

Chapter 91

Chapter 91: Back in Tarnow

9th April 1574

As much as I knew that escaping from the city in order to do some more development back in Tarnow might potentially anger Elia, there wasn't really that much choice that I could have. Considering how the primary beer business already provided for more than half of my current income, there was simply no way I could dare to waste such a great opportunity as my wedding to promote both the basic and the premium brand of my drinks!

While if in my shoes, someone else might just send some messenger to inform his wife-to-be about the sudden change of short-term plans, I decided to go personally, believing that taking the blame right away would at least alleviate some of Elia's anger later on.

Surprisingly, busy with her own, girly matters required to make this wedding as great of an event as she could from her side, my wifey didn't hold anything against my idea, most likely acknowledging the fact how profitable the beer market was, and how important it would be for the further development of our lands.

From the reaper guns, my most advanced project so far, now proudly guarding the main gates of the city despite all the ammo for it being safely stored away to prevent some overreacting guards from sending endless innocents to hell, through all the profits that Elia saw flowing down our pockets by herself when we visited Tarnow last time, at the spice powder and almost magical concrete that would revolutionalize their respective market fields ending, everything I touched, seemed to suddenly spike in advancement, overcoming all the obstacles that would prevent others from improving on it.

She had enough time to realise and get used to the fact that no matter what, the greatest priority of my rule as the noble of two cities would lay in modernising it to a never-seen degree, along with speeding the entire process up as much as I could through promoting and selling off the fruits of my already finished projects. Wuxiaworld for visiting.

That was most likely the reason why rather than spending hours at convincing her about the feasibility of my idea, she simply listened to my request and limited herself to sending me off with a light kiss on a cheek.

This time, unbothered by all the hassle with carriages, with only my trusty Helga and Kalen to my side, covering the distance between the two cities took barely two hours, allowing me to drop myself into the madness of crafting, upgrading and expanding my so far, most important building in the entire domain.

While left almost entirely alone in the castle if I were to exclude the servants and garrison, Matsu did a great job at preparing the area for the festivities, along with procuring all the materials I could ever want. When I left my horse back in the Tarnowian stable and went to see the pile of resources she managed to buy off during just a few days of my absence, I even went as far as to start to suspect her to belong to some kind of secret, merchant society!

Stacked one against the other, huge piles of iron slabs, empty barrels of varying sizes put one into another just like Russian matryoshka dolls And this was just a single aspect of her work, with more than two, big sheds already under construction in what used to be the private, lord's pasture located at the northern part of the hilltop.

Considering how I hailed from Tarnow in the first place, I never bothered with turning this part of the castle into proper stronghold nor fortification. I well better than anyone that outside of the internal strife that happened after the decline of the Tarnowian family, no one really bothered to siege this place in the entire history I knew! The first time when someone used it ever since the castle was razed down to the ground by the neighbouring major noble in their attempt to take over those lands, was during the second world war, when Nazis that occupied Poland at that time, turned the ruins into the nest for powerful anti-air batteries!

Rather than wasting a lot of the free space, hidden securely between the walls of the castle and untraversable, the northern slope of the Saint Martin hill, Matsu moved just a bit of manpower and resources around, turning more and more of what used to be a grazing field for the castle's herd, into one of the most developed areas in the entire world!

With my projects spanning far further than just a simple brewery, when taking the break from constructing the new, complicated brewing line, I took my time to outline the layout of the next, most important factory that would change the countryside status of this area, to the major province on its own!

The cement factory!

But this was where I for the first time found myself facing the opposition of this loyal and hardworking retainer of mine.

"My lord! So much space With how this entire place is growing to become a gold mine in the eyes of anyone who learns about the new beer, how could we use nearly half of its size for just a single building?! Sir, with all due respect, money! Just by renting this land to the merchants, we could swim in more money than we could ever imagine!"

At this point, I had no heart to tell her that rather than being a factory proper, the borders of the new area I marked with a set of simple wooden poles forced into the ground, was actually to be used for nothing else than obtaining the stone materials required to make the cement in the first place!

In fact, I could procure them from literally any other part of the mountain, with some places being actually way easier to be adopted into the role of a makeshift quarry, but there was a single, insanely important point that I had to keep in mind at all time.

The way of turning the stone into the cement was actually quite simple!

Outside of the various technological challenges, one had to tackle while implementing it, starting with high-temperature furnaces and at the correct ratio of some small additions to the mix ending, as long as someone could overcome those hardships, creating the cement of similar quality to the one I would produce, wasn't anything to be proud of!

"I'm sorry, but this is something I can't compromise on. Look, when I started the brewery, I saw the looks that you sent me when you thought I wasn't looking, and you know the best out of the two of us, how profitable this place is now, with its prospects only showing a rising trend, considering how incredibly popular it will most likely become after the wedding, especially with the addition of the new, premium brand! Can't you just trust me on this point as well?"

While her arguments were valid since most of the merchants interested in stealing a part of my profits would love to rent the place beside the brewery in hopes of learning how the heck I managed to create such a fine brew, to me, the advantage of keeping the secret of the cement for myself for just a few years, was immense. Way more important than a few gold coins we could obtain just by letting this land waste away!

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Chapter 92

Chapter 92: Argument with Matsu

10th April 1574 Wuxiaworld for visiting.

Despite still more than a week for the festivities to reach the Tarnowian area, the preparations were already in the full swing. From the Cathedral church where crowds of your women were running all around, decorating the walls with the fresh bound of flowers, through the streets themselves fully occupied by an insane amount of advertisements hanging out from the windows and inviting any exhausted guest to try resting their head in the local house for a small fee of two weeks worth of craftsmen wage, all the way to the countryside, where albeit no preparations could be seen, the happiness of the folk due to the incoming feast on which they would be able to taste the delicacies they never had before was plainly visible to anyone who would bother to actually visit shit-stinking villages in my dominion.

But despite all that, rather than soaking this atmosphere and preparing myself mentally for what was about to come knocking into my life and forever change the way I lived my days, I was fully immersed in completing the annoying routine of tampering with wood, iron and all other sorts of materials, figuring out a way to hang this barrel there and keep that pipe in this exact place.

Compared to the basic beer production, the brewing line for the premium one was a hell of a challenge to complete. While the first brewing line simply required one to go step by step, pouring the liquid from one machine to another, the production that I was setting right now upped the hardship a notch, adding several miscellaneous looking affairs like sprinklers, freezers, juice extractors, fermentation bin and so on.

Thankfully, on the end of the second day, I finally placed the last screw on its place, and received a warm welcome from the system, congratulating me for achieving this mammoth task. With the added experience from creating this whole thingy, not only did my brewmaster level skyrocket by an astonishing two degrees higher but so did my overall class of craftsman, albeit by only one level!

With this, I was finally able to at least access the production for the fused ammunition, unlocking the creation of the reaper guns through the system as an added bonus. But regretfully, rather than using it, I could only treat it as a title of honour, due to the fact that not only crafting those guns required one to possess an immense skill in metalworking, but took time and considerable effort as well. If I ever were to suddenly pull one of those guns from behind my back, without creating a proper backstory for it beforehand, people would be bound to notice that something was wrong!

But with the brewery done, I could finally step in and start working on my concrete factory Only to be slapped back into the reality by the ticking of the clock, in form of my trusty retainer, Matsu.

"My lord, we received a summons. While it's impossible for you, sir, to travel through the night, even if you set off for the Pilzno the first thing in the morning, there will be only four days left for you to prepare yourself for the grand event, sir!"

While taking on a look of a worried retainer, I could see sparks in her eyes, indicating that first and foremost, Matsu simply wanted to get rid of me from the city. Be it for the sake of finding a reason to stop me from wasting the gold-fertile ground of the former castle's pasture, or just in order to let her roam and rule my own lands freely as she used to do while I was away, in moments like this, Matsu always knew how to make sure it would be her own interest that would remain on top of the chain of priorities, while capable of convincing others that it lied in their own self-interest as well!

"Okay, okay, just make sure to not do anything with the land on the Pasture Or you know what, outside of those shacks that are already in the process of building, I would love if you could refrain from using any land on the entire hill and on its foothold as well. If everything will go according to my projection, soon, this will be the most important piece of land in the entire country!"

What others would take for a typical for nobles exaggeration for their own deeds, Matsu accepted as God-given truth, considering how insane my exploits were so far. Just the monetary returns from the brewery were enough to not only shut all her complaints about how much it cost to set it up but even turn her into one of the greatest enthusiasts in my court of this project!

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Chapter 93

Chapter 93: Opening Ceremony

15th April 1574

"You look incredibly well, my lord!"

Standing in the middle of the spacious room in one of the taverns inside the Pilzno, I was watching myself in the mirror, as a crowd of maidservants along with my oldest retainers were making sure that all parts of my official dress were in place.

With no suits or anything similar that could serve as the universal wedding dress, most of the nobles would choose either their best kontus along with the best quality of the secondary clothes, but in my case, my position as the titular officer in the crown's army, allowed me to wear my military suit, far more comfortable and suited for the proceedings.

Similar to the kontus in its look, it was actually made with far more reasonable thinking, aimed to not hinder anyone in battle, while retaining its looks. And just like kontus would be held by the sizeable kontus belt, every single part of my clothing was capable of supporting itself on my body, rather than relying on additions to stay in place.

"So it really came to this"

Looking at the brownish tone of my armless jacket, I couldn't help but think about the future. Since I never married in my life on earth, I wasn't really sure what to expect from how my life as a husband would change, now that I was about to tie the know.

With the brewing line for the premium beer finished right on time, not only did I manage to go back to the Pilzno in time to ensure Elia wouldn't panic just before the ceremony, worried I decided to ditch her in the last moment, but even the new batch of beer, created fully by my brewery rather than the system, managed to find its way to the kitchen where the feast would soon take place on time.

"Sir, do you think you are ready? While we still have some time, it would be proper for you to show up beforehand, in order to cleanse your mind with a prayer!"

As opposed to my direct retainers, a priest that was in charge of the entire ceremony spoke from the corner of the room. Considering how religious this age was, it was only to be expected that I would be pressured to spend even more time in the church than necessary, so I had no way of avoiding this boring duty.

"I wish my father could see me now"

Instead of replying, I threw the last glance at my reflection in the huge mirror brought here all the way from the capital city of Krakow, before throwing a short cape to the back and turning on the heel of my shoe. Stepping forward, I pushed the doors open and lead the sizeable entourage that would escort me to the doorstep of the church outside of the inn.

While it was still kind of a novel tradition, rather than reaching for the church together, I decided to separate from Elia, as if only willing to see her at the threshold of the sanctuary where we would exchange our vows. Even if not yet as popular as it would become in later ages, it was already well-known enough for people to understand the meaning behind this symbolic move, aimed to claim that from now on, I was only willing to see Elia as my wife, rather than my fiancee.

As soon as we get out of the inn, a row of horses decorated with all sorts of flowers attached to their hair and saddles were already waiting for us. Mounting my trusty Helga, I could tell that even this smart animal was enjoying the moment, as her hoves picked up a slow, majestic pace, starting the glorious march towards the central point of the town.

Looking around, I could see how much effort all the townsmen did in decorating their homes. Those who were of too low status to fit in the chapel were already hanging their upper bodies from the windows while cheering on my conduct.

But while this was in itself quite a loud set of actions, when a few moments later I heard a wave of insane cheers coming from the other side of the Town, I realised how beautiful Elia had to look for the townsmen to react in this way!

Even though I was quite eager to see her with my own eyes, the grandeur of this ceremony would be spat at if I dared to hurry my horse, subjecting me to the cruel fate of holding myself back. Wuxiaworld for visiting.

Thankfully, the city was too small to make this ordeal last longer than my self-restraint could hold, bringing me towards the main doors of the local church in a matter of just a few minutes.

At this point, there was no longer a reason to stay on the back of my horse. Throwing my leg over Helga's head, I jumped off onto the street, with my landing softened by a thick layer of flower petals dressing the street itself. Just a few moments later, I could finally feast my eyes on Elia, as her carriage took the last turn before the church, revealing her in the dress that I especially ordered for this very day.

To be honest, seeing it on the paper, and seeing it on her own flesh, was a completely different experience. While there was no rule ordering the bride to wear herself in white, by combining the slight blue hue obtained from some exotic dyes, with the whiteness of the purest wool that we could find in the entire region, embroiled with the thin, golden threads holding the entire one-piece together, the group of craftsmen I tasked with creating this masterpiece really outdid themselves!

As soon as the carriage reached the point where Elia would depart from it, I instantly approached it and helped her out.

"You I don't even have proper words to express how beautiful you look right now."

Looking her directly in the eyes, I ignored how light her skin was, how her hair, allowed to flow freely down her back for the very first time since I met her, contrasted with the whiteness of the dress. At this moment, I couldn't help but just be ensnared by her eyes, deeper than the greatest ravine existing in this poor world.


While I could see her lips moving slightly, as if she wanted to kiss me right here and now, doing so in front of the immense crowd gathered around, especially when the tradition set the time for it at the very last moment of the ceremony would be simply improper. With no other choice than to hold ourselves back, I took her hand, and lead her to the doors of the chapel.

With Al instantly passing a small box to my free hand, I momentarily freed my own palm from Elia's grasp, and opened a small, decorated container and showed it to the head priest of the church.

With both of the priest's hands busy, as he held a holy bible in his right one and the wedding ring in his left one, his simply raised his left palm above the box, and closed his eyes as his lips silently recited the words of a blessing.

"Mike Terrna of Tarnow, are you of age?"

Despite my looks clearly enough to answer this question, I simply put the box to my left hand, grabbing Elia's with my right one before raising my head and replying confidently.


"Mike Terrna of Tarnow, are you connected by blood to the Elia Pekta of Pilzno?"

"No, I'm not."

"Mike Terrna of Tarnow, did your guardians and family allowed this marriage?"

"Yes, they did."

With the priest's head now turning to Elia, he asked her exactly the same questions, not because there was any doubt about any of the answers, but simply because that's what the tradition made him do.

"Then. Mike Terrna of Tarnow and Elia Pekta of Pilzno, are you entering this sacred bond willfully, with no external pressure forcing you to do it?"

This time, the priest turned to the two of us, only to hear the word 'yes' coming out of our mouths at the same time.

"Good. You can say your vows then."

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 Chapter 94

Chapter 94: Wedding

15th April 1574

"I, Mike Terrna of Tarnow, take you, Elia Pekta of Pilzno, to be my wedded wife. With the deepest joy, I receive you into my life that together we may be one. As is Christ to His body, the church, so I will be to you a loving and faithful husband. Always will I perform my headship over you even as Christ does over me, knowing that His Lordship is one of the holiest desires for my life. I promise you my deepest love, my fullest devotion, my tenderest care. I promise I will live first unto God rather than others or even you. I promise that I will lead our lives into a life of faith and hope in Christ Jesus. Ever honouring God's guidance by His spirit through the Word, And so throughout life, no matter what may lie ahead of us, I pledge to you my life as a loving and faithful husband."

Reciting this formula word by word from the script prepared with just a tiny help of my retainers and my system alike, I could focus on looking Elia in her eyes rather than stressing over missing an important word.

Contrary to the future, where rather than this elaborate form the newlyweds would simply recite short vows claiming to remain faithful, true and loving until the death would do part them, one was supposed to come with his own words, aimed to describe the innermost state of the soul in this day and age. Or rather, one was supposed to pretend like that was the case, with most of the marriages being political deals rather than a true union of love!

"I love you, Mike Terrna and I know that you love me. Because of this, I desire to be your wife. For years I have prayed that God would lead me to His choice and I am confident that His will is being fulfilled tonight. Through the pressures of the present and the uncertainties of the future, I promise to be faithful to you. I will love, serve, and obey you as long as we both are alive. Christ told us that the wife must submit herself unto her own husband as unto the Lord. For as Christ is Head of His Church so is the husband head of his wife. My dearest Mike, I hereby submit myself to you."

With her head lowering as she reached the last part of her vows, Elia reached forward with her hands, instantly grabbed by mine, creating a bridge between us on which the Head priest placed a white cloth, binding our hands together. With that done, one of the servants brough up a sizeable,

crystalic cup, filled to the brim with wine.

Grabbing it in our hands, we first raised it so that Elia could take a sip, then moving the container back to my lips and repeating the entire process two more times. With that out of the way, the priest finally placed a corner of his robe on top of our hands and recited his own part.

"What the God almighty bound, no human will dare to split. Under the authority bestowed on me by the Catholic Church, this marriage is hereby acknowledged in the name of the God-father, God-son and the holy spirit!"


As soon as the priest finished his formula, the entire crowd repeated along with us the words of confirmation. At this very moment, while there were still some dignified parts of the ceremony that we had to go through, both in the eyes of men and in the authority of the church, we successfully became a husband and a wife!

While I would give a lot to just take Elia away from the crowd and enjoy this moment between us, I still had to gesture at one of my servants that took up the duty of holding up the box with the wedding rings for the head priest to bless them.

After making the sign of the cross over the box, the priest took out three different rings from it, and passed them one by one to me, giving me just enough time to gently put them on three Elia's fingers.

"Dearest Elia, please do accept those rings, as the sign of my love and faithfulness, in the name of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit."

After this process repeated itself with just a single ring landing up on my own finger, the exciting part was finally over, allowing us and the conduct of the highest nobles to enter the chapel and take our seats.

While there was way more than enough place to fit everyone, being the hosts of the ceremony, rather than sitting in the front row of the benches along with everyone else, we were given two simple chairs placed in the very middle of the main church corridor, directly in front of the holy cross located at the top of the altar.

But instead of sitting down on them, we simply entangled the fingers of our hands and lied flat on the cold, stone floor of the church.

This tradition of laying flat in front of the altar during the holy proceedings was something that disappeared in the modern times, with the exclusion of strictly inclusive ceremonies like when one was to become a priest or a bishop, yet there was something strangely humbling in the experience.

Obviously, lying flat on our bellies with our hands spread out to put us in the same position of the crucified Christ was way more comfortable than sitting on hard benches, but it also was quite an eye-opener for me.

The people of the modern times, even if celebrated the faith, mostly forgotten about its true spirit. In fact, I was just like most of my colleagues, visiting the church out of the sense of duty every Sunday, rather than preparing for the holy mass and actually trying to fully understand the experience behind the ceremony. While I had some memories that my more religious parents tried to teach me about the mysteries behind every single small gesture made by the priests, only now, when I could gauge what was going on only by my poor understanding of the Latin speech I realised how grand those events reminiscent during the holy mass were.

Only when the time came for the holy feast, during which we would consume what used to be a simple bread, now celebrated as the holy body of the Christ, were we allowed to lift ourselves from the ground and even then, only for the quick moment of kneeling down and accepting the greatest gifts of the faith.

Thankfully, after the communion, the ceremony swiftly came to an end, finished with the Head Priest generously sprinkling holy water on our backs, without any regard for our comfort or the state of our clothes. Wuxiaworld for visiting.

As we rose from the ground, I couldn't help but sneak a quick peek at Elia's face, already covered with blush because of what was about to happen next.

"Husband, you can now kiss your wife at the sign of peace!"

Now standing in front of everyone, we were finally allowed to face ourselves again for the first time ever since we exchanged the vows. Unwilling to wait even a single moment longer, I pulled the veil that shielded Elia's face to the back of her head. While my intention was to instantly go for her mouth to put an end to this embarrassing moment, when our eyes meet, I simply couldn't help but stare right into her pupils, as if my soul was pulled out by this ensnaring sight.

In the end, it was Elia who threw me out of my balance, rolling her eyes with a small smirk, as she grabbed the front of my clothes, pulled me towards herself and finally reunited our lips.

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Chapter 95

Chapter 95: Feasting grounds (part 1)

15th April 1574

As soon as the cheers subsidized, the official part was finally over. Stepping out of the church, rather than doing it in the usual way, I surprised everyone and caught Elia under her knees, instantly lifting her up in the cliche princess carry.

While it wasn't anything much, I wanted to make sure that everyone would understand that not only was our marriage a deal, but it was backed by a relationship where a true love resided! Wuxiaworld for visiting.


Even while we were still passing through the benches inside the church, the high nobles were already shouting their words of encouragement, with their eyes already set on the grand feast that would follow the official ceremony. But there was still one minor element, that would end up as one of the most costly parts of the entire event!

As soon as we stepped out from the church, a pair of servants approached us while carrying a sizeable chest on their arms. Forced to place Elia back on the ground, I pretended that this didn't pain me at all when I pulled out a key to the lock of the chest, before revealing its shiny content to the crowd.

This time, we would be subjected to travelling through the entire city and all the way to the feasting grounds outside the town walls, on foot! And to add the pain to the injury, every single step of ours had to be bough by throwing those hard-earned coins around, for the common folk to enjoy!

But there wasn't any point in going against the tradition. Rather than treating it as a waste of money that could be so effectively used elsewhere, I decided to consider it an investment in my own prestige, that would take a huge hit if I were to refrain from doing so. In the end, all the money that I would just throw around today would sooner or later return to my coffers, but it didn't change the fact that just throwing away days of my work still put a dent in the defences of my heart!

"Don't worry dear, I will be sure to compensate you for all our losses during the night"

As we marched through the decorated streets of the town, Elia used one of the moments when she was reaching for yet another handful of coins, to whisper those words right into my ear.

Just like it was a bridal privilege to look insane during the wedding, it was the groom's both duty and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to not only tear those clothes out of his new wife's body but to make sure they would be unusable for the rest of her life!

Just thinking about what would happen during our first night as a married couple alleviated some of the pain from my heart, especially when I noticed a small, playful smirk on top of Elia's lips.

Ever since our attempt to enjoy ourselves at the camp on the way to the Pilzno, there was only one time when we had the chance to embrace each other. As soon as the daily matters of preparing this grand day forced us into a frantic rush, not even a single night would see the both of us capable of exerting enough strength to even think about playing around. Yet according to the tradition, this would finally change during the first hours after the setting of the sun!

Thankfully, the feasting grounds where all sorts of tents, tables, and other necessary accommodations were prepared already few days in advance couldn't be that far away from the city, otherwise, logistical aspect of moving all the necessary stuff between those two locations would make creating this place impossible. This was also my main idea of dealing with the problem of accommodation!

Instead of struggling to find a way to fit everyone in the very limited space inside the town, I decided to turn the entire feast into an outdoor event, where there was way more than enough space for everyone to comfortably spend the time!

As soon as we reached the feasting grounds, I lead Elia to our private tent, where with the help of various servants, we dropped the more formal parts of our clothes, leaving only the bare minimum that would be enough to shield us from the cold while still accenting our position as the most important people in the entire place.

Sadly, while I still wanted to use this short time to spend some quality moments with my wife, we were quickly forced outside to attend the first pleasant part of the wedding - receiving gifts from all the guests!

Due to the fact that neither of us had any close family to invite, rather than organising everyone according to their familiarity with us, we simply went with sorting them out with their rank. Even though putting the rich before the poor could result in the later nobles feeling bad for their gifts not reaching the grand level of what magnates could offer to us, rather than bothering with the feelings of those who couldn't afford a proper gift, I decided it would be better to make them feel indebted to us for accepting their relatively inexpensive gifts.

"Congratulations on your marriage! I heard that you managed to deal with the problems you mentioned back at the camp"

Starting with the governor himself, as he could not only flaunt his enormous wealth but also a multitude of his honourable titles and functions in the country, I also hoped to deal with the matter of Peter. Just like a thorn, his name was plaguing my head through the entire ceremony, making me worry whether the Governor would give the verdict I hoped he would.

"Sir, while I managed to deal with the troublemaker, I'm in no position to impose any punishment on him, so I decided to keep him locked up until your Governorship would arrive. I hope that in due time, I could ask for this single favour, to have your Governorship use your authority as the official of the Crown to impose proper punishments for the crimes he did!"

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Chapter 96

Chapter 96: Feasting grounds (part 2)

15th April 1574

"Speaking of Peter's case"

Instead of finishing his sentence up, the Governor closed the distance between us while reaching forward with his hand, as if asking me for a handshake. As soon as I accepted his touch, I was brough into a light, manly hug, allowing Jan's lips to line up with my ear.

"... I heard some unsettling rumours about the way you dealt with him"

In an instant, my mind splurged into its full spin, analyzing the exact meaning and the reasons for the Governor to mention is in the open, even if in a covert manner. While I already expected him to uncover the existence of the reaper guns, I was quite surprised that he didn't wait for a more private occasion to speak about it!

With such a great politician like him, there was no way his actions were just a small slip of the tongue, especially with how he intentionally made sure others would take our quick exchange for nothing but more private congratulations. And since that was the case, with how willing I was to land under his protective umbrella, there wasn't really any point in hiding my own gift for him.

"Sir, those rumours are best held back and turned into a fairy tale. After all, what I used my new invention for, is already the limit of what I could achieve with it, so I would like you, governor, to hold on it in wait for the opportune moment, when their momentary usability could bring the best results."

In the end, there was no way for me to make any real use of those reaper guns. Despite the troubling times akin to a civil war coming soon, there wouldn't be that much real fighting between the factions during this period that would warrant the usage of such overwhelming weapon, especially if one were to consider how quickly other countries would learn about its existence and either make one for themselves or just find countermeasures against it.

If I wanted for my invention to truly change the course of the history, it would be best to simply hold on to this ace card, while making as great of a stock of ammunition and gunpowder for it, so that when it would be used, the country wouldn't be limited by the constraints of importing the base resources required to even shoot it, considering how most of our neighbours would ban the gunpowder trade with us in order to sack our ability to use it in the first place!

In fact, I was already set on prioritizing the development of the lands that would fall directly under my rule, in order to turn them from rich but backwards place of the continent to the technological centre of not only the country but the entire world! That's why, with how I planned to play high rather than wide, there was no point for me to lose favour only to keep a hold on this weapon that I wouldn't even be able to use!

"That's quite a generous offer. What do you seek in exchange for them?"

Just as expected from such a veteran politician! Rather than accepting my gift and dropping the matter, he instantly moved to the price of my gift, unwilling to left me with spare favours with him! But in the end, it worked out in the way I wanted, allowing me to try to unify the lands between the Krakow and Resovia under my own, unchallenged rule!

"Sir, when Peter will enter the trials Not only I would love to see him banished, but his town stands on the way between my lands and the profitable markets of Resovia and all the cities further east If there was a way to change its ownership"

There was no need for me to continue. As the sole remaining blood of the Tarnowian line of the Terrna house, my ambitions to rebuild the power of my great ancestor were already in my portfolio. But rather than looking to expand haphazardly, taking the ownership of the lands all over the country, I limited myself to the places that I could directly connect.

This alone should be enough to convince the governor that no matter how I would grow, my power would remain well within his grasp, allowing him to use me as his own asset, rather than worrying about me trying to take over his place. With how the agriculture industry permeated the blood of all the nobles in the country, being this strange one who aimed to industrialise his lands had to first prove profitable before they could stop patronising me in their hearts! Wuxiaworld for visiting.

"Consider it done then."

Finally breaking our hug, the governor once again shook my head while his lips dressed a wide smile as if I sent him off with a great joke.

"Before I leave you to be tormented by the others, here, accept this small gift of mine."

With a single clasp of his hands, the governor called a huge group of men, that brough an enormous coffer, with a piece of paper, nailed just above its lock.

"My people told me that your servants are buying all the iron they can find. Looking at how you already introduced one kind of great drink to us, and how the rumours are claiming that we will have a chance to experience yet another product of yours today, rather than decorating you and your beautiful wife with pointless gold and jewellery that you will be able to afford by yourself soon, I decided to support your efforts directly!"

Taking out a big key from his pouch, Jan approached the coffer while ordering his men to slowly drop it to the ground. With how it was carried on four different poles by over twelve men, it became obvious that its content had to be extremely heavy.

After tearing the piece of paper away from the chest, the governor inserted the key into the lock, only to open the lid and reveal the content of the coffer to the public.

"In order to help you on your endeavours, I brought you all kinds of the best metals that can be found in the entire continent, along with a contract, giving you the right to exploit two of my iron mines for twenty years!"

As if the lightning struck me down.

Just a single mine was capable of turning a common noble to a rich one, with how expensive the iron was in this age! While this gift has its own limitations considering how the mines were located outside of my own lands!

In fact, while I could make great use of this gift, it wasn't without its own constraints. Just a single look at the piece of parchment that the governor passed to my hands proved that while those mines were confirmed to contain a huge amount of iron and other metals, not only I would've to pay for all sorts of constructions required to put them to real use, all the costs of maintaining it along with the worker's wages would burden my own coffers, while providing a constant stream of inevitable taxes both to the Crown, and the Governor's treasury!

But all those problems could be disregarded, with how desperate I was to find a reliable source of iron for myself. According to my knowledge, while drastically limited, there were many points even in the lands that I already owned, where oil could be extracted. While the coal was simply outside of my means to procure in any reasonable amounts, with those new mines of mine and some more investment in the oil extraction, the development of my lands would soon skyrocket!

"This gift I will gratefully accept it!"

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hapter 97

Chapter 97: Feasting grounds (part 3)

15th April 1574

After the bomb dropped by the governor, all the other gifts that we received seem blank at best, and simply worthless when the queue reached the less wealthy figures, yet I still received them all with all the necessary honours, keeping both my smile and gratitude plastered all over my face.

From the two small villages from the Ostros Prince family, through the elaborate, french jewellery gifted by the Prince of Cherrie, all the way to the simpler staff like dresses, horses and even just a few coins from the smaller nobles, the pile of wedding gifts continuously grow for the next two hours that this procession of wealth took.

As soon as this part of the show was over, we could finally move on to the main event, being the feast itself.

With everyone located at a long, circular table placed in the very middle of the camp, the kitchen was located in the very middle of the table, allowing everyone to raise their expectations while watching the food prepared right in front of their eyes. Considered how cheaply I could obtain my new spice from just a fistful of grain, most of the meals used it in abundance, turning what was supposed to be a great feast, into a event rivalling the royal celebrations in the culinary aspect.

"Once again, and for the last time, welcome, everyone!"

With everyone now seated in their place, the closer to me and my dear wife the greater their status was, I waited for the natural noise of people talking to subsidize just enough before standing up and raising my cup. Considering how I and Elia were the most important people in this day, no one dared to touch their cups before we would wet our lips first.

"At first, I would like to thank everyone for attending this small ceremony of mine, despite sending the invitations on such short notice. It really soothes my heart to see our noble brotherhood as united as we are today in the times of joy!"

Seeing how everyone was paying attention to me while clearly in a merry mood, I couldn't help but think about the future, when internal strifes would tear this unity apart, putting the entire country on a silver platter for the powerful neighbours to feast on.

With how there was still a lot of time before the current trends would turn this nobility into nothing more than just a rowdy bunch of entitled slackers, I could still do my best to prevent at least some of the worst events that would upset the stability of the country. But while I had this thought, doing so during my wedding speech would be a disaster!

"But rather than boring everyone with a lengthy speech, I would simply like to invite you all, to have a drink with us!"

Without needing to hint Elia at all, she raised to her legs and raised the same cup that we drank the wine from at the church doorstep. According to the tradition, during the entire afternoon and night, we were forced to drink from this cup alone, always at the same speed. If I wanted to take a sip, Elia had to follow, while her drinking would indicate yet another portion of alcohol for me.

While it was nothing more than just a superstition, if the cup broke due to our drunkness or the constant use of it, our marriage would be said to be unstable, fated to break apart just like the cup. But while nobody really paid any real attention to it just a few days after the wedding, it served as a good limitation for our drinking during this most important day for the two of us!

"While some of you might already heard about it, I want to come clean in front of everyone!"

Starting my sentence like that was aimed at nothing else but just brining back the people's attention that despite how quick I was with my words, was already wandering away towards the content of their cups rather my lips.

"Today, for our first drink, everyone will have the chance to taste the greatest beer ever produced in the Commonwealth lands!"

While I had no way of telling with how everyone instantly grabbed their cups and raised up from their seats, I could only hope that the rumours about new brand of beer of mine already reached the ears of most of the people gathered at the table. With how I aimed this feast to be the breaking point in the limited advertisement campaign that I would run in the current times if it turned out to be a failure, the entire premium beer idea would have to be scrapped!

But before everyone could drink, I had to do my part of the ceremony.

Raising the crystalline cup in my hands, I felt Elia's soft fingers touching the upper part of my hands, as she added her strength to mine, pushing the cups towards her lips first and allowing her to take a huge gulp, before she generously angled the cup in the other way, even going as far as to stop me when I already filled my entire mouth, forcing me to gulp away everything I had hidden behind my teeth just to not let this precious drink spill on my face!

As soon as I finally managed to bring the cup down, everyone shouted "cheers" and went to drink themselves, yet I was simply too focused on my wife to bother with that. As soon as the base of the cup touched the table, I pushed my head forward and attacked her lips. Wuxiaworld for visiting.

With some of the beer still in my mouth, I repeated the same dead that marked the first time when we enjoyed our skinship in our entire relationship. Only when the drink finally stopped circulating between our connected mouth, soaked into the interior of our mouth, did I realise that the cheering that should only announce the start of drinking, continued through our actions, even aided with some of the guests hitting their more solid cups against the table!

Prompted into action by their encouragement, instead of stopping as soon as we could depart from each other without spilling the drink away, I pushed my tongue inside her mouth, instantly rubbing it against hers.

With my hands landing on the sides of her waist, I pulled Elia even closer to me, feeling her hands coiling behind my neck as she reacted with even more vigour than I expected. Second by second, instead of moving the beer around our connected mouth, we continued to exchange our saliva, while enjoying this rare moment of open closeness that we could finally show to other people without fear of losing our Christian reputation.

"You little"

When we finally separated from each other, I still couldn't break our eye contact, drawn to her pupils like a mouse to a trap. Only when I felt a strong nudge to my back, did I manage to recover myself from this loving daze.

"Mike Everyone is waiting"

Rather than Elia or any of my servants, it was the Governor himself, sitting on my left, prompting me to give the order. Recovering myself from this momentary mishap, I could only hope that people would either understand or forgive me this mistake, before facing the entire crowd and shouting.

"Let's the feast begin!"

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To The Crown Chapter 98

Chapter 98: Old, wedding tradition

15th April 1574

In any other wedding, the number of different dishes that the kitchen would prepare would be used to gauge the wealth and prestige of the house hosting the festivities, yet with the addition of the spice of my system production, I simply decided to drop this tradition and focus on creating the best form of an outdoor feast.

A grill!

Famed as the best way to spend time with friends and family in modern times, it had various reasons behind its popularity. From how the smell would incite everyone to eagerly wait for each piece of meat that would be served hot and fresh, through the anticipation of looking how the food was slowly preparing itself while rotating above the fire, all the way to the chance for everyone to prepare their meal in the way they wanted!

At first, everyone drank their beers, already poured in the cups by the crowd of servants running around the curvature of the tables. To make the most of this occasion, the first round of drinks was fully focused on my premium drink, with even the lowest and poorest guest allowed to have a full cup of it.

By the time the cups turned empty, the tables were already filling with the steaming meat, only now taken down from the various forms of grills. While the tables around my position were catered to with the utmost care with all sorts of meats served at once for everyone to pick what they wanted, even the furthest place from me on this long table was allowed to pick between at least two different kinds of meat.

But only the savages would settle on one kind of meal alone during the grill! While it took me quite a bit of effort to either buy or rob clean most of the herbal gardens in the entire province, as soon as the first hunger of my guests was sated, the tables were filled by my servants with all sorts of dishes. Considering the insane number of possible ways to prepare a single vegetable, this time the meals were distributed randomly, as the atmosphere of the feast was slowly but steadily turning less and less official.

"This beer Where did you get it from?"

As soon as most of the people fully focused on eating all sorts of delicacies prepared in the kitchen right in front of their eyes, Jan Bone finally leaned towards me, asking one of the most important questions that could be asked at the event.

"Sir, just like I claimed before, this beer is produced in my private, Tarnowian brewery. While filling everyone's cups took most of what I was capable of procuring for today, fear not, there are still two or three more barrels prepared for the more distinct guests!"

If I were to just give everyone a taste and then suddenly drop the matter, rather than making everyone reminiscent it with joy, there was a huge chance most of them would believe I was unable to produce any reasonable quantity of it, sabotaging my own idea of trading it across the entire country.

"That's good to hear I will be frank with you I don't think even the royal meads stand a chance at competing with it!"

Raising his cup, the governor invited me for a drink, intentionally or not, subjecting me to yet another Elia's prank, when she once again held the cup near my mouth for a bit longer for my comfort. But this time, I used the fact that I was the first one to wet my lips, paying her back in the same manner!

But in spite of my eagerness to see her fight for her breath as she would be overwhelmed by the amount of beer that I would pour to her throat, she eagerly accepted it all, allowing the drink to simply flow down her throat for as long as I held it at the proper angle, forcing me to stop it when I realised that at this rate, the both of us would have to vacate our own ceremony due to getting dead drunk!

"Hahaha! This wife of yours is really something! With such backing, you won't need to fear any of your future rivals!" Wuxiaworld for visiting.

Seeing this small interaction between the two of us, rather than speaking business as I hoped he would, the governor simply burst out laughing, taking a long moment to calm down. But just as I thought his burst of happiness would die off and allow of us to speak about important matters, his joyful outburst infected people around him, swiftly making everyone around and then the entire crowd around the table join in the fun.

"So-ur! So-ur! So-ur!"

To be honest, when I heard this shouts starting and taking the entire crowd by the storm, I realised that this stupid, wedding tradition wasn't born in the later ages as I expected, but was present in my current times already!

Born from the simple fact that booze was naturally sour, everyone would encourage the newlyweds to sweeten it up with a kiss, yet in our case - all we drank was a god-damned bear rather than the booze!

Yet there was no denying the crowd wishes. With even the servants joining in on the fun as the entire surroundings uniformly filled with this simple shout, I had no other choice than to lean over Elia, and once again connect our lips.

While at first, I did it for the sake of finally silencing those simple people and turning back to important matters that I wanted to discuss with the governor when my pranky wife forced her tongue inside my mouth and even pushed her entire body forward placing her above me as she rested her entire self on top of my upper body, all the useless stuff regarding the stupid stuff like the future of my lands and the prosperity of the country simply vanished from my head, now fully immersed in the sweet taste of my wife's lips.

As her tongue continued to swirl around my mouth, I couldn't stop myself from paying her back on my own, pushing her back in her place to the point where her back rested on the side of the table. Disregarding the fact that everyone around was cheering on us with their eyes glued to me and my wife, I ignored Elia's attempt to stop and catch the breath until I was fully satisfied!


When I finally gave up on teasing her and pulled myself away, Elia took her sweet time gasping for air with her sight already gone from this world before her pupils once again focused on my eyes while she lasciviously licked her lips clean, never breaking our eye contact. Feeling that if this situation continued I wouldn't be able to hold myself back, I forced myself to stand up, raise the crystalline cup of ours and turn to the now-silent crowd, tired from all the cheering they did.

"Everyone! I think we all had enough of this stupid formal approach to this joyful day! Since you all saw that both I and my wife needs some time to rest a bit, how about we all tear this stupid table apart, and enjoy ourselves to the fullest! Musicians! It's time for your slacking to end!"

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Chapter 99

Chapter 99: Wedding not-exactly night (smut?)

15th April 1574

Even if some people might take my order as something that was improvised on the spot after I realised how little my wife required to already reach the state of light drunkness, with how all my servants instantly jumped forward towards the tables, some of the smarter guests had to realise that in fact, it was yet another part of the evolution of this event, all set up in advance for some unknown reason.

While tearing the table apart sounds drastic, in reality, the servants simply locked one end of the long tables in place, while moving the other end ninety degrees away from the centre of the former circle, allowing everyone free access to the outer kitchen area. From now on, all those nobles would have to assume the position of their own servants, fetching both the drinks and food directly from the kitchen, while allowing their men to have some fun themselves!

In theory, this move could pose some problems later on if some of the nobles felt insulted by such an approach, yet I believed it was something necessary. Unless I started knocking it in their heads that people of the lower social standing were just like them, with all their feelings, joys and problems right away, there might never be another occasion like this for me to do so!

But while I already announced that both I and Elia would take a quick break, indicating that the rule of first night would soon be fulfilled, even after all the tables were turned around I still remained on my position, holding the same crystalline cup in my hand, already filled with the normal kind of my own beer.

"My dear guests! Before I will take my wife so that we can fulfil our God-ordained duty, let me once again raise a toast to you all. I hope that during our hopefully long absence, you will all have a great time!"

Inserting a small joke into my short speech, I once again raised the cup high into the air, before lowering it down to Elia's lips. This time, however, I allowed her to fully control how much she wanted to drink, giving up on the opportunity to tease her a bit more. After all, in just a few moments, I would have more than enough occasions to do so!

Yet once again, this silly wife of mine managed to catch me by surprise, gulping down almost perfect half of the beer within the cup, while keeping her pupils looked at my eyes. Seeing the sparks of joy in her eyes, when it came to me to have a drink, rather than practising restraint with drinking, I followed her example and emptied the entire cup!

"Let's go!"

After slamming the crystalline glass down on the table with just enough force to alert everyone who wasn't looking at this fact, yet light enough to not risk it shattering, I suddenly lowered myself on my legs, grabbed Elia behind her knees and raised her to the legendary playboy move of princess carry, before straightening myself up once again and promptly escaping from the middle of everyone's attention.

"Did you really have to make such a big point of carrying me away?"

While her voice contained quite a bit of anger, from the fact that she instantly wrapped her hands around my neck and brough her upper body even closer to mine, I could tell that it was nothing but a cheeky act. While we had our first time long ago, seeing how lovely she was in her bare but still a wedding dress, with her face already all red, I couldn't help but feel the blood flowing down to the parts that would soon be put to use.

"I just want everyone to know that you are mine, and mine alone!"

Instead of whispering those words right to Elia's ear, I simply shouted them, instantly attracting the attention of some servants and nobles that happened to walk beside, before they turned their eyes away all the while attempting to hide small smirks appearing on their lips.

"Oh, what a knight on a white horse you are, right now!"

Saying those words through her constantly giggling mouth, Elia rubber her face on my chest, as if unable to handle all this time that I required to reach our resting place. Just for this occasion, there was an enormous, private tent set up at the far side of the entire camp, surrounded by the fence at a distance that was supposed to give us some privacy, yet close enough for anyone bold and rude enough to catch some hints of the ongoing fight inside through its thin walls.

"Don't worry, I will make sure everyone will know what a kind of gifted man you are"

This time, pulling herself on my neck up, Elia whispered those words right into my ear, just as I pushed the two of us through the loose piece of cloth serving as the entryway to the tent.

With my body already burning, I didn't waste any time, instantly moving to the inner compartment of the temporary housing, gently placing my woman on top of a pile of sheets making up our bed, before brutally ripping her dress apart.

I didn't have to worry about how we would come out later, because as soon as this tent was set up prior to even the wedding ceremony at the church, I made sure that two sets of fresh clothes would be waiting for us. And looking at the current state of Elia's dress, there was no way it could be ever fixed even by the most skilled craftsmen!

With the upper part of her clothing fully ripped to her both sides, her ample bosom was hidden by only a thin, see-through belt, only pretending to cover her charms and most likely used only to keep her breast nice and springy while clothed. With how I attacked her only once, her legs and her secret place was still properly hidden under the wraps of the dress, yet I would soon see to have this obstacle removed as well!


Even though still dressed to a certain degree, Elia already pushed both of her legs to the side while reaching with her arms forward in a futile attempt to grab me and pull me closer. While I was eager to start our own fun, kneeling over her and adoring her almost entirely exposed beauty was simply too much for me to process!

Seeing how I was simply frozen in place, rather than waiting for me to knock myself off my daze, Elia prompted her upper body up, instantly grabbing my coat, and sliding it off my powerless arms. With just a single pull on my tunic, she ripped it to pieces, exposing my bare, upper body, already heated up by the huge amount of alcohol I drank. Wuxiaworld for visiting.

"Don't make me wait"

With one of her hands moving on top of my crotch while her other one pulled my own palm towards her most important place, she slowly raised her legs above my waist and with the coordinated movement unachievable for someone as drunk as we were, she pulled my entire self into her clutches. With yet another swift move of her delicate fingers, both of our nether regions got exposed, making my penis instantly stand on attention and rubbing against her unprotected pussy.

"Take me hard!"

Whispering those words to my ear, Elia finally managed to rekindle the spark of my energy, instantly turning it into flames when I fully realised in what kind of situation we were right now. With no further hesitation, I moved my hands on her cheeks, lowering my head just enough to tease her with a delicate kiss, before pushing my hips forward and plunging into the depths of her hole!

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hapter 100

Chapter 100: Fulfiling the duties (smut)

15th April 1574

As soon as I fully immersed myself in Elia's flesh, both her legs and arms wrapped themselves around me, locking me in place. Held tightly close to her body, I could only enjoy the feeling of her skin rubbing against mine and run my hands around her entire figure, yet I wasn't able to do the one thing required to really fulfil my duty!

"Just stay like that for a moment"

Hearing her request, spoken in her lovely, soft voice, rather than struggling to free myself from her hold and continue, I relaxed my body, pinning her down to the ground and moving my lips over her mouth only to immerse ourselves in yet another, long kiss.

While it wasn't our first time, nor the first attempt to enjoy ourselves while drunk, I could feel Elia's entire body trembling, as if just plunging into her depths was enough to bring her to the bring of climax after all the teasing, kisses and expectation that lead us to this situation.

"Do you remember my promise?" Wuxiaworld for visiting.

After our lips finally parted, instead of enjoying this tranquil moment for even a bit longer, Elia simply looked me in the eyes while asking.

"How could I forget? Yet I'm not exactly sure not only what to expect, but even if I should look forward to it in the first place"

Making sure everyone would know how gifted I am as the man? What, was she going to pain how far my penis could reach in her insides on her belly and show it around to everyone outside after we would be done? Or did she intend to come out of the tent, fully dressed in completely golden clothes made behind my back from the beer profits?

"Don't worry about it."

Suddenly loosening her arms, Elia brough one of her hands to my head, placing her finger on top of my lips as if she wanted me to shut my mouth for a moment.

"Let me change the position a bit."

Suddenly untangling her legs from behind my back, bringing them above her chest, squeezing her knees between us and pushing away, she almost instantly managed to force me off her, leaving me to drop powerlessly on my ass, unable to comprehend what she was aiming to do.

Yet my answers were quickly answered, with her entire body twisting around as she herself caught the bottom part of her skirt that still remained in place and tearing it off while pushing her bottom up and resting her head on a small pyramid of pillows she made on the spot.

Flashing her exposed bottom lips at me while bending her back as high as she could, finally ceasing her movements. Seeing her on all fours, jiggling her bottom around a bit as if inviting me to come to fuck her, I couldn't stop myself. Just like all the teasing and fun we had was enough for her to almost reach the climax just during the first insertion, seeing her flash her most important parts right in front of my eyes broke through all the dams of the reason that remained in my head.

Yet despite that, my first attempt to reunite our bodies failed. Due to how unstable her current position was, or maybe because of her playful attempts to make a fool out of me, as soon as I moved to the right spot to enter her body, her hips moved to the side, pushing the target of my thrust out of the intended trajectory of the attack!

Unwilling to keep up with her jokes, I grabbed her butt cheeks and stopped all her movements. No matter how much she attempted to wrestle her bottom free from my hands, it only resulted in my fingers sinking deeper and deeper into her soft flesh, spiking my arousal even higher. With the target now clearly in the line of my intended charge, I didn't waste any time, and pushed my hips forward through the wet gates of her pussy, feeling her bottom lips tighten around my shaft the deeper I went in this one, continuous thrust.


With her moan only growing in loudness the deeper I ventured inside her, she ended up screaming from the bottom of her lungs, finally revealing what her damned plan was!

Thanks to the fact that we already had our first time behind us, just from the way her body was reacting to my thrusts I could tell that she was nowhere near being as excited to release such voice, only pushing the limits that I wanted to put on myself away!

After all, what kind of man would be satisfied with faked moans of the woman he was fucking? If she wanted to scream, I was going to at least make her do it honestly!

With this new resolve born in my head, all my switches flipped at once. Sinking my fingers even deeper in the skin of her soft ass, I continued to thrust inside her with all the strength I had in my hips, only to see her actually push back on me, even using her arms to add to this movement by pushing the ground away from her!

"AH! AH! AH!"

As her voice synced with the rhythm of my movements, what I thought to be the maximum arousal that my mind could reach, turned out to be nothing else but a single, small bottleneck, before the entirely new stage after breaching it!


No longer limiting herself to faked shouts, Elia was now honestly shouting her mind out loud. At this point, she was no longer able to exert any strength in her body, desperately reaching with her hands to the back, as if hoping that I could grab them and add even more pressure to our intercourse!

And who I would be if I refused such initiative on her end?

Grabbing her wrists, I started to pull on them whenever I entered yet another forward sliding motion. At this point, I could feel her inner muscles contracting on my penis, yet contrary to one's expectation, scraping the walls of her vagina only became easier by the moment, with more and more of her love juices lubricating the path to her womb.

At this point, Elia's moans became undistinguishable from the cries of some strange animals, as she was only capable of releasing a high pitched air from her lungs whenever I pushed forward, just as if I was, in fact, pumping her, yet with some kind of faulty air-pressure valve along the way.

As I was already at the verge of collapsing just as much as she did, for the last, final push, rather than keeping her in hips high in the air, I pushed against the floor, moving the two of us forward, sliding the entire set of blankets along with us!


As the wave of pleasure rocked my entire body from within, all the strength that allowed me to be so hard on my dearest wife just a moment ago vanished in just a blink of an eye, making me wonder if it wasn't sucked off the tip of my penis along with all the sperm I feed Elia's womb!

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