

The art in the cover is by @Otonymous on pinterest! This story is inspired by “Dangerous Love” in Episode, however im adding my own characters and twist. - Eco did not mean to fall for this trouble makes, but they’re living under the same roof! What Eco doesn’t know, is that this guy will turn her life upside down..

Valeria_Jimenez_6317 · Teen
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The Breakup

Everyone seemed to be having fun, dancing the night away, girls wearing beautiful dresses and guys wearing black tuxedos. Little did I know this night would change my life forever.

It was our last prom and everyone was making sure to live this night to it's fullest. I myself was wearing an expensive fitted red dress, which my best friend Ino had helped me pick 3 weeks ago. I was accompanied by my boyfriend Angel. We've been dating for nearly 2 years now. He is tall and has light colored skin, he has brown wavy hair and usually dresses in a casual outfit, but today was special and he was wearing a black and red tuxedo.

Everyone was having lots of fun, except for Angel, he seemed more quiet then usual. I asked him what was going on but didn't answer and took me to a quiet place. "Eco... I think its best if we break up." Hearing those words shattered my heart into a million pieces. "Why?...have I done something wrong?" Tears started to form in my eyes making my vision blurry. Then he said "We're both going to college soon Eco, and long distance relationships never work." There was a moment of silence, I didn't know what to answer, I was willing to at least try but he wasn't. He leaned for a hug but I backed away. At this point I was crying my eyes out and my sadness was slowly turning into anger. I ran away without looking in what direction. I could feel other staring at me as I exited the building.

I kept running without direction until I no longer knew where I was. I stopped for a moment and took a breath and looked around. I checked my phone, no signal. Just then 2 older man walk towards me. "Hehhe- heyyy theree" one of them said "wha's a young lady- like youu doing here..." By the way they where speaking I could tell they have had too much to drink tonight. I stayed quiet. Then they started screaming bad names at me like slut and prostitute and started to trow themselves at me. They grabbed me by the wrist and started pulling me around. I screamed for help but the whole street seemed to be isolated. Then a strong force pulled one of the man away from me and punched the other one knocking one of them out.

The remaining one ran away leaving his friend behind. The guy that had saved me turned around and looked at me with anger. Although I was afraid of what might happen next, I couldn't help but notice how attractive this man was. He was wearing a black hoodie and had a strong jawline, he has grey emotionless eyes, snow white hair and earrings. He was tall and broad shouldered, this man was intimidating. Finally, he spoke up. "What do you think you're doing?" I stayed quiet and looking at the ground I answered "I've had a rough night, I was running with no direction and got lost." Without further information he said come with me grabbed my hand and walked me to a close by bus station. He also told me I was in Hamilton street, which was located in the most dangerous area of my city. "What's your name?" I asked. "That's none of your concern, you won't be seeing me again because you will stay away from here." I looked at his emerald colored eyes and I could feel the tension rising. Then the bus arrived and I got on. I didn't get to say good bye for he got up and started walking away the second the bus stopped.