

Leonel and Carissa seeking justice for the death of their father defends the country from a corrupt business man, Miguel and his henchmen. This led to the death of their loved ones but they never gave up. They went through struggle and suffering. But in the end good still prevail over evil.

Toriatim · Action
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42 Chs

Getting Into Trouble[5]

"I am here to apologize" Mrs Reyes came in with a bright smile on her face. She wore an orange shirt with a white baggy trouser. She wore a 7inches heels. She had a natural makeup and her hair was curled. In her hands, she held a TBWA shopping bags with her.

"Apologize?" Elvira murmured to herself

After Sam got expelled from school, Mrs Reyes vowed to teach Carissa and her family a lesson. No one has ever tried to mess with 'The Reyes' most especially with Mrs Reyes.

Her husband, Mr Reyes, the congressman is a well respected man in the society. He built a foundation 'The Reyes foundation' where he helped so many people.

Mrs Reyes lived a life of luxury. She wore expensive dress, jewelries and shoes. She don't like the poor because she thinks they are born to serve the rich people like her. She looks down on any poor person that comes to her for help. She will tell them 'YOU ARE DUST AND I AM THE SHOE SO I CAN STEP ON YOU THE WAY I LIKE'.

She is hot-tempered and when ever she is angry, she throws everything she sees in the house. No one will be at peace they day. The maid will only pray for her son to come home because no one can calm her down except for Sam.

"I know you will not believe me but I regret doing what I did to you all. I admit that I am biggest fool of all for fighting against you people, I just don't want to admit defeat"

Carissa don't believe any word of hers. She looks down on people that are not in her standard and call slaves. So why will she just came to their house to apologize. Just like that.

"Thank you Mrs reyes" Elvira extended her hand to collect the bags

"No nay" carissa stopped her mother. She turned and smiled at Ms Reyes, "We have forgiven you already and thank you for these but we are sorry, we can't collect it. We don't want to owe anyone anything most especially, rich people like you and I can see that you spent a lot of money buying all these"

Mrs Reyes went to the supermarket that morning with her friends to buy the clothes for the bautista. She wanted to humiliate them by giving them what she bought. She will never spend a penny on them if she does not have a reason.

"I just wanted you to look high-key even though you are poor"

Elvira's face darkened immediately. Carissa knew she was here to cause trouble but she was ready for her.

"I also brought you food stuff and groceries" she called the driver to bring them out

"We don't need any of these. We have food and we can buy groceries ourselves" carissa immediately rejected.

"But we are friends" a smile litted up on her face

"Friends? I only said that we have forgiven you but I don't remember saying that we are friends already"

At south cotabato.

A man came out of his room dressed in a blue police uniform. He had a small pink lips. We walked to the dining and sipped the milk placed in the table. He turned to leave and then, he saw a picture hanging on the wall. He walked to it and held it in his hand.

It's a picture of a man and a woman smiling both carrying a young boy of seven years. Sadness filled his face when he looked at the picture.

"Mom, dad, I promise to give justice to your death. Forgive me, I know you want me to take over the company but I have to complete my mission first" he kissed the picture and hung it back. His face was filled with hatred as he left the house and drove his Yamaha sniper 150.

At alvardo street, Binondo.

"Isn't that Mrs Reyes at Elvira's house?"

"Yes, she is"

"I heard that she does not like poor people but why is she in their house"

"I wish she was in my house instead" their neighbors began to gossip.

"We don't want to be your friend Mrs reyes" finally Mrs belen spoke

"Lola, I can give Elvira a new job at my company" she walked to Mrs belen and held her hand smiling

Did Mrs Reyes just call Mrs belen Lola? When did she become low key. Mrs belen know she was just putting on an act calking her Lola.

"She can start as a janitor. Hahaha, don't get me wrong. I was just saying that you should start from somewhere. That will be better than that job of yours, being a waiter" she smiled

"But am sorry, I don't need another job because I love my job as a waiter" Elvira understood Mrs Reyes and her techniques.


"Mrs Reyes, we thank you for your kindness but we have so many important things to do. Don't you have work at your company today?" Dyosa asked, she does not like the fact that Ms Reyes was intentionally trying to hit her mother's feeling. People like her are up to no good.

"Hahaha, I have many people at the company that will work for me"

"Don't you know, you are getting old. You shouldn't be thinking about keeping more friends. You have more rich friends. So I think you should go to the spa....look you have wrinkles all over your face. Even my mom that is not as rich as you are is maintaining her skin"

"Child, didn't your mom teach you how to respect your elders" she smiled, trying not to show how angry she is. She wanted to strangle Carissa.

"My mom did but do you know who I don't respect"


"People that don't respect themselves. I don't respect those who pretend to be your friend. Infact, I find them as the most disgusting people on earth"

Immediately Ms Reyes face turned red as she wanted to slap Carissa. Carissa was trying to say; Mrs Reyes, you are the most disgusting person on earth.

"So what are you trying to say?" she forced a smile on her face.

"Never mind... Anyways, we have so many important things to do so when you are done. You can leave" she turned and walked to her mother.

Mrs Reyes face was dark with rage that she wanted to kill the whole family. Where did that girl get her courage? She sure has sharp mouth.

"Not to cause any embarrassment for herself, she turned to leave but before she left, Carissa called her....

"Mrs Reyes"

She stopped in her tracks, waited for five seconds before she turned to Carissa.

"Yes carissa" she smiled at her. No one knew if her smile was pure or evil.

Carissa took the bags and threw it at Mrs Reyes, "You forgot this. You should take it with you and if you don't need it, give it to someone else. We have a lots of cloth and if we need more, we will go to the supermarket and buy ourselves" she turned and left.

Mrs Reyes was truly embarrassed. This was the first time this will happen to her. She turned and left. The driver took all the stuffs and they left.

Dyosa was surprised by the way her friend talked to Mrs Reyes that morning. It was the first time she will take to someone of her mother's age like that.

"Carissa, you will have to teach me" she smiled at her friend

Just then, Isabelle cane in and saw how happy the family is...

"Did I miss something?"

"Yes, a lot nay" she ran to her mom and put her arms around her neck. As expected, Elvira told her what happened without ommiting a single word.

"Hahaha, so she came here to stir trouble" she continued to laugh that she began to feel pain around her tummy


"I wonder how her face will be now" everybody began to laugh as Dyosa describe how ugly Mrs Reyes face will be.

At the Reyes mansion.

Mrs Reyes entered the mansion and began to throw things.

"Ma'am where should I keep the bags?" the driver asked

"Throw them away" she screamed

"Mom, what happened?" Sam came downstairs when he heard his mother shouting.

"It's that witch. She is going to kill me"


"Carissa of course. I hate that girl!" she spatted angrily

"Mom, take it easy" he calmed his mom down and told the maid to bring her mother water.

"Here ma'am"

She sipped it and poured the remaining on the young maid, " you fool! Who told you to get me warm water. I need chilled one" she shouted at the maid.

"Yes ma'am" the terrifying maid ran to the kitchen and brought a chilled water

"Mom, calm down" he consoled his mom

Later at night.

Carissa wore a short white gown with a white heel. She got the gown on her seventeenth year birthday from her grandma. It might not be expensive but she loved the design and mostly it came from her grandma while Dyosa wore a blue gown revealing one of her legs.

They walked to the birthday girl....

"Happy birthday" Carissa smiled and gave her a box. She opened it and found a gold necklace. I might not be expensive but she loved it because it had her name on it 'Sally'. Dyosa gave her an envelope in which she found some cash in it.

"Thank you the two of you" she hugged them and left.

The music was loud that people could barely hear themselves. Carissa and Dyosa sat on an isolated table drinking. Some boys came to them.

"Hey beautiful ladies, may I sit with you?"

"Yes, you can" Dyosa immediately answered

"My name is Nathan and these are my friends Jones and billy

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