
Kaen-The Unknown Hero

Witness the story of Kaen Uchiha. Not very good at synopsis

Rohan_Roy_0815 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: Kaen’s life


Nearly four years have went by and the two kids had grown spectacularly within this time.

In the house of Ryoto and Kanae, we can see that two children are sitting in the yard. One was wearing a dark blue t-shirt with a black headband and the other was wearing a completely black t-shirt.

These two were Shisui and Kaen, who were relaxing, well more like trying to. Shisui was coming up with a new question everytime Kaen answered a question.

"So when do you think father would allow us to start our ninja training"

"We already have started, Shisui"

"No, not the exercises. I mean real training. Like….umm the fireball jutsu?"

"we have to get proper control first."

"Common we can do the control exercises for 3 months already" Shisui whined.

"Sometimes I think if you really are my brother. Do you think we should do a DNA test"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN. IF YOU ARE NOT MY LITTLE BROTHER THEN WHO COULD IT BE. Sigh…Looks like I will have to ask mom to start searching for my little brother" a mischievous glint appeared in hi eye

Kaen deadpanned. He should have expected this.

"KAEN, SHISUI. Come here we want you to meet someone" Kanae shouted.

"Lets go, mom's calling and for god's sake stop doing that and FOR YOUR INFORMATION, I am the BIG BROTHER, remember it."

"AHHHHHHHH, Mom save me, my little brother is out for my blood" Shisui shouted and ran off.

Scene change *Kanae POV*

"AHHHHHHHH, Mom save me, my little brother is out for my blood" Shisui came towards me while shouting and I knew that he called Kaen, little brother.

"Uhhhh…these two would be the death of me" I mumbled waited for both of them to arrive.

"What happened Mom? Who are we meeting?" Kaen asked in is normal voice although there was a hint of curiosity in his voice.

I was so glad that these did not become a typical Uchiha and took after me and Ryoto. I don't know what I would have done if they were like a typical Uchiha, always speaking using hn.

"Do you two remember that two of my friends are having a baby this year. Guess what? One of them gave birth a five days ago and now we can visit her." I told them with a smile and just as I expected Shisui smiled brightly and his eyes shined while Kaen's expression had a bit of intrigue.

"LITTLE BRO, lets go meet another little bro" Shisui said emphasizing 'little bro' to agitate Kaen.

"Call me little bro again and I will…..you know right?" the part was a whisper so I could not hear it but seeing Shisui's face go pale was enough for me to know that he did some mischief again.

"Whatever you did, we will talk about it later. Now we have to go to the clan leader's house so be respectful. OK"

Both nodded.

Scene Change *Fugaku's residence* *Kaen POV*

"So this the clan leader's residence, grand as expected" I looked around while mumbling to myself.

"Wow this place is really...…big" Shisui wondered.

"Hey Shisui, did you know about mom being with friends with the clan leader's wife"

"Nope, I knew mom had two very close friends, but I never knew who they were"

"I wonder will the new kid be like the typical Uchiha or not"

"He will probably be like the typical Uchiha"

"Hey kids, we are here" Mom said.

We looked ahead and saw two people and the woman was holding baby wrapped in a towel.

"Kanae, you're here and I see you brought your kids with you" the woman said in a kind tone.

The man grunted "hn"

"Typical Uchiha" I remarked in my mind.

"Greetings Clan Leader, Lord Fugaku and Lady Mikoto" Mom said and bowed.

"Good morning clan leader and Lady Mikoto" both Shisui and me said in a respectful manner and bowed.

The man, now named Fugaku, grunted again but I think was not dissatisfied.

"Come meet our boy, his name is Itachi" Lady Mikoto said.

Lord Fugaku got up and left, saying something about paperwork.

When Lady Mikoto and mom started talking and gossiping with each other about the baby, so Shisui and I went to the yard.

We were there for about two hours and Itachi was still a baby, we could not do much anyway.

Scene change

It has been a year since the day they met Itachi, and they would continue meeting him occasionally

Shisui and I went to the training fields because dad told us to meet him there.

"Today I'm going to start your jutsu training " he said as soon as we reached.

We nodded because both of us were excited.

Ryoto POV

"Now the first step is learning and remembering all the hand signs. But since the two of you have already done that I will start with the first jutsu. Watch closely this is the Uchiha clan's signature jutsu called fire style: fireball jutsu."

'Ram-Monkey-Boar-Horse-Tiger' Fire style: Fireball jutsu

*Kaen POV*

A huge fire ball with a diameter of ten meters came out of his mouth.

Shisui and I watched the entire process very carefully. Shisui was first to try the technique and was able to make a fireball 6 metres in diameter.

It was now my turn. I did all the signs one by one properly and shouted fire style: fireball jutsu. It was only 4 metres in diameter barely.

*Ryoto POV*

"So Shisui has a strong affinity for fire but looks like its not the case for Kaen." Think to myself, I decised to use chakra paper.

"Okay boys, take this paper" I handed out a piece of chakra paper to both of them.

"Dad, what is this" Shisui asked.

"This is chakra paper and it will help you to determine your elemental affinity now direct your chakra into the paper to know your affinity"

Both of them directed chakra into the paper and the result was not I expected. Shisui's case was okay, he had a strong affinity for fire and moderate affinity for wind. but what surprised me was Kaen's result.

The moment Kaen directed chakra into the paper, It blew up in a small burst of lightning. I have never heard of anything before, his affinity for lightning might surpass anything I have ever seen before.

"Okay now both of you can use the signature Uchiha jutsu and I think it is time for you to go to the Academy"I finished with a smile on my face.

*Kaen POV*

"Academy huh, what do you think, Shisui?"

"Come on, I am sure it will be fun."

"OK. Stop talking, training is still not finished." Dad added with a grin.

"Shisui, take this scroll and try learning as much jutsu in here. Kaen come with me, I need to get a lightning scroll for you."

Time-Skip to the first day of academy *Third POV*

Kaen and Shisui stand at the entrance of the academy with their parents waiting for the hokage to finish his speech.

As soon as the speech finished, a chunin came over "All new applicants come to field number 2 for evaluation."

*After evaluation*

"OK, so everyone has been evaluated. The list is up at the gate of the academy. Check and be at your assigned classroom tomorrow on time"

"I am in Section 1. What about you Shisui? "

"Section 1, good. So we aerin the same section."

Scene Change: First day at academy

*last period*

"...and that concludes the basic history of the leaf. So if you have any questions, please ask away?" The teacher added.

"This is boring, we already know all this" Shisui grumbled out.

"Just listen, we probably apply for early graduation after a year, you read the curriculum right. "

"Yeah, but still its very boring."

"Want to go to Ichiraku after this."

"Sure, its not like we have anything to do."