
Just The Two Of Us

A story about my best friend & I ; how we have gone through every breaking point of a relationship but yet after 14 years . Our love never faded.

TheJustinBlack · Realistic
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There is that one kind of love we grow to understand ; that of which is the love of our mom. I didn't get to have the best kind of experience . It took me years to understand how love is understood and expressed . People would blame it on the environment or their families as well as there friends. I've come to understand love through her. Who she is ? She's the one I am thinking of right now . That one woman that I never thought I deserved because of how evil my heart turned due to being used as a carpet for others. I thought that it would wear off but I was mistaken.

Given the time of how quick things happened . Who would've thought that things would progress to much more. It was that one morning where I would begin in a new school. Going to Cambridge High School ; a name to go by at that time. I alone was moving schools because I just couldn't be the class type . Especially that I am more into the creative arts so sitting in a class for more than an hour is definitely not my thing. Here we are in class. I look around examining everyone. Oh well ; here's to a weird year ahead. At this point no ; she was not around . She appears way later in the story . Now shall enjoy the idea of getting to that point. That hour seemed to last for hours ; going through the list of who is available. I don't understand this at all. Let me go out and explore the world called school . Seems like I didn't have much option but to suffer in silence. Let me tell oh kind reader to spare you the thought of how my mind works.

One moment I want to climb Mt.Kilimanjaro in 2 mins the next I want to be in bed and never leave. There are other days where I just cant seem to understand who I am or where I am. Oh well let's go on with how this one girl that I will soon meet ; that then I didn't know would be the beginning and how she later changes everything.

Some people say you will meet people that will change your life . In my world ; it was just one woman.Coming to the truth that maybe I am wasting my time here ; i wouldn't be able to connect with someone. Don't we all have that question cross our mind eventually ? that all these people sitting around me actually want to connect. Nah ! I doubt it look at me trying to be my own therapist. Where am I going to get such a good teacher while im struggling to be a good student. I don't even like to be taught . I want to discover . Well ; that is exactly what I did. The day continued and I got to know the so called popular group . Yeah ; you got it. Those people. How not common to mention in a high school related story. Well ; no . She isn't the popular girl. You got that wrong. She's not a plastic one either.