
Just want to be a streamer. BREAK

Before we start: 1) English is not my 1st language and out of 4 languages, I knew English would be at last. So there will be mistakes but I will try to improve it. 2) I don't own any of the characters that will be shown in the story except my oc's. The cover is not mine, it is taken from Pinterest, If the respectful owner wants it to be removed, I will do it as soon as possible. Thank you

Zodrick · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Weird way of greeting.

"There is still a week left, huh~," Min-jun murmured Before closing his laptop. He was also excited about the launch of the gaming capsule, which would probably sweep the world with its momentum.

The talks about the newly developed capsule have been spreading like wildfire.

Half a month ago, 'UNIVERSAL GROUP' a group of top scientists funded by many big shots developed a new technology that can let a person experience realistic feelings in a game world as if they were present there.

It's believed that it would be the no 1 source of entertainment for present and future generations and will likely remain at the top.

People from all over the world were excited about it. Mostly gamers, their skills and passion would be recognised more than ever as it was before, they were called useless and keyboard warriors and now it's time for them to shine. There will be a huge, platform for them to perform.

'How much will it cost? 20-30 million? maybe more,' rubbing his chin, Min-jun thought, his expression deepened before a sudden realization hit him.

'What's the point of thinking so much!...it's not like, I am going to buy it,' Min-jun sighed in disappointment. He only has 60 million won in his bank account which cannot be used, without giving it a second thought, since he has to live his life with this money.

'But...I really want to buy that thing, my heart is aching for it,' but despite the unwillingness he has for the gaming capsule, there was still a part of him, that wanted it, so much, that he would be willing to break the promise he has with his mother.

Min-jun felt like there were two paths ahead of himself, one being led by the desire while the other being controlled by the circumstances.

Which path should he choose?

"Hah~i will just go with the flow," Min-jun blurted as he shrugged. Giving up, on thinking about this issue, he was already mentally tired, it was time to give his brain some fresh air.

Getting up from the bed, he went to the window and slid the curtains, before a magnificent view came to his view.

Blending lights, towering buildings, and eccentric performers created a view that would mesmerise any human being with its beauty and it became even more beautiful at night. It's a heaven for nightlife.

"Tomorrow my peaceful life will come to an end," Min-jun muttered as he peeked through the window, and looked at the starry sky.

"Maybe, I should sleep now, I can't be late on my first day, can I?," Min-jun stretched off his hands, and a lazy yawn escaped his mouth before going to his bed.

He switched off his laptop, putting it on the table, he lay on his bed and after a while, he fell asleep.


Morning, 6.00 Am.


The morning alarm echoed throughout the bedroom, jolting Min-jun from his blissful deep sleep, he groaned as he listened to the sound a few more times before shutting it off. He rubbed his eyes before opening it completely, still feeling a bit dizzy.

With the help of his hands, he supported himself as he sat on the bed before glaring at the clock, that was hanging on the wall.

'there are still 2 hours left, should I sleep a little more?' Min-jun quickly shook his head, vanishing the thoughts he had in his mind. Slowly getting up from his bed, he went to the bathroom, washed up his face and wore a sportsuit before going out for a morning walk.

45 min later...

With a somewhat tired face, Min-jun returned home, took a shower and made his breakfast, which was just a sandwich and by the time his work was done it was already 7.25 A.m.

The classes will start at 8. Oclock, so he needs to be there before that time, which shouldn't be a problem for him since, the university is just a few km away from his house, it would just take 10-15 min to reach there by train.


Min-jun closed the door and locked it. It's a password-type lock, so he doesn't need to carry the keys all along. Humming a song, he left his apartment and went to the train station, booked a ticket to his destination.

After some time, an announcement was made which attracted Min-jun's attention as he got up from his seat.

20 mins later...

Min-jun was standing in front of a big gate with the 'Hancook University' label on the top. As he went closer to the gate, A guard stopped him.

"Can you show me your student ID?"

"Yeah, sure," Min-jun nodded as he took out his phone and showed his student ID, to which, the guard nodded before taking out his phone.

He watched Min-jun's ID before typing something on his phone.

"You can go in, student," the guard gestured for him to enter.


Min-jun entered through the gate what came into his view was a vast garden with a path leading way to the Main building.

He just follows the path, and before knowing it, he is already sitting at his desk with a serious expression on his face.

'1, 2, 3.....10, 11.....30...This University has more beautiful girls than my entire village,' Min-jun felt like he had been thrown onto a small island with a bunch of sharks roaming around the water, waiting for its prey to step into their domain.

He gazed around the hall, as his eyes met some of the girls, some of them licked their lips while some just 👉✊✊ showed hand signs that made Min-jun smile at the boldness of these girls.

"What a weird way of getting," Min-jun

sighed, waiting for the teacher to come.
