

A story built by kaen that involves both the past and the present. He can not and will not escape his destiny. He has no power to speak off, no money to show to. With abandoned parent's and the will to take care of his sister along with his lingering past. He must prove to all who dares, of who he really is!!!

MgStories_14 · Fantasy
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Wake Up

Well leave aside my sister and her tormenting personality, today wasn't supposed to start off so…violent. (I'll be having nightmares thanks to that broom!)

I wouldn't say it was a refreshing morning either and I had just woken up too, abruptly don't forget! I mean who would want to be threatened to get up in such a manner. (with broom no less!)

Death was practically on my doorstep, scratch that, right beside my bedside is the better explanation.

Death may be easier to swallow. More like genocide, technically…

Well, apart from the open air death threats I could sense all over my room, when my body finally relaxed from that absurd intensity for the first time for the day, all my senses started to come back to me. I could hear the birds chirp in wonderful harmony. The warm feeling from hearing the bustling neighbourhood on the move as usual.

Sunlight shining through the patterned curtains as if it were a natural projector. Mist dew spread throughout my curtain surrounded windows as if it were just washed by rain.

Ah, truly a miraculous and eventfully peaceful day.

Although, that brief moment of pure bliss and happiness had surrounded and bombarded my senses, understandably all things must come to an end. It's always the best and enjoyable matters in life that get taken away.

As I once more took my time to yawn gracefully while wailing my arms in the air and stretching out my inner self.

I took a rather flushed look at my sister in the middle of my enlightenment, daring to say the least. It was just a few minutes before that I almost experience something akin to a sacrificial standoff that was definitely not in my favour.

I asked her seemingly with a hint of fear in my heart and soul.

"Wh-What do you want?" Terrified at the mere sight of her holding the broom.

I seriously question my ability to sense danger and entrapment, clearly it's not up to par. I'm like a slow mountain goat who goes up the mountain when an avalanche is hurling down at break neck speeds. Without any concerns for my own wellbeing.

Luckily for me, apart from the constant death signals I was receiving now and again. She seemed to calm down a bit, retracting her broom like weapon and thoroughly started sweeping about my supposed uncleaned and blemished room.

"Why are you still in bed? Don't you know what today is?" As she swept by me, the little grains that had accumulated across the floor near my beddings towards the exiting passageway.

Unlike her. Shock, devastation and fear gripped tightly on to me upon hearing the phrased words. Everything mushed together and combined, along with those death threats in the thick of it.

I had completely forgotten about why today of all days is so important. The realisation of it and the wanting to deny and escape from it compelled me to do so by however means necessarily. So, I did what I do best…

"huh, whatever do you mean? Isn't it Sunday today? I'm going back to sleep, thanks bye!" I exclaimed frantically. Lying pitifully to save my own behind.

Deciding to venture back into my covers to escape any punishments for greedily lying. It's the only way me and my babies could escape our future potential torturers, both in this room and out there.

She replies quick and sharply "No you don't"

She sprinted towards were I laid still in hope. Grabbing my leg tossing aside her wonder broom and full bodied yanked me out of my bed with both her frail like arms.

Without any notion to myself in advance, words came out of my gapping mouth like a flood of water down a river.

"No more ok. Okay. I get it so please have mercy! I k-know we have our f-final exams starting t-today. I'll get ready now so please no more, mercy!" I yielded in a pitiful state towards the so called muscular figure that was my little sister.

Yeah, I don't regret it at all though, not one bit. I would have definitely, as the saying goes, kicked the bucket for sure that day. Alas as of that incident, I completely forgot about the dream I was dreaming.
