

Following Juubiko on her journey through the world of Naruto and discover the secret of the ten tails. starting from day one she will make her impact on the world using the knowledge of anime.

Ertenkor · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Filler Episode


A/N: Naruto is owned by Masashi Kishimoto.

AN: Suggestive content ahead. Skip to [line break] if it's too much for you.


[On top of the great plateau]

Within a makeshift square shaped tower build using earth-release. I am grinding the senjutsu berries I obtain from Arashika's gourmet garden into a paste like substance while mixing it with antler powder and nature chakra infused water.

Ending up with a creamish substance inside a bowl, I conjured five clones.

I began to remove my clothes one piece at a time, until I am only clad in a Fundoshi, breast wrappings and the thin crimson chains wrapped around my body. Till this day I am unable to break them.

I gave my garments to one of my shadow clone for save keeping. Another clone helped me tie my hair into a bun behind my head.

I sat in the middle of the room isolated from anything interfering, with the exception of my clones.

Two of my clones dipped there hands into the bowl with the creamy substance and began to draw on my exposed skin on top where an average human suppose to have their chakra network. Coordinating via our link, the process was finalized smoothly.

From my understanding. The senjutsu berries form a connection between the vast ocean of nature energy and the host, when the host consumes it.

On the other hand, this wouldn't work for me. So, instead of eating the fruit, I processed it into paste and glazed it on my skin as an alternative way. Since it will simply desolve the moment it enters my stomach.

So, by putting it on my skin, I'm using it similarly how toad oil is used from mount miyaboku. The key is to be in contact with the catalyst that allows one to resonate with nature energy.

With a mental command, my clones left the room leaving me alone meditating and trying to synchronize with the senjutsu energy.

After sometime, I started to feel the nature chakra seeping onto my skin from where the cream had been applied.

Now comes the tricky part. I need to focus and keep my bodily instincts under control, so I will not end up devouring the chakra I gather up. That is only just step one.

Step two, would be for me to mix my own chakra with the gathered chakra in equal ratio in terms of characteristics.

If the Nature chakra concentration is greater than my own chakra, then it would become hard for me to wield it effectively and dissipate back into the ambient energy.

If the Nature chakra concentration is lesser than my own chakra, then it would be simply my own chakra increasing a bit.

If nature chakra is like Apple juice, then my chakra is like a thick syrup. I need to find a way for both of my chakra flavors to be combined in harmony.

[line break]

Soon winter will arrive in just a month or so. In this era, this season is a time of stillness and less activities. Most people have already started to collect firewood from the nearby forest. Of course, as the lord that cared for her citizens wellbeing, I naturally had my part to do.

Having a few of my mobs act as guardians for those that went into the forest for firewood, and they will also help pulling the cart full of said firewood. The workers will be a lot safer from the likes of angry wildlife or some fur coated bandits. Against an average bear, my mobs would be able to lethally wound a beast of such caliber. Even if such wildlife manages to defeat my mob, I will be alerted, and said beast is metaphorically F■■ked.

At this time of year I heard from Nouragi, that the bandits are the most active during this period. It's because they are most likely to make one great haul, so they won't have to do it during the snowy season. Irritating, but I guess it's open season on bandits then. They will serve as test dummies for my practice in the art of senjutsu.

Speaking of senjutsu. I managed to tap into an incomplete state of deer sage mode. I need to apply the senjutsu berry cream on my skin to be able to go into sage mode. I can only maintain this state of about five minutes at most, before falling out of balance. This happens due to the cream loosing its effects, due to me loosing focus. Rendering the cream's effect obsolete.

While in my imperfect sage mode, I can cause things to decompose and rot at a visible speed. Jump higher with less strength. Cause plants to grow by exhaling at it. And heal minor injuries of living beings via touch. Faintly feel a person's intentions and emotions. Sense the shift in nature chakra, and predict the weather with around 60% accuracy.

All these abilities pale in comparison to what Arashika can do.

Gathering a squad of 25 warriors, we each mounted on a sateled mob that looked like triceratopses. I simply find it funny, having samurais riding on dinosaurs into battles. Each soldier is equipped with a set of matching armor, spear, bow and arrows.

My hit squad will be divided into five teams, with each team patrolling one of the cardinal directions. My team will be going around actively searching for bandits. I personally would rather play games on my PS5, but such luxuries are beyond what this era can offer me. Well, guess it's time for the grind. This is like minecraft, with me not knowing a single crafting recipe.

Call me a psychopath for treating this world like a game, but that is the only thing that keeps me sane. Dealing with issues such as identity crisis, warped morals, boredom, Otsutsukiphodia and the worst of all the uncertainty of future what if's. All this would have driven me insane, if I didn't have a goal to work towards. Besides, experiencing the content and happy emotions of my citizens through chakra also helped.

[Line break: a few weeks later.]

Building an artificial hot spring took me a whole month to finish building the foundations and another month to actually finish the project despite having my mobs, and my earth release techniques. The biggest problem is obtaining the resources in said project. I wasn't building a bath house that is meant to house 30ish people.

No, I end up building a god dammed boiling facility. Task to provide warm water across the entire city, and at the same time can also function as a bathhouse for at least half the city's population, smelting facilities and forge all in one.

The boiling facility is located on the northeast, outside of the city walls due to its size. It's roughly three stories tall. Build using mostly stones and compressed dirt bricks as the main material, to avoid my master piece be set on fire and all my effort going to waste.

I had to dig a path to the local underground water reservoir and create a stationary mob that harnesses the moisture in the air to produce water.

As for its fuel source, wood and coal could be used. But that would be too resource taxing for my current city. So like any problems I face recently, I created a mob in form of a giant turtle that is intuned with fire nature chakra, and ordered it to be stationed in the boiling chamber, under the boiling pot.

[Juubi no Kuni: winter]

The snow is falling gently on the roofs of the powdered city. The sun is shrouded behind the clouds, casting the land beneath under a pale veil.

Gazing out at my city which had become dormant in its activities during these days, I decided to go for a stroll.

My mobs are working tirelessly with a few volunteers to clean the streets from the snow and hurl the piles of snow to the boiling facility I constructed before winter. After all, snow is just another form of water. With me supplying my boiler with chakra, converting ice and snow into warm water is no problem at all.

Despite the fact that I can only access half of my chakra reserves, supplying the city with hot water during the winter wouldn't put a dent in my current reserves.

The few people that are out about now greeted me respectfully, I smiled at them in acknowledgement.

Walking aimlessly through the streets for a while, I decided to visit my hot water factory.

Entered the reception area, I noticed a large crowd of people all inside the boil house. A staff member approach me. "Juubiko sama. I'm sorry, but the bathing areas are all full since last week. Should I kick them out?" he seems apologetic.

"No need. Let them enjoy the warm water." I waved him off. "I'm just surprised at the popularity of my new invention." I didn't care about it too much. Since I can always clean myself back in the castle. This facility is meant to be a public bath in the first place.

The boiling facility is basically a low budget replica of the gigantic bathing house from the anime "spirit away". less fancy, smaller in size, made up of one large boiling room empowered by my fire chakra turtle. Two bathing areas, one for Male and another one for females, located on opposite sides from the boiling room to avoid peeping. On the back side there is the inbuilt forging room that also functions as a second boiler during emergencies. Each of the mentioned areas is large enough to house over 60 people at any given time. And then there is the lounge where people can hang out after a long session of soaking in the baths.

On the second floor is where I have my deer guests stay during the cold seasons. Although Arashika insists on staying in the sanctuary during the winter, a few of the deer tribe members decided to spend the winter indoors. That's right, I am the first in the history of this planet that opened a hotel for deer's. In order not to sour my relationship with my senjutsu beast allies, I had to outlaw the poaching of deer's in my territory. Any other animals are still on the menu.


Name: Juubiko


Midnight black hair styled in a hime cut, with her hair going down to the middle of her back.

A pair of crimson Rinne-sharingan with a golden tint on the edges of each ring.

Soft and elegant facial features and a passive expression shown on her face most of the time.

Wears a self made white T-shirt with stitches on the sides and shoulders. Black hakama pants, grayish stockings, a short sleeved black haori over shirt with red spider lily's decorated at the lower half.



Kamui: linked to her personal dimension, which is a ashen desert with an ominous ocean as the sky radiating an oppressive feeling. Juubiko can enter this dimension at will and is able to observe what is happening in the outside world by conjuring a projection within her kamui-dimension. Once she is in her kamui-space, she needs to leave her dimension manually in order to interact with the outside world.

Tsukiyomi(Juubiko version): a down graded version of the original Tsukiyomi due to her inexperience in genjutsu.

Space bending technique: Can technically mold space like folding doe. Due to her fear of Otsutsukis sensing her use of the technique, she refrains from using it.

unknown ability: Her future-self claims that the ability will elevate her to the top of the food chain once she unlocks it and masters it.

▪︎(Nature release)

Earth: most familiar element.

Water: proficient.

Wind: adept.

Fire: can use.

Lightning: No experience.


Rock bullet: able to throw small objects at three times the speed of sound.

Chakra threads

presence sensing through chakra.

incomplete sage mode: needs to apply a cream on her skin that is made using a type of berries that have nature attuning properties.

passive chakra suppression

Killing intent projection

shadow clones

▪︎(Innate abilities)

Bijuu dama

Chakra absorption

Chakra consumption

inhuman strength and durability

mob creation: can create spawns in various shapes and sizes, can even bestow chakra attributes and unique characteristics upon them.


Crimson chains: has intricate red chains wrapped around her body that contains supposedly half of the chakra she has. Until she figures out a way to extract the chakra from these chains. Juubiko will only have access to half of her total amount of chakra. Which is still a lot, enough to give any one of the bijus created by Haguromo a run for their Ryo, if they had money to begin with.


An: Another chapter for you.

I'm a little unsure about how I would write the Haguromo arc.

I'm debating with myself, if I should let Juubiko eat the ancestor within the plateau or let the ancestor have a bigger roll in the future plot.

Review or comment if you have anything you want to say. It would probably help me to be motivated enough to continue writing.

I DON'T need your stones, leave a comment will suffice.

Chapters will be uploaded as soon as they are finished. There is no pay wall or P@trïön. You all get the newest content freshly plucked from the tree.