
Her Crazy Royal Highness

"I love you."

For a person like me, those words mean nothing. What does love even feel like? Everyone seemed to be so obsessed with this word. Did it feel fluffy? I heard it felt fluffy from someone.

If love meant that you wanted to always keep that person in your sights, to make sure that they were safe, to let them live a happy life away from those who hurt them…

Then I guess I knew what love felt like.

I looked at the person in front of me, who held a bleeding person by the collar in one hand. He looked at me with grievances in his eyes, almost as though he wasn't the one who had just snapped the neck of a dozen people.

Pulling up my sleeves, I hesitated for a second before reluctantly removing my gloves as well. As long as I kept a distance and hid my wrist from sight, the red marks shouldn't be too obvious in the night. Especially when we were in such a place, which was barely lit up by the small lamps that littered the walkway through the garden.

The person on the floor seemed to be bleeding out at a astonishing pace. Quietly, I stretched a hand out to press on his neck, checking for any vital signs. Thankfully, there wasn't a single thump, which meant that my job got a tad bit easier.

"Sasha! You're finally here. You see, these people kept calling me mean words, so I played with them! Just like you taught me!"

Ren Qi threw the person who was bleeding out onto the ground, which let out a small thump sound. He wiped his hands as he walked up to me, smiling. His eyes had now returned to their clear, blank elegance, which brought me deeper and deeper into my insanity.

Ah… I reminded myself of my purpose of coming to this world, this novel. It was all for this little cutie, who smiled like the sun had risen for the first time.

I never did understand why they decoded to kill such an amazing existence. The stupid author, making such a pure and kind child the villain, cruelly killing him in the end. Can't they see how precious he was?

A pure white sheet of paper, unstained by the world around him. Who could bear to talk badly about such an existence?

I wore my gloves hurriedly before placing the gloved hand onto Ren Qi's head, ruffling his hair. He giggled, reaching up to hold my hand in an attempt to stop his hair from getting messy.

"You did well, Your Royal Highness. Did you have fun?"

Ren Qi nodded, excitedly talking to me about his adventures around the palace. I listened carefully, making sure to praise him when he did something exceptionally well. In the end, he seemed to be exhausted from playing. I patted his head one last time before sending him back to his room. A small ten year old child shouldn't be awake at such a timing, it wasn't good for his growth.

As he skipped back to his room, I glanced at the massive amount of bodies on the ground. I lifted my hand, enveloping the area with an additional barrier on top of the one I placed down beforehand.

What had to be done now shouldn't be seen by anybody. Removing my glove again, I tucked it in my pockets for safekeeping. I searched my pockets slowly, humming a small tune as I did. Under the moon, which had come out in full a few minutes ago, the bodies on the ground seemed to waver, as though they were still alive.

I pulled out a lighter and a pack of cigarettes, lighting one up and placing the tip into my mouth, taking a deep breath. The smoky flavour of the cigarette enveloped me immediately. I kept the breath in my lungs for quite some time, savouring this immaculate sensation. Cigarettes were rare in this place, so I cherished every one of them.

I lifted up my other hand, my index finger glowing with a faint golden light, looking pretty under the moon. I've heard people say that my magic was beautiful, like a golden fairy, but I never really understood why they felt that way.

Well, my beloved highness felt the same way, so I agree as well.

I drew out a complex charm under the moonlight, the golden line, shimmering, almost as if dancing. I continued to draw the line, ignoring the few lines that weaved themselves up my hand, shining and pulsing.

The line was finally finished when the rouge lines that winded themselves up my arm, clenching it in its embrace. I looked at the charm that had a few lines missing, my face darkening from annoyance.

Ruthlessly, I held my cigarette in my mouth, using the now freed hand to rip off some of the lines that entwined themselves on my arm. I threw them back aggressively onto the charm and watched as they settled themselves in the air.

Blood started gushing out of my arm which the lines were ripped off from, only to be sucked in by the remaining lines pulsing on my arm.

"…Do your job." I ignored the massive blood loss, focusing on the golden lines, which shined even more brilliantly after the blood sacrifice. Reaching out a hand, I pushed the charm and watched as it got to work on the bodies lying on the ground.

Really, I couldn't understand the fascination with my magic. The lines were now devouring the broken bodies on the ground eagerly, almost as if they couldn't wait.

Even the lines on my arm had retracted, rushing to the newfound blood sources and sucking them dry. I waited for them to finish, kicking a stone that conveniently laid on the ground just a few centimetres away from my foot.

…Were they done yet? I was sure that I had fed the lines, so why were they so greedy still? Was it not enough? I reminded myself to be more careful and waved at the lines, sitting down on a small rock on the side.

Ren Qi… he should be asleep by now, obediently tucked in bed. Unconsciously, I smiled, taking another long drag from the death stick in my hands. A dull pain stung my hand as I moved it, reminding me of the winding wound on my arm.

I patted it a few times, switching the hand which held the cigarette. Puffing for a while, the lines had finally had their fill, removing the bodies from the ground directly, leaving not a single trace behind. Satisfied, I lifted my hand, allowing them to return to my palm.

Standing up, I checked the area around the garden, making sure that not even a small drop of blood was left behind on the ground. It was essential that I made sure that the blood was all removed, lest my lovely highness got wrongfully accused by some horrible people.

Well, it wasn't exactly being wrongfully accused, but I had a bias that I stuck to. I thought of his small, adorable face and smiled to myself, breathing in the smoke once again.

Staying out here for too long without my lovely highness was boring. For the sake of living until tomorrow, I should return and sleep, to let the next day come faster.

I'm lazy, so here's a random story I found in my notes.

Just slightly edited.

Not sure when it was made, but it was around 2019 to 2021. Should be.

dao_of_chickenscreators' thoughts