
Chapter 3


She's lost in a dark, black void. Though at the same time, she knows exactly where she is. Laying there in her hotel room, wearing a blindfold and earmuffs, her ankles and wrists shackled to the four corners of her bed, Akali ponders the sudden change in… circumstances. She could have escaped at any time, to be fair. But… she didn't want to. Did Ahri know that, perhaps? Had her bandmate peered into the depths of Akali's soul, and seen things that no one else had?

A shudder runs down Akali's spine, followed by a trembling shiver. She doesn't moan though, not letting the noise leave her lips. Instead, it ends up as a stifled whimper, even further quieted by the bandana she wears over her face like some bandito. She's still dressed in her stage costume. But then, to be fair, K/DA's last concert was only two hours prior. She'd practically rushed her afterwards to follow her new mistress' orders…

Ahri had purchased her contract from her old clan. That was not something Akali thought she would ever find herself saying or thinking or whatever. She'd thought she'd done a pretty good job of hiding her past from her fellow bandmates, to be perfectly honest. She thought that, given how she acted and dressed, so wild and untamed and what not, that they would never see the kunoichi she'd been, hiding underneath all of the spray paint and the tube tops and the torn leggings.

She had completely reinvented herself in her effort to escape her clan, only for Ahri to pierce right to the heart of the matter, out of nowhere. Because it was true that despite all of her efforts, Akali wasn't happy with the façade that she'd built around herself. From the poofy jacket to the jingling gold she wore around her wrists, she'd thought she could find a way to love the new her… but she'd never truly felt comfortable in her skin. She'd never found happiness.

And then the old clan had started sniffing around again. Over the last few weeks, Akali had seen them, or at least the signs of their presence, at more than a few of K/DA's shows. It wasn't good, because while part of her was nothing but angry over their attempts to return her to the fold, another part of her longed for it, longed for the structure that the clan offered, even if it came with abuse and pain and blood.

But none of that mattered anymore, because of Ahri. Ahri was… she'd done something or other, because the clan themselves had delivered a formal missive transferring Akali's service over to the other girl, as if it was nothing at all, as if they had any RIGHT to sell her. And yet, didn't they? The moment Ahri had pulled her aside after tonight's show and whispered instructions into her ear, had Akali not rushed back to her hotel room and used the equipment left there by the other woman to put herself in bondage?

For some, it might have seemed rather difficult to lock all four of one's own limbs to the corners of a hotel bed. For Akali, who's flexibility remained unmatched, even after years away from the clan… it was child's play. And yes, she could escape it just as easily as she'd put herself into this situation, but she didn't want to. She didn't want to leave it, not so soon. She wanted to see what Ahri might do, with her newfound power over her. What did the blonde have planned for Akali?

There are suddenly hands on her. Akali stiffens, but does not flinch, even as feminine fingers dance across her naked abdomen, where most of her flesh is exposed. She can neither see nor hear anything, those two senses utterly deprived… but in doing so, the sense of touch, and of smell, is all too heightened. Akali knows immediately that it is Ahri touching her, from her scent if nothing else. The fox girl's shampoo is distinctive, and one that Akali recognizes instantly.

Even as Ahri begins to strip Akali out of her normal stage costume, using her tails to make cuts where need be due to the ninja's bound state, Akali herself… relaxes. She allows her new mistress to strip her naked with tugs and cuts here and there, and even as her naked form is revealed, so is the true state of her predicament. Ahri pulling her aside and giving her orders after the show wasn't the first time that the fox girl had exercised her newfound control over Akali. No, it was the second.

No one had noticed, because of Akali's training. Not even the other half of K/DA had realized what was going on beneath her costume. Not once had the ninja tripped up on stage, not once had she let on what was going on, even as they all sang and danced to the pleasure of tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of cheering fans, all night long.

But that didn't mean it wasn't all there. When Ahri cuts away Akali's tube top, its to reveal that both of her nipples have been clamped down on, and not only clamped down upon, but clamped down upon by vibrating sex toys, which have been buzzing away this entire time, trapped between her soft titflesh and her tight-fitting tube top.

When Ahri tugs down her leggings next, it's to reveal that both of her holes were plugged up with even more vibrating sex toys for the entire show, her ass filled with a rather thick and large butt plug, and her cunt stretched wide by an equally thick and large dildo. Both buzz away, just as the clamps on her nipples do. To top it all off, there's one final clamp, pinching together her clit, and vibrating just as hard as the rest.

She's gushing wet, for all that she hadn't shown a single sign of duress or distress, all night long. Her nipples are elongated and rock hard, and so is her clit, while her cunt is flexing and gripping even now around the sex toy buried in it, and her ass feels so nice and full with the butt plug that Ahri had gifted her. This was certainly a different sort of torture then the clan would have visited upon her, and for that alone, Akali was grateful. She was even enjoying it… a new experience. A new form of being controlled.

Suddenly, the earmuffs are pulled off of her head, along with her signature hat, which until this point had been held down by them. Akali blinks from behind her blindfold, as Ahri's voice suddenly reaches her ears. After being deprived of it for hours, her hearing has never been more… crystal clear.

"Can you hear me, pet? Are you with me?"

Licking her lips to wet them, and for other reasons, Akali nods as she answers.

"Yes, mistress."

In response, Ahri slides a hand across Akali's front, from the top of her chest all the way down to her navel. The former ninja can't help but arch her back up into the petting, even as she bites her lower lip hard to contain her instinctive moan.

"That's a good girl. I've got something for you. I'm going to put it on you now. Show me your neck, there you go."

Akali bares her neck as best she can, and her breath catches as Ahri slides the collar around her throat, strapping it into place over the choker she already wore there. As the leather is tightened, Akali shivers in delight, feeling utterly at peace, oddly enough, despite the circumstances. She's been longing to return to servitude for a while now. She just never thought her desire would be fulfilled by one of her bandmates. She'd been so torn over all of it, thinking that she would have to abandon K/DA, to get what she truly needed. But instead… here they were.

"There's someone you need to meet now, Akali. Your true Master."

Beneath the blindfold, Akali blinks again quite dumbly, even as her body goes still. She feels a shift on the bed and hears in Ahri's suddenly raised voice that the fox girl has turned away from her to look towards the door.

"Come in, Master! She's ready for you!"

Akali's mind races as the door to the hotel room opens. This time she actually hears it, along with the foot falls of the person entering the room. Heavier foot falls than any of her other bandmates, and likely those of a man, her training and her heightened sense of hearing helpfully supply. Who… who was it though? Who had enslaved Ahri, only to have Ahri enslave her?

The blindfold finally comes off, and Akali lays eyes on her new Master, freshly collared alongside the slave sister that has prepared her for him. Amusingly enough, slave 'sister' has never been more accurate. At the end of the bed, with his shoulders straight, his hands clasped behind his back, and his eyes fixed on her… is Ahri's younger brother, Wai Chin.

Or perhaps better put, at the end of the bed stands their Master. Because from the moment Akali lays eyes on him, even as his gaze slides up and down her naked, helpless body, she knows that Ahri is completely and one hundred percent right. She IS ready for him. More specifically, Akali is ready for this… ready to submit to a new man, ready to be controlled by a new Master. Her previous one, the head of her clan… he was a monster. And yet, if not for Ahri and her brother, Akali likely would have gone slinking back to him after not much longer. The desire to be needed, to be used properly like the tool she was… it'd been growing too long.

Wai Chin doesn't have to say anything, in the end. He just stares at her, and Akali bows her head as best she can in her restrained position, averting her gaze downwards.

"I await your command… Master."


Despite what Ahri had said, Wai Chin really hadn't expected it to be this easy. After Akali's submissive words, he'd had his sister undo the other woman's bonds. Now, they were both kneeling before him, though only Akali was currently sucking his cock with all the gusto she could muster. Ahri was knelt behind her fellow bandmate, helping Akali along in her own way. The fox girl correctly intuited that right now was between him and the former ninja, and she was simply along for the ride, to assist where necessary.

Currently, that meant murmuring encouraging words into Akali's ear, even as she touched the other woman all over, her hands gliding up and down the naked ninja's body. Ahri's soft murmurings, whether she was giving Akali advice on technique or simply telling her she was doing well, were encouraging to the former ninja, because Akali grew more enthusiastic in her efforts with each passing moment.

Her eyes, fixated on Wai Chin's face, clearly looking for approval, only added to his pleasure, truth be told. He'd watched K/DA's shows however he could, before the deaths of his parents, and if he had to be honest… Akali was definitely one of his favorites. Although, when the band was four absolutely gorgeous young women… eh, did he really have favorites?

… Yes. Yes, he did. Ahri and Akali, to be exact. The other two, well, Wai Chin would want to claim them as well eventually, so long as it was feasible, but if he had to pick only two of K/DA to take and turn into his needy little sex slaves, Ahri and Akali would have been his initial choices. There was just something so wild about Akali, something that BEGGED to be tamed.

Of course, now he finally understood that his intuition had not been wrong. Akali DID need to be tamed. Everything he'd seen of her in her K/DA shows was exactly what he'd thought it was, a cry for help, her beseeching anyone who might be listening to come and take control away from her, because she was no good with it.

And now the designated 'bad girl' of K/DA was on her knees in front of him, sucking his cock as she stared up at him with an almost loving look of desire and hot, earnest NEED on her face. Really, there was only one thing that could make this better…

"Ahri, can you please retrieve Akali's bandana and then turn off the lights?"

His sister-pet immediately pulls her hands off of her fellow slave and moves to obey him. The lights turn off, and Ahri returns with Akali's bandana in her hands, the glow in the dark spray paint that the former ninja is famous for showing up nicely now.

"Good girl. Put it on her for me."

Ahri quickly does so, while Wai Chin uses his grin on Akali's ponytail to never quite let the young woman pull away. She doesn't even try, knowing from the secure hold that he has on her that he doesn't want her to. Soon enough, the lower half of Akali's face is completely hidden from view, as is his cock. Her bandana, with the demonic glow in the dark oni mouth painted onto it, covers both up, leaving Wai Chin to stare down into her eyes approvingly as she continues to slurp and suck and bob up and down on his cock, just out of his line of sight.

It shouldn't really be as arousing as it is, but ever since Wai Chin first witnessed Akali in her stage costume, ever since he saw her in her puffy jacket and her tube top and her torn leggings, in all of her wild, untamed glory, he's fantasized about having her on her knees before him, blowing him from underneath the bandana that she wears over her face.

It looks just as spectacular as he imagined it would. With a groan, Wei Chin tightens his grip on Akali's ponytail and lets his head roll back.

"Fuck, here it comes!"

To her credit, the former ninja doesn't balk at her duty. She does her best to handle his load, which flies out of his cock most violently, stuffing her cheeks to the brim in just moments. His seed explodes out of Akali's nostrils, something that Wei Chin can only see thanks to the glow in the dark part of the bandana, now soaked through at exactly the point where her nose holes would be.

The entire bandana actually ends up soaked with his cum, as a matter of fact, and when Wei Chin is finally finished and pulls her away, the seed-covered cloth drapes down over the lower half of her face, momentarily covering up their indiscretion, before finally, his seed begins to drip down off of her chin and onto the tip of the bandana, only to fall further still onto her breasts.

Not once does she take her eyes off of him, and they shimmer and glow in the dark just as much as her bandana does. Chuckling, Wei Chin grins down at his newest pet.

"Training you is going to be a lot of fun. Are you ready for more, pet?"

She gurgles on his cum for a moment before answering, but when it comes, there's not an ounce of hesitation in her tone.

"Yes, Master."

She's his, just as his sister is his. But they're only the beginning…