
Just Us Now

Ravenpaw’s family faded away. As did, Bushpaw, Sparrowpaw, Blazepaw, Snowpaw, Shadepaw, and Dawnpaw. All of their families and friends. Clanmates and acquaintances. They have the chance to start over anew and make things right. Together, they will combine their clans. Or will an insider stop them? Will they be able to combine their intelligence and stop the enemy?

erii_eesu · Book&Literature
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16 Chs

Bushpaw of SeaClan

"I'm sure," She insisted.

"Alright. Well now that that's taken care of, please call me Blazestar. We are leaders now and shall be addressed as such," Blazepaw said in a regal way. 'I wish I were that confident.' Bushstar thought.

Sparrowstar nodded in agreement. "I get to be Sparrowstar now."

'Wow. I'm a leader now! I always thought that I would be a medicine cat. Berrydawn will still be proud of me. I hope she's watching form SpiritClan. I can get Sparrowstar and Blazestar to help train me.' Bushstar's thoughts went into a frenzy.

"Do I get to be a leader? Ripplestar?" Ripplekit asked excitedly. He was energetic and obviously overjoyed to be there.

"No, you'll stay as Ripplekit," Bushstar piped up. "You get to live with me in SeaClan now."

"SeaClan?! Wow! I've never lived in another clan besides MossClan before!" Ripplekit exclaimed. Bushstar smiled at his eagerness.

"Yes. You can think of me as an older littermate," Bushstar crouched down to be at his eye level. Ripplekit's eyes lit up. Bushstar could tell that he must have been the only kit in his litter. Bushstar only ever had a brother that was the same age as him. Never any older, or younger littermates, so she was also pretty excited to have a little brother.

"I've always wanted a sister!" Ripplekit was jumping up and down with joy. 'Oh he's so innocent and sweet,' Bushstar's thoughts edged there way into the front of her brain.

"Let's get back to our camps, yeah?" Bushstar was pulled out of her thoughts when Sparrowstar spoke.

"Okay. Luckily nothing was destroyed though I might need to clean up a bit," Bushstar responded.

"And if you need any help with warrior training, don't hesitate to ask or let either of us know. You were supposed to be a medicine cat," Blazestar piped up, accentuating the word 'were'.

"I got the basics from Berrydawn but thank you! I'll let you know!" Bushstar thanked both of them. Blazestar nodded to her. Sparrowstar waved her tail in a sense of saying goodbye.

"Come on Ripplekit! It's time to get back to SeaClan so that I can show you around!" Bushstar exclaimed. Ripplekit trotted next to her as they made their way back to a currently empty SeaClan camp.


Finally, the two cats arrived in SeaClan.

"Bushstar?" Ripplekit kit spoke up after a long time of silence.


"Where's everyone else?" He questioned.

Bushstar hesitated. "Everyone in the clan faded away as if they were SpiritClan cats. Like what happened to you clanmates in MossClan.:

"Oh." Ripplekit looked down at his paws. "So it's just you and me then?"

"Yes," Bushstar started. "But not for long. We'll see if anyone from the Twolegplace wants to join us. You know, like loners and kittypets."

"Cool!" Ripplekit exclaimed.

"Do you want a mouse?" Bushstar offered. Ripplekit's eyes lit up once more.

"Sure! That's my favorite!" He squeaked.

Bushstar could already tell she would come to love this kit as her younger littermate for moons to come. She would have a brother. A family.