

A story built by kaen that involves both the past and the present. He can not and will not escape his destiny. He has no power to speak off, no money to show to. With abandoned parent's and the will to take care of his sister along with his lingering past. He must prove to all who dares, of who he really is!!!

MgStories_14 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Lets Go

And what did I do? I completely ignored it… hah I'd rather avoid it if it's trivial and has nothing to do with me.

Anyway, I have much more pressing issues to deal with at the moment. Such as our finals which starts like literally in a few hours from now.

After I finished eating breakfast, I went back to my room to get my bag (I forgot about it…).

I could tell my sister was gazing at me from behind, she's probably thinking that I'm an idiot or something along there for forgetting my bag.

Leave me alone already!!

I got my bag, went back downstairs and I could see my sister along with my mother near our door. Seemed like they were discussing something really important, since she seemed quite tense.

My mother, gave off a feeling of intensity and seriousness whenever she would speak. Dark brown hair with red tinted glasses, and a somewhat pointed nose that just gave off that office worker vibe.

So I went up to them to ask what they were talking about

"kayla. Mother. what are both of you talking about?" I said to both of them curiously.

I wanted to know if it was something important. And kayla who is my sister looked very distressed as if she had already grown into a young women and has a lot of responsibilities to look after for.

My sister told me it's nothing.

But my mother scoffed at me and said "it has nothing to do with you"

As expected of my dear mother, it's no surprise for her say that. They've been doing that for as long as I can remember. Both, my mother and father.

Not a single idea why they'd treat me like that nor how or what I did that could have sprouted such hatred.

It used to bother me, but nowadays I just move on with my life, what's left of it that is.

After that I just told kayla "I'll wait for you, when you're done, we'll go to school"

The look she gave me when I said that, her eyebrows were twitching as if she wanted to kill me then and there. Ah here comes the death threats. Again

It's probably because I'm more or less late for everything I do. A quick example was what happened this morning.

Just remembering it gives me shivers…

I did not want more trauma, I went and sat by the living room and just waited for her to finish. And we always go to school together, not because it's the only kind of school in town or anything like that…cough

After waiting for something that seemed to be an eternity (it was just 5 minutes…)

Kayla came up to me. Eyebrows were still twitching…I'll regret it if I don't watch what and how I say things…

I asked her impatiently (again it was only 5 minutes…)

"are you done?"

She said surprisingly softly "yes…"

Huhh?? What was that kind of response? What did my mother actually say to her that made her this way? Her eyebrows were twitching? Yes?

She follows up and asks "are you not going to ask about what she said"

Her posture, she was fiddling with her fingers as though she's nervous, the way she had her head looking down as if she was guilty of something. And if it really was trivial why on earth would she ask if I was I going to ask her about it?

Who does that in this day and age?

I simply told her the best answer I could think of.

"No, I don't need to know what both of you were talking about, besides I believe I'm not qualified to do so since it has and I quote nothing to do me"

…maybe it wasn't as simple as I would have thought.

And, she just stood there with a face that shouts "I've got nothing to say"

I sigh loudly and heavily shortly afterwards. I was aiming to guilt her to tell me but seems it ended in failure.

I woke up, she saw me walking to the door and seemed that she really wanted to tell me something about it.

She'll tell me eventually, just like how that dream will come back to me one day

At the door of our house I noticed she still was on edge.

So to relieve all the…stress? From her. I said to her.

"aren't you coming, let's go"