
Just Some Random Ideas For You To Use

Just some Random Ideas I come up with for other authors/writers to use in their stories or draw inspiration from if they so choose. I shall give you ideas for skills, abilities, items and more.

Apocryphage · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Random Ideas

The title is the same as a previous chapter because I have ran out of ideas. Who woulda thunk it? I, the great Ashborne have seemingly ran out of random names for my random ideas. Oh woe is me. Anyway to the point; I have ran out of title names already and therefore require the help of the sweaty, basement-dwelling walking masses of blubber that is my audience to assist me in choosing names for future chapters. Rejoice. You my friend, yes you, have a purpose in life now.


Suggestions for chapter name's here:


Welp that's that. Here comes the actual reading. Maybe you can burn some fat by scrolling? Who knows? Anyway, on to the poorly named chapter's actual content instead of getting berated by a barely passing highschool student with social anxiety...Damn things just got real there. *Ahem* for real tho.


Mana Shift(Active/Passive)

Grants the user better control over Mana and the ability to solidify, liquidize and sublimate their own Mana.

Mana cocktail? Mana icecubes for your Mana cocktail? Eh sure let's go with that. Essentially the Phase Change skill in the previous chapter but with Mana(duh)


Boundless Sway(Active)

For 15 seconds all spells and skills the user cast will cost no Mana.

You can now finally spam that one skill you oh so very much adore... Infinite Mana cocktail?



Form a condensed ball of light, heat and radiation that sucks up everything in a 75 meter radius for 5 seconds. Causes [(INT+WIS+STR)×20]DMG/s


These stuff actually exist in real life and I shit you not this is a SEVERELY nerfed version of that. Fucking terrifying.


Hope you enjoyed the ideas. Definitely need chapter name recommendations. Say hi to your mom for me. Ashborne out.