
Chapter 8

“Now who’s the selfish one?” I laughed.

I started to say something else but he turned my face towards him and covered my mouth with his. Whatever my witty comment had been, it disappeared in our kiss.

* * * *

I didn’t bring up the phone call again until the next morning.

I woke a few minutes before the alarm as I always do, but it wasn’t until I was already in the bathroom that I remembered classes were over for the semester. My sabbatical had officially begun. We celebrated my time off last night, downing both the wine andthe champagne and rutting like animals throughout the house.

The way my head pounded when I flicked on the bathroom light, how could I forget? Vaguely, I recalled crawling out of the hot tub on my hands and knees to take Lee from behind. Later, he speared me in the living room, in the hallway, on the stairs. By the time we made it to the bedroom, both of us were too exhausted—and too drunk—to get it up again