
Justice And Desire

(18+) Forbidden fruits are the sweetest to devour. When two opposite sides collide due to an undeniable, off-the-charts attraction, the collision is the only devastation you can expect with certainty. For LA Detective James Gunner, meeting Vanessa Bologna the notorious Italian-American mob boss's daughter can only be sealed with one resulting impact... DISASTER. She is the daughter of a notorious mafia boss. He is the cop with a huge sign around his neck saying "forbidden in every goddamn way." He is out to destroy her father, to bring down their family, so why the hell is she allowing him to kiss the life out of her? ***** Justice and Desire is a Mafia Romance book about the love life, struggles, trials, and temptations of the most influential Mafia family in Boston. THE BOLOGNAS. The book will have up to four volumes. All four (4) volumes will be focusing on each of the Bologna siblings continuously. The plot is the same, but each volume will come with its unique twist.  The first volume will focus on Vanessa Bologna, the last and only daughter of the mafia lord, Dante Bologna, and her forbidden love interest - Detective James Gunner - who is hell-bent on bringing the Bologna family to book.  The second volume will focus on Daniel Bologna, the second and last son of Dante Bologna. His love interest, Layla, will be a blast from the past that was sent to destroy his family. This one will be full of turmoil, so watch out. The third volume will focus on Antonio Bologna, whose name will later become Anthony for tragic reasons. He is the firstborn of Dante Bologna and the heir to his father's throne. His love interest will be named Anna, a slave girl whose ex-master is hell-bent on destroying Anthony and his entire family to get her back. This one will be heart-wrenching and long... so braze up your hearts!  The fourth Volume will focus on Lucian, the Bologna's cousin and head of security and his story will end the Bologna series. NOTICE: The fourth volume will no longer be completed on WEBNOVEL due to their actions against me. To know more about why I'm making this decision, you can chat me up on Discord: Jenival_Enyia#5546 NUMBER OF CHAPTERS: J & D will end where it is. Find me on Discord and I'll direct you on how to get the complete Volume Four. UPDATE FREQUENCY: J & D will no longer be updated. READ THE AUXILIARY CHAPTERS FOR INFO ABOUT ME AND MY DECISION ABOUT WEBNOVEL.

Jenival_Enyia · Urban
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253 Chs

| To Play Coy


I turned back to Roman and noticed him staring at me. True as fuck, a grin started up at the corners of his mouth, almost reaching his eyes. Seriously? That was all it took to crack any kind of expression onto this guy's face? Un-fucking-believable.

I leaned over my desk. "You know, we're supposed to be partners, and among other things, that also entails you having my back."

Roman's dark brows slanted down. "If I remember correctly, you said you didn't need a partner. Your exact words, I believe, were, 'I don't need any motherfucking middle-aged bastard being my partner.' Ring a bell?"

"None whatsoever."

Roman snorted and got up from his seat. "Whatever, man. Just make sure you keep your nose out of the feds' business with the Bologna. Believe me, you don't need to get caught in the middle of shit like that."

"Thanks for the warning, partner."

"Anytime." He grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair and sauntered out of the building. I couldn't believe they teamed me up with his weird-ass There was something seriously wrong with that dude. It was like he just didn't run right. Like the silver Porsche 550 Spyder that James Dean crashed to his death in. No matter how much time and money you put into renovating and fixing it, there would always be something about it that wasn't quite right.

"Gunner. There's a woman here to see you."

I glanced at my watch. She was right on time. Of course, she was. Women like her had punctuality drilled into their pretty little heads from the age of three.

"Thanks, Larry. Put her in the interrogation room."

I got up from my chair and noticed Larry hadn't moved.

"I said put her in the interrogation room."

Larry lifted his brow. "Why the interrogation room?"

"She's a criminal." I narrowed my eyes.

"What did she do?"

"Failed to pay her parking tickets?" It was meant to be a statement, not a question.

Larry shook his head. But thank God he didn't press the matter, otherwise, I would have been forced to use the juicy info I had on him and the married Mrs Galecki from accounting, and I didn't like to waste my little blackmail cards on shit like this.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialled my mother's number. It had been a week since I last called her, and she was probably going to spend the first three minutes of our conversation yelling at me for making her worry.

Now was probably not the ideal time to make this kind of personal call, but I wanted the woman currently waiting for me in the interrogation room to sweat a little. I wanted her mind to run in three-hundred-and-sixty-degree circles wondering why I asked her here and then placed her in the interrogation room, of all places.

My mom answered on the second ring. "James, is that you?"

"Yes, Mama, it's me."

And then the three-minute scolding started. I sat there listening to her go on and on about how she worried, how it was my duty as her firstborn to check in at least every second day, and that I'd be the cause of her having a heart attack one day.

"Mom, relax. If you don't calm down, you're going to give yourself a heart attack."

I heard her take a breath, and then exhale-just as my sister had taught her. My sister and I both knew how stressed out she could get, especially when it came to the two of us.

"I know I shouldn't worry, James. But you can at least answer when I call or have the decency to text me back."

I closed my eyes, mentally cursing the day my sister decided it would be a good idea to give mom a cell phone for Christmas. Worst fucking idea ever.

"I'm sorry, Mama. It's just really busy at work." Before allowing her to once again tell me what a bad decision it was for me to become a cop, I continued quickly, "How's Dada doing?"

"Other than worrying about you and your sister the whole time, he's doing fine."

"Is Dada's sugar still under control?"

"Yes, thank the Lord. But I constantly have to go through his drawers and check for hidden chocolate bars."

I snickered, thinking that sounded exactly like Dada. He'd always had a sweet tooth, but unfortunately, his diabetes didn't allow him to indulge.

"You should come for lunch on Sunday, James. Your father misses you."

"I'll try."

"I love you, my sweet boy," she said softly, her African accent present with every word. My father was a born and raised American who fell in love with a South African woman while he travelled the world as a pilot. Sounded like a love story out of a damn movie-and it probably was. I never stuck around long enough whenever the topic of their epic love story came up during the conversation. That was the kind of story no kid should hear their parents tell ever.

My sister and I didn't have the same accent as our mother, but when it came to looks, we took after her with our inky black hair, dark brown eyes, and year-round tanned skin.

"I love you too, Mama. I have to go. I'll let you know about Sunday."

I hung up before she got a chance to remind me about not waiting too long before I called her again.

Glancing at my watch, I smiled. It had been fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes of stewing for the woman still waiting for me. My detective ass was willing to bet she was probably sweating like a damn farm animal by now.

I took my time as I sauntered in the direction of the interrogation room. A few more minutes wouldn't hurt.

Larry passed me as I walked down the hall, and I could see the wheels turning in his head, probably wondering what the hell I was up to. Too bad. This was my case-well, technically, not my case-but I fucking made it my case.

I stopped in front of the one-way mirror, and there she was-Vanessa Bologna, daughter of infamous Italian-American mafia boss, Dante Bologna -waiting just for me. It was going to be one hell of a day.