
Kaen-The Unknown Hero

Witness the story of Kaen Uchiha. Not very good at synopsis

Rohan_Roy_0815 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: Past

The Final Valley *Third POV*

That fateful night witnessed the battle between two ninjas that changed the elemental nations forever.

On one side was a man wearing dark red ninja armour that belonged to the warring states era, with waist length raven hair, as black as night, red mystifying eyes that radiated enough power to leave a seasoned warrior frozen dead in his track. He stood upon a giant Nine-tailed beast which was covered in armour of ethereal blue.

The man on the other side wore the same dark red armour along with a huge scroll slung across his waist. He had back length dark brown hair and black markings around his eyes that gave off a feeling of absolute strength but also a warm sensation as if he was being aided my nature itself.

These two were Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju, two shinobi with such overwhelming power that they were regarded as gods.

The Nine-tails covered in Madara's Susanoo advanced towards Hashirama. The battle of the two strongest shinobi the world had ever seen, was nearly at the conclusion.

"You're really want to destroy all we have accomplished till now, Madara" the stern expression with a hint of sadness on Hashirama's face showed his reluctance on the idea of harming his old friend but also the determination to do so if required.

"You know nothing about me Hashirama" Madara bellowed, his red eyes becoming more terrifying by the second.

"I do not want to kill you."

"Are you implying that you can kill me at any moment, that is big talk, even for you."

"Stop this Madara and return to the leaf, to the Uchiha clan."

"The Uchiha clan is doomed to failure and I will destroy the leaf myself."

"You can still reconsider old friend, I do want to go any further."

"Stop the nonsense Hashirama and prepare your jutsu"

"Very well then, here I come"

Sage-art: Shinsu-Senju Veritable 1000 armed Kanon

"Bring it on"

Innumerable micro tailed beast bombs launched towards the wooden goliath

The clash of the 1000 arms and the micro tailed beast bombs lasted a while after which Nine-tails and Madara were overwhelmed. A wood golem came out of the ground and suppressed the Nine-tails' chakra and severed Madara's controlover the beast.

'The battle of the two behemoth beings was over and only the two shinobi remained'

Weapons clashed, sword met the kusa(chained sickle), kunais and shuriken met the gunbai, jutsu after jutsu were used. The sheer power behind each would leave and entire nation's army crippled, but both shinobi never retreated, not once.

Finally after hours of battle, the battle was over but only to the untrained eye, a veteran warrior would easily be able tell that the two shinobi were going to finish their duel once and for all.

"Is this what you wanted all along Madara. Our battle has laid waste to this land."

"No, this was not I wanted. This is what the Leaf pushed me do."

"What do you mean, the village is in peace, how could you have pushed to do this."

"You really are naive, huh,"

"Stop speaking in riddles and get to the point."

"If you insist. Tell me Hashirama, do you really think the village is united. The Senju and Uchiha founded the Leaf together as a sign of peace. But it was never meant to be. The people we protect regardless of their origin look at the Uchiha like they are a bunch of monsters, while the Senju clan is awarded as a symbol of peace."


"You wanted to know why I deserted the leaf, is that it? Then listen, the village is a fire, and to see the light you need darkness. The Uchiha are the village's darkness and the Senju are the village's light. They co-exist and at the same time they don't. One cannot exist without the other yet they are of opposite nature.

The villagers speak of when the Uchiha will try to take over the village. But why do they think so? It is not as if the Uchihas have betrayed the allies even once, so why is the notion. Simple, the Uchihas' curse of hatred."

"Madara just as you and Tobi say, I am an idiot, so I don't understand all this talk, but what I understand is that you still think of the village as your own, so stop this farce. We can return and continue protecting the village together like we dreamed of."

Madara chuckled darkly, then started laughing maniacally "You are more naïve than I thought you were, Hashirama. The village was doomed to fall into the darkness but it seems that with you as the leader of the village, the day would come sooner than I thought."

"Let me remind you something, I am no longer Madara Uchiha, clan head of the Uchiha clan and one of the founders of the Leaf, I am the Ghost of the Uchiha clan and I will destroy all shinobi, starting with you."

"Then I will stop you"

Hashirama readied his sword to cut down his friend.

Madara got into his stance to end Hashirama once and for all.


They launched themselves at a speed that even the most experienced kage would be unable to follow and the slashed at each other.


Hashirama fell on his stomach and Madara remained standing.

"I am still standing Hashirama and you are the one who fell"


Madara looked down at his chest that was pierced by a sword and pupils shrank. Looking down at the downed Hashirama "A wood clone."Madara fell down on stomach and bleed from the severe wound.

"I still believe that the village is worth protecting Madara, wish you would have thought the same"

"You are wrong Hashirama, the village will fall into darkness, in fact it has already begun to fall."

"Then I will stop the darkness consuming the village with the fire that will protect the village and its future."

"Mark my words, one day, I do not know when but you will understand what I mean and it would be too late to save the village…..no the entire shinobi world."

"Farewell old friend"

"I will return one day" *whisper*