
chapter 13

"They are out for a retirement party of one of dad's friend and won't be back for hours," replied Daniel.

Arlene nodded and walked to the kitchen. Peter and Daniel resumed playing and Arlene joined them later with a bowl of cheese and macaroni. She sat on the floor beside Peter.

"Do you mind sharing your cover?" she asked and Peter shook his head.

Arlene pulled a part of the cover on her legs and scooted closer to Peter in the process. Peter was now a bit confused as Arlene was behaving like nothing had taken place. He noticed that she was now friendlier than usual to him.

"Hey Arlene, do you want to play Big Party?" asked Daniel as he paused the game.

"Sure," she replied.

"Are you down Peter?" she asked and he nodded.

Daniel moved to put the game on. Arlene ate almost half of her food since she knew that the game would take a big part of her concentration. They started playing for half an hour and Arlene managed to take many stars from her brother.

Peter also played and they laughed during the game as one tried to overpower the other. She wrestled Peter on the carpet when he took one of her stars and they stopped laughed suddenly as Peter grabbed Arlene's wrists. He started gettinghorny.

It was not his first time to fool around with girls but he never felt something like that. He pinned her down and grabbed her wrists above her head as she smiled at him. Their eyes made contact just for a second but it was enough to convince Peter that the feeling was mutual. However, he did not want to raise suspicion as he released her quickly with a warning.

"If you repeat it again, I will tickle you merciless," he said.

"Is it a promise?" she asked.

"Consider it as a threat if you take again my stars," he replied.

"Okay, can you play now?" intervened Daniel.

They resumed playing and the same issues raised but they managed to keep it cool until the game ended with Arlene taking the lead. Then, she bragged about her victory until she called it a night and went upstairs.

Just when Peter and Daniel were about to sleep, Daniel's parents came back. It was obvious that they were drunk as they stumbled on their way to their bedroom, waving lazily at the boys. Peter and Daniel were laying on the floor beside each other.

"Hey Peter," said Daniel.

"What's up?" he replied.

"Do you like my sis?" he asked."What?" he faked a surprise.

"Look dude, I think that Arlene likes you and even if I do not have a say on her private life, I would be happy if you guys are together," he revealed.

The silence that followed was awkward as Peter processed Daniel's words. Since they became friends, Daniel always protected his sister even if she did not need that for real.

Arlene was able to defend herself and she did it once when a guy was harassing him. She punched the guy so hard that she broke one of his teeth. However, Daniel met the guy after school and punished him seriously.

Daniel fell asleep a few minutes after but Peter struggled to sleep as he kept thinking about Daniel's words. He wondered if his best friend gave him permission to date his sister. It was obvious that he did not have such power to select Arlene's boyfriends but he noticed the way Peter was flirting with his sister and he knew that he needed to give his best friend a push so that they would take their fliting game to the next level.

Peter wondered if Arlene was still awake in her room with anticipation creating butterflies in her belly just like his as he wondered what would happen that night. He did not think twice as he got up and walked upstairs slowly.

The corridor seemed to be endless as he walkedto Arlene's room. Finally, he reached her door and knocked gently. The door pushed open slowly at his touch. The glow from the screen of her laptop illuminated her face. When he stepped in, she looked up at him and froze suddenly.

"Hey," he murmured weakly.

"Hey," she replied.

"I cannot sleep," he admitted.

"Same here," she replied.

"Do you mind if I stay with you?" he asked.

"Of course," she replied as she moved over to give him some space on the bed beside her as she patted it.

Peter felt as if he was violating her territory. This was her room and her bed on which she slept and did other stuff. Peter wondered if he was the first guy, beside Daniel, to sit on her bed.

He crossed his legs and glanced at her. She was still wearing her sports bra and sweatpants. The shower kept her hair a bit wet as it hung around her face in nearly her ordinary style. She had heavy eyelids with the kind of sleepiness that made it difficult to focus on things without triggering sleep. When he looked at her, Peter realized that he did not know what to say.

"So, how was your workout?" he asked in a weak voice.

"As you noticed, I was sweating when I came back since I worked out pretty hard," she replied.

Peter started blushing a bit, he struggled to find an answer but Arlene continued to talk.

"But there are some things I know that would make me really sweaty," she continued in a suggestive tone.

Peter's face became red even if most of his blood was rushing to his crotch. Arlene glanced at his crotch and curled her lips into a naughty smile when she noticed the effect her flirting was having on him.

It was her first time to be aroused like that when Peter had pinned her down on the carpet and she wanted to savor again that feeling. She moved her hair on one of her shoulders before to bat her eyelashes in a seductive way at him.

Peter felt a strong desire to touch her in whatever way, even just with his finger but he found himself immobilized strangely. The only thing he could do was gaze at Arlene with an open mouth and large eyes.

For a couple of minutes, they sat there awkwardly with a high sexual tension between them. They did not speak and numerous pictures of Arlene flooded Peter's mind. He wanted badly this moment and dreamed about it. However, now that he was living this, he did not know what to do. Arlene started losing confidence because of his reaction. However, she gathered her courage and pushed back up Peter's jaw before to kiss himreally hard.

For a brief second, Peter did not react as he froze. Then, he let out a moan and started returning the kiss as he realized how delicious it felt to kiss his best friend's sister. Through his passion, Peter regained suddenly the control of his mind and body as he moved up his fingers and ran them through her hair before to tug her closer to him.

She brushed his lips with her tongue and Peter bit it slightly between his teeth. Arlene moaned and moved her body closer to his. They shifted so that Arlene was now sitting on Peter's knees. She folded back her legs with her butt resting on her heels.

Pater could feel the warmth of Arlene's body against his as she crushed her boobs against his chest. Her boobs were heaving as she breathing became heavy. By this time, his prick was almost completely hard and Arlene could feel it rubbing against her inner thigh.

She slightly shifted her body so that her cunt rested on his cock. Then, she started grinding on him. Peter let out another moan at the friction created by her cunt and his cock. He threw back his head.

Arlene kissed the area where Peter's neck and shoulders made contact. She sucked and licked on it while she kept grinding her cunt on his prick

faster. Peter could not take it anymore since the sensations were too much for him.

He needed to be in charge or he would explode right then just by the thought that his craziest dream was coming true. He gripped Arlene's wrists and pushed her suddenly down. He pinned her on the bed just like he did downstairs a few hours ago. He looked down at her and could see lust in her eyes while she grinned up her crotch at him.

"Do you really want it?" he asked in a serious tone.

"Please Peter, I do, fuck me," she replied through a moan.

Her consent broke any doubts he could have in his mind. Peter released her and made her sitting back on the bed. He removed her top and pushed her back down on the bed.

He cupped her boobs in his two hands and toyed with them as he enjoyed the jiggle he created each time he lifted a globe and let it fall. He also felt their weight in the palm of his hands.

Afterward, Peter spread his fingers over her tits and trapped each globe in his hands. He squeezed them. His captivation with her boobs moved Arlene to giggle. He circled her areolas with his thumbs, drawing her tits to a spot.

Afterwards, he placed his hands on each side of Arlene and moved down his head to her bust.He pulled out his tongue and brushed each tit with it before to trap a tit between his teeth. He pulled on it.

Arlene released a moan and thrusted up her hips involuntarily. He kept toying with her boobs until she started squirming under him. Her clit was begging desperately for some attention. Peter lifted his head to look at her in her eyes.

Arlene took advantage of it as she pushed him down to return the favor. His dick was now absolutely straining the material of his briefs and pants. She grabbed the hem of his tee shirt and tugged it off over his head. Then, she kissed down his body, from his mouth and licked his throat, chest, and belly to the waistband of his pants.

She paused a bit and grabbed the edge of the pajama pants. She removed the pants with the boxers in a swift motion at the same time. His dick stood up straight and she bent down. She licked his cock from the bottom to the tip without warning.

It was not the first time for Peter to have his cock sucked. Some girls at a party were drunk and blew him off in the backseat of his jeep. However, this time, no one was drunk. They were both sober.

Arlene twirled her tongue many times around the tip. She used her tongue to cover and lick the underside of his meat before hauling it back tothe top. She repeated it at the opposite side before to swallow the entire cock into her mouth.

She did not swallow the whole shaft really. She clamped down her lips around the swollen tip of his prick and started bobbing up and down her head. She worked slowly down her way, inch by inch, until the tip hit the back of her throat. She began working the shaft with her mouth. She attempted to swallow more of his meat and she gagged really hard until peter tugged her away from his prick.

He flipped her over on her bed and moved her to sit on her knees with her cunt and ass directed to him. He used his index finger to tease her clit before to trust a finger into the opening of her vagina.

She let out a moan at the penetration of his finger as it was ticker notably than her own finger. He started thrusting his finger in and out of her. He slapped one of the cheeks of her ass with his free hand and she yelled out in delight as quietly as she could do. Peter added another finger into her cunt while he kept slapping her ass.

The delight of being fingered combined with the stinging of the spanking was too much for Arlene. She started grinding against Peter's hand while she begged him to fuck her.

"Please Peter, stop this teasing, fuck me please!" she begged as she looked at him over hershoulder.

Peter spanked again her ass and this time it was harder than previously. Then, he tugged on her chin gently to look into her eyes.

"Do you know where Daniel keeps his rubbers?" he asked.

Arlene smiled as she sat up and opened a drawer from the table next to her bed.

"I have them," she said as she took out a small box of rubbers and picked one inside.

She opened it and pinched its top before to roll it down Peter's shaft using her other hand. After the condom was put on, Peter rolled again his best friend's sister and grabbed her hips roughly.

He lined up his dick with her vagina and thrusted forward slowly as he penetrated her tight canal. He met some resistance on his way but he started thrusting gently back and forth until she swallowed the entire thickness without trouble. Her cunt was stretched out and he decided to go down on business. He grabbed her shoulders and bent down to murmur in her ear.

"Now, I will fuck you so hard that you will be sore for sometimes," he whispered and Arlene moaned as she thrusted against him in an attempt to take his dick deeper into her tunnel.

Then, Peter straightened his back and moved down his hands to her hips to grab them once again. At the same time, he moved Arlene's body

away from his as he tugged it his prick until he had just the tip between her cunt lips. Then, he pushed forward his hips and tugged her onto him to bury completely his cock inside.

Arlene shoved her face in her bed to muffle her moans as her brother's best friend started pounding her. She struggled to make the difference between his strokes since it seemed to be a continuous thrusting.

Peter was pounding her pussy without mercy without resting for a second. Her pussy was really tight around his prick and it surprised him. It was also warm and it was really satisfying to hear Arlene's muffled groaning while he rammed his dick into her tight canal.

Peter was now feeling the strain in his legs due to his position. He pulled his dick completely out of her vagina and Arlene looked back at him to ask why he stopped screwing her. He sat down with his back against the wall as he tugged her to him by her hips.

"Ride my dick now," he ordered in a whisper.

Without hesitation, Arlene straddled his knees and grabbed his prick. She lowered herself down on his pole. She let out a moan when his cock filled again her pussy and this new position enabled her to savor various types of pleasure.

Arlene put a hand on each side of Peter's shoulders and started bouncing on his dick. Shepanted while she thrusted herself deeper down on his pole, allowing his thick shaft to stretch her vagina beyond limit. Peter wrapped his arms around Arlene's waist and assisted a little by pushing up his hips.

His dick was now stretching her cunt seriously as if he wanted to tear her apart. Just when Arlene thought that she could not take it anymore, Peter spanked again her ass. Arlene bit in his shoulder to muffle her screams. She chewed the lobe of his ear before to murmur to him.

"Do not stop," she whispered.

He spanked her ass once again as he knew that the prints of his fingers would be visible. The mixture of intense pleasure and slight pain was driving Arlene to the verge. She never experienced an orgasm, not even with her fingers. Therefore, she did not know how to describe the intense pleasure that was crossing through her body.

She yelled and bit into Peter's shoulder harder as she felt the inner muscles of her vagina tightening around his dick. Peter could not hold it any longer as he exploded and filled the tip of the condom.

He groaned when he released the last drop of his semen and collapsed back against the wall. Arlene was still on top of him as she pressed her forehead against his. She was panting like him.When they retrieved their breath, Arlene flipped off of him to lie on the side of her bed. Peter removed the condom and tied it before throwing it in the trash.  He nestled up behind his best friend's sister and wrapped an arm around her hips to tug her against him on the bed.

"We need to do it again one of these days," said Arlene as she turned over and faced him.

"I am okay with it," he replied before kissing her.

The End