
Chapter 10: Stand by me..

Bright early morning but his room was filled with his thin smoke and he didn't notice while he got ready for this Tuesday's school day, Derek zipped up his pants and grabbed his book bag to head off to his bus stop. On the bus he noticed another kid that resembled someone around his age staring at him as if he wanted to converse, to say something or comment. Derek tried to ignore him with wide eyes but the kid's look interested him too much, his squint and the way he rubbed he had his hand on his lower face. The guy changed seats to one behind him. "Got a name?" Asked The young man. Derek didn't answer his question and continued thinking to himself. "Wait, are you high right now?" The young man asked next. "Never have or will." Derek answered with his voice shocking the young man. "You sound like you dismiss amazing experiences too quickly, are you bisexual?" The young man replied and asked much to Derek's confusion. "What's— that?" Derek asked him genuinely unaware. The young man sat back in the seat intending to quit the conversation with a face that let Derek know he was as confused as he was, "Square, man." The young man thought to himself. Derek felt indifferent to how direct the young man.

Derek arrived at school at eight AM, Liam immediately found him on his way to first period. "You haven't texted me back at all this entire weekend, everything's alright?" Liam asked with a tone filled with serious concern. "Yeah, I just, um— had family emergencies that kept me away from my phone." Derek answered him as he placed the top of his hand on his upper back. "Emergencies—? You don't happen to be lying to me right now, right?" Liam questioned as he mimicked him. Derek caught on to and began noticing what made him suspicious and realized Liam was smarter than he thought. "I'm not, let's not be late for first period history." Derek assured him in a calm and genuine voice before he began walking away holding the same attitude. "Where were you Monday though?" Derek asked his pal as the two walked leisurely to class. First, second and third periods felt like father time was taking his time moving forward during them to the gaseous manipulator but his favorite time of the day, fourth period's lunchtime, the highlight of his days attending public schooling, not the socializing like his Grandfather thought finally came up. "Yo!" Derek and Liam heard as they were enjoying food one thought was divine and the other thought to be essentially demonic. "You haven't been here since the first day, why'd you disappear like that long?" Liam asked after recognizing his voice and looking up to see he looked happier than he remembered. "A once in a lifetime program with a college from the school, why'd you disappear Monday, I know that was your first absence of the year." Arlo Meinrad replied, Derek was wondering about how they seem to know each other. "Why's everyone making this about me?" Liam asked as he looked over his shoulder to someone behind him. "You two already know each other?" Arlo asked but not that surprised Derek could tell, Arlo does believe Liam is already acquainted with most of the school. "You two know each other?!" Liam asked sincerely, as shocked as he could imagine being. Derek saw just beyond Arlo's shoulder was Kamila Methadonna walking by, he immediately broke any potential eye contact with her. Liam got out of his seat as Derek and Arlo were speaking, he made his way over to a kid with strange white hair who was sitting by himself.

"Oh my, how've you been, young one?" The Presence siblings mother asked Derek as he decided to visit the Presence siblings home after school instead of going back. "I've been fine, Ma'am, I've been doing well— uh, is Dustin here maybe?" Derek answered and asked in return after clearing his throat. "He's speaking with Talisha in their usual haunt, right upstairs in the attic." She answered him, Derek's jaw dropped and he was left speechless if that was in fact whom he immediately thought had in mind, he held in his laughter while walking upstairs to find their attic. On his way, The Presence siblings' other younger brothers and sisters ran past him and giggled as they halted him. "Hold up right there, reincarnated Mist-Affliction." Said Tal as he walked out of the bathroom after hearing him greet his younger siblings. "Oof— I'm grateful my Grandpa doesn't care about technology and I learned the part of your name that you were hiding is Talisha from your mom, just in time." Derek replied with as straight of a face as his current adversary to mock him. "Why have you come, by the way?" Tal asked with his squinting. "For Dustin's take on something I'm curious and stuck between, actually, want to give me yours while we're here?" Derek answered with an unsure tone and slight hesitation. "It's probably got something to do with emotions and friendship, keep connections for their resources in your life, drop the concept of a friend. I've got research to get done. Wait down here for crimson Sherlock." Tal answered tonelessly before he walked back upstairs to his laptop. "I was expecting to have this talk between us, you want to lead or should I?" Dustin asked as he skipped the steps and dropped down in front of Derek enthusiastically and ready after hours of long thought and critical thought.