehehe… yeah, and I could get some grub as well. I'm famished!"

The girls giggled as he doesn't seem the least bit embarrassed.

"You know, I've always wanted to try eating Ramen when I could visit Japan that much I remember. Eating the package bits back home were OK, but I want to eat the genuine traditional Ramen from its home country," Chris expressed himself with sparkled eyes as he mentioned this and entered into a dream-like trance thinking about it.

Katsuragi's ears perked up upon hearing that, "Ramen, you say?"

The blonde buxom vixen swung her arm around the young man's neck and pulled his head into her massive pillows as she purred at him, "So you like ramen, huh? You keep on getting better and better. Hehehe… don't worry I know the best place to get ramen!"

"Um… thanks… could you ease up a bit on the hug?" Chris stuttered out as he tried to pry himself from his Senpai's iron-grip chokehold. As Katsuragi pulled him in even more as she enjoyed the boy's squirminess and just couldn't help herself. If this is what he's like with a little tease Katsuragi can't help to show him how ever-so-lovingly she can be and giggled evilly at the thought.

"Katsu-nee let him go!" Asuka yanked Chris from Katsuragi's grip surprising the older student at the sudden outburst as she unconsciously pulled Chris' face into her chest by mistake, "You'll suffocate him!"

"Are you sure you're no better?" Katsuragi pointed out with an index finger and smirked at her cute Kohai.

Asuka looked down to notice that Chris' face was buried in her bosom and his face hot red and was stunned into silence as Asuka's face began to match her friend's color and lets out a scream. Both she and Chris shyly looked away from each other… how could she do that all of a sudden?

Kiriya raised his brow at Asuka's sudden reaction. Was she jealous perhaps? It's true she knew him first and has become close to the boy in the past few days or perhaps she just wanted to save Chris from Katsuragi's harassment. Seeing as there's no need for him to be here the instructor quietly leaves the students to be on their own and grab a nice hot cup of coffee for the day. What his students do on their off hours is their business.

Katsuragi grinned mischievously as she wrapped her arm around the black-haired youth. Her massive bust rubbing against his arm causing the boy to blush crazily again, as she pulled him away, "Come on Chris-kun! We're burning daylight let's go grab some Ramen!" Then ran away with him before the young man could protest.

"Wha-!? Katsu-nee… bring him back here, um… I mean wait for us!" Asuka screamed out to her Senpai as she darted off after them leaving the three girls behind.

Sighing at the antics Ikaruga massaged her forehead and hurried along to make sure Katsuragi doesn't do anything indecent to their new classmate and Hibari and Yagyū hurry along as well.


Chris happily slurped up the strings of noodles from the bowl, trying out Miso Ramen for the first time, and the texture, smell, and taste of the tasty noodles straight his taste buds on a trip to heaven. His cheeks gain a rosy color from the delicious noodles as he finished slurping the first bit and sighed in a dreamily-like expression.

Some of the girls couldn't help but giggle at his adorable expression after taking his first bite into his meal. He sure is an honest and earnest person, though a big appetite seeing as he ordered the largest bowl even though he's never had Miso Ramen before. Katsuragi didn't mind at all, a man that eats a lot of Ramen in her opinion is pretty amazing in her eyes as she loves the tasty noodles as well.

Katsuragi nodded at Asuka as a signal to let the second-year girl with a smug look, making the brunette girl's eyes open wide and look very nervous. Asuka looked away at first and then took a deep breath as she asked her friend a question.

"So, eh… Chris-kun?" Asuka stuttered a bit as she poked her fingers together.

The group were sitting at the Ramen Shop located in the Kagurazaka Shopping District where they are happily eating some ramen together, though normally the others would get their specific dish they like this was a special occasion and a way to welcome their new friend.

Slurping up some ramen in his mouth the young man turned his attention to the brunette sitting next to him, with Katsuragi and Ikaruga on his other side and Hibari and Yagyū sitting next to Asuka. The boy nodded to let her know she has his attention as he continued to swallow the ramen.

"I have a… personal question to ask you. Um, well it is… um… w-what type of girl you like?"


The food stopped halfway down Chris' throat, screeching down to a halt as he bucked back and tried to cough it out, tightening involuntarily as the food decided to take a different course and down the wrong pipe as soon as Asuka hit him with the question.

Chris started rapidly pound on his chest to get the food down the proper path at the spur of the moment question that Asuka asked him straight out of left field. The brunette girl instantly came to his side and started patting down on his back to unclog the traffic that was going on in his wind pipes as she felt bad about it. Thinking back a little early on their way here Asuka recalled why she had to be the first to ask the question.

"Asuka I want you to ask what type of girl Chris likes," Katsuragi pulled Asuka into her grip as she narrowed her eyes at her.

"EH?" Asuka didn't know where this came from all of a sudden, "Why do I have to ask him? Shouldn't you if you're curious about it?"

However, the brunette's chest tightened at the thought of it. Why did it bother her if Katsuragi would be the one to ask him all of a sudden? Why did she felt a little scared now thinking what kind of girl Chris likes now?

"As punishment for keeping Chris a secret from us," Katsuragi demanded as she pointed her index finger in front of her junior's face causing the second-year student to back up a bit. "Or I can let me fondle your chest as much as I like! Let's see how big they can get!"

"Eek! No," Asuka bellowed as she covered up her chest at the thought.

Asuka sighed thinking back at it. She felt really bad asking the question out of the blue like that but truthfully, she wanted to know. The girls Ikaruga, Hibari, and Yagyū were quite curious why Asuka asked that all of a sudden until they noticed the gleeful, and apologetic look, etched into Katsuragi and they knew.

"*Cough* *cough*… oh man," Chris finally got the food down the right airway as he incredulously massaged his throat to relax the tension in his throat. He looked at Asuka with blurry teary eyes and raised his eyebrows, "Thanks Asuka, but where did that question come from?"

The young girl flushed under his gaze and frantic waved her hands out and she tried to stammer out a reply to his question, which he had the right after what almost happened. "I-I, well I'm just c-curious that's all! A-After seeing your book collection I wanna know my friend better!"

Katsuragi gives her a thumbs up for smoothly adverting part of his question.

He raised his brow. "By asking my type?"

"It's a legitimate question!" she barked at him, cheeks as red as his jacket.

"Well, duh, it is. But is that the first thing you ask something you just met?" He looked at her suspiciously.

"W-What do you mean 'just met'? We've know each other for a few days now," Asuka huffed out her cheeks. That seemed a little rude on his part.

"That wasn't directed at you Asuka, but at the one who put you up to this," Chris glanced past Asuka at a certain blonde-haired girl who turned her head away and whistled. He already could tell which one of the girls would ask that question as the rest of the ladies showed a wry smile.

"I-I see, but could you tell me please?" Asuka fiddled with her hair by playing at it with her finger as she looked away shyly. She really wanted to know what kind of girl he likes.

"Hmm… let's see," he pondered at that in a zen-like manner. Unbeknownst to him not only Katsuragi and Asuka leaned in to hear what he would say even the class rep Ikaruga, bunny summoner Hibari, and stoic Yagyū also closed in a little closer too. In Yagyū's case she wanted to know if his type is Hibari or not and if it was… she's not letting him touch her but it's another matter if Hibari showed interest in him. She doesn't know how to deal with that.

"Well… I guess, I just want a nice girl that's all."

"WHA?! That's all? Boring!" Katsuragi exclaimed as she threw up her arms in frustration at the answer and snapped her finger at him. "Come on, spill it! There's got to be more than just 'nice', right?"

Startled by the little outrage burst from his new Senpai the boy rubbed the back of his head, "Well I guess she has to be at least cute? I've never put much thought into it… except well…"

"Except?" Katsuragi grew more interest now. There WAS more to it and maybe it was something along the lines of body type? Did he like girls with big boobs? She has to write this down. "Ooh do tell! Let me narrow it down a bit. You want a cute girl? What does she need to be cute in your eyes? Cute eyes? Cute legs? Big butts? Or how about something like… THESE!"

Katsuragi quickly pounced Asuka without a second thought. She never said she wouldn't stop attacking Asuka if she did ask the question and this was the sake of information gathering. They need to know! All sacrifices need to be made for the greater good! And boobs! All knowledge is good knowledge after all.

Maneuvering around the brunette girl's back the blonde-haired vixen made short work of Asuka's pronounced assets and greedily fondled her chest rather playfully right under her shirt.

"Noooo! Stop it Katsu-nee! Not in front of Chris-kun!"

"What's up Asuka-chan?" Katsuragi whispered into her cute little Kohai's ear, "Don't you want Chris to notice you?"

"Not like this!!!"

"What's wrong? With big ol' breasts like this I don't know how any man could resist the temptations of looking at these beauties! Nice color, perfect shape, excellent volume of softness, and pleasantly firm!" Katsuragi commented making Chris' face redder than ever as a small nosebleed trail started to form.

"STOP IT!" Chris quickly latched on to Katsuragi's arms and pulled her hands out of Asuka's shirt in an impressive maneuverable manner that caught the buxom blonde beauty off guard by his sudden assertive.

"You shouldn't be doing something like that in public!" Chris tried to explain and scolded Katsuragi on her behavior. Asuka is forever thankful for Chris' intervention as she covered her chest… once again he had to see such a display! Why can't Katsu-nee behave herself for once especially now that they have a boy in the group?

"He's right, Katsuragi-san. You need to control yourself," Ikaruga scolded her friend as well and silently praised Chris once more. It's nice to know he won't condone such actions as well. Her respect for him as grown, and she might be gaining an interest as well.

Katsuragi just smiled now that Chris was in close proximity to her, "Is that so? Well then…," Katsuragi quickly broke free from his grip and grabbed his arms instead and made him fondle her chest instead, "Would it be better if you did it?"

If someone had a camera they would instantly want a picture of the priceless freaked out expression Chris was donning now as the rest of the girls couldn't believe at the sheer boldness that Katsuragi just did now.


Ikaruga managed to pull Chris free from Katsuragi who the martial artist was laughing her butt off, "You should've seen his face! He had the best expression I have ever seen in my entirely life! But you're such a killjoy Ikaruga, I wanted to play with him so more."

"Honestly," the ravenette shook her head as the black-haired young man sighed in relief but his face still red.

"So… big boobs?" Katsuragi teased Chris more while ignoring the glares from Ikaruga and Asuka.

"If I tell you, well you stop teasing everyone?" Chris shyly glanced at Katsuragi.

"I'll think about it."

"Hmm," the boy sighed as he scratched the side of his nose, "Well… size doesn't really matter, but… I guess so…"

Satisfied with his answer Katsuragi pressed her lips together in an intimate smile. Ikaruga simply glared at Katsuragi's behavior but gained a hush hue, being a little pleased at the answer as well. Just as Asuka who shyly smiled upon hearing it too. It was one of their most accommodating features and felt a little proud as well due to the boy's earnest and shy reply. If he responded in a manner similar to Katsuragi it would have be insulting to them. Hibari also blushed as well as she looks down at her chest as well.

"So… boobs then?"

"Yes… and well I like girls with long hair as well."

"Ooh, really now?" Katsuragi snickered as she ran her fingers through her hair. Big boobs and long hair? Nice, nice they're getting somewhere. Ikaruga also took a notice to her own long hair too as she tranced through it with her fingers. Asuka looked mortified as her hair isn't nearly as long as Katsu-nee or Ikaruga-san. It's long enough, right?!

"But those are just preferences, it doesn't mean I'll fall for a girl like that," Chris started to speak up again catching all of the girls' attention. "I just want to be with someone who loves me for who I am. To me she'd be more than someone I love, she'd be my best friend, partner, someone I can trust and depend on and share my thoughts with. I do want a partner and family one day, but I can wait a little longer for that."

The girls blinked at his honest feelings regarding a relationship with the girl he wants to be with. They don't know what exactly to say. Asuka and Ikaruga smiled sweetly, that's a lovely way to see what kind of relationship he wants. Even Katsuragi couldn't help but smile cheerily as well while scratching the tip of nose, she can't say anything bad about that.

Hibari also smiled, she wants a family herself one day as well! She was ready to burst happily and hug him for his authentic and sweet reply but contained herself. Yagyū seemed to respect his thoughts on that matter and gave a rare smile at that as she continued to eat her ramen… she could really go for some dried squid instead right now.

"Well, I would like a girl that's also a tsundere as well," the boy blurted out as he bashfully scratched the back of his head.

"EH?!?!" the girls shouted in unison. A tsundere girl? None of them are like that… well maybe Ikaruga back in the day when it was just Katsuragi and her in their first year or Yagyū somewhat but she doesn't really show such tendencies. What does he see in those types anyway?

"Excuse me… tsundere girls?" Katsuragi's furrowed a brow and pouted annoyingly. He doesn't want an energetic and lively girl like herself?

"Chris-kun… you prefer tsundere girls?" Asuka also huffed out her cheeks at his answer. What is it about tsundere girls that he found so appealing to him? It irritated to her, but she isn't exactly sure why.

"Um… yeah," he rubbed the back of the neck, not totally getting the atmosphere the two girls were giving him, "I find their personality really cute in my opinion… and when they finally show their real feelings they're honest about it and become very lovingly. I just find that aspect the best, especially after being shy and in denial about it at first, which is cute and funny."

"Hmmm… I see," Asuka looked away annoyingly.

"What! Come on, what's so special about those types!" Katsuragi threw up her arms in the air, "You got FIVE hot girls to yourself! Isn't that better than a tsundere girl?"

The buxom blonde started to rapidly poke the young man's face playfully in a teasing notion as the boy just chuckled at her comment. Perhaps, but he also found tsundere lovable to him not that he would ever find such a girl like that in real life or any girl with his ideal wants but would be happy to have a girl love him for who he is. That's why he preferred tsundere girls in that regard and should've been somewhat obvious in his comment but he guess it was too obscured for them to noticed.

They finish their meals and bowed respectfully at the owner for the meal as they paid and head back home. Both Katsuragi and Asuka pestered Chris so more about the whole 'tsundere girl' personality he loves. Asuka wondering why he wouldn't prefer a more 'sweeter' girl instead and Katsuragi teased him by pressing her chest upon his arm again to ask if he sure there isn't anything else he likes in a girl causing the poor boy to blush and sweat nervously.

Ikaruga and Yagyū couldn't help but sigh at the display their two classmates were doing to their only boy in the group as Ikaruga stepped in to stop Katsuragi from continuingly sexual harassing the boy. She knew it made him uncomfortable and it irked her of her year-mate's behavior and as class rep it was her duty to discipline the girl and look out for her underclassmen. Hibari felt a little let out of the conversation, but she looked at the boy in their group with wonder at times surprised how casual he treated the affection Katsuragi displays. Nonetheless, Hibari could tell by first glance he's a good boy and she wanted to learn more about him. Tomorrow is a good chance at that!

Yagyū still kept to herself and watched the boy in silent. He appeared trustworthy and a good friend, but she'll won't be letting him near Hibari if he has 'ill-intent' however the same cannot be said if Hibari wanted to talk to him. However, that might provide a good excuse to get more intel on the boy plus there was something about him she wanted to confirm. His personality was fine, but there was something 'unusual' about him and he doesn't seem to be aware of it, it appeared to her.

As the group headed back to their dorms to call it a night as the afternoon sun was beginning to descend down the horizon, a shadowy figure leaned its back against the wall as the Hanzo students continue walking without noticing they were being watched. The figure turned its head at the walkway the students took, a white hood masking his face save for his razor-sharp teeth showing from his crooked smile.

Soon things are about to get interesting.


*Character Info - Ikaruga*

Name: Ikaruga

Birthdate: July 7th (Cancer)

Age: 18

Bloodtype: Type-A

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 168cm (5'5")

Measurements: B93-W59-H90

Weight: Not recorded

Ninja Animal: Phoenix

Hobby: Reading

Favorite Food: Green Tea/Kaiseki



*Character Info - Katsuragi*

Name: Katsuragi

Birthdate: November 5th (Scorpio)

Age: 18

Bloodtype: Type-B

Hair Color: Blond

Eye Color: Green

Height: 165cm (5'4")

Measurements: B95-W57-H90

Weight: Not recorded

Ninja Animal: Dragon

Hobby: Sexual Harassment

Favorite Food: Ramen



*Character Info – Hibari *

Name: Hibari

Birthdate: February 18th (Aquarius)

Age: 15

Bloodtype: Type-B

Hair Color: Pink

Eye Color: Blue/Light Blue (Pink Pupils)

Height: 160cm (5'2")

Measurements: B80-W55-H73

Weight: Not recorded

Ninja Animal: Bunny

Hobby: Video Games

Favorite Food: Sweets



*Character Info - Yagyū*

Name: Yagyū

Birthdate: December 23rd (Capricorn)

Age: 16

Bloodtype: Type-O

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Red

Height: 158cm (5'2")

Measurements: B85-W60-H83

Weight: Not recorded

Ninja Animal: Squid

Hobby: Sleep

Favorite Food: Dried Squid