

one man transmigrated in his past and now he can watch memories

9God · Action
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11 Chs

7. SECRIFICE Experiment in the tower

when I woke up from my sleep I found my self in the golden area of secrifice ground. i know this ground from my vision. it is the place where the first monarch born from human body by secrifice his own body. in this world this is the vision I saw earlier.

" a-hahah..... so you wake up. now shall we start." infront of me a fairy statue spoke up.

"you know who i am? don't you? otherworldly human. but you know i am not so stupid to not to believe in his words. so I was expecting you. and when you fall asleep i kidnapped you. now I will play with you." that thing said.

" who are you? " I said.

" no no no... you are not the one to ask. i will. but even if you know you can't escape this hell. you see the tower we are in is supposed to come after 10 years but now only for you I bring it here at this time. only to let you feel pain and let you suffer. ha hahaha....." "oh I forgot to tell you you can't use your cheat now as I hacked it for myself. now I will play with you with your own weapon. hahaha haha... now now.. let's see.... ah yes... this weapon. water sword.... hahahaha"

after that man brings out the water sword that I saw in the store from nothing and stab it in my stomach.

" cough... ahhhhhhh... ahhhhhhh-ahhhhhhh-ahhhhhhh-ahhhhhhh-ahhhhhhh "

it is too much pain ful. i feel like dying is better. suddenly my stomach burst open and water with blood and other organs flow out of my body.

"ahhhhhhh-ahhhhhhh-ahhhhhhh-ahhhhhhh-ahhhhhhh.. "

i felt tired. my eyes started to close. suddenly my body begin to getting hot. then suddenly it started to burn.


i can't do anything now. my body is burning. my life my dreams are burning. what is going on. i got powerful but even then I can't win against him. he also hacked my powers. sage.. is sage also?.. i couldn't think anymore. my body started to get cold now....

is this 7th day? or 4th day?... i can't remember anymore. pain is all over my body but I can't die. i am concious, I can feel pain but i can't die. he used up almost weapon now.. i think. but it is not end till now. i want to die. i don't want to feel pain anymore. i can't take it anymore... my voice has also stopped at the 2nd day.... i can't hear anyone anymore. but I can see. he stab my eyes with two swords but even then I can see.

suddenly I start to regain consciousness. i see that bustard is still in front of me laughing like before. suddenly I can hear his voice.

" hahaha. a hahaha. success.. big success. i am created a otherworldly human body to stop feel pain and suffering. now you can fight to your fullest. you....you can defeat him for me. you can. you will be my servent from now on."

something is wrong. i can't feel my soul now nor I can feel essence. and my eyes what are they seeing. it more feel like I am seeing all things in this statue. how i can defeat him. i can see it now. how i can steel his powers I can see it now.

i go and hug that statue and in the next moment i stab and brings out it's heart with my own bare hand. that statue broke into pieces. i broke that golden heart with my bare hands.

suddenly I started to feel pain from inside. as if there is a war between energies inside me. i fall on the ground.

but that sensetion starts to end slowly. i feel like there is five types of energies now inside. one resides in head, other one in heart, third and forth in my right hand and left hand and the last one in my middle of stomach.

i goes to the room that I can see now. it is behind the stone wall. with one panch i broke some portion of the wall and goes inside it.

there i found manny types of documents, weapons and chemicals.