

Chapter 391: Escaping From Trouble

Translator: Lan Editor: Efydatia

As the craziest supporter of Columbia, John would never harm their university.

Confused, Qin Guan followed him to a pile of boxes by the side of the court. They took out several boards with letters on them, and then walked up to the Harvard students and gave them the boards.

"Hello, we are members of the Harvard Pep Squad. We'll beat Columbia even at their home court. Just show the boards to Columbia during the match."

"We have printed letters on them. When you hold them up, the phrase 'Go Harvard' will be spelled! Isn't it a nice idea?"

Lowering his head, Qin Guan handed the boards to the Harvard men. He had been left speechless by John's plan.

Thanks to the excitement and pride on his face, John convinced the spectators. The elite students accepted the plan without hesitation.

All the boards were distributed. To avoid any questions and watch their plan being executed, Qin Guan and John sat by the Harvard men tamely.

The whistle was heard, and the broadcast and commentary began. A wonderful match was about to start.

Well, the word "wonderful" did not suit Columbia. In fact, the word "disaster" described their team better.

"The Harvard quarterback is wonderful!"

"JC from Columbia rushed over... Wow, he fell down!"

"Well done! Score for Harvard!"

"Wow! It's our superstar Joseph! He runs as fast as a deer..."


Everyone held their breath. That must have hurt. Half of Joseph's body was pressed against the grass next to the player who played defence.

"Excellent! Keep him there!" Several members of the Harvard team jumped on Joseph and pressed him down with their bodies.

Joseph was crying in his hamlet. Bro, I will give you the ball. Just let me go! I'm having trouble breathing!

A fat man jumped on him and Joseph moaned. The ball in his hand finally rolled out through the pile of bodies.

"Wow! Harvard is not showing any sportsmanship. They got the ball by using a disgusting method!"

The overwhelming score made the Harvard students excited. Waving their flags around, they cheered loudly for their team.

"We should take action." John threw his disposable cup away and stood up. Patting the dust off his bottom, he walked up to the spectators.

"Listen to me, everyone! We are in a favorable position. it's time for us to beat Columbia. Come on! Let's cheer up our players! Follow my lead!"

He moved towards the exit, shouting, "Audience sitting in F1 to 20, please hold up your boards and shout with me! Harvard!"

The atmosphere became animated. The Harvard students lifted the boards with a sense of purpose, shouting at the Columbia audience, "Go Harvard!"

As expected, they attracted everyone's attention. From such a short distance, all the students were able to see their boards clearly. The photographer beside the court immediately turned his camera to the Harvard students.

This was definitely breaking news. It would no doubt make Harvard a laughing stock among American universities.

The words "WE SUCK" were spelled clearly on the boards.

"Ha ha ha..." Everyone burst into laughter, both in and out of the court. The referee, broadcaster, assistants and staff couldn't carry on working.

This would be the best prank of the year. Maybe even of all time.

It would be an eternal joke! Some of the cheerleaders stopped dancing and fixed their eyes on the boards. After a long time, they came back to their senses, but they still couldn't continue their performance. They laughed until they started to tear up.

By that time, the Harvard audience had finally realized that something was going on. Some of the students stood before the spectator seats and read the boards.

"F*ck! We were fooled by that son of a b*tch!"

The general enthusiasm reached its peak. Most football fans were young hot-blooded guys. Although they had graduated and become elites of society, their blood had not cooled down.

"Catch them!"

The people holding the boards rushed up to Qin Guan and Joseph right away.

In all his life, Qin Guan had never experienced such a chilling winter wind. The silence was ringing in his ears, poetic and vacant.

Of course, curses like "stop, you son of a b*tch!" broke the silence. As they ran, Qin Guan and John exchanged a knowing smile.

"Bro, you lied to me!"

"God bless you, bro!"

On the crossroads, Qin Guan turned left, heading to the embrace of the noisy city. John turned right in the direction of the student shelter.

Their long legs were an advantage, not just because they complemented their figure, but also because they helped them escape. One could take larger steps if they had longer legs.

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Chapter 392: The New York Chinese Yacht Club

Translator: Lan Editor: Efydatia

That difference helped Qin Guan a lot. The young man ran as fast as he could against the chilling wind. Even the string on his white hoodie was flying in the wind.

The black iron defence couldn't block his desire of life. His chasers automatically split into two groups.

"Go, Qin Guan, go!"

The Columbia students didn't know what had happened. They just cheered for the popular boy, making the chasers hesitate.

What will we do with the boy if we catch him? Could this cause us trouble?

People with high IQ tended to think too much. They sped up their steps. Their prey had long legs, so he was getting further and further away.

The chasers stopped, completely out of breath. They could do nothing but return to watch the match in anger.

According to an old saying, extreme joy begot sorrow. By then, John, who had escaped successfully thanks to his familiarity with the campus and the protection of his fellow students, had changed his clothes and returned to the court arrogantly. He wanted to enjoy his girlfriend's performance and show off his achievement to everyone.

It was not his style to walk at night wearing expensive clothes. Suddenly, he was discovered.

"Hey! He was the mastermind! Catch him!"

Everyone ran towards John. He doesn't seem like an influential guy.

Qin Guan misled me! John ran up to the Columbia spectator stands. Fights were breaking out both inside and outside the court.

The friendliest match between the two universities had ended.

Columbia had undoubtedly lost the game, but they were the clear winner. After going around the campus, Qin Guan eventually returned to the court and saw Joseph smiling at him with a bloody nose and a swollen face.

The main scorer was waving at him firmly.

Cong Nianwei and Qin Guan exchanged a glance. When most of the people had left, they were finally able to go greet Guan Jian.

Joseph cast a glance at Guan. "Don't panic. Call me if you need me."

"He is my friend, Guan Jian." Qin Guan patted Joseph on the shoulder with a forced smile. Relieved, Joseph left the court with his uniform on his shoulder.

Qin Guan turned to Guan Jian. "I rarely come to New York. We can have dinner with He Ming and Lan Jin and take a look at their club."

"Okay, no problem."

Qin Guan and Cong Nianwei saw the refitted luxury cars at the entrance. Lan Jin's VOLVO was a good example. Only one broken part would take two months to repair. This was supposed to be a low-key luxury, but whole family fortunes were being spent on it.

The three of them arrived at the club. There were freight tankers and private wharfs at the New York harbor. A medium-sized yacht served as their meeting place on the water.

Acquaintances had no need for courtesy.

The New York harbor was pure and clean. There were no tall buildings around, so the place was very open.

Stepping on the cracking wooden floor, Qin Guan and Cong Nianwei reached the private dock.

Owners of yachts were not poor men, but not everyone was a rich guy. About 4% to 5% of American families owned a yacht. One didn't need a license to drive it.

After the sunset, the lights lit up around the dock. There were colorful lights hanging on the larger yachts, shining down on the sea surface at night.

They had bought a middle-sized tanker, about 15 meters long. It was enough for the five of them to stand on. Besides, the deck was large enough to satisfy their needs.

A cool tow truck designed especially for the tanker was parked beside it. Qin Guan pointed to the truck.

"Lan Jin bought it, I guess."

Lan looked excited. "How do you know that? Are you a fan of mine?"

"Yes, such a silly thing could only belong to you..."

The cars were for the families living far from the riverside or the seaside, who parked their yachts in the harbor. In New York though, where the yachts were always in the water, the cars were of no use.

The hair on Lan Jin's head hung down limply. He was humiliated by his idol once again.

"Did Lan Jin buy this?" Qin Guan asked again.

Everyone looked at the small tuna-like yacht on the right.


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Chapter 393: Careers

Translator: Lan Editor: Efydatia

They stared at the small yacht that had the same independent style as its owner. A man would have to get up all his courage to drive it.

The yacht drifting on the water surface looked like a feather. Lan Jin hadn't refitted it. He had only decorated it with paint.

A golden flying dragon with fierce claws was twisting its body around the boat with an awe-inspiring vibe.

It was a post-modern style decoration. Among the other clean yachts, theirs looked like the black sheep among the white ones.

For the sake of their friendship, Qin Guan decided not to make any comments. He just turned around silently, pretending not to see anything.

In fact, he was interested in their invitation. They sat around the table, talking about business. This was what Chinese people did.

"Qin Guan?"

"What's the matter?"

"Lan Jin and I started a small commercial company. Will you help us run the business?"

Qin Guan took a sip of his Bud Light. "I do not engage in commerce. Why me?"

"We need an accounting firm to take care of the accounts and the dutiable goods. We consulted with some firms. Some of them charge too much, while others are unreliable."

"You are studying finance at Columbia. We can't seek for help far and ignore what lies close at hand."

Qin Guan put his beer bottle down with shining eyes. "Really? What would I have to do to open an accounting firm?"

"Get your CPA," He Ming answered leisurely. "Then you won't need to care about anything else."

"Oh, I nearly forgot." He pointed to Lan Jin. "Lan could invest in you for free. Just pay him in profit when you start making money. The boy is interested in personal investment. He likes counting bills on his couch."

Qin Guan was relieved. It was much simpler to start a firm there than in China. America was really the land of the free.

He swallowed a mouthful of beer. "I don't have much at hand. Just 1.6 million..."

He Jing and Lan Jin were a little surprised. "That's enough. If your business goes well, you won't need to worry about the high New York prices. You will even get a house."

They were pointing in the direction of Long Island, where lights could be seen among the trees. This was their dream for the future.

"Well... I meant dollars," Qin Guan finished his words calmly, as if he was greeting some guy on the street.

His three friends spit their beer out.

"What... What did you say? 1.6 million dollars?"

He was a multimillionaire! The calmest boy among them was the richest one. They showed off everywhere with their luxury cars, while the real rich man had been hiding.

Qin Guan nodded. "You know about my part-time jobs... I just signed a contract recently..."

His friends didn't want to continue that conversation. We hate handsome guys...

Suddenly, Qin Guan remembered something. "He Ming, would you accept small import orders?"

"Of course. I can carry them out myself to save on service charges and customs duties."

"That's great. My store on Chelsea Street is ready, and we will be needing some goods... Tell them, Weizi."

They all forgot about the time as they talked under the night sky. All their careers had started from that club and headed in different, unknown directions.

When one realized that their goal, the very thing they were earnestly longing for, was close at hand, they were naturally full of energy.

Qin Guan had promised George Clooney that he would finish shooting his scenes before Christmas, so he had to take the CPA exams afterwards.

Despite Prof. Martin's complaints, Qin Guan packed his travelling bag, asked Cong Nianwei to take care of the store and went off again.

In fact, Qin Guan had been hesitant about the script at the beginning. Compared to "Elephant" and "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind", with their black humour and absurd plot, this one was much more uplifting.

Qin Guan had not mentally stressed about "Elephant", as in China's point of view, it was a failure of American education.

His role in "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind" though put more pressure on him. He would be playing a Jew, both in the physical and emotional sense.

It was an interesting story, based on Chuck's autobiography, which had been published back in 1984. In the book, he was a killer working undercover for the CIA as a TV host.

In fact, George had seen plenty of candidates. The agencies had sent numerous actors. Eventually though, Chuck had pointed at Qin Guan's photo.

"When I was young, women were obsessed with me. I used to be a handsome guy like him. Besides, he looks just as cold and tough as the people working in the secret services. This feeling is kind of hard to describe."

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Chapter 394: The Intelligence of Actors

Translator: Lan Editor: Efydatia

You are lying...

As they looked at Chuck, the old man with the wrinkles and the silver hair, the whole crew wanted to show him their middle fingers.

The leading actor was the key point. The film was aiming for an award and a regional theater chain, so the investor was only focused on the final result.

Unlike the temporary crew of "Elephant", this film was important for Miramax Films. Actually, Qin Guan, the leading actor, was the last person to be chosen.

All the scenes were set in Manhattan in the 1980s, so Qin Guan wouldn't need to fly to another city. Everything was ready.

"He pieced together a part of the jigsaw of his life..."

That was people's appraisal of him.

Sitting in the makeup room. Qin Guan waited silently for the final touch-up. His black hair had been dyed brown and curled into a traditional 80s hairstyle.

In his yellow shirt and checkered overalls, he looked like he lived in a time when gentlemen used pipes and walking sticks.

When Qin Guan went out to meet the director and the crew, everyone let out a breath of relief.

A little vintage, a little yuppie and a little absurd. That was the story of that old Jewish family.

The phonograph was singing in a hoarse voice on the yellowing wooden floor.

"Great. It's our first day together. Let's try a simple scene. You don't even need to show your face, Qin Guan. I only need your bottom."

Director George winked at Qin Guan. Everyone around them burst into laughter.

Qin Guan began to take off his clothes fearlessly. It was an indie film! Of course he would need to get naked again before the camera.

Nudity, both men's and women's, was the soul of indie films. Since this was a comedy, he could express himself freely.

Qin Guan took off his underwear and touched his curly hair. He looked like he had a chicken coop on his head.

The scene was set in a plain dark room in a small hotel. On the ceiling was an incandescent light bulb. The mattress and the bedding on the single bed were in a mess.

The black-and-white TV was on. Qin Guan stood barefoot on the dirty floor, lost in thought.

The job of the cameraman was quite simple. It was the easiest scene in the entire film. The camera was rolling. "Three, two, action!"

Suddenly, Qin Guan changed. A second ago, he had been a charming prince. Now, he looked like a guy with many secrets. Nobody could rescue him.

He just stood there, one leg bent and the other straight. He was a real punk out on the street. Nobody was in the mood to appreciate his smooth back, tight bottom and slender legs though, although they were like god's gift to humanity.

They all smiled knowingly. His back view reminded them of their funniest friend.

Qin Guan's facial features were in the dark. Only his eyes were visible in the camera.

His transparent pupils were telling of his decadence, struggle, conflict and hesitation. He was trying to find a proper excuse for his silence and failure.

The Asian boy did not just have the ideal face for an indie film. He was also a very intelligent actor.

Qin Guan's first on-screen partner appeared. It was the glamorous Drew Barrymore. The actress was wearing a vintage 1980s outfit, and her full lips were bright red.

She looked withered and helpless though. Behind the door of the shabby hotel, she was looking at her ex-boyfriend through a crack on the door.

"Can we talk? It might have been my fault for forcing you to marry me..."

"Darling, I can't go on without you..."

Qin Guan was a coward, so he dared not have a face-to-face conversation with her. He could only hide in the small room. They both remained silent on their respective sides of the door. His eyes were black and hers were blue.

Nothing was visible on the camera but their two pairs of beautiful eyes.

"Good! Stop!"

"The first scene is perfect. I was afraid that Qin Guan might act like a statue...."

Everyone laughed good-naturedly. Drew left through the door with her assistant. The actor in the room was naked anyway.

Qin Guan noticed a commotion by the entrance.

"What are you doing here, my beautiful lady? We are working... Ah!"

The crew failed to stop the angry woman from bursting in.

Qin Guan turned his head around just in time to see a red bag hit him straight on the forehead.

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Chapter 395: Sister Xue's Idol

Translator: Lan Editor: Efydatia

"Qin Guan, you bastard! You are a model. How dare you shoot films in New York!"

Guess who was beating the actor on the set with the whole crew looking on!

It was Sister Xue, who had travelled there from very far away.

She had been proud of Qin Guan's work during the New York Fashion Week, the Armani contract and the full pages in magazines. However, soon she had received scripts and notices from Qin Guan.

His e-mail was very concise: I realized my dream in New York. I can finally act in indie films. I have already finished shooting one and started shooting another. Don't worry about me.

Confused, Sister Xue had looked at the script. Isn't it a little late? When she finished reading the script, she nearly tore it apart. Naked love scenes? Sex in the bathroom? What the f*ck is that all about?

If Chinese people living in foreign countries sent the film to China, he would lose face!

Then she read the last sentence again. I'll read another one. Where is the script? Is it more terrible than the first one? How dare he not show me the scripts beforehand! I should go to the US personally. I have to prevent him from ruining his career.

The first thing she had done after arriving in the US was ask Cong Nianwei about the film's shooting location. Then she had broken in courageously.

No one can force my lovely boy to make those trashy films. There are so many chances for him in Hollywood. Why would he accept to participate in such a ridiculous film?

Cong Nianwei was scared by Sister Xue's anger. She hid amid the crowd silently. She came here for revenge...

"Stop! Stop! Sister Xue! Why did you come here? You should have told me in advance. I could have picked you up from the airport!"

Sister Xue put down her bag and folded her arms across her chest. "So you could get prepared and destroy all evidence?"

What are you talking about? I'm serious about my work.

Qin Guan pointed down to his naked parts. "Elder sister, could I put my pants on first?"

"You corrupt boy! What are you doing? Put on some clothes!" Sister Xue glanced down and covered her eyes.

Their dialogue in Chinese had confused the whole crew. Qin Guan cleaned himself up and walked out of the set.

Taking advantage of this, Director George gave everyone a half-hour break.

Sister Xue read through the script quickly. Ten minutes later, she looked up with a serious expression.

"No, you can't make this film. It's too sensational. It might be nothing in American people's eyes, but did you stop to consider the Chinese audience?"

Before Qin Guan could explain, Sister Xue turned to the director.

"Hey, listen to me. I'm sorry to say that..." Sister Xue pointed to Director George, who was sitting with his back to her.

"What's the matter?" George Clooney turned around. His charming eyes made him look like a graceful, gentle scholar.

Sister Xue choked on her next words. She tried to gesture with trembling hands. "George... George Clooney..."

Yes, George Clooney had chosen to direct the film because he had read the novel. He would also be playing a small part for fun. He hadn't acted in a film in a long time.

Sister Xue looked like a fish out of water. Her mouth closed and opened without making any sound.

My idol... I want to kneel down and worship you!

"What's the matter, my beautiful lady?" George had grown a moustache at the time, but he was still handsome.

"Nothing. I just wanted to tell you that my client is a green hand. Just urge him on! Don't feel embarrassed by my presence!"

"As for me, I'll help you finish the film successfully! Don't worry about a thing!"

Her eyes were shining brighter than the lamps on the ceiling. She looked like a soldier expressing his loyalty to the general before going out into battle. George smiled gently before he replied, "Your actor is pretty good!"

The battle between the director and the agent was over. Sister Xue had lost.

She walked up to Qin Guan joyfully as if she was floating in the air. Suddenly, she seized his arms. "Behave yourself, young man. Surprise everyone for me! You shall never lose face for the Chinese. This is such a good film, such a good opportunity. You should take advantage of it."

Hey, what were you saying just now?

Sister Xue decided to stay for a while. She booked a room at a hotel close to Qin Guan's apartment. She was planning on having a discussion with the magazines to arrange Qin Guan's schedule for the whole year. The film didn't need her attention after all.

She left the studio with Cong Nianwei without hesitation. Before leaving, she picked up Qin Guan's car keys. She had decided that Cong Nianwei would be her driver.

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Chapter 396: Quick Shooter

Translator: Lan Editor: Efydatia

All the irrelevant personnel left. As George finished his black tea, the prop team brought in the equipment for the next scene.

It was said that a room with long history could only be found in Queens. The crew rented a single apartment in an old building. That room would be the love nest of the hero and heroine. It smelled like moss inside.

There was an old fridge, a telephone and a plastic fruit tablecloth that had been popular in the 1980s. The room felt very nostalgic. The hero and heroine fell in love with each other in that small apartment.

Fortunately, Cong Nianwei had no idea about that scene. She had left before it was shot.

This was Qin Guan's first step in the TV industry. He had met a beautiful but indifferent girl. The two of them were naked in bed. It was a pity that the girl was not that into him. She fell asleep while Qin Guan was caressing her body.

The camera was rolling. The actress was not blushing at all. Baring her upper body was nothing for her.

Qin Guan decided to act naturally. Before he took off his clothes, the silver-haired girl lay down on the bed and waved at him. "Hey, come on!"

She patted the white sheet next to her. Her nails were painted a beautiful purple color. Qin Guan looked at the director subconsciously. Brother, help me...

George blinked and turned his head around.

It seemed that he was not paying attention to details. Getting up all his courage, Qin Guan leaned down over the girl's stomach.

He supported both arms on the bed, trying his best to keep a distance from her big boobs. His legs and bottom were curved into a ridiculous "S" shape. Qin Guan looked like a frog squatting down on a lotus leaf in a lake.

When George turned around, he saw two large eyes, filled with desire.

"Three, two, action!" The order saved Qin Guan. Suddenly, he was in character.

"Ah... Oh..." Closing his eyes, Qin Guan felt the headboard shake. The girl under him was stunned. The flushed boy looked like he had been obsessed by another soul. He was an authentic desirable man...

It was his solo show. The man was making love in spirit, while the girl under him was indifferent.

Everyone covered their mouths to suppress their laughter. It was so ridiculous! The man with the short dick was enjoying himself, while the girl had fallen asleep.

George closed his mouth tightly, rubbing his fingers. The Asian boy was a natural comedian. Everyone was relaxed and happy.

In two minutes, Qin Guan stopped. The girl curled her toes under the sheets. She had gotten aroused. Qin Guan opened his eyes and grinned at the girl proudly, waiting for her praise. Then he rolled away from her.

"Ha ha ha..."


"Don't worry. We'll be editing the voices... Silence! They are acting..."

The crew suppressed its laughter. Qin Guan continued his performance.

He didn't get any response, but he was a proud man. He didn't need the girl's praise. As he chatted with her, he picked up a pack of cigarettes from the bedside table.

Light smoke rose between them. The girl took the cigarette from his hand. The two of them lay on the bed, Their shoulders were touching, but they looked so far away. The sound of the lighter made the crew go silent.

The largest distance was the one between two hearts.

The scene finally came to an end. It had been finished without any trouble. Qin Guan got up with a smile. Before he left, the girl grabbed his jeans from behind. Her fingers were between Qin Guan's naked back and belt.

"I know an empty room around here. We'll have a 30-minute break. Would you come with me? Or are 30 minutes not enough for you?"

Qin Guan felt as if someone had stomped on his tail. He dared not touch the girl. Jumping up, he planned on leaving as soon as possible.

He succeeded in standing up and getting rid of her beautiful hand. LEE's hip-hugger jeans were extraordinary though.

[1] The man shoots quickly during mating.

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Chapter 397: Ambiguous Attitude

Translator: Lan Editor: Efydatia

The waist was low enough to reveal his V-line abs. As the girl pulled, Qin Guan's bottom was exposed.

The girl burst into laughter. The accident drove her last bit of desire away.

"You are so cute. Forget it, bye!" The girl covered her body with the sheet and put on her clothes underneath.

She only had a small role, so her work was finished. She left without hesitation, seeking new prey.

Qin Guan let out a long breath. Before he could put on his clothes, the prop master passed by with some equipment and told him, "Hey, Qin Guan. You don't need to put them on. You'll have to take them off again later."

Qin Guan smiled awkwardly, but didn't reply. The guy in charge of the costumes approached him. "You are saving me money..."

Are you kidding? I like wearing clothes!

Beauty knew no gender.

In the next scene, the hero wanted to get drunk after that failed attempt at sex.

Qin Guan was naked again, but no important parts of his body were revealed. In the US, there was a strict movie rating system. George's skill was exactly to the point.

Qin Guan's straight back and slender legs looked wonderful on the camera. Actually, people liked to be naked at home.

Qin Guan left the bedroom leisurely and tried to find a bottle of beer in the fridge.

Suddenly, the door opened. The roommate of the silver-haired girl, Drew Barrymore, walked into the apartment.

There was no sheet or quilt covering Qin Guan's body. He was only wearing a pair of cheap slippers.

He immediately opened the door of the fridge to cover his most private parts.

The fridge was an 1980s model. George and the prop team had tried their best to find a big one. The light came on when the door opened, shedding light on Qin Guan's bottom.

Drew scanned him from head to toe with a seductive expression.

"You're her new boyfriend? I've never seen you before. Not local, are you? Where are you from?"

"I'm a Jew..."

"I just had a date with an Asian. I have dated people from many different races. Jews are very mysterious. Shall we have a try?"

Then she put down her bag. "I'm thirsty. I want something cold."

Sister, what are you about to do? I'll get you something to drink. Keep some distance from me, please! Leave me alone!

She had become obsessed with him on first sight. Stretching out her fair hand into the fridge, she reached between Qin Guan's bottom and the fridge door.

Qin Guan stood still awkwardly, waiting until she got two bottles of beer from the fridge.

Everyone around felt jealous as they watched the scene. Suppressing his embarrassment, Qin Guan expressed his admiration of the beautiful woman.

They looked at each other tenderly, love shining through their eyes.

Barrymore handed Qin Guan a bottle and toasted with him. Their bottles clanked as they drank from each other's bottle.

George let out a long breath. This was a wonderful meeting of two outstanding actors. People called that a meeting of diamonds.

"Okay!" He decided to call it a day. Qin Guan and Drew looked at each other.

Sister, could you please leave first? I'm still in the fridge. Although we have air-conditioning here, it's still winter. My fifth limb is nearly frozen.

Barrymore gave Qin Guan a big, meaningful smile that he didn't understand.

When she walked away, Qin Guan rushed to the bedroom as fast as he could. He had to recover under the quilt.

The open fridge looked like a big mouth laughing at the poor man.

When all the props were cleared away, Qin Guan realized that Director George was already enjoying himself in the resting area. He left without saying goodbye to him.

He had to catch a bus, as his car had been taken by that terrible woman.

Sister Xue was at a stalemate with Qu Xuemei's deadly foe at the VOGUE headquarters. Qu had threatened him over Qin Guan's inner pages.

Richard was known for being capable to spot a real pearl among fake ones. Qin Guan's photos were on three magazines at the same time, but the positions were different. He was on a cover, some inner pages and one group photo. The results were quite interesting.

One week later, the ranking list of the US fashion magazines was completely different. VOGUE had originally been in the lead, W following tight on its heels. Thanks to its unconventional cover though, Raynana's magazine, NYLON, had jumped up to the third place on the list, ahead of W. Only VOGUE and C were above it.

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Chapter 398: Sister Xue's Success

Translator: Lan Editor: Efydatia

Insiders had to attach importance to the commercial value of the Asian model. Sister Xue had her own reasons for heading directly to the local media instead of brand businessmen for a future cooperation.

"To get back to our subject, I hope VOGUE can see his special charm like NYLON did. I don't need to say much more about his commercial value."

She was calm in front of the editor, unlike other agents, who were flattering around fashion magazines. She moved her legs to a more comfortable position before she continued.

"I hope VOGUE can hire Qin Guan as its exclusive model, like its Asian edition has already done. He is way better than Chad..."

She was speaking with fervor and confidence. Richard's eyes opened wide. Who the hell granted her the courage to make such a demand?

"Impossible. I can't deny his high commercial value though, and I wish we will have a happy cooperation in the future. When VOGUE is in need of models, we'll consider him. I'm planning on hiring him for at least two advertisements next year. Is that alright?"

"Once every six months. Such a chance would be undeniable for most top models. If you agree, I'll ask the legal department to send you an agreement. You can also choose the date. Since you are a friend of Qu Xuemei's, I can arrange it for you."

Once every six months? I'm no beggar!

Actually, Sister Xue had misunderstood him. Richard was also looking to increase his collaborations with Qin Guan, but there were lots of top models in the world. New York was different from the small fashion circle in China. This chance would help Qin Guan earn a place in the top fashion circle.

Although that seat was not very comfortable, he could still sit there during a meeting.

Sister Xue wasn't feeling grateful though. In fact, she stood up leisurely and gave Richard a silent smile. "Fine. I'll consider your proposal..." It seemed like she was taking pleasure in his misfortune.

Wow! Who do you think is party A here? Are you clear about the situation?

"I'm in no hurry. I can wait to talk with Qu Xuemei..."

"What? Qu is coming? When? What do you mean?"

Richard got nervous at her words. The demon is returning to the headquarters?

Sister Xue stood up without hesitation. "Thank you for having me. It was an inspiring talk. Qu and I are actually old friends. She told me a few days ago that she was preparing for a trip at the end of the year. You must be glad. She said that you are her best friend in America. Wow! You are too happy to speak..."

Sister Xue left, leaving Richard with a pale face. She met with Raynana from NYLON right away.

The meeting was so harmonious that Sister Xue thought world peace was close at hand. She went out of the magazine's offices with an annual contract. As long as Qin Guan could fit it in his schedule, he would be NYLON's first choice for their inner colorful pages.

Talking with the media took up most of Sister Xue's time in the US. She had put Armani aside, but she had a meeting with the stubborn executives of the CK operational department.

While Qin Guan was on the bus, Sister Xue was on her way back in his car, the CK underwear contract in her hands.

It was not as important as a worldwide representative contract, but Qin Guan could appear in all CK clothing stores all over the world.

For the following year, CK would always save a seat for Qin Guan in its shows and posters. That day, Sister Xue got two contracts worth 600,000 dollars. It had been a very fruitful journey and a great pleasure for them all.

When Sister Xue flew back to China, Qin Guan devoted himself to his films.

The process was fast. Because of the high standards of the scenes though, the crew spent most of its time on the road, seeking the right locations for outdoor scenes. By then, they had finally reached the most interesting part of the story.

Qin Guan's character had been recruited by the US secret service. After one week of observation, the secret service man in the grey woollen coat had walked up to him slowly. "Our country needs you..."

At the time, Qin Guan had just been beaten in a small bar. He was gloomy and depressed. The man's words sounded serious, but his strict expression made people laugh.

"I'll train you to be the best killer and spy. You will be fighting for the honor and safety of the US..."

Qin Guan hesitantly agreed to the training. After the first killing, he realized what he had gotten himself into. This was no dream, but the wonderful life of a secret service man.

When he got back home, he saw that he had mail from the ABC broadcasting and TV station. To his surprise, his show would finally be airing.

It was an interesting show about a beautiful girl who would be choosing a boyfriend out of three boys. The boys would be standing on the other side of a door, and the girl would ask them questions.

It was like an ancient Chinese tradition, when a virgin would hide behind a screen to peep at her fiancé.

To be frank, it was the American version of "Are you the one?" [1].

Translator's Thoughts

Lan Lan

[1] It's a very famous TV program on blind dating in China.

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Chapter 399: Julia Roberts

Translator: Lan Editor: Efydatia

"Question to No.1. What would you do if you went on a date with me?"

"I'd buy you flowers and take you home personally..."

The blonde girl seemed to be familiar with the show. She didn't say anything. She just moved on to the next contestant.

"What about you, No.3?"

"Uh, nothing. You would just experience my power..." No.3 made a sly gesture at the audience.

The audience burst into laughter. So did Qin Guan. The director cut that part though.

"Our show is not like those adultery shows. No dirty jokes allowed! Stop it, or leave."

Qin Guan had no choice.

The secret service man appeared again with a wonderful idea. In fact, it was part of his mission.

"You could arrange an exciting trip for the couple. Take them abroad..."


"To Moscow."

Spare my life, brother!

All the secret service men, including Qin Guan, were dispatched to Russia. To cover up his identity, Qin Guan had to bring the silly couple with him.

It was a dangerous task during the Cold War.

Qin Guan was sitting in a cafe in Moscow, waiting for someone to get in touch with him. George was standing behind the camera. He was interested in the scene between the two strange partners.

A beautiful woman pushed into the smoke-filled cafe. She was wearing a light grey squash hat. She was walking neither too fast nor too slow, looking like a fairy in the dark.

She pulled off her black gloves slowly to reveal her slender fingers. According to the script, she had to stretch her legs as a hint to the American spy.

A beautiful, elegant leg stretched beneath the table. The black net silk stocking and white heels betrayed the danger.

Filled with joy and hope, Qin Guan sat down across from the woman.

"Is this seat taken?" he inquired politely. The audience felt slightly drunk.

His head was leaning close, his eyes shining. His curly hair was touching his cheek. The woman flushed. She drew her leg back and sat gracefully.

"No, it's for you."

They looked at each other in admiration. Qin Guan delivered the secret message. "Helsinki is charming this time of the year..."

The woman was stupefied. A rare opening for accosting someone...

She smiled and nodded. "Yes..."

Silence. I've made a mistake.

Qin Guan remained calm. They looked at each other for a full 20 seconds without saying a word. The camera was still rolling.

Qin Guan grinned and turned his head around. He saw a lonely leg leaning out of the last booth, swaying to attract attention.

That's the right person...

"Sorry!" Qin Guan said awkwardly. Giving up his graceful manners, he rushed to the last booth, standing there with a serious expression.

"Helsinki is charming this time of the year..."

The heroine was revealed as the camera zoomed forward. Her face was covered by a veil. Her rosy lips were blooming in the cold winter. She looked like an Ice Queen.

Julia Roberts, the beauty with the wide mouth, was portraying the heroine of the film.

She delivered her lines calmly through her lips. "Especially when it snows. People always feel lonely, even if they are in a bustling city."

She did not seem moved by Qin Guan's looks.

After confirming her identity, Qin Guan sat down across from her to reveal his own.

"I'm Chuck. Who are you?"

She didn't reply. She just gave Qin Guan a thin paper bag that contained his next mission. Her indifference made Qin Guan turn serious.

"At least give me a nickname so I can call somebody if I'm in danger."

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Chapter 400: The Wide-Mouthed Beauty

Translator: Lan Editor: Efydatia

Julia Roberts took her first action after meeting with Qin Guan. She bent forward from the shadows.

Her fair skin looked transparent under the light. Her long earrings were hanging on her shoulders, swaying back and forth.

Her lips opened slightly. Her sweet lippie looked sticky as she opened her mouth. A low, sexy voice came out of her throat. "Just call me Olivia!"

"Is that the character from the 'King's Night'?" Qin Guan was confused.

"Exactly, Chuck. You surprise me. You are not like those other assassins," she said before she left the quiet booth with her handbag without hesitation.

Her white long boots wrapped around her slender legs. Her black fur coat was like a black river flowing around her body. She was a complete temptation.

Qin Guan craned his head to see her back view as she walked down the end of the corridor.

At the end of the scene, Director George said, "Cut!" His voice broke the silence. The whole crew let out a long breath. Shooting at night was the most annoying. Any small mistake could be expanded and everyone was inclined to get bored and angry.

George had chosen that short scene as a trial for Qin Guan and Julia, so they could get to their exciting erotic scene as soon as possible.

The stylist went up to Qin Guan fast. She was eager to get some sleep after the scene.

She was working on Qin Guan's curly hair, when Julia went back for a new costume, smiling brightly to warm up the winter night. She put her hand on Qin Guan's hair naughtily and pulled...

"Ouch!" Qin Guan screamed out.

What are you doing, elder sister?

Julia's symbolic wide mouth formed an "O". She didn't stop though.

She wrapped a lock around her finger and then let it go. The lock was sticking out of Qin Guan's hair now.

"Wow! it's real hair. It's so elastic!"

So you just wanted to test my hair? That's why people call you silly!

Qin Guan was speechless. Julia seemed to be still interested in his hair though. That Asian boy was so cute! In her opinion, he had to have a sensitive heart under that perfect face, just like she did.

Before she could make another attempt, George shouted at the crew.

"Get ready, everyone! This is the last scene for tonight."

The crew put down their glasses. Qin Guan and Julia sat down by the table, leaning their heads slightly towards the camera and the director.

"Three, two, camera!" The funniest scene was about to begin.

Julia smiled in her black evening dress with her typical indifference and charm. Her V-neck dress was very revealing.

"Why are you here tonight?" Qin Guan placed his arm on the dining table. His voice was very seductive.

A fire was burning in the fireplace. It was the only source of light in the room.

Julia lowered her eyes, and then looked up again. "I don't know. Your charm is remarkable."

Qin Guan took a sip of the transparent drink in his glass, slowly shaking the leftover wine. His gaze was deep and dangerous.

The cameras zoomed forward. No background was visible through the lens. Only their features and the white candlesticks were visible in the dark.

They looked at each other, communicating through their eyes. Julia felt dizzy by Qin Guan's charm.

Suddenly, she moved. Using her full strength, she pushed all the tableware to the floor.

Crack! The smashing sound was savage.

Qin Guan moved too. Her identity was not important. He just acted on his desire. He strode onto the table like a beast catching its prey and bent forward to touch Julia's face.

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