

Taylor Swift Female Lead & Lana Del Rey Male Lead *** "Do you really like me?" Wu Yin asked trying to hide her blush under the darkness. "Yes! Even if the earth has a lot of beautiful ladies, I'll want just you to be mine." Lu Haoran said. “Is that a confession?" Wu Yin asked. "Uh..huh!" Lu Haoran said. "Ohh! Why do you like me?" Wu Yin asked again. "I don't like you, I love you! If I had a reason to love you, that's not love, my lady!" Lu Haoran said. "Ohh.... am I supposed to say something?" Wu Yin said. "Say Yes!" Lu Haoran said. "Oh.." Wu Yin said. *** Love SLOVHA

slovha · Urban
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16 Chs

Adding Fuel to Fire

"What happened?" Wu Yin asked.

"I don't know someone from Red Flame came and asked me about the Legend's Tale. I tried denying it but he even knew my name." Zhou Zhiran said.

"And who is this who??" Wu Yin asked.

"Young Master Lu" Zhou Zhiran said.

"Is he head of Red Flame?." Wu Yin asked.

"No, he isn't. He is actually the friend of Red Flame's head. Maybe he got a mission of Red Flame as he is from Red Dragon." Zhou Zhiran said.

"Don't you think Red Flame and Red Dragon sound the same?" Fu Wei Wei said.

"But they aren't. They are two different organizations with different aims. Where is my brother?" Wu Yin said.

"He is here." Qin Ran said.

"Sissy you're okay right? You aren't hurt anywhere right?" Wu Yang asked.

"If I was hurt, what would you do?" Wu Yin asked back.

"I would bomb his house and let that person die burning inside the house." Wu Yang said.

"Oh!" Wu Yin said.

If it was some normal person, he/she would have been dumbfounded but the persons present knew who and how Wu siblings were.

"Is Sister Mang okay now?" Wu Yin asked .

"Yeah, she's doing well." Fu Wei Wei said.

"Boss, what to do about this now?" Cheng Shaojin asked as he was a lawyer and was responsible for the aftermath the war.

"Keep it low right now. Keep an eye on Red Flame as well as Red Dragon's activities lately. Injured are already sent to infirmary. Send the corspe's parents our condolences and some money as the people's contribution on Legend's Tale and Hacker Alliance." Wu Yin said.

"Got it." Cheng Shaojin said.

"Everyone, have a safe ride back home. Be careful in the streets and make sure to inform me about all the abnormality in the country Z." Wu Yin said as she departed to her home with her bodyguards and her brother.


Yesterday night, Wu Yang was little afraid of sleep alone so he slept with Wu Yin. When Wu Yang woke up, his sister was out of his sight so he was scared again.

"Sister Yin, where are you?" He shouted.

"I'm here dummy, don't shout early in the morning!!" Wu Yin said in soft voice from the bathroom.

"I thought you were kidnapped so I was scared." Wu Yang said.

"Who would kidnap me?" Wu Yin raised her eyebrow.

"uhh..... no one." Wu Yang thought for a second before answering.

"Go to your room and get refressed, You got school today." Wu Yin said.

"School?" Wu Yang said.

"Yeah now go to your room."

Just like her daily routine, she was drying her hair while vibing with songs. Today she was listening to Taylor Swift's "You belong with me". She wore her school uniform i.e. black skirt, white shirt, black neck tie, white socks and black loafers.

She went downstairs while waiting for Yang. Wu Yang wore a casual fit since he hasn't got his school uniform. They ate their breakfast and went to their schools.


"Good morning Sister Yin." Fu Wei Wei called out.

"Good morning. Where is that brat?" Wu Yin asked.

"He's sleeping in the classroom." Fu Wei Wei said.


They went to the classroom while chatting.

"I couldn't sleep all night yesterday." Wu Yin confessed the reason of black circles under her eye.

"Why? Is there something bothering you?" Fu Wei Wei asked.

" Nah, Because of the little boy!! He said he was too afraid to sleep alone so I needed to be with him. So for his security, I couldn't sleep. He tossed here and there and took over my whole fucking bed with his little body." Wu Yin sounded sad like a 10 old child fighting an icecream.

"So that's the reason why you got pretty dark circles." Fu Wei Wei actually wanted to laugh seeing her boss like this.

They entered the class and sat in their own benches and slept.

"Seems like this bitch hadn't had a goodnight sleep last night." Zhou Bei said.

"Shut up, Sister Yin is sleeping, don't find trouble with her." Lin Shuang said.

"Why would I listen you?" Zhou Bei said.

"Keep your fucking mouth shut!" Han Yixin shouted angrily at Zhou Bei glaring with his sleepy eyes.

"Sister Yin, there in a pharmacy in our school. You can go there and sleep." Lin Shuang.

"Okay, Hey wanna go there?" Wu Yin asked Han Yixin and Fu Wei Wei.

"No, we are better here. We have to take the class." They both said in unison.

"Then I'm off." Wu Yin said and went to the pharmacy.



"Come in." A male's voice came from the room.

"Can I get sleeping pills?" Wu Yin said.

"MISS WU YIN?" the two man in the room said.

"Oh, greetings, Young Master Lu and Young Master...?" Wu Yin said as she didn't knew the other man.

"Sheng Ting." Sheng Ting said while giving her sleeping pills.

"Miss Wu didn't you slept well last night?" Lu Haoran said.

"How would I get a good night sleep after the cold war rumored to be caused by Young Master Lu?" Wu Yin said while having an eye contact with Lu Haoran.

"Actually it was me!" Lu Haoran said.

"What relation do you have with Red Flame?" Wu Yin asked.

"May I ask what have Red Flame done to Legend's Tale to meddle up in the business market?" Lu Haoran asked back.

"You stole my m82a2 barrett so I decided to take your favourite golden AWM." Wu Yin said.

"Was the AWM yesterdays? It was so cool!" Sheng Ting said.

"SHUT UP!!" They both said.

"You interfered in my business meeting and stole my clients." Lu Haoran said.

"And then you tried an attack on my private jet." Wu Yin said.

"You tried to bomb my base." Lu Haoran said.

"You interposed and destroyed the birthday party! Just adding fuel to fire!!" Wu Yin said.


Hey guys! Thank you for your supports! here is another chapter for yall. I would love to read your opinons and thoughts and ideas on my novel as well as the chapters. LOVE

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